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Sophia Salcido #27


Literature Questions 1-6


1. I would have liked to witness the scene in the story because I think it would have been

interesting to watch how the birds would handle their current situation.

2. (a) According to Jim Baker the blue jays are special because they are the most fluent, and best

talkers, compared to other animals. (b) Jim Baker admires the blue jays because of their

excellent grammar. (c) An example in which Jim Baker admires the blue jays are And another

thing : Ive noticed a good deal, and theres no bird, or cow, or anything that uses as good

grammar as a blue jay.

3. (a) The blue jay drops the acorn in a hole or in other word a chimney. (b) The blue jay cant

hear the acorn drop because as it goes down the chimney you wouldn't be able to hear it drop.

(c) The title is What Stumped the Blue Jays because they were perplexed by the fact that

they could not fill the hole(chimney).

4. (a) The detail that blue jays converse more than other animals shows the very nature of the

blue jays themselves. (b) The human characteristic that Mark Twain gives the blue jays is the

ability to speak. (c) Using Jim Baker as the narrator of the story is more entertaining because it

gives a whole new point of view of the story from the eyes of a character.

5. (a) The blue jays come back for years to look at the hole in order to make sense of the

mystery of the endless hole. Or they came to remember the memory of the absurdity of the
situation. (b) The blue jays reaction to the situation of the house full of acorns was different

from the owls because the blue jays believe it is funny because of the absurdity of their actions,

the owl thinks it was a situation of ignorance, and he does not think the overall situation was

funny.(c) The blue jays show the different ways people might react to their mistakes, some

may laugh it off , others may feel shame.

6. When you make a mistake while playing a game at recess you are able to laugh about it. But

when you forget to stop at a stop light you will end up in a car crash, that is something not to

laugh about.

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