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Persian Lesson 1 The Alphabet, Short Vowels, Letters B, P & T


This is the first Farsi lesson. For those who are, to some extent, familiar with these basics of Persian language, it might seem redundant. Nevertheless,
as mentioned above, we are going to learn Persian from the very scratch that I think will be more helpful. Little by little, we will make great progress to
begin advanced Persian that will let you communicate with others in Persian in both oral and written. In near future, you will find yourself speaking,
reading, and even writing in Persian. These all can only be achieved through practicing these simple steps, which make learning as easy as possible.

Lesson 1 (Start from the very beginning!)

Like anything else, youll have to learn some basics first, and its inevitable! In these lessons, I have tried hard to simplify the rules as much as possible.
However, its a new language for you and requires at least a little bit of effort if not very much! All you have to do is be patient and follow the
instructions one by one. In the meantime, we are going to learn the Persian letters and the way they are pronounced and of course we will do it step
by step to make sure that everything is quite clear. After you got a little familiarity with some basics you would see that its really as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. Unlike western languages, Persian is written and read from right to left.

2. Persian consists of 32 letters. Some of them have small and big form like A / a in English while others have only one form. You dont need to
memorize all of them now. Just be patient enough to learn it one by one. In the end youll see your progress.

3. As you know, English words cannot be pronounced without these five letters: A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y as in BY. These are called vowels. In
Persian, however, there are no letters considered as vowels. Instead, we put some sounds on or under the letters to make them readable. There are six
main sounds in Persian recognized as vowels, three short vowels and three long vowels. Remember that these are not letters. These are sounds that
come with letters and make them pronounceable. Today we will learn short vowels.

The representatives (symbols) of these sounds (vowels) are as follows:

1- Do you see the small symbol on A? If this sign sits on a letter, the letter will be pronounced as // in dad.

2- If this sign, which is exactly written in the same way as in number one, sits under a letter, it will be pronounced as /e/ in set.

3- If this sign, which has a circle on his head, sits on a letter, it will be pronounced as /o/ in border.

Note: this sign sits on the letters only.

These three sounds are called short vowels.

Now that you are familiar with these three short vowels you are ready to learn a couple of letters to practice with these sounds.

Today we are going to learn three big letters as well as their small forms.

1- This is the big letter B in Persian. In the meantime, you dont need to learn how to write it. We are just trying to pronounce it with the help of
those three short vowels above. Ready? Dont worry. Ill write it for you. All you have to do is pronounce it.

This is /b/ as in battery.

This one is /be/ as in bed.

This one is /bo/ as in border.

Try to repeat it for a couple of times.

2- This one is the small letter b in Persian. Now try to pronounce this letter in the same way. Dont forget to read from right to left. You will


Dont be afraid! Its not that much difficult. Dont believe me? Click here to listen.

B letters

Note: big letters come at the end of the words and may stand either attached or separated from other letters (they are separable), while the small
letters come at the beginning or in the middle of the words and are attached to some other letters (they are inseparable). There is only one exception
that will be explained later.

3- This one is the big letter P in Persian. Try to pronounce it with the short vowels.

as /p/ in pad.
as /pe/in pet.

as /po/in pork.

4- This one is the small letter p in Persian. Try to pronounce it. Dont forget to read from right to left. You will say:

Need help? Click here to listen.

P letters

5- This one is big letter T in Persian. Try to pronounce it with the short vowels.

as /t/ in tab.

as /te/ in tennis.

as /to/ in torn.

6- This is the small letter t. Dont forget to read from right to left. Try to pronounce it.

Still need help? Click here.

T letters

Ok. With this we come to the end of lesson one. I hope you have enjoyed it. Make sure to check the Useful drills now. Dont forget to visit this page
every weekend. This site is updated weekly.

Thats it for today. Feel tired? Hit me

Click here if you want to write in Persian.

Lesson 1
Lets Write 1

Useful Drills 1

Persian Samples 1

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Persian Lesson 2 The Alphabet, Long Vowels

194 COMMENTS 1 2 3

Dari Farsi Teacher

MARCH 11, 2014 @ 10:11 AM

Need a Farsi Teacher/ Dari Teacher? Do you want Online Dari or Farsi lessons? Send me an Email: to

Cloudy Cloud
MARCH 12, 2014 @ 12:07 PM

Its fun learninig a new language. Farsi is a language of sufism. Will be back tomorrow for next lesson.

Kamran Sarwar
APRIL 11, 2014 @ 11:48 PM

Just want to learn 2 languages before I depart this earth. Farsi and French.
Already an Urdu, Danish, English, German and Punjabi speaker.
Kamran Sarwar, Denmark

AUGUST 3, 2014 @ 4:10 AM

I am the same way. Farsi and French and playing the piano before I depart this physical plane. I am also learning to play the piano.

OCTOBER 12, 2014 @ 9:47 AM

So that you have just learnt the first lesson, I should remind you that it is not Farsi, and the true translation of Parsi in English is
Persian. Unfortunately, many people still dont recognise this very important point. (Ref. Oxford English Dictionary)

APRIL 18, 2014 @ 4:19 AM

Salam; i want to learn farsi because its very great language and sweet too. I know how to speak english,urdu and little bit farsi.Come what may i am to
learn persian.
pay my regard to you.
Rizwan kazim.Pakistan
FEBRUARY 25, 2015 @ 9:04 PM

With all due respect Arash (jan), both Farsi and Persian are correct and common in usage. I, myself, use Farsi whenever it comes to
introducing my language and its fine.

APRIL 22, 2014 @ 9:18 PM

Hi! I love this this site! I am leaning Farsi for Persian boyfriend. I am painting him a picture and I want to write I Love you in the middle. I know
dooset daram is love you, but he says you really say man dooset daram for I love you Can anyone help me with the Persian letters for man
dooset daram. I think all I am finding online is dooset daram. Thank you!!

MAY 24, 2014 @ 4:21 AM

Hi Katie
dooset daram is I love you . But if you want to say Im in love with you you must say aasheghetam.
we use dooset darm or man dooset daram for mother , father, our friends or teachers and ..for boy friend or girl friend.
dooset daram :
man dooset daram :
aasheghetam :
If you have any question Ill be happy to help you.

OCTOBER 20, 2014 @ 2:23 PM

well I think dooset daram is spoken language, so if youd write in Persian script ( doostat daram) it would be correct :)
However, Im a learner myself, but hope this helps :)

NOVEMBER 5, 2014 @ 11:47 AM

Yes, its correct.

APRIL 23, 2015 @ 7:54 PM

Im so anxious to learn farsi and I have learned to some extent also. I just keep getting confused in some basic rules. Can you tell
me the usage of kone, kan, kardan and kardi. Like when to use what at the end of your sentence. Thankyou so much

JULY 23, 2015 @ 2:54 PM

Love you =
Or =
I Love you =
Or =
I =
Love = or
You = or

persian cat
DECEMBER 3, 2015 @ 1:49 PM


Syeda Insiya
FEBRUARY 2, 2016 @ 2:52 PM

Hello,myself Syeda Insiya i am a beginner and i want to know what is the persian word for you,love,are

APRIL 25, 2014 @ 6:02 AM


APRIL 25, 2014 @ 6:03 AM

I think that is a very good website for learning Persian:

MAY 5, 2014 @ 2:16 AM

thanks for this site , it is a great site

MAY 1, 2014 @ 12:45 AM

Just want to learn farsi language but starting from scratch.l

MAY 24, 2014 @ 4:27 AM

Try this:

MAY 3, 2014 @ 11:14 PM

my hasband is from afganistan i want to learn it i m pakistani but it seems difficult for me what should i do help me

Charles G Nutter
MAY 18, 2014 @ 1:16 AM

Well crafted

Mr. A.
JULY 22, 2015 @ 5:07 AM

Sara, and others. If you can get your hands on an official elementary schools alphabet teaching book for a child, then you most likely can
learn fairly well. They would be just two thin books that have lots of pictures to help, and are made for children to learn. As I recall, first half
of the alphabet is on one book and the second half of the alphabet is thought in the second book. If you get lucky, you may find an old one
advertised at Shop Ads. The specific URL for Childrens Elementary Farsi Book is
q=childrens%20elementary%20Farsi%20book is what I came up with. You can try other word phrases to see what you can find through
there. Know that you would need to wait something like 10 seconds for all the worlds ads to be searched before results show. The ad results
for items for sale will show as a pink or orange background color. The non-ad results show below in white. The really old books, and non-
religious based books would have brown covers; probably hard to find now, and will end up being even harder to find after this post of mine.

Farsi Dari Teacher/Tutor

MAY 18, 2014 @ 8:58 AM

Interested to learn Farsi/Dari quickly? Send me an

MAY 19, 2014 @ 7:40 AM

i know a site that has just started to learn persian vocabulary and its address is: it is good for learning vocabulary.

JUNE 1, 2014 @ 7:17 AM

I wanted to thank you for this. My father was from Iran, and he constantly wished for me to learn and wished for me to learn. He tried and tried. I
always resisted it, but now that he has passed away, I wished to make him happy. Thank you for this chance to learn.

Nitin Chaurasia
JUNE 7, 2014 @ 6:13 AM

Thank you so much for organizing the website this well. It makes learning a fun!!

JUNE 15, 2014 @ 11:27 PM


I assume most of you are trying to learn enough farsi to speak with friends or family that youve been trying to communicate with for a long time but
the language barrier (the dreaded barrier) gets in the way. I understand how that feels. I used to feel like that with farsi when I was younger. However,
after having lived in Iran for a couple years and visiting it on several occasions(In fact I just got back a week ago from a one month visit), as well as
growing up speaking it with my family, I can now communicate with friends and family in Farsi fluently. If anyone wants to speak the language, and
understand the Iranian culture so you can talk and connect with those you care about, its a lot easier then you think. Fortunately farsi is one of those
languages where most of the meaning is expressed directly rather then subtly, such as English.I also believe its much easier to learn then English.
Therefore its very simple picking up the language. And theres not an endless amount of words to learn. One must understand that 80% of
conversations use only 20% of the vocabulary. Therefore, you only need to learn 20% of the words to speak and understand 80% of conversation! The
80/20 rule holds true in almost every language. In fact, I dont even know how to read and write in Farsi, yet I can still speak it fluently and
communicate with those I care about. So if your interested in learning how to connect with us Iranians, whether its friends, family, coworkers or
because you want to visit Iran one day and see its breathtaking scenery, amazing culture and extremely hospitable people, then I can help you learn
farsi! Contact me at Best of luck!

JULY 25, 2014 @ 1:04 AM

Kia ora. My name is Tony and I am from New Zealand in the South Pacific. I have a new Doctor starting at my work from Iran. I want to
know how to say welcome to our work place welcome to the Papakura Marae (name of workplace). Can you help me.
AUGUST 1, 2014 @ 12:18 AM

Hi Tony,

You can say be Papakura Marae khosh Amadid



SEPTEMBER 28, 2014 @ 1:09 AM

hello guys man kami farsi baladam. Man saay mikonam farsi yad begiram. I hope this site will help. hehe

Zuriat Fatima
JUNE 26, 2014 @ 12:52 PM

Its much fun in learning persian, i have craze to learn and speak persian finally from now am trying to meet it . :)

Online Persian/Dari Teacher through Skype

JUNE 29, 2014 @ 9:24 AM

Check out my website if you would like to learn persian or farsi.

JULY 10, 2014 @ 9:57 PM

I am iranian
Every body who want to learn persian connevt whit me
Kik : tina kheiri
Instagram and face book : tina kheiri

AUGUST 8, 2014 @ 6:02 PM

I want to learn persian I,m now In Iran,Tehran .I,m on visit here for three months .

AUGUST 19, 2014 @ 9:37 PM

I wanna learn Iranian

\ Saeed
AUGUST 6, 2014 @ 6:01 PM

Guys Im a native Persian speaker have learned English and Learning Spanish.
17 years old.Always +A In Schools persian.
My mom teaches Persian in Iran.
So if you have problems,or you wanna know a phrase in Persian.Formal or Informal just ask me.
I myself will help you and if I couldnt,I would ask my mom.
Facebook: Saeed Mahjoori

SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 @ 9:30 AM

Im a native Persian speaker and i can help you all

my mail address:
Skype: hisamios1

Ghulam Ali
OCTOBER 6, 2014 @ 6:25 PM

I want to learn Farsi because I want to understand Allama Iqbal Farsi kalam. Is there any one can help me.

OCTOBER 12, 2014 @ 1:54 PM

Hi everybody. I am from IRAN and I interest to learn English . I can help you for learn Farsi and instead you help me for English or your language.

Elif Yildirim
OCTOBER 13, 2014 @ 1:18 AM

Hi, that looks like a good place to learn Persian. I just started and I am hoping to learn at least basic Persian in a year. The hardest part seems to learn
the alphabet now. I am planing to build a website targeting preschoolers in the coming months. I might ask several questions later. Thanks for creating
this site! :-)

Elif Yildirim
OCTOBER 13, 2014 @ 10:58 PM

Hi Reza,
I wish I could see the letters of the alphabet while it plays the song. And I have to scroll up and try to see the letters each time I listen to the alphabet
song. It is really nice to hear but seeing the letters while listening would be a great asset.

OCTOBER 22, 2014 @ 10:02 AM

Hello guys specially to irani persian language please help me to know learning about persian language because i am here in kish island Iran now i work
here for doh mah my contract works here doh sal please help me because my co-worker cannot speak english please help me guys Thanks God

Mamdooh Hulaibi
JANUARY 12, 2015 @ 10:32 PM

Thank you for providing this website. Its very logical and helpful. Im a native Arabic speaker and Ive always wanted learn Farsi, but only now have
made the time to do it.

Muhammad Abid
JANUARY 31, 2015 @ 8:59 PM
This is very nice web site

FEBRUARY 27, 2015 @ 8:32 PM

Great website! Hopefully I can learn at least basic Farsi in the next 6 months or so Native language is Spanish and speaks English and French fluently.
Anyone interested to practice let me know. Cheers!

MARCH 4, 2015 @ 8:38 PM

Hello everyone heres an iranian channel.You can watch it if you have a sattellite.Online watch is also available on :

MARCH 9, 2015 @ 2:39 PM

Great site. Really want to get the basics down. My girlfriends first language is Persian, and Im trying to learn (want to surprise her one day).
Suggestion more exercises would be useful, changing up the order of the sounds, then maybe some audio help to check your work. Maybe some
stupid games for English speakers to add a bit of fun (cant help but hear Sam from The Lord of the Rings saying POE-TAY-TOE, or later with the
long vowel sounds I keep hearing bippity-boppity-boo.)

\ mohammad fallah
JUNE 22, 2015 @ 2:04 PM

Dont worry about persian alphabets my friends. You dont need to memorize all of them. I am from iran and i use these,but cant say i am memorized
them. I only know the pornounce of tem. Actually the alphabets help us to recognize and memorize a word! In the end i leav here a sentense with its
meaning here.
Zaban farsi besyar sadeh va shirin ast.
The farsi language is very simple and sweet.
I am naive in english so forgivme about that!

JULY 4, 2015 @ 8:53 AM

Thank you, your site is perfect for those who want to learn Persian.

JULY 7, 2015 @ 9:41 PM

I should say i am so interest someone from the other culture and country wants to learn Persian,because we try to learn English and now American
wants to learn Persian.But i should say it is not very easy because we have different base form of verbs and we have some mistakes too so be happy
and try.when you learn Persian as well you should learn Fingilish is also Persian but with English alphabet so do not worry,wish you luck

SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 @ 8:41 PM

peace be upon all Iranians and speakers of Persian.
OCTOBER 2, 2015 @ 7:25 AM

persians must proud of people who are learning persian

hope all to learn well
love u all
doseton daram

1 2 3



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