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Treasuring Words of Wisdom

Proverbs 3:1-6

When something in the Bible is repeated it means it is something
very important. 1:8, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1, 6:1, 7:1

We should never forget that the decisions our parents made

concerning their spiritual life had a tremendous impact on our
lives. (My parents laid a treasure before me.)

I. A long life of peace (vs. 1-2)

a. Basing your decisions on Gods Word brings long
life and peace.

II. The Family Heirloom (vs. 2-4)

a. The most precious jewels are mercy and truth.
b. They should be around your neck for the world to
see and on your heart for God to see.

III. Trust Means Relationship (vs. 5-6)

a. The Word trust means to depend on and feel
comfortable in the decision.
Illustration: Going on vacation.
b. Why does a God who is willing to make sacrifices
to prove his love have to ask us to trust him?
c. A road/path is often used to describe our lives.

To see the results of following Gods path/direction we should look
at our children.

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