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ELTA 2017

ELTA 2017 Application Form

Application ELTA0686 From amirin kusmiran

Registration Form
* indicates a required eld

ELTA ditujukan bagi pelamar dari:

1.Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB)

2.Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)
3.Provinsi Maluku
4.Provinsi Maluku Utara
5.Provinsi Papua
6.Provinsi Papua Barat
7.Pelamar dengan disabilitas dari seluruh Indonesia

Program ELTA mana ELTA NTB

yang akan Anda lamar? *

Application Details

Full Name (as shown in amirin kusmiran

KTP) *

Date of Birth * 25/02/1989

Must be a date.

Age * 28

Place of Birth * Tebo

Gender * Male Female

Detail Home Address * Tebo Village, Poto Tano District

Taliwang West Nusa Tenggara 84454 Indonesia

Mobile Phone Number * 082339270466

Alternative Mobile 087701411759

Phone Number

Oce Phone Number

Email *

Alternative Email

Application Details (2)

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ELTA 2017
ELTA 2017 Application Form
Application ELTA0686 From amirin kusmiran

* indicates a required eld

Australia Awards strongly encourages applications from people with a disability.

Do you have a disability? YES NO

* if YES,

*If YES, please ll out the Disability Form and submit it in

your application

Bachelor Major * Bachelor GPA/IPK *

Physics 3.47

Intended eld of study for S2 *

Applied Physics

Have you applied for ELTA before? * If YES, what year?


What is your IELTS/TOEFL test score (if When did you take it?

Which scholarship/s do you intend to apply for? *

Australia Awards LPDP DIKTI
Chevening NZDS Other:
Fulbright Erasmus Mundus
At least 1 choice must be selected.

How did you get the information about ELTA? *

Australia Awards Alumni RRI Print media
Australia Awards Indonesia Supervisor Other:
At least 1 choice must be selected.

* indicates a required eld

Are you employed? * YES NO

If YES, employment PNS Non-PNS


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ELTA 2017
ELTA 2017 Application Form
Application ELTA0686 From amirin kusmiran

Job title

Period of working in the


Name of organization/

Oce Address Indonesia

Must be a valid postcode.

Supporting Documents
* indicates a required eld

Salinan KTP *
File size 1.9 MB
Max. size 2 MB

Curriculum Vitae (CV) *

File size 130.9 kB
Max. size 2 MB

Salinan Transkrip Nilai

yang telah disahkan * Filename TRANSKRIP S1.pdf
File size 1.6 MB
Max. size 2 MB

Surat Izin dari Atasan

(wajib bagi yang Filename Surat Ijin.pdf
bekerja) File size 406.1 kB

Formulir Disabilitas No les have been uploaded

(wajib bagi pelamar Max. size 2 MB
dengan disabilitas)

Download Formulir Disabilitas

Surat Keterangan No les have been uploaded

Dokter (bagi pelamar Max. size 2 MB
dengan disabilitas, bila

Salinan Nilai Tes IELTS No les have been uploaded

atau TOEFL (bila ada) Max. size 2 MB

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