Brand R Criteria of U.1958.TRANS

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Design Criteria of U. S.

Ship Electrical Systems
By R. A. Brand, 1 Visitor, T. E. Broderick, 2 Visitor, and J. J. Moyer, 3 Visitor

Reliability and continuity of service are the keywords in U. S. Naval ship electrical system
design. First the number, size, voltage, and ,frequency of the ship service and emergency
generators are selected on the basis of an electrical load analysis. The ship service,
emergency, casualty, and any special power-distribution systems are then designed to
provide this reliability by supplying three sources of power to vital loads. Special dis-
tribution systems with voltage and frequency regulation of plus or minus 1/~ per cent are
often required for guided-missile ships. These loads are fed by a motor-generator set
with either a magnetic-particle, hysteresis or eddy-current-type clutch between the motor
and the generator for frequency regulation. Close voltage regulation is obtained by
employing a combined static exciter and. voltage regulator. Increased use of 400-cycle
power is anticipated as the number and size of shipboard electrical loads steadily grow.
Single-phase transformers are used on Navy ships, connected delta-delta in three-phase
banks. If one transformer is lost, the remaining two can operate open delta at 58 per
cent of the three-phase rating. The fused circuit breaker represents a new development
in the molded case breaker. It has a maximum interrupting rating of 100,000 amp and
yet is the same size as the standard AQB circuit breaker. It is used for system back-up
protection. Navy electric cable is designed to withstand excessive temperature, moisture
and mechanical abuse. The rectifier is replacing the motor-generator set for direct-
current power supply; it provides higher efficiency, weight and space savings and
greater dependability since-it is a static device. Electric propulsion of Navy ships has
been replaced by the geared drive except for certain type ships such as tugs and ice-
breakers. Direct-current power provides greater flexibility of control for propulsion
than alternating-current power. Navy ships have more stringent electrical-system
requirements than do commercial ships. Continuity of service is emphasized by a more
flexible distribution system. Electrical equipment on Navy ships must withstand higher
shock and vibration. Future electrical equipment for the Navy will have fewer moving
parts. Present designs must attempt to anticipate electrical system and equipment
developments of the future.

EVER since Dr. William Gilbert, the " F a t h e r of shipboard application. Only three years after the
Electricity," recorded the results of his experi- invention of the incandescent lamp b y Edison, the
m e n t s in magnetism in 1600, the history of elec- cruiser USS Trenton, in 1883, installed. 238 of these
tricity has been one of constant and rapid ad- lamps. Power was supplied b y one 13.2-kv, 80-
vancement. T h e N a v y was not slow to recognize volt direct-current s t e a m engine-driven dynamo.
the advantages of direct-current electric power for Although Westinghouse's alternating-current

1 Electrical Engineer, Submarine, Minesweeper and 8 Electrical Engineer, Auxiliary Ship Group of the
Electric Propulsion Ship Group of the Electrical Scientific Electrical Scientific Section, Bureau of Ships, Navy De-
Section, Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, Washington. partment, Washington, D. C.
2 Electrical Engineer, Surface Combatant Ship Group Presented at the Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y.,
of the Electrical Scientific Section, Bureau of Ships, Navy November 14-15, 1958, of THE SOCIETY OF NAVAL

induction motor had been adopted for a wide Alternating Direct
range of industrial applications by 1890, its usage Current Current
b y the N a v y was delayed. This was due, in part, Voltage . . . . . . . . . 450 volts 240/120 volts
120 volts 120 volts
to the uncertainty of the safety and reliability Frequency . . . . . . 60 cycles
of alternating-current power. Edison himself 400 cycles
claimed t h a t it could not be regulated safely and
was a menace to its consumers. Some 40 years Standards for shipboard power-consuming
later in 1932 alternating-current-motor drive for equipment have likewise been established.
shipboard auxiliaries was finally introduced. Equipment selected to operate on these systems is
Since t h a t time, power requirements have in- designed to have one of the following nominal volt-
creased to such an extent t h a t the ship service age and frequency ratings:
electrical generating plant on a modern-day super
aircraft carrier could satisfy the electrical power Alternating Direct
needs for a city the size of Albany, Sacramento, Current Current
Austin, or Knoxville. Voltage . . . . . . . . . . 440 280
115 115
Shipboard electrical systems are divided into Frequency . . . . . . . . 60 cycles
three main categories, namely, propulsion, ship 400 cycles
service and emergency service. This paper deals
principally with ship service and emergency The evolution of these standard voltages and
service although a discussion of electric propulsion frequencies has been made on the basis of their
system requirements is included. widespread proven use for landbased commercial
The two most i m p o r t a n t electrical system application. Standardization has resulted in the
design criteria for naval ships are the provision most economical and reliable electrical system.
for m a x i m u m possible reliability and continuity of The selection of 400 cycles as a standard frequency
service. All the vital functions of a naval ship was made as the result of extensive development of
such as steering, auxiliary machinery, armament, high-speed, lightweight equipment for use on air-
electronics, lighting, ventilation and degaussing craft.
operate on electric power. Therefore, it is essen- The selection and sizing of the electric gen-
tial t h a t the electric power supply provided to these erating plant to be installed on a ship always be-
vital functions be sustained after battle damage gins at the same point; namely, the preparation of
or when service breakdown to system components an electrical load analysis. This analysis is ini-
Occurs. tiated b y estimating loads in the preliminary ship-
Major design considerations t h a t affect this design stage and is continually refined and modi-
necessary dependability are physical separation of fied as the ship design progresses. I t consists of a
normal, alternate, and emergency power supplies, calculation of electrical loads for the various
routing of cables, simplicity of operation and operating conditions of the ship. A detailed tab-
equipment design. Electrical equipment aboard ulation of the total connected load and the op-
ship m u s t be designed for h i g h shock, vibration, erating loads at cruising, functional, battle (which
noise and environmental conditions such as tem- m a y or m a y not be its functional load), anchor,
perature, salt atmosphere, radio interference, and cold-ship start, and emergency condition are in-
explosive vapors. In addition, since a n u m b e r of eluded.
changes in size and location of electrical loads From the results of the electrical load analysis,
occur during the life of a ship, there should be a preliminary ship service and emergency gen-
sufficient ship service generator capacity and dis- erating plant is selected. Other factors which
tribution-system flexibility to allow for electrical must be considered in choosing the number and
load growth. This additional generator-capacity' size of the generating units for a ship's electric
design for electrical load expansion reaches a prac- plant are :
tical limit when space and weight requirements a) T y p e of ship.
become excessive. Indeed, naval ship design in- b) Full operation of the ship within the designed
volves m a n y factors not encountered in a merchant battle damage and maintenance limits.
or commercial type vessel. This difference will be c) N u m b e r and location of machinery spaces.
described further under a later heading. d) Desirability of installing standard size genera-
Generating Plant e) E s t i m a t e d future load growth.
N a v y ship basic power-generating systems have I t e m s (a), (b), and (c) are considered together
been standardized for one of the following voltage and form the following rules:
and frequency ratings: 1 In the event of derangement of one ship

580 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

105 i J i

y-- ,4

95 I I

90 ,/

j /

I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 I
O 0.5 1.0 1.5
Fig. 1 Graph showing the recovery time of regulators used on Navy ship service

service generator, the remaining ship service gen- practically all N a v y ships have an emergency gen-
erators shall carry the battle load. erating plant. This plant is sized to supply the
2 In event of the loss of the generators in two electrical operating load for ship control and pro-
adjacent spaces, the remaining ship service and tection upon complete loss of the ship-service
emergency generators shall carry the battle load. plant. Loads supplied from this system are steer-
This condition is not applicable to single-shaft- ing, lighting, emergency communications, radar
ships or to ships-where all ship servicd generators and sonar, machinery-space exhaust ventilation,
are located in two adjacent spaces. interior communication, damage-control equip-
3 In the event of derangement of one ship ment, and p a r t of the ordnance. T h e generating
service generator, the remaining ship service gen- units m a y be driven b y completely self-contained
erators shall carry the cruising load on split plant diesel engines or gas turbines and are automati-
operation. cally started on loss of ship service voltage to the
Electrical load growth, item (e) is estimated on: emergency switchboard. These units are located
in so far as practical a b o v e the waterline and re-
1 Known probable growths of equipment; for
mote from the main ship service units.
example, the aircraft elevators on the super carriers
Turbine-driven and diesel-driven generators on
now have a 10-year growth included in their
N a v y ships have been standardized in a series of
m a x i m u m continuous ratings (with no K W over-
2 Predicted load growth of systems based on
load capacity). M a x i m u m continuous rated sets
present-day design progress; for example, missile
were adopted several years ago as a result of
guidance system modifications and improvements
"studies showing a savings in cost to the N a v y .
from missile flight test data.
T h e theory is t h a t if a generator is loaded above
Compatible with these design considerations, it approximately 80 per cent of its continuous rating,
is self-evident t h a t a major effort should be made a second generator is put in service and a n y over-
to obtain the least weight' and size and lowest load rating would not be utilized. T h e perform-
cost for a n y given installation. ance requirements for steam-turbine, diesel and
In the selection of a diesel-generator installa- gas-turbine-driven generators are covered b y ap-
tion, as a minesweeper design, light loading condi- plicable military specifications. These require-
tions of port and anchor m u s t be considered. Sets ments have been established to meet the majority
are selected on the basis t h a t t h e y will never be of navalA~hipboard applications and are only de-
operated at less t h a n 50 per cent of the rated gen- viated from for special applications. An example
erator capacity continuously. This is to prevent of such a n exception is the variable-frequency tur-
engine fouling and reduce excessive maintenance.- bine-generator set developed specifically to supply
In addition to the ship service generating plant, reactor coolant pumping power.

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 581

') C !

) )I
I )1 i I



Fig. 2 Ship service p o w e r system with ship-service generator, emergency generator, and bus tie feedersm450 volt, 60 cycle
Distribution Systems ment starting several times an hour and 18 per
The extensive and highly diversified use made of cent for equipment starting several times a day.
electric power on N a v y ships requires an electric The system voltage must recover from these tran-
power-distribution system of high standards in- sients to within 3 per cent of the steady-state band
corporating the latest engineering developments. limits after 2 sec. Iia so far as practical, all elec-
The electric power-distribution system is divided tric power-consuming equipment is required to
into four categories: meet these voltage regulation and transient limits.
1 Ship-service power-distribution system nor- Today, certain equipment required on Naval ships
, [ .
mally supplying electric power to the ship s eqmp- will not function properly over such a wide voltage
ment and machinery. range. The missile-guidance equipment has inter--
2 Emergency power-distribution system sup- posed stringent voltage regulation and transient
plying electric power to vital auxiliaries if power requirements on the ship's electric system. Some
is not available from the ship-service power-dis- components of missile-guidance systems require
tribution system. voltage regulation within plus and minus 1/6 per
3 Casualty power-distribution system tempo- cent and a recovery time from voltage transients
rarily established for supplying electric power to ,of 1/~0 sec. Others have a requirement that the
certain vital auxiliaries when the ship-service and maximum transient will not exceed 1 per cent.
emergency feeders have been damaged. The problems presented b y these requirements are
4 Special. power-distribution system supplying studied on an analog computer. Special power-
power to electric equipment or machinery that re- distribution systems are designed based on the re-
quires voltages or frequencies different from those sults of these studies.
supplied b y the ship-service or emergency system. Several different types of equipment can be used
In designing these different categories of the dis- to maintain the voltage levels throughout distri-
tribution system, there are six important points bution systems. In general t h e y are:
which m u s t b e given careful consideration: 1 Induction or stepped voltage regulators.
a) Highest possible continuity of service. 2 Load-ratio controls.
b) Protection of the system from interruption 3 Capacitors.
due to short circuits and overloads. The N a v y in its shipboard installations uses
c) Specified voltage and frequency tolerances only voltage regulators of the following types:
of the power-consuming equipment. 1 Direct-acting rheostatic.
d) Load balance between the switchboards and 2 R o t a r y amplifier.
associated generators. 3 Combined static exciter and voltage regula-
e) A minimum of maintenance. tor system.
f) The most practical engineering value for the Load-ratio controls and capacitors will not m e e t
Government dollar. the recovery times required b y the shipboard
equipment. In fact, the direct-acting rheostatic-
System Tolerances type regulator, Fig. 1, is slow acting and will not
The voltage and frequency tolerance require- meet the recovery-time requirements of the new
ments of missile, nuclear, and electronic installa- equipment. It is being replaced b y the rotary-
tions on N a v y ships have presented many problems. amplifier-type regulator on ship conversions. In
Voltage regulation is causing a great deal of con- addition to selecting the proper regulator, consid-
cern in the design of both naval and maritime eration must be given to distribution feeders to
ships. All electric and electronic equipment is de- electronic, missile guidance, missile control, and
signed to operate within a certain voltage band. vital nuclear-reactor equipment. In so far as
Outside of this band the equipment may not func- practical, loads of this type are supplied through
tion properly. Minor fluctuations cause erratic separate power-distribution panels having a sep-
performance. Large fluctuations cause equip- arate feeder from the main ship-service switch-
ment to drop out of operation and, with voltage boards. This minimizes the effect of voltage vari-
restored, to stay out until the time delay or similar ation of the distribution system of these vital
device functions to bring equipment back into equipments. Where weight, space or bulkhead
operation. ) penetrations preclude separate power panels,
Generally, distribution systems on U.S. Naval these equipments m a y be connected to power-dis-
Ships are designed for a steady-state voltage reg- tribution panels supplying other equipment pro-
ulation of plus or minus 5 per cent of the nominal vided that performance of the equipment is not
voltage. In addition to this steady-state toler- affected.
ance band, voltage transients of 10 per cent are The frequency regulation of the distribution sys-
allowed at the ship-service switchboard for equip- tem is controlled b y the governor Of the prime

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 583

A/ ~ ,

__, , _ _: _ 0
t-- I I I J
l I I?


[ .... .... 7 ;

l) ;
)' I

! ' J L e u s TIE


Fig. 3 Typical distribution system of a small ship, showing feeds to vitalequipment

mover of the ship-service generator. The distri- 2 Selective tripping of the various protective
bution system is designed for a steady-state fre- devices to give maximum continuity of service
quency regulation of plus or minus 5 per cent. In under fault conditions.
addition to this steady-state band a frequency 3 Co-ordination of the thermal characteristics
transient of 3 per cent, 1 per cent of which may be of the circuit or apparatus with the circuit-inter-
outside of t h e s t e a d y - s t a t e band, is allowed. The rupting characteristics of the protective device to
frequency must recover to within the steady-state give maximum protection for electric apparatus
band within 2 sec. Some components require and circuits under fault condition.
closer tolerances and must be supplied from special 4 Adequate interrupting capacity in all circuits
power-distribution systems, but in general all either in the form of circuit-interrupting devices or
equipment is designed to function properly within suitable back-up protection if the interrupting ca-
these frequency limits. pacity of the device may be exceeded.
5 Thermal rating of all circuit protective and
System Protection switching devices must be adequate under all serv-
S i n c e the electric power-distribution system is ice conditions.
vital to the life of a naval ship under battle condi- 6 Short-circuit current-interrupting capacity
tions, it is imperative t h a t adequate system pro- of the circuit breakers and the bus-transfer equip-
tection be incorporated into the design. Each ment must be in excess of the maximum available
unit of equipment and all circuits are protected short-circuit current at the point of application of
from short-circuit currents and overloads. The the fault.
protective system is based on the following The ultimate in protective-system design in-
criteria: corporates complete selectivity where the protec-
1 High-speed clearing of all low-impedance tive device nearest the fault is designed to inter-
faults. rupt and clear the fault before another breaker

584 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems







Fig. 4 Typical nuclear submarine distribution system

closer to the power source operates. T h e N a v y , circuits between the main ship-service switch-
in so far as possible, designs for complete selec- boards, Fig. 2. I t is not the purpose of this ar-
tivity. The only areas where this is not always rangement to operate all generators in parallel b u t
possible are : rather to design the system so t h a t the highest
1 The 450-volt, 60-cycle system where fused possible continuity of service will be maintained.
distribution panels are used, as on nonvital cir- Ships with two ship-service switchboards, such as
cuits. the DD931-class destroyer, operate on a split-bus-
2 T h e 120-volt, 60-cycle system where type distribution system, Fig. 3. ' In this system, there
ALB circuit breakers are used in series. How- is a bus tie circuit between the two ship-service
ever, to insure m a x i m u m freedom from false non- switchboards b u t the electric plant is normally op-
tripping, the system has the following require- erated with this tie open. This provides flexibility
ments: under damage conditions and also maintains the
a) No two circuit breakers of the same type highest possible continuity of service.
with the same instantaneous trip setting can be in- On large ships such as aircraft carriers, the ship-
stalled in series. service distribution system is divided into zones
b) No two circuit breakers with the same size which generally coincide with the damage-control
fuses can be installed in series. fire zones. In general the power-load centers for
c) Fuses are not used in series with type AQB the individual zones are located on the damage-
breakers greater than 100-amp frame size. control deck. This is to facilitate damage-eontroI
functions and the distribution of casualty power.
SystemCircuitry Functional load centers for such loads as aircraft
Radial-type distribution systems are used on all elevators and catapults are located with the load.
N a v a l ships. Ships such as the super carriers with A separate load-center switchboard is assigned for
more than two main ship-service switchboards each main and auxiliary machinery space. T h e
have a system in which the main ship-service tur- number of zones supplied b y each emergency
bine-generator sets form a ring bus through bus tie switchboard depends upon the n u m b e r of emer-

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 585

Table 1 Navy Standard Type Circuit Breakers
Size, Interrupting Rating,
Ampere Voltage ~Amperes ---~
No. Type Rating Rating AC DC
1 ALB-1 50 125 ae or dc 5000 2500
2 ALB-5 50 125 ac or dc 5000 5000
3 ALB-10 200 125 ac or dc 10000 5000
4 AQB-A100 100 500 ac/250 dc 15000 10000
5 AQB-A225 225 500 ae/250 de 20000 15000
6 AQB-A250 250 500 ac/250 dc 20000 15000
7 AQB-A400 400 500 ac/250 dc 30000 20000
8 AQB-A600 600 500 ac/250 dc 30000 20000
9 AQB-A800 800 500 ac 40000 ...
10 AQB-LF100 100 500 ac 100000 ...
11 AQB-LF250 250 500 ac 100000
12 ACB-250 250 500 ac/250 dc 20000 150()0
13 ACB-640 640 500 ac/250 dc 45000 25000
14 ACB-1600 1600 500 ac/250 dc 60000 50000
15 ACB-1600H 1600 500 ac 100000 ...
16 ACB-3200H 3200 500 ac 100000 . ..
17 ACB-4000H 4000 500 ac 100000 ...
18 AQB-A50 50 500 ac 5000 ...
19 AQB-A200 200 500 ac 10000 ...
1 Items 1-11 are small molded-case circuit breakers (relatively inexpensive).
2 Items 12-17 are large open-frame circuit breakers (much more costly than items 1-11).
3 Items 10-11 are the same breakers as items 4 and 6, respectively, except that the
interrupting ratings have been increased to 100,000 amp. This feature has been accom-
plished by incorporating current-limiting, high-interrupting-capacity fuses on the load side
of the circuit breaker.
4 Items 18 and 19 are identical with items 2 and 3, respectively, except modifications
have been made to increase the voltage rating to 500 volts ac.
5 Item 5 is superseded by item 6 for all new designs.
6 Item 12 is superseded by item 7 for all new designs.

gency g e n e r a t o r s installed. Specific v i t a l loads Ships with n u c l e a r p l a n t s require t h a t the power

are supplied from t h e n e a r e s t e m e r g e n c y switch- be m a i n t a i n e d a t all t i m e s to c e r t a i n reactor-con-
board. T h e e m e r g e n c y g e n e r a t o r s are n o t tied trol e q u i p m e n t . As previously s t a t e d this equip-
t o g e t h e r b u t are c o n n e c t e d to the ship-service dis- m e n t receives a n o r m a l a n d a n e m e r g e n c y supply.
t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m b y b u s tie circuits to t h e m a i n Since t h e r e is a time d e l a y when the a u t o m a t i c bus
ship-service switchboard. t r a n s f e r operates, the reactor auxiliariesfor a given
S m a l l e r s h i p - d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m design is r e a c t o r p l a n t are split into two groups which are
b a s e d on the same principles as those for larger fed from different a n d r e m o t e m a i n ship-service
ships except t h a t t h e s y s t e m is n o t d i v i d e d into switchboards. T h i s design g u a r a n t e e s c o n t i n u e d
zones. T h e power load centers are located in the control of t h e reactor u n d e r o t h e r t h a n a b n o r m a l
same locality as t h e loads t h e y serve a n d t h e emer- conditions.
g e n c y s u p p l y feeds directly i n t o t h e v i t a l equip- T h e 120-volt d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m is considered
m e n t load centers. T h r e e sources of power, a p a r t of the l i g h t i n g s y s t e m a n d will be covered
n o r m a l , a n a l t e r n a t e , a n d a n e m e r g e n c y are pro- u n d e r the discussion of t h a t system.
vided to the steering a n d i n t e r i o r - c o m m u n i c a t i o n T h e d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m for n u c l e a r s u b m a r i n e s
switchboards, where c o n t i n u i t y of service is a is u n i q u e . Since all space w i t h i n a s u b m a r i n e
prime consideration, Fig. 3. T w o sources of hull is utilized to its u t m o s t , p a r t i c u l a r care is
power, a n o r m a l a n d a n emergency, are p r o v i d e d t a k e n in t h e design of the s y s t e m to insure con-
to auxiliaries such as n u c l e a r p l a n t e q u i p m e n t a n d t i n u i t y of electric power for a period of approxi-
fire primps. Actually, t h e e m e r g e n c y source acts m a t e l y 5 rain w i t h o u t a n y i n t e r v e n t i o n b y a n op-
as a n a l t e r n a t e s u p p l y u n d e r n o r m a l operations. erator. Fig. 4 shows a t y p i c a l s u b m a r i n e distri-
T h i s is accomplished b y h a v i n g t h e ship-service b u t i o n system. T r u e , the basic s y s t e m is similar
g e n e r a t o r feed t h e e m e r g e n c y s w i t c h b o a r d t h r o u g h to the t w o - g e n e r a t o r - p l a n t ship which operates
the b u s tie from t h e m a i n ship-service s w i t c h b o a r d split bus; b u t care is t a k e n to m a i n t a i n a s u p p l y
O t h e r n o n v i t a l loads are supplied o n l y one source of a l t e r n a t i n g - c u r r e n t power to vital equip-
of power. A u t o m a t i c b u s transfers are installed m e n t a t all times. On this d i s t r i b u t i o n s y s t e m
a t t h e loads to switch to the a l t e r n a t e feed in the there are two a l t e r n a t i n g - d i r e c t c u r r e n t motor-
e v e n t t h a t n o r m a l s u p p l y is lost. g e n e r a t o r sets with reverse power-flow capability.

586 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

These motor-generator sets supply either direct- a/~ per cent with a recovery time from voltage
current power or alternating-current power to vital transients of 1/~0 see. Other components require
equipment. One of these sets continuously floats t h a t the m a x i m u m voltage transient will not ex-
on the distribution system to supply power to vital ceed 1 per cent. At first a central 400-cycle sys-
reactor controls in case of a failure of the ship-serv- t e m was planned b u t it was soon apparent t h a t the
ice turbine-generator. m a x i m u m allowable voltage transient of I per cent
T h e individual components such as the switch- made this impossible. T o m e e t this transient re-
gear of the split-plant system are not installed in quirement, the generator rotor mass would have to
the same structure. Shock requirements dictate be increased or a flywheel attached to supply the
t h a t a 6-in. space be maintained between two ad- mass to absorb the excess transient. The size of
jacent structures. This requirement minimizes the load which would cause the m a x i m u m voltage
the possibility of loss of electric power. transient was such t h a t it made a generator of this
A diesel generator set and b a t t e r y are installed type impractical. Therefore, individual motor-
for cold reactor start-up conditions. T h e diesel generator sets are installed to supply the types of
generator set also serves to provide get-home power required. Each load which is limited to a
power if the reactor cannot be repaired at sea. m a x i m u m voltage transient of 1 per cent is sup-
plied from an individual motor-generator set.
Design of Special Power-Distribution Systems T h e loads which require frequency regulation of
Computer-studies have proven t h a t the normal 1/~ per cent are fed from motor-generator sets
voltage and frequency fluctuations which occur in which have a clutch between the motor and the
the standard ship service system cause erratic op- generator and thereby maintain a constant genera-
eration of missile-guidance computers and result in tor speed. The clutch can be either a magnetic-
noise levels t h a t produce unreliable missile-guid- "particle, hysteresis, or eddy-current type. The
ance systems. Therefore, missile components demand for voltage regulation of 1~ per cent and
require specially regulated frequency and voltage recovery time from transients of 1/~0 sec is m e t b y
power supplies. employing a combined static exciter, and voltage
Missile installations also increase the sta- regulator. T h e generators supply switchboards
bility problem on ships. T h e majority of the from which power is distributed to the loads.
missile-system components are installed on the These systems are presently installed and opera-
main deck and above. Since weight and space are ting on naval ships. T h e y adequately m e e t the
at a premium in these levels and some means of requirements for which they were designed.
providing more stable power are required, the
N a v y designs as m a n y of the missile-system com- Lighting System
ponents as practical for 400-cycle power. A The shipboard lighting-distribution system is
typical single Terrier missile installation with as designed for o p t i m u m operational economy, maxi-
m a n y of its system components designed for 400- m u m continuity of service, and m i n i m u m vulner-
cycle power as practical weighs in excess of 235 abifity to mechanical and battle damage. The
tons and requires approximately 18 per cent of the system is primarily one of radial distribution with
area on the main deck and above on a destroyer- load-center panels being established at the ap-
leader-type ship. This represents quite a weight proximate electrical load center of a volume of the
and space saving since a 10-hp motor designed for ship, chosen to approach, as closely as possible, a
400-cycle is one sixth the weight and one t e n t h the cube configuration. T h e feeders to these panels
volume of the same motor designed for 60 cycles. will be either 450 volt or 120 volt chosen on the
T h e question m a y arise as to why the N a v y basis of economy of the system. However, the
chose to design 400-cycle equipment after the diffi- system yoltage in either ease will be 120 volts.
culties encountered with the electrical installation For m a n y years the primary source of illumina-
on the USS T i m m e r m a n , DD828. T h e design of tion on naval ships was incandescent lamps which
the T i m m e r m a n was a success for the purpose for provided good general illumination from inex-
which it was intended; namely, t h a t of finding the pensive luminaires. However, at a b o u t the time
minimum design limits of 400-cycle equipment and of the end of World W a r I I the N a v y made a
systems. The N a v y received a wealth of knowl- conceited effort to improve lighting aboard ships
edge, on 400-cycle power from the DDS~8:~whieh and at this time fluorescent lamps were introduced
will result in a greater and more diversified use in a new line of lighting fixtures. S h o c k and
of this frequency on future ships. "'"~'~ ~' vibration problems were of u t m o s t importance but
. As previously stated, some e o m p o ~ o i t s of the satisfactory fixtures were designed to withstand
missile-guidance systems require t h a t tfi~ voltage these evils.
and frequency regulation be within plus or minus When the N a v y became habitability conscious,

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 587

further progress along the line of new detail illumi- Motors are divided into several categories as de-
nation, t h a t is desk lights, reading lights and berth termined b y the performance requirements for the
lights were installed for the comfort of the officers driven equipment and their environments. These
and men. categories are service classification, enclosure,
At the present time the N a v y has under study duty, speed, ambient temperature, starting cur-
and in the development stage several other ad- rent, and breakdown torque.
vancements which m a y some day be installed on T h e first of these, service classification, depends
board ships. Some of the new proposals being on the service condition of operation. The two
studied are 400-cycle supply to fluorescent lights, service classifications are N a v y service A and
luminous ceiling-type illumination, broad-band N a v y service C. N a v y service A motors are
blue lighting for areas where oscilloscopes must be those essential to the military effectiveness of the
constantly scanned, and electro-lun~nescent panel ship. N a v y service C motors are not essential to
lighting. These are all part of a continuing pro- the military effectiveness of the ship. Thus, a
g r a m to make the tasks of the men on .our ships _motor used to drive a gun m o u n t,search
easier, their recreation hours more enjoyable, and radar on a c o m b a t a n t ship would necessarily be
their surroundings more livable. N a v y service A while a motor used to operate a
garbage grinder would be N a v y service C. To
General Requirements of Electrical Equipment assist in determining the proper classification of a
Now t h a t we have discussed the general rules particular motor application, a design data sheet,
for designing a ship's electrical distribution sys- which lists the most common types encountered
tem, let us investigate the requirements for the and their classification, has been developed as an
various components t h a t go to make up this sys- aid in electrical ship design. A N a v y service A
tem. motor is restricted in material (cast iron is not
allowed) and is designed for high shock service. A
Motors N a v y service C motor differs from a commercial
Electric motors comprise b y far the major por- motor only in the added features of corrosion pro-
tion of the electric-plant load. T h e n u m b e r and tection, radio interference noise, and special bear-
horsepower of electric motors have increased ing requirements.
steadily over the past 10 years. This is the result The second requirement to be considered is the
of the over-all increase in modern-day ship design, degree of motor enclosure. This is based on loca-
improved habitability standards, increased size of tion and service requirements. Installation of
aircraft, missile launchers and missile-guidance electrical equipment in spaces where gasoline
systems. vapors m a y occur is avoided whenever possible.
The basic requirements of electric motors for If an electric motor m u s t be installed in such a
shipboard use are similar to those for other N a v y space, it requires an explosion-proof enclosure.
electric equipment with respect to design, material For most shipboard motor installations drip-proof
and construction. Primary considerations are: protected enclosure is satisfactory. This provides
1 M a x i m u m reliability. the minimum degree of protection. Other degrees
2 M i n i m u m weight and space. of enclosure are watertight, for motors on the
3 M a x i m u m resistance to salt-water corrosion. weather deck and other locations subject to fre-
4 Satisfactory operation under shipboard con- quent spray; spraytight, for locations in an en-
ditions. vironment of steam, dust, oil v a p o r or acid fumes;
5 M i n i m u m cost of procurement, operation totally enclosed, for fuel-oil and lubricating~oil
and maintenance. pumps; and submersible, for vital equipment in-
6 M a x i m u m interchangeability and minimum stalled in locations which m a y be subjected to
n u m b e r of parts. flooding. Examples of the latter are portable sub-
7 M a x i m u m accessibility for ease of repair. mersible p u m p s and damage-control pumps.
While there are certain special electric-motor The third important design criterion of the elec-
applications in the Navy, just as in industry, tric motor is its duty. Any load required to
standard motor sizes have been selected for ship- operate for unrestricted periods of time at constant
board use. T h e y range in size from a l~-hp load must have a motor rated for continuous duty.
motor up to a 450-hp aircraft elevator p u m p This classification also includes m o t o r loads of an
motor. If t h e motor horsepower required does unpredictable d u t y cycle such as compressors and
not coincide with a standard rating, the next larger water pumps: Motors which operate for unre-
standard rating is used; the only exceptions are stricted times at reduced loads with an occasional
direct-current submarine motors, where the motor peak load are rated intermittent or varying duty.
rating is seldom larger than necessary. Examples are the anchor windlass, elevators, and

588 U.S.: Naval Ship Electrical Systems "

steering gear. The third d u t y classification, short button). Automatic controllers are then under
time, is intended for a constant or varying load control of a master switch such as a limit, tem-
which operates for a definite short time followed perature, or pressure switch. T h e majority of
b y a long shutdown to permit cooling. Examples controllers are semi-automatic. A common ap-
are motor-operated valves and hangar d o o r s . plication of automatic controllers is for a refrigera-
Motor speed is another important design factor tor compressor. These are also semi-automatic
and is determined b y the load. Constant-speed in t h a t they m a y be shut down b y a manual
motors have a very low slip and speed adjustment "Stop" master switch.
is not necessary. This also applies to varying Voltage protection is provided in all controllers.
speed motors which have a high slip character- .The three types of voltage protection are :
istic; they h a v e their application where changes Low-Voltage Protection. This employs a mag-
in speed with load occur. A winch motor requires netic controller whose contacts open upon reduc-
this speed characteristic. Multispeed motors are tion of voltage to a predetermined limit. I t pro-
used where operation at two or more speeds is re- vides the following safety features:
quired. T h e additiofigl reqtiirement i~f reversing .a) P r e v e n t i o n of overloading the electrical sys-
m a y be added for motor-driven deck machinery. t e m b y excessive motor-starting currents upon re-
The m a x i m u m rated speed for most 60-cycle in- turn of voltage, since controller must be restarted
duction motors driving auxiliary machinery is manually.
3600 r p m while the minimum is 600 r p m (syn- b) Prevention of damage to driven auxiliaries.
chronous speed). However, most motors used are c) Prevention of injury to operating personnel.
either 1800 or 3600 rpm. Low- Voltage Release. This also operates to open
The motor also must be designed for ambient the main contacts upon a decrease in voltage, but
temperature. For motors in machinery spaces upon return of voltage the motor starts automati-
a n d firerooms, the motor is designed for 50 C. cally. This protection is restricted to vital loads
For all other locations the motor design is based such as steering gear and main lube-oil pumps so
on an ambient temperature of 40 C. There are, as to avoid excessive starting currents when a
however, special applications where 65 C. class I t group of motors are automatically placed on the
insulation motors must be provided; for example, line upon return of voltage.
exhaust fans located near the overhead in ma- Low-Voltage Release Effect. This t y p e of pro-
chinery spaces. Closely allied to t e m p e r a t u r e de- teetion requires only a manual, nonautomatic-type
sign is the method of cooling the motor. N a v y controller since its contacts do not open upon a
service A totally enclosed auxiliary motors above 5 reduction or loss of voltage. I t has the same effect
hp are fan-cooled. Other shipboard auxiliary as the low-voltage release in t h a t the m o t o r starts
motors are cooled b y natural ventilation. automatically upon return of voltage. I t is ade-
T h e design designation for three-phase squirrel- quate where the starting-current-limitation pro-
cage induction motors is based on torque and cur- tective feature is not required.
rent requirements. Design A motors have limited Overload protection also is provided for all al-
use on shipboard because of the high starting cur- ternating-current motors of ~ - h p size and larger.
rent and breakdown torque involved. Design B This consists of a coil which trips the line contacts
has the most common usage because of its normal when the load current exceeds a n y value between
starting current and torque characteristies. De- 116 to 125 per cent of the rated motor current for
signs C and D both have high starting torque more then 30 rain. Controllers for vital motor
characteristics with normal starting current. loads are often equipped with an emergency run
T h e y are used for cranes, elevators, and similar device. This feature requires manual operation
high-starting-torque applications. and is used to render the overload protective de-
vice ineffective. I t is usually a pushbutton and
Controllers cannot be locked in position.
A controller is provided for every electric motor Full-voltage, across-the-line starting controllers
installed. The selection of ambient temperature, are used for the majority of shipboard alternating-
duty, and enclosure for the controller is based on current electric motors. However, if the alternat-
the same guide lines used for the motor. Opera- ing-current motor-starting current will cause a
tion of controllers is either manual or magnetic. voltage dip in excess of the design limits of the
Manually operated controllers have nonautomatic distribution system, a reduced-voltage starting
performance. Magnetic controllers m a y have controller must be employed. Direct-current
either automatic or semi-automatic performance. controllers for motors of ~ hp and less are across-
Automatic and semi-automatic controllers ate the-line type. Controllers for larger d-e motors
initially operated b y a manual switch (push- are usually of reduced-voltage starting type.

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 589

Transformers factorily interrupt a m a x i m u m alternating-current
Distribution transformers are necessary to sup- fault of 100,000 amp. I t is to be installed to pro-
ply 120-volt alternating-current circuits which tect the 2500-kw ship-service generators on the
cannot be operated on the ship-service primary CVA(N). ACB circuit breakers also have a short-
voltage of 450 volts. Common 120-volt applica- time rating in amperes. This is the highest cur-
tions are interior communication and fire control, rent t h a t the circuit breaker can carry for speci-
galley equipment, lighting, electronics and small fied short time intervals before damage results
ventilation fans. Transformers are installed on a from thermal and magnetic stresses.
functional basis; t h a t is, separate banks are pro- The air-quench breaker (AQB) differs from the
vided for each individual 120-volt load or panel. , ACB breaker chiefly in its construction. I t is en-
In general, all transformers used on shipboard closed in a molded case and can be put in operation
are single phase, connected in delta-delta, three- b y manual means only. T h e AQB breaker is
phase banks. T h e transformers in a particular used chiefly for protection of feeder circuits with
three-phase b a n k all have identical ratings and are a load current of 250 amp or less. There is an
selected from the standard size next above the AQB-600 a m p frame size breaker but, in general,
KVA capacity requirements. The capacity re- where selective tripping breakers in series are re-
quirements range from 100 to 125 per cent of the quired, it is no longer used. A new type of AQB
connected load depending upon the type of equip- which has been adopted for shipboard use is the
m e n t supplied. With this arrangement, one fused AQB. As the name implies, this is a stand-
single-phase transformer m a y be removed and the ard AQB with a current-limiting fuse added in the
remaining two can still operate at approximately molded case. The fuse is of the silver-sand type
58 per cent of the three-phase rating on an open and has an interrupting capacity of 100,000 amp.
delta connection. Spare transformers are not This fused breaker m a y be installed for back-up
provided. T h e y usually have a drip-proof en- protection where the load current is within the
closure, and are of the dry type, naturally cooled. AQB-frame-size limits but the available short-cir-
Transformers are designed for continuous rating in cuit current exceeds the m a x i m u m interrupting
a 40-C ambient and are derated to 94 per cent in a capacity of a conventional AQB-type breaker.
50-C ambient. The disadvantage of carrying replacement fuses is
more than offset b y the installation of the smaller
Circuit Breakers and more economical AQB as compared to the
Circuit breakers perform a vital function in pro- ACB circuit breaker.
tecting the-ship-service electric-distribution sys- The low-voltage breakers, ALB-5 and ALB-10,
t e m as was stated previously. Therefore the cir- have continuous current ratings of 50 and 200 amp,
cuit breakers themselves must have certain char- respectively, at 125 volts. The long-time delay
acteristics to provide this protection. T h e three coil is of the thermal-overload type while the in-
types of breakers used b y the N a v y are air stantaneous trip operates magnetically. These
circuit breakers (ACB), air-quench breakers same breakers are presently being modified to ex-
(AQB), and low-voltage breakers (ALB). tend their use to 450-volt systems.
The type ACB circuit breaker has an open frame The electrical characteristics of all these circuit
and is classified according to its frame size. T h e breakers are listed in Table 1.
frame size indicates the m a x i m u m coil rating which
a particular breaker contains. A 640-amp frame Cable
size would have a m a x i m u m continuous current Without a reliable means of transferring electric
rating of 640 amp. The type ACB breaker also power from the source to the load, all other strin-
has ranges of overcurrent protection; namely, gent equipment requirements would be to no avail.
long time delay, short time delay and instantane- For this reason N a v y electric cable must conform
ous trip. These settings of the trip coils are made to the following requirements:
at the factory. Thus, for a predetermined fault 1 I t must have m a x i m u m usable life under
current of given magnitude and duration, the long service conditions of temperature, moisture and
time delay coil will trip the breaker. The short mechanical abuse.
time delay operates at a higher fault current in a 2 I t should have minimum weight for the serv-
shorter time and the instantaneous trip operates ice intended.
with no intentional time delay anywhere from its 3 I t should be located to minimize damage
setting up to the interrupting rating of the circuit from battle action.
breaker. The largest A C B - t y p e circuit breaker 4 I t should be located to provide for m a x i m u m
now used b y the N a v y is the 4000H frame size. I t dissipation of internally generated heat.
will carry 4000 a m p continuous current and satis- N a v y cable falls under the general classification

590 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

ally selected on the basis of sufficient current-
carrying c a p a c i t y . N a v y cable is so designed
t h a t if this requirement is met, the voltage drop
\xxJ, \ will be within allowable limits, provided the cable
length does not exceed 250 ft.
175, Factors involved in the installation of electric
cable are location, method of support, and use of
\ end sealing and stuffing tubes. Allowance must
be made for deflection of bulkheads and decks.
N o t more than one row of cables is ever installed
on a single hangar. " Cable runs must be as direct

\ as possible without interfering with piping, ventila-

tion ducts, or possible maintenance required for
machinery. Spaces harmful to cable or which are
subject to explosion are avoided wherever possible.
Sealing of cable ends is required to prevent water
damage and disruption of energy supply to other-
wise intact electrical equipment. Cable~end seal-
ing also serves to minimize the possibility'of, addi-
tional flooding from a flooded space to other com-
partments. Power cable located below the water-
tight level is sealed and entry into watertight en-
closures is made through stuffing tubes. All
% R A T E D VOLTAGE . . . . . . . . . watertight or airtight bulkheads and decks em-
I I I ploy stuffing tubes for cable penetration.
o zo 4o 6o 6o IOO 12o

T h e metal straps used to support electric cable
also serve to ground cable armor. Armored cables
Fig. 5 Derating of selenium rectifiers with increased connected to electronic equipment which m a y
ambient temperature
cause radio interference are bonded to the equip-
ment. Radio receiving antenna and sonar trans-
of either cable for nonflexing service or cable for re- ducer input cables are usually run in separate wire-
peated flexing service. Factors involved are the ways. If they are installed on hangars with power
insulation, general construction and service condi- and lighting cables, a minimum separation of 2 in.
tions. The most common type of nonflexing cable is required.
is SGA which is shipboard, general use, armored All power and lighting cables are m a r k e d to in-
with silicon-treated glass-tape insulation. This dicate the source, voltage, service (power, lighting,
cable is used for all portions of electric-distribu- emergency), and destination. T h e purpose of this
tion systems including power, lighting, electronics, designating system is to adequately identify cables
interior communication, and fire control. T h e from working plans during installation and after-
T S G A three-phase power cable sizes v a r y from wards for maintenance and damage control. This
TSGA-3 which will carry 10 a m p at 50 C to marking is accomplished b y means of attached
T S G A 400 which is rated at 400 amp. If the cur- cable tags.
rent demand exceeds 400 amp, additional cables of
equal size are run in parallel as required. The Rectifiers and Motor Generators
approximate cross-sectional area of the conductor T h e three types of electric-power-supply con-
in thousands of circular mils is represented b y the version equipment for shipboard use are motor-
number following the cable type. Thus, TSGA- generator sets, rectifiers, and transformers.
400 is approximately 400,000 circular mils; it is Transformers were discussed previously. Motor-
actually 413,600 circular mils. T h e most widely generator sets and rectifiers are required to provide
used cable for repeated flexing service is I-IOF electric power which differs from t h a t supplied b y
which is heat and oil resistant, flexible with butyl- the ship-service generators. There are numerous
rubber insulation. I t has its application in port- loads on alternating-current ships which require
able appliances and revolving structures such as direct-current power. T h e more common applica-
turret columns. tions are aircraft starting and servicing, degauss-
The allowable voltage drop in a cable from the ing, electronic equipment, missile servicing, inte-
power source to the load is another prime consider- rior communication and fire control, test switch-
ation. Cable used to supply motor loads is usu- boards, and welding. Although motor-generator

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 591

sets are still extensively used aboard ship, rectifiers The outstanding advantage of standardization in
are finding ever-increasing application as their commercial equipment is the ease in procurement
design and performance are improved. Where a of replacement parts. In addition to this the
frequency other than that provided by the 60- N a v y standardizes their electrical equipment to
cycle ship service is needed, a motor-generator set reduce the number of repair parts carried aboard
must be used, as for 400-cycle gyrocompass re- ship. This results in both space and weight sav-
quirements. Direct-current power for welding is ings. Although electric motor sizes are standard-
also supplied by motor-generator sets owing to the ized, as previously stated, their applications em-
large inrush currents and intermittent-duty type brace such a diversified field that it is often diffi-
of load. However, rectifiers are now used exclu- cult to install motors of identical construction,
sively for supplying direct-cfirrent power for air- even though they may have the same horse-
craft starting and servicing on carriers and heli- power, rating. However, interchangeability is
copter ships. Direct-current power to electronic achieved to the greatest extent possible by estab-
equipment also is supplied by rectifiers. Some of lishing maximum dimensions, functional charac-
the outstanding advantages of rectifiers are: teristics and quality considerations for a particular
1 Good efficiency over a wide range of loads. motor. The ambie~t temperature used with the
2 High power factor (approximately 0.95). permissible temperature rise controls the selection
3 Small size and weight (approximately 30 of frame sizes. Functional characteristics include
per cent less weight and volume than the motor- horsepower, speed, voltage, torque, enclosure and
generator set of same rating). starting current. Quality as regards material
4 High resistance to shock and vibration. and noise is determined b y stalidard test methods.
8 Minimum maintenance required. Controllers, circuit breakers, transformers and
6 Static device with quiet operation. cable are all standardized items. Thus, there
7 Can be constructed to any capacity b y would be only one particular manufacturer's 640-
proper assembling of stacks. amp frame size type ACB circuit breaker or 50-
8 No standby units required since faulty kva transformer installed on a particular ship.
stacks can be readily replaced. Also, if a ship is designed for diesel-electric propul-
9 Can be dispersed in ship and placed near the sion, the same manufacturer usually provides the
load alleviating space problems and long cable diesel engines for both the propulsion and ship-
runs. service generators, even though they will probably
There are, however, certain disadvantages in the not have the same rating.
use of rectifiers. T h e y must be derated when op- A publication of military standards was issued
erated above the ambient temperatm'e for which in July 1953. Its purpose is to attain the highest
they are designed. For this reason, installation degree of standardization practical for all products
requirements are written so as to insure maximum used b y the Armed Forces. Standardization does
possible cooling and ventilation. Fig. 5 shows suffer when a commercial ship is converted for the
typical derating of selenium rectifiers required Navy. It is then necessary to carry both com-
when operating above design temperature. An- mercial and N a v y spare parts.
other disadvantage is the aging of rectifiers. This
causes an increase in the forward resistance and Electric Propulsion
the alternating-current input" voltage must be At one time the use of electric systems for ship
raised to maintain a constant direct-current out- propulsion was widespread, especially for ships re-
put voltage. Some rectifiers tend to age more quiring relatively large shaft horsepower. Today
rapidly than others; it is difficult to predict ac- this type of propulsion system has practically been
curately the life of a metallic rectifier. replaced b y the modern, highly developed and
Recently silicon rectifiers have been specified for efficient geared drives. The geared drive not only
use on nuclear submarines to supply static excita- is more eff~.cient but requires less space and weighs
tion for the ship-service turbine-generator sets. less than the electric propulsion system. How-
T h e y have the added advantage of less space and ever, for some applications the electric drive should
weight as compared to selenium rectifiers of the be investigated thoroughly. Examples are tugs,
same capacity. The requirement for increased icebreakers, and ships that require power sources
ventilation has been satisfied by locating the unit which can be supplied b y the propulsion generat-
in the cooling air stream of the turbine-generator. ing equipment during periods when the ship is not
being propelled.
Standardization The alternating-current propulsion system has
Standardization of electrical equipment is far characteristics similar to the geared drive in that
more important in the N a v y than in industry. there is a fixed ratio between the prime mover a n d

592 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

the shaft speed. Shaft speed is controlled by electrical plant of a N a v y ship, the cost is much
varying the prime-mover speed. A direct-current higher than for a comparable commercial installa-
system has greater flexibility of control and allows tion.
for a better matching of prime-mover power char-
acteristics to a ship having widely varying operat- Outlook for the Future
ing conditions. The direct-current will be During the past 10 years the growth of electric
heavier and less efficient than the alternating-cur- power for ships has been phenomenal. The
rent system. The design requirements for the 450-volt, 60-cycle system reached its practical
equipment and system are similar to the design design limit on the nuclear-powered carrier.
requirements of any of the Navy's other electrical Studies indicate that power requirements will
systems except the voltages and method of pro- continue to increase. Therefore, higher volt-
tecting the system are different. For alternating- age and frequency systems must be designed.
current systems, voltage levels as high as 6900 The N a v y is now studying a 2400-volt, 60-cycle
volts have been used. For direct-current systems, system and extended use of the 400-cycle system.
a maximum limit of 900 volts per armature is al- It is hoped t h a t b y the use of these two systems
lowed. Wherever feasible, system short-circuit the shipboard electrical system will stay within
protection will be obtained by the use of circuit practical limits, weight and space-wise, and still
breakers. If the circuit breaker does not have meet the increased speed response and closely
adequate interrupting capacity, then provision is regulated frequency and voltage requirements of
made for automatic field removal from the motor the missile and nuclear age. Rotating machinery
and generator. The selection of a series loop or and equipment with moving parts cause a main-
parallel propulsion circuit for a direct-current sys- tenance problem. As more complicated systems
tem requires analysis of the particular application. are installed on ships the maintenance problem
In general, the series loop circuit is preferable but mounts. The N a v y is striving to develop equip-
the parallel circuit is always investigated. ment with few or no moving parts. Interesting
possibilities being investigated are:
Comparison of the Electrical System for a Navy
Ship and Commercial Ship 1 A means of propulsion based on the use of
The basic development and system protection electromagnetic pumps.
for ships of both types of service is similar. There 2 A silent type ventilation system based on
is, however, a greater emphasis on continuity of electrostatic principles.
3 The production of refrigeration and elec-
power t o a larger variety of equipment on N a v y
tricity by thermal electric material.
ships. This is accomplished by extensive use of
4 The production of high-pressure air by plas-
two and in some instances three separate feeders.
These feeders are designated as normal, alternate, molds.
5 The use of a fuel cell for continuous supply
and emergency and the load is supplied from these
feeders b y means of automatic bus-transfer equip- of direct-current power.
ment. As shown in the discussion on system There is a saying in the missile field that what is
tolerances, the requirements of t h e s y s t e m voltage operational is obsolete. Since some margin for
and frequency regulation on N a v y ships are much future growth must be designed into the electric
more stringent than those normally required for system on Naval ships, the N a v y must not only
commercial ships. This is brought about b y the keep abreast of present developments but antici-
various types of special equipment, for example mis- pate developments of ten or fifteen years hence.
sile-system components, which are installed on N a v y
ships and are not required by commercial ships. Acknowledgments
The requirements for the individual components The authors gratefully acknowledge the assist-
making up the electrical system for a N a v y ship ance of the engineering personnel in the Electronic-
are more rigid than those for commercial ships. Electrical Design Branch of the Bureau of Ships
This is primarily the result of shock and vibration for technical comments and guidance.
requirements as well as the a t t e m p t to provide the
smallest and lightest equipment. For this reason References
higher cable-current densities than allowable for 1 "Recent-Naval Progress," Bureau of Navi-
commercial application are used. gation, June 1887.
The generating plants usually have a larger 2 A. J. Rovero, "Rectifiers Displace Motor
capacity than those required for a commercial Generator Sets Aboard Naval Vessels," BuShips
ship. Journal, February 1954.
As a result of the special requirements for the 3 "Reference Book for Ship's Service Electric

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 593

Power Plants and Electric Propulsion Systems," 6 E. F. Seaman, "Standardization and En-
NavShips 250-660, 1945. gineering Planning," Magazine of Standards, June,
4 RADM. H. G. Rickover, USN, "Ship's Serv- 1957.
ice Power Systems for Naval Vessels," Electrical 7 J . w . Kellogg, "Uses of Electricity on Ship-
Engineering, August, 1945. board," reprinted from Marine Engineering, New
5 T. E. Cassey, "Alternating Current in the York, N.Y.
Electrical Plant on" Naval Vessels," vol. 44, Jour- 8 J o h n Oliver, "History of American Tech-
nal of the American Society of Naval Engineers, nology," Ronald Press Co., New York, N. Y.,
1932. 1956.


W.A. Hall, Associate Member: The authors have tion is also automatically necessitated. Perhaps
clearly and concisely enumerated and expounded this is not considered to be a disadvantage by the
upon the various design criteria for Naval Ship- Navy. I would appreciate it if one of the authors
board electrical 'systems. T h e y have pointed out would touch briefly on this point and explain the
the problems involved in engineering a power plant operation of this plant; (1) under its presently
that occupies minimum space, provides utmost calculated normal load, and (2) with the same nor-
reliability, contains the correct amount of reserve mal load expanded to take care of a 5 or 10 year
capacity when new, and yet which, later on, will anticipated growth. To me it seems as though a
be flexible enough to supply power to some new higher level of voltage should have been chosen
and hitherto unheard of weapon system. The for the generating plant in this case with perhaps
last mentioned portion of the p r o b l e m - - t h a t of some large motors operating directly at this volt-
anticipating the growth of the load for any partic- age and all other loads supplied through unit sub-
ular ships p l a n t - - is a k n o t t y one and I cer- stations located at the approximate centers of the
tainly cannot help with its solution. I would, loads. Again, I would like to hear the authors'
however, like to enlarge somewhat on the section views on this point.
entitled, "Outlook for the Future." The authors touch on the subject o f the 400-
In this particular section the authors state that cycle installation on the USS Timmerman. T h e y
the 450-volt 60-cycle system reached its practical state that the N a v y received a wealth of knowl-
design limit on the nuclear-powered carrier. The edge from this experiment and that the experi-
ship service power plant on this vessel, as illus- ment was a success. I am glad to see these state-
trated in Fig. 2, consists of eight 2500-kw turbine- ments. I would like to supplement them by add-
driven generators creating a total installed plant ing that, in Iny opinion, every segment of indus-
capacity of 20,000 kw exclusive of the diesel-driven try that contributed to the Timmerman plant
generators. profited by the knowledge gained while so doing.
It is true that some of these machines are spare For example, the General Electric Company built
units and that the eight machines will never be for this ship a 600-kw, 1000-volt, 400-cycle turboal-
paralleled but the fact is that the paralleling of ternator set designed to operate at 24,000 rpm.
just three of these machines would create a condi- After some initial troubles and some remodeling of
tion wherein the combined short-circuit-current the generator, the set was made to perform quite
capabilities of the generators would exceed the successfully. Brush life, however, remained a
interrupting capacity of the largest available low- problem because brushes seldomlasted more than
voltage air-circuit breakers. Probably it will not a few weeks. With the knowledge gained on the
be necessary to operate for any length of time with Timmerman set we have been able to build 12,000
three generators paralleled on the system but it is rpm sets of the same rating with complete success.
my opinion that in this case the 450-volt system In similar fashion we profited b y the develop-
has been pushed somewhat beyond its practical ment work that was performed for the Timmer-
limit. This system would appear to have lost man, in the areas of motors and motor-control
some of its flexibility because it has been pushed equipment. The knowledge acquired by us dur-
too far. If the normal load requirements increase ing the oft-time painful development stages has
to the point that operation of three generators is already proven valuable in other areas, and I am
necessary, then it appears that split-plant opera- sure will continue to prove valuable in the future.

594 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

Cdr. J. N. Thornburg, USN, Member: The authors only a small number of loads will be fed from a n y
have done an excellent job of providing a concise given feeder cable. The determination of total
exposition of electrical system design criteria power requirements is, of necessity, m u c h more
affecting US N a v a l ships. The continuing rapid complex and at best an approximation.
growth of warship electrical requirements and the A f t e r sizing the generators based on the esti-
added requirements imposed b y conversion from m a t e d load for the various operating conditions,
guns to missiles lends particular pertinence to the future load growth and the other criteria men-
"paper at this time. I t is incumbent on ship de- tioned in the paper, it is possible t h a t the number
signers in every engineering and naval architec- and size of generating units will result in require-
tural category to become increasingly aware of ments which are not compatible with the available
these criteria since the design of the electrical sys- space. In the design of warships some compro-
tem affects to some degree practically every space mise is inevitable in arriving at a well-integrated
on the ship. This paper, being couched in lan- design. I t is assumed t h a t such would be the case
guage easily understandable b y anyone with a here and t h a t the criteria for sizing the generator
minimum knowledge of electricity, provides a plant are not inviolate but should be m e t if at all
basis for the noneleetrical designer to understand possible.
the electrical system requirements. The US N a v y has consistently held to an un-
I t is realized t h a t time and space limitations grounded distribution system; t h a t is with a-c
precluded detailed t r e a t m e n t of all phases of this systems, a 3-phase, 3-wire distribution with insu-
subject. However, it is felt t h a t an expansion in lated neutral is used. I t might be valuable to re-
detail of some of the areas would be helpful. view the advantages and disadvantages for un-
Specifically, more detail on power analyses for grounded power-distribution systems.
generator sizing and some discussion of the con- Ungrounded distribution systems are suscep-
troversial aspects of grounded versus ungrounded tible to overvoltages of several times normal volt-
systems and radial versus network distribution age from several causes. Among these are:
seem pertinent. a) Inductive impedance phase-to-ground
The selection and size of the electrical generat-
ing plant, as is stated in the paper, depends on the b) Repetitive arcing or "restrike" resulting
preparation of an electrical load analysis. I t is from a sputtering or intermittent fault o n one
apparent t h a t this load analysis cannot be exact. phase. This m a y be the result of" successive
In a comprehensive circuit- which includes a large breakdown and sealoff of the space between con-
number of consuming devices, it is to a high degree ductor and ground, or to vibration causing a con-
of probability unlikely t h a t all of them w i l l b e in ducting cable to m a k e intermittent contact with
service at the same time. I t then is incumbent on ground, or from various other causes.
the system designer to arrive at some figure for c) I n a d v e r t e n t contact with higher voltage
weighing the various loads or groups of loads for circuits.
each operating condition so as to approximate the d) Resonantly tuned inductance-capacitance
probability of a particular load or group of loads load circuits.
being in service at a given time. The final sizing There m a y be other overvoltages from other
of the generator is dependent to a degree on the sources, b u t all of those listed can be prevented
accuracy of these "probability" estimates, which through the use of a grounded-neutral distribution
must be based largely on experience and engineer- system. I n industrial practice, most systems
ing. judgment. Guide lines for the estimation have been either designed to operate with a
of these "operating load factors" (which when grounded neutral or have converted from un-
multiplied b y the connected load give the demand grounded to grounded. Typically the outage rate
load for a particular operating condition) have and equipment damage are substantially reduced
been prepared b y the Bureau of Ships and are tab- after system grounding.
ulated in Design D a t a Sheet 6101-1. These .In addition to the inherent protection from
suggested factors should be approached with cau- overvoltages provided b y the grounded system,
tion in the design of a new ship since new types of another m a j o r advantage is t h a t line-to-ground
a r m a m e n t and variations in the propulsion plant faults are immediately cleared. While this is in-
m a y drastically alter the suggested factors for deed an advantage it also m a y be a disadvantage
large loads or groups of loads. in t h a t there is greater possibility of violation of
The problem is similar to t h a t of sizing feeder one of the m a j o r design criteria of the system,
cable. Here, though, the problem is m u c h sim- continuity of service. With an ungrounded sys-
pler and susceptible to more exact t r e a t m e n t since tem, service interruptions will not be experi-

U.S. Naval Ship Elecfrical Systems 595

eneed as a result of a single ground. Therefore, the network system permits larger fault currents.
continuity of service should be better with the un- I t is believed t h a t the Bureau of Ship's position
grounded system than with the grounded system. in using the radial rather than the network system
This presmnes t h a t the degree of supervision of is based primarily on the possibility of complete
naval ships is such that a single ground will be dis- loss of power, and secondarily on the fact t h a t the
covered prior to a second ground occurring. If network system results in somewhat more com-
such were the case, the interruptions in service due plexity and weight than a radial system. How-
to faults to ground would be eliminated on naval ever offsetting these factors is the fact t h a t in the-
ships except in the unlikely event of two grounds n e t w o r k system all power sources are parallelled
occurring simultaneously. Unfortunately the de- at the load and all load points receive power f r o m
tection of a single fault to ground is not always any generator in service and over at least three
easy. High-resistance grounds are particularly different paths. The result of having all power
difficult to detect and locate. Additionally, there sources contributing to all of the network at Gne
is always considerable leakage and capacitance to time is a reduction in frequency variations result-
ground on board ship caused by the enviromnent in ant from large loads being connected and discon-
which a ship's electrical system must operate. nected from the system. These two advantages,
The concept of a perfectly isolated system is of that is, better inherent frequency control and no
questionable validity. Without this isolation it interruption of service with a fault, should lead to
no longer can be claimed t h a t a single fault to a re-examination of the desirability of network
ground will not cause an interruption in service. systems in naval ships.
However, it m a y be claimed with some validity
t h a t there is a.greater likelihood of maintaining J. A. Wasmund, Member:In considering the prob-
continuity of service with the ungrounded sys- lems presented b y the very low-voltage a n d
tem. frequency tolerances required of missile, nuclear,
In view of the foregoing, it appears t h a t adher- and electronic installations on N a v y ships, it ap-
ence to an ungrounded system is questionable and pears t h a t the voltage problem has been brought
will become even more so as the systems become under control quite well b y the use of static excit-
more complex. With greatly enlarged and more ers and voltage regulators. As the authors point
complex systems and a scarcity of skilled techni- out, the frequency regulation of the distribution
cians, the possibility of undetected grounds in the system is controlled b y the governor of the prime
system increased rapidly. This added to the mover of the ship-service generator. I t appears
overvoltage disadvantage of the ungrounded sys- t h a t more thought given to the use of an electric
tem would seem to suggest a re-examination of the governor might produce worth-while results. The
policy of maintaining ungrounded electrical sys- electric governor load-sensing characteristic antic-
tems on naval ships. ipates frequency change and therefore is able to
The authors state t h a t all US N a v y ships used control to extremely close limits under conditions
radial distribution systems. I t might be pointed of changing load or other transient disturbances.
out t h a t this involves an apparent contradiction The statement is made t h a t shipboard power
oi the basic criterion of continuity of service. To has been standardized at either 60 cycles or 400
review briefly, in the radial system each load has cycles, with a later reference to variable-frequency
alternate paths. At any one time only one p a t h generators for reactor-coolant pumping power. I t
carries power from the generator to the load. If is true t h a t until recently these two frequencies
a fault or failure occurs in the connected path, an were used for practically all power but with the
alternate p a t h is switched in either automatically rapid growth in the application of nuclear power
or manually. This of necessity introduces a brief systems the use of 30-cycle and variable frequency
interruption in service with its concomitant diffi- from 15 to 60 cycles is becoming so prevalent t h a t
culties. I n . t h e network type of distribution sys- they are no longer an exception, but rather com-
tem each load is supplied through m a n y paths prise a good p a r t o f the power generated on board
simultaneously. If a fault or failure occurs then a modern nuclear vessel.
the failed branch is switched out and the remaining I t is mentioned t h a t m i n i m u m weight and space
branches carry the load. Therefore, there is no are primary considerations in design of motors.
interruption in service. I t could be pointed out t h a t these considerations
I t might appear from the foregoing t h a t the are also of great importance in design of switch-
network system would be preferable. However, gear and t h a t much work has been done along
it should be mentioned t h a t there is a possibility these lines. The majority of the nuclear sub-
of a complete loss of power under some cas- marines as well as the later aircraft carriers and
aulty conditions with a network system, and t h a t the nuclear cruiser C G N 9 are being outfitted with

596 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

aluminum-frame switchboards which effect a con- M. W. Pully, Member: The following comments
siderable saving in weight over comparable steel are offered as pertinent to the subject m a t t e r of
switchboards. the paper.
T h e authors make the s t a t e m e n t t h a t fuses are 1 In the foreword several methods of control-
not used in series with type AQB breakers greater ling the frequency of motor-driven generators are
than 100-amp frame size. However, they point mentioned. Another method is available in which
out later t h a t the AQB-LF250 is a standard N a v y a motor-generator set with a wound-rotor, induc-
breaker, using current limiting fuses with a 250- tion-motor driver is used and in which the motor
a m p frame AQB breaker. I t m a y be t h a t they speed is regulated automatically b y means of a fre-
had a different type of fuse application in mind in quency regulator acting on the wound-rotor-motor
making the original statement but there appears secondary resistance.
to be a contradiction. 2 Also it is stated t h a t the rectifier is replacing
Standardization in switchgear has been a goal the motor-generator set for direct-current power
of the Navy, not only in component parts as men- supply. The increasing use of the rectifier is dis-
tioned, but in entire switchboard units designed cussed later more fully. However, for m o t o r
for specific purposes. Ideally, this would permit driven deck machinery the rectifier has not yet
complete interchangeability between switchboard been proven satisfactory since present t y p e recti-
units from different manufacturers and also m a k e fiers are one way only and therefore do not permit
it possible to stock spare units for quick replace- the regenerative braking of overhauling loads
m e n t in damaged switchboards. Practically, required with most deck machinery.
though, the shipbuilders have been given so much 3 Class H insulation is mentioned as being ap-
latitude in designing electrical systems t h a t very plied where the ambient temperature is above 50 C.
few " s t a n d a r d " units have been applied without However, class H insulation is also used as a means
modifications. These standard units are being of reducing the weight of electrical equipment as in
designed to accept circuit-breaker assemblies from 400-cycle generators and 400-cycle transformers.
the various manufacturers on a completely inter- Although sufficient data for long-time opera-
changeable basis. tion m a y not be available to prove its moisture
I t also might be pointed out t h a t the difficul- resisting qualities, there also seems to be a definite
ties mentioned in connection with the electrical advantage of Class H insulation over classes A and
system on the USS Timmerman, DD828, were B in extremely d a m p or humid locations.
somewhat compounded b y the utilization of 1000
volts as well as the 400 cycles. The generation of Cdr. O. T. Estes, USCG, Member: There can be no
1000-volt power has been at least temporarily dis- quarrel with the statements made in this very in-
carded in favor of the 2400-volt study mentioned formative paper because these statements are
in this paper. true. However, it is felt t h a t the words used b y
I n the field of propulsion the authors point out the authors in comparing naval ships with com-
t h a t geared drive is not only more efficient but mercial ships lead to the inference t h a t the de-
requires less space and weighs less t h a n the elec- signers of merchant ships are not concerned with
tric propulsion system. This statement is un- c o n t i n u i t y of service. This is not the case.
deniably true and in addition it also might have True the N a v y is concerned with continuous
been stated t h a t the first cost of electric propul- power supply to vital circuits, including systems
sion is considerably higher. In spite of these three considered vital such as missile systems, guns,
strikes against us, we in the electrical business are and so on, which the commercial ships do not even
still able to apply electric drive to vessels requir- possess, b u t continuity of power to vital circuits
ing high maneuverability a n d / o r constant horse- is not overlooked in commercial ships.
power at the propeller under a wide range of ship Electrical systems common to b o t h naval and
conditions and propeller speeds. m e r c h a n t ships, which are required for the safety
I t has been bur experience t h a t the series loop of ship and personnel, such as lighting, com-
circuit with a number of generators feeding a sin- " munieations, emergency loudspeakers (battle
gle propulsion motor usually has sufficient advan- announcing), damage control . a n d fire-fighting
tages to dictate its use. However, for vessels equipment are considered vital in b o t h types of
requiring more t h a n 9.000 hp in a single-armature vessels. These vital systems are usually supplied
m o t o r and utilizing three or more generator sets, a through automatic transfer switchgear to emer-
study should be made comparing series-connected gency systems both in naval and merchant ships.
generators with parallel-connected generators in Generally, emergency power for naval surface
order to m a k e certain t h a t the system offering the ships is provided b y means of emergency diesel-
greatest number of advantages is used. generator sets. In cases of failure of the ship's

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 597

service power supply the emergency sets m u s t be it is from this standpoint t h a t I venture to com-
started (usually automatically) before emergency m e n t on this very valuable paper. Although the
power is available for most vital circuits. In large requirements of the two services differ to a very
commercial passenger ships greater continuity of large extent, nevertheless each has something to
power supply to vital circuits is provided t h a n is learn from the other and all m u s t benefit in the
available on most naval surface ships. This is long run from this type of paper.
accomplished b y providing a storage b a t t e r y as a Reliability and continuity of service are essen-
t e m p o r a r y source of emergency power for the vital tials in merchant ships b u t possibly not to the
circuits, and b y using a diesel-generator set as a same extent, nor for the same resaons, as in N a v a l
final source of emergency power designed to back vessels. Neither is weight, within reason, of out-
up the t e m p o r a r y source. standing importance. The N a v a l practice of
For example, emergency lighting on board pas- physical separation of generators is not followed
senger vessels is of utmost importance. One in merchant ships although advantages would
merely has to visualize the stampede which could accrue in respect of short-circuit protection were
result in a darkened ship with passengers crowding it possible to do so. The growth in generating
to the lifeboat to see the need for emergency light- capacity, all concentrated at one point on the
ing at all costs. Here, in the commercial ship, main switchboard, is leading to difficulty i t / p r o -
emergency lighting is maintained through floating viding adequate MVA rating in the circuit break-
emergency batteries directly or through conver- ers. Physical and electrical separation would al-
sion units in a fashion similar to t h a t described by leviate the difficulties which arise from the prac-
the authors for the distribution systems in nuclear tice of adhering to 450 volts ac for generation.
submarines. These emergency batteries are usu- T h e y could be m e t b y generating at, say 3.3 kv,
ally backed up b y automatically started emer- and transforming down at load centers. There
gency diesel generators which form the final emer- can be no objection to 3.3 kv, or even higher, on
gency system. the grounds of danger to personnel as 450 volts is
The foregoing comments are not intended as lethal anyhow; neither would it be a n y less reli-
criticism of the paper but rather to clear up any able. The higher voltage would reduce the
misconception t h a t might develop in regard to magnitude of the currents involved which is the
merchant-ship design. crux of the problem particularly with regard to
" m a k i n g " as distinct from "breaking." I t is
R. S. Berney, Associate Member: About a year ago therefore interesting to note t h a t the United States
one of our leading tanker operators approached N a v y is now studying the possibility of using a
us with the idea of installing some additional cargo 2400-volt system. Although loads in merchant
pumps. T h e y already had discussed with the ships have been steadily creeping up it would
General Electric C o m p a n y the possibility of using seem t h a t there m a y be a steeper rise in the near
a highez~ voltage inasmuch as the p u m p s would future owing to a trend towards greater use of air
require higher power than a 440-volt system conditioning. N o t only is this now being ex-
could handle satisfactorily. After consultation it tended throughout passenger accommodation but
was decided t h a t the 2300-volt plant would be crew and officers' quarters are being brought in
entirely satisfactory. We therefore had the and this trend will not be confined to passenger
pleasure of working with General Electric and the ships. Stabilizers and degaussing also call for
tanker people in the development of this system more generating capacity.
and the result was t h a t two 2300-volt pumping There is another difference between N a v a l and
motors were installed in the engine room to replace merchant ship requirements which deserves con-
two of the existing pumps. sideration. Merchant ships and tankers in par-
I believe we should work toward the develop- ticular are at sea under virtually full power con-
m e n t of 2300-volt pumping systems not only for ditions for much longer periods than most N a v a l
tankers, passenger ships, and N a v a l vessels, but craft and electrical equipment is therefore being
also wherever it would be possible to use the used, except for short periods when in harbor, at
higher voltage. or near its full rating for a greater proportion of
its life. A N a v a l vessel in peacetime spends con-
G. O. Watson, 4 Visitor: M y personal experience siderable periods in N a v a l dockyards and when at
has been mainly with merchant ships with only a sea operates mainly at cruising speed which gene-
slight acquaintance with N a v a l requirements, and rally means half power or less. When in commis-
sion the domestic services for the crew will of
4 Retired, formerly Principal Electrical Engineer Sur- course be at full power b u t under peacetime con-
veyor, Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Address, 15 Prentis
Road, Streatham, London S. W. 16, England. ditions propulsion equipment will be lightly loaded

598 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

and fighting equipment will be loaded only during I note particularly the introduction of the new
practice and maneuvers. Such equipment, if fused AQB circuit breaker with an interrupting
rated on normal standards, will therefore have a capacity of 100,000 amp. One of the major prob-
longer life and will be in better shape when re- lems with circuit breakers is t h a t of making on a
quired under battle conditions. I t also will be short circuit. Will this new circuit breaker be-
capable of sustaining prolonged overloads, "if re- have satisfactorily if the current is 100,000 a m p on
quired, without permanent injury. On the other closing? I t would seem to me t h a t what m a y be
hand it might be worth while in some cases to required is a breaker in which t h e "free handle"
authorize a higher temperature rise if the conse- principle does not operate on short circuits so t h a t
quent reduction in weight is beneficial without the contacts remain closed, leaving the fuses to
sacrificing reliability. In some countries, e.g., clear the circuit. Otherwise the c o n t a c t s m a y
Germany, Russia, and so on, this factor is recog- start to separate' before the fuse has had time to
nized commercially and intermittently rated ma- clear.
chines are given a higher temperature rise. The
argument is t h a t standard temperatures for con- A. J. Stromsted, Member: Although the electrical
tinuous ratings are based on a 20-year life and ma- systems installed on modern N a v y ships are the
chines only in use intermittently will also have a result of m a n y years of intensive study, research
20-year life with a slightly higher temperature. and testing and whereas constantly undergoing
Although small extra services m a y be added in developments in the methods and means b y which
merchant ships, particularly in passenger ships, the various component functions are being
they generally can be regarded as static, and pro- achieved, it appears t h a t the criteria guiding the
vision for future growth in demands is not usually over-all designs m u s t remain essentially un-
taken into account. I t is understandable however .changed.
t h a t some such provision is essential in Naval I t is therefore difficult to find a n y point of issue
craft. As far as ac motors are concerned care within the frame of the paper, with which either
needs to be taken t h a t they are not too large for to take exception or a b o u t which further en-
the job. If they run much below their full-load lightenment might be deemed desirable.
rating the power factor will be very poor and this T h e paper could perhaps have digressed a
will affect the whole system. The practice of little further on the system of control and the
selecting tlle next larger standard m o t o r m u s t means of protection against faults and untimely
therefore be exercised with caution. The me- disturbances t h a t are employed in normal opera-
chanical engineer already m a y have included a tion of the network of plant circuitry used in the
margin in hand a n d the two margins together comparatively complex arrangement shown in
m a y be relatively very large. Fig. 2.
British practice is in future to be based on con- With the great number of different combinations
tinuot~s m a x i m u m ratings for generators and mo- of interconnections possible in a system as
tors, i.e., without sustained overload ratings and flexible as the one shown, it would appear t h a t a
will thus be in line with United States N a v y prac- brief outline of the means and methods employed
tice as described in the paper. in making the system practicably workable with
A type of generator which is gaining ground in reference to control and protection under the
Europe is the self-excited ac generator; i.e., dis- various conditions of operation m i g h t h a v e been
pensing with c o m m u t a t o r - t y p e exciters and using desirable.
rectifiers. These have proved very satisfactory However this is a small point and does in no
in service although the ratings available at pres- way detract from the admirable quality of the
ent are limited to about 400 to 500 kw. The paper as a briefing document in electrical marine
response to loads suddenly switched on, such as engineering or either a student of naval archi-
the starting currents of relatively large induction tecture, the host of marine designers and
motors, is excellent. The voltage dip is reason- builders not directly associated with the electrical
able for added loads of considerable magnitude phases of ship design, and last b u t not least for
and subsequent recovery is very rapid. N o t only the electrically informed designer who through
is an exciter dispensed with but so also is the auto- this medium receives the benefit of new thoughts
matic voltage regulator and there is considerable on an old subject from the know-how gathered
latitude in synchronizing. Voltage dip is inherent from the years of experience and research t h a t
in any design and cannot be eliminated; commer- forms, the background of U.S. N a v y designs in the
cial machines of this type will maintain the volt- marine electrical field.
age under normal loading conditions to within While the paper, as denoted b y its title, chiefly
1 X per cent. concerns itself with design criteria specifically

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 599

applicable to electrical systems for naval ships, of the nuclear-powered carrier. We believe t h a t
the basic principles underlying the arrangements this 450-volt system is adequate. In a ship of
of circuitry, safeguards, and so on, are quite this type, one of the main design criteria is t h a t
closely related to t h a t motivating the corre- the generating system must be sized so t h a t the
sponding installations on a commercial vessel, the total battle load will still be carried when a .
main difference being one of degree, rather than of casualty causes the loss of the generators in two
philosophy, as determined b y cost considerations adjacent machinery spaces. Normally the gen-
t h a t of necessity m u s t be more stringent in a erators do not operate in parallel at battle load
commercial ship design than those applying to but rather at what Mr. Hall refers to as split
N a v y installations. T h e paper is therefore no plant; t h a t is, each generator operates b y itself
less useful to the merchant marine designer than feeding loads connected to its bus. Now assume
to one principally occupied with straight N a v y that a generator fails due to loss of its turbine-
designs. generator condenser circulating pump.
After due allowance has been made for the more Referring to the section of the paper on system
rigid requirements for electrical installations on circuitry, the vital loads are fed b y at least two
N a v y ships, both in regard to duty, dependability sources of power, a normal and an emergency. If
and flexibility under all conditions of military the normal supply ceases because of generator
operations, the aims of a designer of commercial failure, the automatic bus transfer will switch
ships are essentially the same as those o f the naval the load to the supply from the emergency switch-
electrical ship designer, except for the circuitry of board. Fig. 2 shows the bus ties between the
purely military nature, even if the latter m a y come ship-service switchboards and the emergency
closer to realizing the dream of an infallible switchboards. The bus of the emergency switch-
system than the former who cost-wise is under a board is always energized b y a ship-service gen-
greater restraint. erator through one of these bus ties. There is an
For all the inherent differences in purpose and electrical interlock on the emergency switchboard
ultimate attainments between the two distinct which controls the energizing of the bus. T h e
classifications of ship design, the paper gives a interlock is designed so t h a t there is a normal feed
concisely organized birds-eye view of the problems from a ship-service generator and if this generator
involved in the development of a modern electri- fails then the interlock will connect the alternate
cal installation on shipboard in general. ship-service generator to the emergency bus. The
While the scope of a subject such as this, emergency generator will not start up and feed
obviously permits only a brief and generalized the bus until both the normal and the alternate
mention of the m a n y criteria entering into the feeds from the ship-service generators fail. In
design of specifically naval electrical ship installa- laying out the distribution system, the loads
tions, the paper indeed gives a clear conception of placed on each generator are such t h a t sufficient
tire main principles such an installation entails, margifi is left for this switching of loads from one
and in sufficient detail to m a k e even the casual generator to another. Thus, we have a system
reader realize t h a t a ship's electrical system is in which is b o t h flexible and reliable. T h e system
essence a life-giving system, one might say a protection is designed for normal operation of two
life-giving circulatory system in addition to generators in parallel. The ultimate load require-
constituting the "ship's nervous s y s t e m " as it has ments are considered in the basic design so as to
once been called, not only extremely intricate provide a system which will be equally as reliable.
and finely divided b u t also, unlike most nervous 15 years hence as it is today.
systems, capable of constant rejuvenation and The authors agree with C o m m a n d e r Thorn-
expansion. bury's comments on the preparation of the
electrical-load analysis and the grounded distribu-
tion system. There are a few points which we
Authors' Closure would like to add to the discusser's comments.
The Design D a t a Sheet 6101-1 is in the process of
T h e authors are grateful to those who have being revised. A number of the load factors
commented on this paper. We feel t h a t each is a listed in the sheet are incorrect for ships with
significant discussion which also serves to indicate missile installations.
more than a general interest in the paper. Extensive studies have been made b y the N a v y
Mr. Hall and Mr. Stromsted requested a brief to determine if advantages exist in using the
description of the operation of the electric plant of grounded distribution system on its ships. Si-
a supercarrier shown in Fig. 2 of the paper. T h e multaneous failures of a group of motors would be
system shown in the figure is not the power system an indication of an abnormal voltage to ground.

600 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

Over a 3-year period motor failures of electrical N o r m a l type A fuses for single load-fault pro-
origin amounted to 0.2 per cent of the total motors tection are not backed up with AQB breakers of
operating on N a v y ships. This included electrical greater than 100 a m p frame size in order to obtain
failures from all causes such as excessive moisture. selectivity between the breaker and the fuse. T h e
This would seem to indicate we were not getting fuses utilized in the AQB-LF 100 and 250 breakers
m a n y abnormal voltages between line conductors are of a current limiting t y p e C co-ordinated with
and ground. I n s t r u m e n t s were placed aboard the the breaker to protect the breaker on fault cur-
USS Hornet (CVA 12) for 6 months to record the rents above the normal interrupting capacity of
transient over-voltages. T h e transients during the breaker. These breakers can be used directly
this period were uniformly distributed among the on a 450-volt system having 100,000-amp fault
three phases and occurred at infrequent intervals, current with no back-up breakers. T h e normal
indicating t h a t the abnormal voltages were the 100-amp frame size AQB has an interrupting
result of switching operations. Power failures at rating of 15,000 a m p and the 250 frame size has an
a critical time could be disastrous to a naval ship. interrupting rating of 20,000 amp.
As C o m m a n d e r T h o r n b u r y points out, the un- In regard to the standard switchboard units, it
grounded distribution system is preferred on naval is true t h a t modifications are made to the standard
ships because power is not interrupted due to line units b u t in general these are relatively minor
to ground faults. T h e zero sequence current and a shipyard can take a standard unit from
caused b y ground faults is below t h a t required to stock and easily m a k e these modifications for a
actuate direct-acting trip devices used in ship- complete switchboard replacement. In practi-
board circuit breakers. I t seems t h a t the N a v y cally all cases, though, interehangeability between
foresaw the discusser's c o m m e n t concerning a re- the breaker assemblies of different manufacturers
e:~amination of the network distribution system. is maintained.
A new study of the network system has just been I t was not the intent of the authors to give the
completed. T h e results indicate t h a t the radial impression t h a t electric propulsion ,is no longer of
system is more reliable and economical for N a v y major importance. In some ship applications it
ships. A nuclear-powered ship has the majority is still the natural choice and the N a v y has
of its electrical load centralized in the machinery several ship studies at the present time in which
spaces. In the radial system, the generators are electric propulsion is being considered seriously.
also installed in the machinery space which puts In fact electric propulsion would be a natural
the load right at the source of supply. I n the choice if some of the projects for direct generation
nuclear ship, the emergency generators are of electrical energy are realized.
basically required for the reactor-plant startup. Regarding the applicability of series loop versus
To operate the emergency generators in the net- parallel loop system for d-c propulsion systems the
work would defeat the purpose of the nuclear ship authors heartily recommend the paper b y Mr.
since its endurance is dependent upon liquid fuel. Wasmund, entitled "Series Versus Parallel Con-
T h e problem of current limiters has not changed nected Generators for Multiple D-C Electric
since the N a v y started studying networks in 1941. Ship Propulsion Systems" A I E E Transactions,
T h e state of art is such t h a t there is no limiter de- 1954.
signed to take the high current surges of the 450- T h e authors are in general agreement with Mr.
volt system. Right now the network design is Pully's discussion. We would like to add that
just not feasible for N a v y ships. a squirrel-cage induction motor utilizing control
Mr. W a s m u n d brings up several points of inter- of primary-voltage input to the motor b y means
est. Utilizing governors having frequency load- of magnetic amplifiers controlling the motor slip
sensing characteristics are being investigated by also can be used to control the frequency of
the Bureau of Ships. B u t our problem is t h a t often motor-driven generators. These methods of con-
the frequency requirements of special loads are so trolling the frequency are being tested b y the
stringent that they require special power supplies. N a v y . As yet, no conclusive results are available.
With reference to the 15-cycle and 30 to 60-cycle We agree with C o m m a n d e r Estes' c o m m e n t that
variable-frequency requirements for pumping the comparison of commercial with N a v y ships
power for some of the nuclear-power systems being does ,not give due credit to the emphasis placed on
installed, it is expected t h a t utilization of two- continuity of service on commercial ships. I t
speed p u m p s will eliminate this requirement. was not intended to d e t r a c t from the necessity of
One of the factors continually encountered in supplying alternate power supplies to the Vital
ship design is t h a t of equipment weight and spaee circuits which ceffainly do exist on commercial
requirements. Pressure is always exerted to re- ships. T h e intent was rather to stress the exis-
duce weight and space of electrical system. tence of a greater variety of loads which receive

U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems 601

emergency power on a N a v y ship and the resul- three phases of the breaker, to insure against
tant larger emergency electric plant capacity. single phasing. The interrupting characteristics
For example, the nuclear carrier has 72 per cent of the silver sand fuse are based on the rate of rise
of the ship-service connected electrical load tied of the fault current. At this high available
into the emergency electric plant. I t e m s such as fault the fuse acts much more rapidly than the
400-cycle motor generators for aircraft servicing, breaker contacts. Other features of this t y p e
airplane elevator motors, electronic detection, and breaker not previously explained are:
ordnance equipment all m u s t have emergency 1 All overload or fault currents up to 11,000
power available. Also, it is not as likely t h a t the a m p for the 100-amp frame size and up to 15,000
ship-service generating plant on a ship such as a amp for the 250-amp frame size are interrupted
carrier would be totally disable even with its b y the circuit breaker without blowing or dam-
more hazardous mission. T h e generators are so aging the fuse. Such currents are interrupted
located in separate watertight machinery boxes without causing a n y change in the time-current
t h a t the likelihood of total derangement is mini- characteristics of the fuse. All fault currents,
mized. Naturally these requirements are nonex- within the band of 11,000 to 14,000 a m p for the
istent on a commercial ship. 100-amp frame size and 15,000 to 18,000 a m p for
, Mr. Watson's discussion of British merchant the 250-amp frame size are cleared b y either the
ship electrical design proved very interesting. circuit breaker or the fuse.
Regarding the fused AQB circuit breaker, if the 2 For fault currents above the interrupting
available fault current is 100,000 a m p on closing, rating of the circuit breaker to at least 100,000
the fuse will act to clear the fault before the amp, the fuse protects the breaker from being
breaker contacts start to open. This in turn damaged b y clearing the fault current before the
operates a mechanical interloek which opens all circuit breaker.

602 U.S. Naval Ship Electrical Systems

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