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General plan of final thesis

(Following plan is applicable in corresponding extent to any level of qualification work)

Working title of the thesis

Name of student

Working structure of the thesis (study):

1. Introduction - It is written in the end of the work on FT and should contain: (a)
Problem definition, (b) research objective (what to do?) and background of the
research (why to do it?), (c) relevance of research for cognition of reality
scientific, and for society -practical, (d) contents and structure of the study

2. Overview of literature (relevant to the studied problem and research objective)

with an aim to assess and present attained level of cognition relevant to the set
research objective;

3. Theoretical and empirical framework

3.1. Basic concepts (terminology) specification: discussion and definitions,
3.2. Relevant theories and basic facts supporting these theories overview;

4. Research questions and hypotheses

4.1. Research questions which should be answered through the research: their
selection and justification,
4.2. Research hypotheses (What results and why we can expect? One research
hypothesis per research question.);

5. Data availability and quality: A critical review

5.1. Data sources (existence and availability)
5.2. Used data quality (detail and reliability of available data used in the

6. Methodology (of the research)

6.1. Adopted approach(es)
6.2. Used methods: Their selection and justification

7. Answering research questions (through description, analysis, and synthesis of

data and existing knowledge, presenting new findings and examining (rejecting
or non-rejecting) the working hypotheses) This is the main body of the FT and
usually consists of several chapters.

8. Conclusions (overview of principal findings, formulation of recommendations for

future data collection and further research orientation)

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