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Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1


Special points of in-

Briefly highlight your
point of interest here.

All about Ivy Briefly highlight your

point of interest here.
Final Digital Media
Briefly highlight your
The day I got Ivy was just a nor- point of interest here.
mal day. My friends and I were
swimming on a hot summer day. Briefly highlight your
I had been talking about how point of interest here.
badly I wanted a dog because all
my other friends had dogs and I
was the only one who didnt have
one. A few hours later these two
girls were selling puppies! I
couldnt believe it! It felt like it
was fate. So I decided to take
one of the dogs and name her
Ivy. I couldnt tell my mom be-
cause I knew she was going to
tell me to take the dog back so I
decided to take Ivy home and
surprise my mom! As soon as
she walked in the door she fell in
love with Ivy as quickly as I did.
She was mad at first but ex-
pected the idea of having a pup-
py in our life.

Ivy and Eddie

Ivy and Eddie don't always get
along but they do get along for
the most part. They have a spe-
cial bond that can never be bro-
ken! They are my best friends.
Eddie and I usually take Ivy out in
the after noon because we arent
morning people at all! So that is
our favorite time of the day.
Page 2 All about Ivy

Inside Story Headline

On October 31, 1999, at around
Caption describing picture 01:50 EST, Flight 990 plummeted
or graphic. into the Atlantic Ocean, about 60
miles (97 km) south of Nantucket
Island, Massachusetts, in inter-
national waters, killing all 217
people on board. The exact cause
is disputed; Egyptian investiga-
tors concluded that the aircraft
crashed as a result of mechani-
cal failure, while U.S. investiga-
tors concluded the aircraft was
deliberately crashed in an ap-
parent suicide.

Inside Story Headline

To catch Russian President Boris he installed as a strong- Chechnya's neighbor
the reader's Yeltsin's increasingly man to crush the resur- Dagestan in August. Af-
erratic behavior led to his gence of guerrilla war- ter several terrorist
attention, dismissal and appoint- fare by Islamic militants bombings in Moscow
ment of three prime min- in Chechnya. Just three and other cities in Sep-
place an isters in 1999. After years after the bloody tember that were as-
sacking Yevgeny Prima- 1994-96 Chechen- sumed to have been
interesting kov in May and Sergei Russian war ended in planted by Islamic mili-
sentence or Stepashin in August, devastation and stale- tants, Russia again
Yeltsin settled mate, the fighting started turned its ire on Chech-
quote from on Vladimir Putin, whom again, erupting first in nya, launching air strikes
the story

Inside Story Headline

The right to impeach from office on impeach- and conviction by the
public officials is secured ment for, and conviction Senate. Impeachment
by the U.S. Constitu- of, treason, bribery, or requires a majority vote
tion in Article I, Sections other high crimes and of the House; conviction
2 and 3, which discuss misdemeanors. is more difficult, requiring
the procedure, and in a two-thirds vote by the
Article II, Section 4, Removing an official Senate. The vice presi-
which indicates the from office requires two dent presides over the
grounds for impeach- steps: (1) a formal accu- Senate proceedings in
ment: the President, sation, or impeachment, the case of all officials
Caption describing picture Vice President, and all by the House of Repre- except the president,
or graphic. civil officers of the United sentatives, and (2) a trial whose trial is presided
States shall be removed over by the Chief Justice
Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 1

Inside Story Headline

(especially given the limi- the-scenes footage of the
The Blair Witch Project is tations of a small budget) filmmakers romping
an incredibly scary movie and The Blair Witch Pro- around and interviewing
scrapped together by two ject emerges as one of locals quickly darkens as
men fresh out of film the most promising films the crew gets lost in the
school, with virtually no in recent memory. forest and the film builds
cast, budget, or special with insidious malignant
effects. Fear of the un- momentum. Ominous
known, of rising panic in The premise is this: a
three-person documen- augers accumulate into
presences felt but not horrible episodes. The
seen yield much more tary film crew heads to
the Maryland woods to audience only sees what
dread and primal tension the crew filmed; the low
than commonplace com- make a quick piece
-budget documentary Caption describing pic-
puter-generated mon- about a grim local legend
Blair Witch. What be- style actually enhances ture or graphic.
strosities. Add a heavy the fear and insures The
dose of creativity gins with goofy behind-
Blair Witch Project's raw

Inside Story Headline

To catch the
On January 10th, 1999. An angel
was born 0 reader's attention,
place an interesting
sentence or quote
from the story

Caption describing pic-

Inside Story Headline
ture or graphic.
This story can fit 75-125 words. Microsoft Publisher includes
thousands of clip art images
Selecting pictures or graphics is from which you can choose and
an important part of adding import into your newsletter.
content to your newsletter. There are also several tools you
Think about your article and ask can use to draw shapes and
yourself if the picture supports symbols.
or enhances the message youre Once you have chosen an image,
trying to convey. Avoid selecting place it close to the article. Be
images that appear to be out of sure to place the caption of the
context. image near the image.

Were on the Web! This would be a good place to insert a short

paragraph about your organization. It might include the purpose of the organization, its Business Tagline or Motto
mission, founding date, and a brief history.
You could also include a brief list of the types
of products, services, or programs your
organization offers, the geographic area
covered (for example, western U.S. or Euro-
pean markets), and a profile of the types of
customers or members served.
It would also be useful to include a contact
name for readers who want more infor- Primary Business Address
mation about the organization. Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555

Back Page Story Headline

This story can fit 175-225 words. a good way to give your newslet- vendors every third Tuesday of
ter a personal touch. If your the month, or a biannual charity
If your newsletter is folded and organization is small, you may auction.
mailed, this story will appear on want to list the names of all
the back. So, its a good idea to If space is available, this is a
make it easy to read at a glance. good place to insert a clip art
If you have any prices of stand- image or some other graphic.
A question and answer session is ard products or services, you
a good way to quickly capture can include a listing of those
the attention of readers. You can here. You may want to refer your
either compile questions that readers to any other forms of
youve received since the last communication that youve cre-
edition or you can summarize ated for your organization.
some generic questions that are
frequently asked about your You can also use this space to
organization. remind readers to mark their
calendars for a regular event,
A listing of names and titles of such as a breakfast meeting for
managers in your organization is

Caption describing picture or


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