Standard Lesson Plan Format 2

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I. Describe the Class

The class is a fifth grade class with 18 students. There is one student who is blind,
one gifted student who read at a seventh grade level, and an ESL student.

II. Subject/Skill:

The subject is History and the skills the students will need are reading and
writing, skills I know they have.

III. Objective(s)

Students will learn about important buildings and landmarks in history. They will
be using books in the classroom, books from the library, and computers for more
detailed research. They will further advance their writing skills through the papers
they will write for the project.

IV. Procedures

1. Students will learn about important buildings and landmarks in history. They
will be using books in the classroom, books from the library, and computers
for more detailed research. The will further advance their writing skills
through the papers they will write for the project. Grades will be given on
information found, appropriateness of websites used, grammar, presentation,
and references.
2. Students will already need to know how to read, how to follow an outline to
write a paper, how to use a computer to search for information, and how to
read information. All of these skills were done in previous lesson plans, so I
know that my students will have the proper skills to get the assignment done.
The purpose of this lesson is to
3. I will be presenting what I expect from my students through PowerPoint as
well as through the book World Famous Landmarks by Cynthia Adams. I will
create a sample paper of what I expect from my students which will include a
picture of the landmark/building and then a filled in outline of what I want to
see in their essays. I will also be giving them a copy of the outline that they
can use as reference as they write their essays. We will be using the books in
the classroom, take a trip to the library to get more books, and use computers
to do research.
4. The structured practice I will use will be through the PowerPoint presentation
and the review of the filled out outline that I will present to the class. I will
also give the students a blank outline and ask them questions about what I will
be expecting from them to make sure that students begin to grasp the project.
The guided practice will be me presenting the children with a landmark and I
will give them brief description of the landmark. Students will then take the
blank copies of the outlines and write down what I am asking of them to be
presented in their final essays. I will walk around the classroom to ensure that
students are writing the correct responses and are staying on track. I will also
take this time for students to come to me if they have an extra questions about
what is expected of them in their essays. After all of this, students will begin
their projects on their own.

V. Materials

VI. Grouping Structures

VII. Modifications

VIII. Assessment

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