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Riding the Web Evolution: from Egoism to Altruism

Marco Roccetti, Stefano Ferretti, Marco Furini

Claudio E. Palazzi, Paola Salomoni Dipartimento di Informatica
Dip. di Scienze dellInformazione, Universit di Bologna Universit del Piemonte Orientale
Mura Anteo Zamboni 7, 40127 Bologna, Italy Via Bellini 25/G, 15100 Alessandria, Italy
{roccetti, sferrett, cpalazzi, salomoni}

Abstract-Internet and the latest correlated technologies, such this technology is dissipated in expressions of selfishness,
as Web 2.0, represent inventions that have changed the world without practical advantages for the rest of the society.
with their social contribution. Yet, digital divide and cyber-
balkanization are Internets discriminatory phenomena well Consider, for instance, most popular applications: YouTube,
known by field experts. In addition, we want now to raise the MySpace, and SecondLife. The rationale behind the success of
attention on the actual employment of these technologies: the all these initiatives can always be found in egocentric
vast potential within the Internet is currently dispersed in motivations, such as monetary gain, self-celebration, or the
millions of applications devoted to frivolous and egocentric escape from a disappointing truth. It is hence necessary to
utilizations. Being (almost) the only use people have made of the
most pervasive communication system ever made, this represents redesign the utilization paradigm of Web 2.0 and Internet so
an unacceptable waste of opportunities. To revert this trend, we as to give back their resources, at least partially, to a public
propose a novel utilization paradigm of Internet technologies and shared employment. Although, the personal use of
which is aimed at liberating part of resources that are captured Internet has not to be eliminated, the current deployment of
but not used by egocentric applications to give them back to a communication resources constitutes an inexcusable waste if
possible common (and altruistic) use.
aimed only at supporting a frivolous and egoistic use.
I. INTRODUCTION Therefore, in this paper we propose an innovative utilization
paradigm aimed at extending Internets benefits to every
Internet represents the epochal invention that has allowed component of our society through the re-use of (part of)
the outbreak of the speed, the amplitude, and the distance of computational and communication resources employed for
Information access. Web 2.0, then, has made data independent selfish purposes. We also discuss on how this can be
from their generators and hence available to be employed for achieved via the creation of a communication platform that
the creation of an incredible amount of new integrated includes mechanisms for resource meta-tagging and quick
services. It is hence not surprising that the stereotype of the recovering, and for efficiently sharing correlated information
Internet is that of an almost omnipotent instrument, able to even in unstructured contexts (e.g., mobile ad-hoc networks).
connect in a fraction of a second millions of people and an It is time for an altruistic alternative to emerge (we could
immense amount of data; an instrument able to create new call it altruistic networking) and serve an ideal of social
spaces of freedom giving voice to any opinion, to make us solidarity. If Web 2.0 was based on the saying yield
save time and money, to assist us in our investments, choices, knowledge and you will acquire power, the motto at the base
even medical cures and interpersonal relationships. of our proposal goes beyond: yield resources, you will make
Unfortunately, even if widely diffused, this vision of the the good of the society, and hence your own good.
Internet as a universally aggregating instrument is deeply The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II
distorted. Main critics moved by field experts (computer we provide a critic overview of current employment of the
scientists, but also sociologists and philosophers) regard both latest Internet-based technology. Section III represents the
the external closure toward disadvantaged social categories manifesto of our proposal, whereas Section IV describes
and the reciprocal inner closure among groups of users. In the characteristics that the communication platform has to possess
first case we are talking about digital divide, which relates to to foster altruistic utilizations. Finally, in Section V
the impossibility for people with physical, economic, cultural, conclusions are drawn.
or geographic limitations to have access to Internet resources.
In the second case, we are referring to the cyber-balkanization
phenomenon, which indicates the division of users into groups Stereotypes describe the Internet as a democratizing agent
that do not interact with each other. that creates new spaces of freedom and benefits for everybody.
Beyond these critical notes, another important reason of These stereotypes do not correspond to the reality: the current
disappointment has not yet been considered. Indeed, by Information Society is characterized by an unfair access to
analyzing the use made of Web 2.0 and, in general, of the new technologies, thus creating development inequalities [1].
Internet, it is easy to notice that nearly all the vast potential of Main causes of this gap have to be searched in:

1-4244-1457-1/08/$25.00 IEEE
This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE CCNC 2008 proceedings.
educational marginalization, illiteracy denies the when its video enters in the top ten of most downloaded
possibility to access and to generate information; contents. In most cases, people contributes with their videos
structure marginalization, insufficient availability of moved by a self-promotion aim. Recent news about the fact
resources can deny the use of a certain technology; that video uploader will receive part of the advertisement
technological marginalization, the use of more and revenues strengthen even more this approach. Moreover,
more sophisticated technologies involves a continuous YouTubes interface does not possess accessibility
technological modernization that can be problematic characteristics and this demonstrates that the inclusive
for economic-cultural reasons; potential of the system is not completely developed. In
social marginalization, people affected by physical particular, neither the production of contents in more
disabilities are excluded from the use of many languages nor the management of subtitles and alternative
technologies; descriptions of the video are supported.
economical marginalization, technology may be too Moreover, all the aforementioned services are utilizable
expensive for certain people, thus excluding them from only by Internet users, while there does not exist mechanisms
its use. for the distribution of such contents on other platforms, e.g.,
Not only, popular online applications are utilized almost the digital television system and mobile ad-hoc networks
exclusively for leisure or other personal motivations (e.g., In summary, if on one hand these examples confirm the aim
work). Think, for instance, to games, chat, e-mail, and even for inclusiveness and for the creation of real social networks,
P2P-based file sharing programs. No serious benefit for our on the other hand we notice that a great part of the society is
society or for its weakest components has yet been extracted left out of this phenomenon. In general, communities using
from the available powerful communication technology. Web 2.0 systems are not moved by social interests, rather,
Considering the immense benefits that this technology could they interact for personal interests in which the individual ego
bring to the whole society, its current employment represents prevails and creates a multitude of communities sharing
an unacceptable waste: a World Wide Waste. interests which are greatly limited in scope. The will to
Indeed, even focusing on the Web, the situation does not emerge has thus created the era of egocasting.
change. The Web has been defined by its own creator as III. THE MANIFESTO
more of a social creation than a technical one [2] and even
the Web 2.0 is definitely following this track [3]. Instead, We are aimed at creating a new interpretation of the
abandoned to the market, even this technology has become a potentialities of the Internet and of its correlated technologies
source of social/cultural gap and an emanation of a multitude (e.g., Web 2.0), to increase the social solidarity and to favor
of individual egos [4, 5]. the establishment of a new, altruistic Information Society.
Consider as an example, Google Maps, the service through Advantages deriving from the epidemic dissemination of
which Google yields its maps to anybody. New applications information must finally become easily accessible to anyone,
can thus be created by third parties that can take advantage of independently from revenue, physical abilities, and computer
data that otherwise would not be accessible by them. However, knowledge. Not only, starting from the diffuse availability of
the real motivation at the base of Googles behavior is not data and resources (intended as both hardware and software
generosity; rather; it is the fact that through this process resources), new applications can and must be devised in order
Google earns visibility and sold advertisement spaces. to provide social utility to the community.
Another well known example is represented by Wikipedia, This vision can become real by redesigning the utilization
which defines itself as the biggest multilingual free-content paradigm of Internet and Web 2.0. The first step in this
encyclopedia on the Internet. Wikipedia is written direction is to study, plan, implement, and test a
collaboratively by volunteers and its success depends mainly communication infrastructure able to integrate the various
on its inclusiveness, intended as the number of users that is communication platforms: computer/Internet, mobile, TV. The
actively involved in the writing of its contents. On the other complete integration of these platforms is aimed at generating
hand, in spite of its universality, Wikipedia excludes a very a global communication scenario, able to guarantee to every
large number of users. In particular, Wikipedia is not a member of the society the free access to information in an
completely inclusive instrument with respect to people with independent way with respect to the adopted device.
disabilities as it does not follow main guidelines and norms The second step is that of creating new altruistic services
for Web accessibility, neither from a readers standpoint, nor and applications, by which resources and information
from an authors one. disseminated over the network can be used for social purposes
The last example that we cite is YouTube, a service for thanks also to their diffusion in various contexts. The idea
online video streaming that allows anyone to visualize and amounts to design a platform such that even a selfish use of
share videos uploaded by members. Even the extraordinary the technology in order to achieve personal objectives or to
success of this system is based on the enormous dimension of have fun is rerouted by a layer devoted to the management and
its community. However, in this case the inclusive force of diffusion of collective information so as to make emerge an
YouTube resides in the popularity that the author obtains altruistic purpose.


This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE CCNC 2008 proceedings.
Indeed, nowadays, people tend to think that means are videos of the emergency while still driving toward the crisis
neutral and that it is the use made of them that makes them area. Devices utilized for this purpose could be webcams,
good or evil. Instead, we are convinced that this is an which are becoming more and more widespread in our cities
ingenuous interpretation and that through an appropriate [7], or any other device possessed by people present in that
organization and management of resources it is possible to particular moment in the emergency area (e.g., video-cameras
generate an abstraction of the technological platform that is on vehicles, camera-endowed cell phones). Data can be sent
resilient to pure egoistic uses. Indeed, we should not expect through the vehicular network directly to the vehicle of first
that users employed devices in the right way, rather, the responders, or reach them through the Internet and the cellular
system has to be able to liberate part of what is captured (and network. In any case, elements that are typically considered of
not used) by the various devices and communication disturbance in emergency situations (e.g., vehicles that
technologies in order to give it back to a possible common use increase the traffic and slow down the arrival of ambulances,
[6]. This novel altruistic utilization paradigm of the curious people who typically interfere with aid operations)
technology can create the conditions for which, paradoxically, turn out to be of help in preparing emergency teams to face a
city traffic could aid pedestrians, people working out could crisis, even before reaching the destination.
support elders in difficulty, curious citizens could supply
Example #4 Towns pollution diminished thanks to cars.
means to help first responders, and cars could help to fight
Cars cause pollution; yet, through sensors, they could
pollution in town.
become active controllers of pollution levels and distribute
As representative examples, four case studies follow,
this information to the community. Data could be made
showing how a careful and integrated use of new technologies
available in the Internet, or even passed to the television
permits the development of new social and altruistic
system. This would allow citizens to simply receive on their
TV sets information that advices against going to a certain part
Example #1 A sight-challenged pedestrian helped by cars. of the town. Moreover, mechanisms of dynamic navigation
Think of a sight-challenged pedestrian who, via his PDA could reroute vehicles so as to diminish the number of cars
(used through assistive technologies, supplied by its device), transiting through sensitive areas (e.g., school areas or highly
can connect to the Internet to plan a step-by-step path toward polluted neighborhoods).
his destination. Paradoxically, vehicles that are usually a IV. A NEW ALTRUISTIC VISION IN PRACTICE
menace could instead be of help for the disabled pedestrian to
carry out his movements. In fact, the traffic information We propose to develop a resource (i.e., data, processor,
created and distributed by the vehicular network in that memory, video-cameras, etc.) management system that will
particular city area can be collected also by the pedestrians generate an altruistic utilization of the network. Solutions have
device so as to be used to cross the road, avoid dangers, to be individuated to restitute resources captured but unused
exploit public transportation, etc. by single users to a public and common employment.
Users will still be free to generate and use applications
Example #2 An elder in difficulty helped by young sportsmen. devoted to monetary gain or to self-promotion; however, at the
Remote monitoring of sick people is an application more same time, their technological means and information
and more diffuse in the western world. Think of one of these patrimonies will be also available, in an anonymous and
remotely monitored patients that experiences a sudden and combined way, for a use devoted to social utility. Through a
unexpected worsening of his health conditions, while walking shared process of collection, exchange, and spread of
in a park. The arrival of doctors called by the monitoring resources (e.g., data, devices, etc.) a novel technological
station could be not timely enough. Instead, it would be more platform can be implemented, which will be resilient to a pure
effective to have the various intelligent devices possessed by egoistic use and naturally predisposed toward a positive
other people in the surroundings able to receive and, in turn, employment. This new technology can create conditions to
diffuse the aid-request until reaching a smart telephone of a take the paradoxical examples introduced in Section III and
doctor in the neighborhood, who could promptly take action put them into practice.
while waiting for the ambulance. Therefore, paradoxically,
who goes jogging for just his interest, becomes an altruistic A. Altruistic networking: services and characteristics
subject by putting on hand his technological resources (e.g., an Novel approaches have to be developed to assist the
upgraded iPod with communication capabilities). communication and management of resources disseminated
over the network, in order to effectively use them for common
Example #3 First responders efficiency improved by curious benefit; main issues and directions of investigation are
people passing by the emergency area.
highlighted in the following.
Consider a crisis scene in a city context, e.g., a street
Freedom from the technological device. The envisioned
accident or a terrorist attack. In this scenario, it would be
technological scenario is heterogeneous and includes several
useful to provide rescuers with real-time information about the
platform technologies that have to coexist in an integrated way.
state of the emergency. Thanks to new technologies, it
Users should not be forced to utilize a particular device or
becomes possible for first responders to obtain images or


This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE CCNC 2008 proceedings.
technology, rather, information have to be available through position; or climatic applications, that interconnect sensors
different devices/technologies and accessible also by any user. and cell-phones endowed with localization systems to provide
Therefore, the infrastructure has to be able to manage DVB-T, environmental information on a certain area. Effective
DVB-H, T-DMB, DAB, GSM/EDGE, UMTS/GPRS, WLAN, solutions for localizing customers and mobile devices have
H2LAN, LAN, ADSL, Bluetooth, and HomeRF, with the hence to be proposed and investigated. The use of GPS
possibility of being integrated with future developments, such devices represents one of the possibilities. However, this type
as 4G or UWB. Moreover, the communication infrastructure of localization is not sufficient for various reasons: energetic
should not consider these possibilities only during the initial limits (the high energetic consumption of these devices could
offering phase, but it should do so also while actually limit their use in contexts of limited resources) and
providing the service, to dynamically determine and adopt environmental limits (the presence of physical barriers such as
those solutions that guarantee in every moment the best tunnels compromises the effectiveness of these devices).
available conditions, even through seamless changes of the Localization through radio waves or through passive
transmitting technology [8, 9]. localization means such as RFIDs can be remarkably useful
Media integration. The infrastructure should manage and for the democratizing purposes of this project.
integrate various technologies in a transparent way, permitting Information categorization and research. The
the access, the production, and the integration of information infrastructure has to allow users to interact with the system to
coming from a multitude of media (e.g., computer/Internet, retrieve information in a simple and effective way, so as to
domestic television, mobile), and making them available in transform the information in knowledge. Content
several contexts. To this aim, transcoding tools are crucial to classification becomes fundamental. Given the great amount
transform contents developed for a specific media typology and variety of contents, the simple use of classic taxonomy
into a format compatible with other media (e.g., think of and methods of formal classification do not seem to be very
contents developed for high resolution PCs screens that must effective. On the contrary, the idea of having users directly
be visualized on lower resolution screens such as television or classifying contents is becoming more and more popular [12].
mobile devices) [10]. Through the class of solutions defined as folksonomy, users
Development of social applications. Through our proposed have the possibility to label the information without
technology, applications able to act on the morphology of the predetermined limits; the classification depends on the
society should be easily developable. Applications such as characteristics of the population that creates the folksonomy.
remote education, road safety, social networks, health and Based on this concept, the development of filters able to
public emergency, management of climatic events, retrieve information in a simple and effective way is hence of
information, and entertainment can be beneficial for the fundamental importance for knowledge widespread. Indeed, as
society. For instance, think of a scenario where a user needs to folksonomies generally applied to all sort of resources will
retrieve an image relative to a specific area. Users request generate a huge amount of tags, it is necessary to study
could be forwarded to the community and some mobile/fixed filtering, clustering, and gossiping mechanisms to organize
device in the area could be available to acquire and transmit them in order to facilitate resource retrieval [13-15].
the image. Such kind of application could be of great social
B. Implementation architecture
benefit, allowing, for instance, first responders to get detailed
Focusing on the logical process, the creation and
information of a critical area (see Example 3 in Section III).
distribution of the information follow the outline depicted in
Service personalization. Applications should interact with
the Fig. 1 (noticeably, such outline does not represent the
users through interfaces designed keeping into account
module architecture that will derive from it). In essence, users
psychology and cognitive ergonomics, so as to guarantee
exploit and yield their resources, which are classified and
systems accessibility and usability; without these features the
tagged following appropriate schemes related to
design effort would be vain. As an example, textual contents
folksonomies (Resources Tagging in Fig. 1). Efficient
must be rendered also in a sonorous way, to respond to the
communication mechanisms will be employed to permit the
needs of sight-challenged or illiterate people [11]. The
distribution of such information over various network
necessity to adapt the information to the characteristics of the
typologies (Tag and Info Distribution in Fig. 1). In order to
device, of the technology, and of the user, requires the
enable a correct fruition of information and contents,
investigation of solutions able to produce alternative
opportune modalities of data management will be developed,
representations of the primary contents. The management of
depending on the platform and on the context. Considering the
multilingual versions (regarding both textual and audial
high amount of tags present in the system, mechanisms for
contents), subtitles also in other languages, and the possibility
filtering and clustering will be used to organize tags and select
to provide various interpretations of texts and contents are
contents of interest (Integrated Platform for Content
some possible approaches that go in this direction.
Presentation in Fig. 1). Such functionalities will be the base
Localization systems. The localization of the user or of the
for the construction of social applications (Social Applications
device is a necessary condition for many social applications
in Fig. 1).
such as, for instance, safe-driving that requires to know cars


This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE CCNC 2008 proceedings.
phenomena that renders these technologies discriminating
Process development agents rather than democratizing ones.
Moreover, we have here pointed out how the Internet and
even Web 2.0 are mostly exploited for egocentric purposes
FOR CONTENT PRESENTATION such as monetary gain, self-promotion, personal leisure, etc.
Considering the immense benefits that these instruments could
TAG AND INFO DISTRIBUTION bring to the whole society, their current utilization represents
an unacceptable waste.
RESOURCE TAGGING Instead, we propose a new utilization paradigm of Internet-
based technologies aimed at liberating part of computational
and communication resources captured, but unemployed, by
Figure 1. Information creation and distribution: logical flow.
selfish applications and re-using them for social purposes.
We have described possible examples of employment of such
FOR CONTENT PRESENTATION XML-based protocols system and outlined how resorting to (hardware and software)
MHP InkXML EMMA SRGS SSML MPEG SMIL resource meta-tagging can be exploited to this aim.
Speech-to-Text Text-to-Speech Web Services AJAX XSLT
Finally, we have indicated several investigation directions
whose efficient solutions would factually contribute to the
Social Network Analysis
creation of the envisioned altruistic networking system, able to
restitute Internet and Web technologies to an ideal of social
ACCMD ACCLIP UAProf CC/PP Folksonomies
solidarity: yield resources, you will make the good of the
XML RDF Profiling Systems society, and hence your own good.
DISTRIBUTION synchronization broadcasting gossiping P2P REFERENCES
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This full text paper was peer reviewed at the direction of IEEE Communications Society subject matter experts for publication in the IEEE CCNC 2008 proceedings.

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