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HOW DEMONSTRATED (write your notes

here and bring this to your interview )

-The school it's for primary to its include

from age 7 to 12 and teaches all subject for
Professionalism and Understanding a student, and every classroom have
around 21 students, every teacher has a
Please give a brief description of the school, i.e. boys/girls, size, special class it's only for ladies and its in
location. Curriculum and texts used the Sharjah correctly (alquoz).
What different subjects are taught?
- English and math and sense.
1 What did you enjoy most about your practicum?
-I enjoy most when I teach the student and
have same game with him.

What challenges did you face? -When the teacher let me stay with two
classroom alone and dont know what to
What did you do to show your commitment to your job as a do.
teacher in the school?
-do control for the student in classroom
and help the special need student at the
How did you collaborate with your MST and other teachers in
the school? -Respect him and share our opinion and
ask to them if I need thing.
Describe a typical day in your school.
-It was really best day in my life because I
like children.

-I learn the planning before the

starting the classroom its
Planning for Learning importing because if you dont
have plan you will lost the all most
What did you learn about planning during the practicum? time without do anything.

What challenges did you face when preparing your two - The challenges were when I let
activities? the child installation the toys, and
they don't know the shape.
Explain how you used Learning Outcomes to guide your
planning. -I use learning outcomes, only I
change the topic for my planning
and add the outcomes topic.
They have different strategies to
Implementing and Managing Learning
manage the classroom one of them is
follow the classroom rules , and before
start the class she say to student what
What strategies did you see your MST use to manage the will did for today also she give gift for
children? student hows was distinct during the

3 The gift strategies because everyone

Which were the most effective strategies you observed? wants have the gift.
I learn the different way to managing
the student behave you shed be strong
Describe a activity you taught and what you learned with the student and don't prank all
about managing student behavior and learning while the time if you all the time laugh they
teaching. will not fear you.

Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation

They monitoring for each student they

How did your teacher monitoring students when they move between the groups and see all
were working in pair/small groups? student work.

Did you ever see a student having trouble with her/his The student hows especially need ,
work? W hat did the teacher do to help? she dont finish her work with other
student , so the teacher give for her
more time and more attention.

Critical Reflection
They say to me you more practice to
how to talk with the student and do
What was the most important professional feedback you more control.
received from your mentor teachers?

I want improve the wiring way ,

What would you like to improvement based on reflections write with iPod than papers.
of school-based activities?
I proud when I do the control for two
classrooms alone and when I teach the
What are you most proud of from your teaching practice student and let them to enjoy the class
experience? room.

Were you able to make links between what you did at I Links between the roles for the
college and what you observed or experienced during classroom hows the miss Maryam
TP? Give an example. gave to me in the TP also the children

What do you think are important things to study at

We need to have more presentation in
college to ensure that you are well prepared for TP?
the classroom because when the
student did the presentation they will
be more ability to stand and teach

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