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Subject Code: 10MEL68 IA Marks: 25

Hours/Week: 03 Exam Hours: 03

Total Hours: 42 Exam Marks: 50


Study of a FEA package and modeling stress analysis of

a. Bars of constant cross section area, tapered cross section area and stepped bar 6 Hours
b. Trusses (Minimum 2 exercises) 3 Hours
c. Beams Simply supported, cantilever, beams with UDL, beams with varying load etc
(Minimum 6 exercises)
12 Hours


a) Stress analysis of a rectangular plate with a circular hole. 3 Hours

b) Thermal Analysis 1D & 2D problem with conduction and convection boundary conditions
(Minimum 4 exercises) 9 Hours
c) Dynamic Analysis
1) Fixed fixed beam for natural frequency determination
2) Bar subjected to forcing function
3) Fixed fixed beam subjected to forcing function 9 Hours

Reference Books:
1. A first course in the Finite element method, Daryl L Logan, Thomason, Third Edition
2. Fundaments of FEM, Hutton McGraw Hill, 2004
3. Finite Element Analysis, George R. Buchanan, Schaum Series

Scheme for Examination:

One Question from Part A - 20 Marks (05 Write up +15)
One Question from Part B - 20 Marks (05 Write up +15)
Viva-Voce - 10 Marks
Total 50 Marks

Theory of Finite Element Analysis

1.1 Introduction to FEA

1.1.1 Structural Analysis
1.1.2 Types of Structural Analysis
1.1.3 Elements used in Structural Analysis
1.1.4 Three basic steps for using any software
1.1.5 Solution Methods
1.2 Thermal analysis
1.2.1 Types of thermal analysis
1.3 Dynamic analysis

2.1: Bar of constant cross-section area.
2.2: Bar of tapered and stepped cross-section area.
2.3: Analysis of four bar truss
2.4: Analysis of two bar truss with different areas
2.5: Cantilever beam subjected to point load
2.6: Cantilever beam subjected to UDL
2.7: Simply supported beam subjected to point load and UDL
2.8: Simply supported beam subjected to point load UVL and moment
2.9: Simply supported beam subjected to inclined loads (hinged support at one end and roller at the
other end)

3.1: Stress analysis of a rectangular plate with a circular hole
3.2: Thermal analysis of 2D problem with conduction boundary conditions (single wall)
3.3: Thermal analysis of 2D problem with conduction boundary conditions (two composite wall)
3.4: Thermal analysis of 2D problem with conduction and convection boundary conditions
3.5: Thermal analysis of 2D problem with conduction and convection boundary conditions (exterior
3.6: Modal analysis of fixed-free beam for natural frequency determination
3.7: Modal analysis of fixed-fixed beam for natural frequency determination
3.8: Harmonic analysis of fixed-fixed beam subjected to forcing function
3.9: Harmonic analysis of fixed bar subjected to forcing function

Theory of Finite Element Analysis:

1.1 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis:
Any real life model has infinite degrees of freedom and it is not possible to solve the problem in
this format. Finite element method reduces degrees of freedom from infinite to finite with the help
of discretization i.e. meshing. The finite element method belongs to the category of numerical
methods. The method originated in aerospace industries as a tool to study stresses in complex
airframe structures. The method has gained popularity among the researchers and practioners with
the advent of high speed super computers to solve complex real world problems.

The Finite Element Method is one of the various numerical discretization technique and perhaps
the most popular technique for solving complex problems in Engineering. Complicated and
complex problems like analysis of stresses in a tyre and Non-linear problems can be solved very
easily with accurate results.

1.1.1 Overview of Structural Analyses:

Structural analysis is probably the most common application of the finite element method. The
term structural (or structure) implies not only civil engineering structures such as bridges and
buildings, but also naval, aeronautical, and mechanical structures such as ship hulls, aircraft
bodies, and machine housings, as well as mechanical components such as pistons, machine parts,
and tools.

1.1.2 Types of Structural Analysis:

The seven types of structural analyses available in the ANSYS family of products are explained
below. The primary unknowns (nodal degrees of freedom) calculated in a structural analysis are
displacements. Other quantities, such as strains, stresses, and reaction forces, are then derived
from the nodal displacements.

Structural analyses are available in the ANSYS Multiphysics, ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS
Structural, and ANSYS Professional programs only.

Static Analysis--Used to determine displacements, stresses, etc. under static loading conditions.
Both linear and nonlinear static analyses. Nonlinearities can include plasticity, stress stiffening,
large deflection, large strain, hyperelasticity, contact surfaces, and creep.

Modal Analysis--Used to calculate the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure.
Different mode extraction methods are available.

Harmonic Analysis--Used to determine the response of a structure to harmonically time-varying


Transient Dynamic Analysis--Used to determine the response of a structure to arbitrarily time-

varying loads. All nonlinearities mentioned under Static Analysis above are allowed.

Spectrum Analysis--An extension of the modal analysis, used to calculate stresses and strains due
to a response spectrum or a PSD input (random vibrations).

Explicit Dynamic Analysis--This type of structural analysis is only available in the ANSYS LS-
DYNA program. ANSYS LS-DYNA provides an interface to the LS-DYNA explicit finite
element program. Explicit dynamic analysis is used to calculate fast solutions for large
deformation dynamics and complex contact problems. In addition to the above analysis types,
several special-purpose features are available:

Fracture mechanics
Beam Analyses

A static analysis can be either linear or nonlinear. All types of nonlinearities are allowed - large
deformations, plasticity, creep, stress stiffening, contact (gap) elements, hyper elastic elements,
and so on.

1.1.3 Elements Used in Structural Analyses:

Most ANSYS element types are structural elements, ranging from simple spars and beams to more
complex layered shells and large strain solids. Most types of structural analyses can use any of
these elements.

(i) BEAM188: BEAM188 is suitable for analyzing slender to moderately stubby/thick beam
structures. The element is based on Timoshenko beam theory which includes shear-deformation
effects. The element provides options for unrestrained warping and restrained warping of cross-

The element is a linear, quadratic, or cubic two-node beam element in 3-D. BEAM188 has six or
seven degrees of freedom at each node. These include translations in the x, y, and z directions and
rotations about the x, y, and z directions. A seventh degree of freedom (warping magnitude) is
optional. This element is well-suited for linear, large rotation, and/or large strain nonlinear

BEAM188 is based on Timoshenko beam theory, which is a first-order shear-deformation theory:

transverse-shear strain is constant through the cross-section (that is, cross-sections remain plane
and undistorted after deformation).

The element can be used for slender or stout beams. Due to the limitations of first-order shear-
deformation theory, slender to moderately thick beams can be analyzed. Use the slenderness ratio
of a beam structure (GAL2 / (EI) ) to judge the applicability of the element, where:

G Shear modulus
A Area of the cross-section
L Length of the member (not the element length)
EI Flexural rigidity

(ii) LINK180:

LINK180 is a spar that can be used in a variety of engineering applications. This element can be
used to model trusses, sagging cables, links, springs, etc. This 3-D spar element is a uniaxial
tension-compression element with three degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal
x, y, and z directions. Tension-only (cable) and compression-only (gap) options are supported. As
in a pin-jointed structure, no bending of the element is considered. Plasticity, creep, rotation, large
deflection, and large strain capabilities are included.

(iii) PLANE182:

PLANE182 is used for 2-D modeling of solid structures. The element can be used as either a plane
element (plane stress, plane strain or generalized plane strain) or an axisymmetric element. It is
defined by four nodes having two degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x and
y directions. The element has plasticity, hyperelasticity, stress stiffening, large deflection, and

large strain capabilities. It also has mixed formulation capability for simulating deformations of
nearly incompressible elastoplastic materials, and fully incompressible hyperelastic materials.
(iv) PLANE55:

PLANE55 can be used as a plane element or as an axisymmetric ring element with a 2-D thermal
conduction capability. The element has four nodes with a single degree of freedom, temperature,
at each node.

The element is applicable to a 2-D, steady-state or transient thermal analysis. The element can also
compensate for mass transport heat flow from a constant velocity field.

1.1.4 The three basic steps for using any software:

a. Pre-processing: It includes (a) CAD Model (b) Meshing (c) Boundary Conditions

b. Processing or Solution

c. Post-processing: It Includes Results and Interpretations

1.1.5 Solution Methods:

Two solution methods are available for solving structural problems in the ANSYS family of
i) h-method and
ii) P-method.

The h-method can be used for any type of analysis, but the p-method can be used only for linear
structural static analyses. Depending on the problem to be solved, the h-method usually requires a
finer mesh than the p-method. The p-method provides an excellent way to solve a problem to a
desired level of accuracy while using a coarse mesh.

1.2 Thermal Analysis:

Thermal analysis calculates the temperature distribution and related thermal quantities in a system
or a component. Typical thermal quantities of interest are:

The temperature distributions

The amount of heat lost or gained
Thermal gradients
Thermal fluxes.

Thermal simulations play an important role in the design of many engineering applications,
including internal combustion engines, turbines, heat exchangers, piping systems, and electronic
components. In many cases, engineers follow a thermal analysis with a stress analysis to calculate
thermal stresses (that is, stresses caused by thermal expansions or contractions).

1.2.1 Types of Thermal Analysis

ANSYS supports two types of thermal analysis:

A steady-state thermal analysis determines the temperature distribution and other thermal
quantities under steady-state loading conditions. A steady-state loading condition is a situation
where heat storage effects varying over a period of time can be ignored.

A steady-state thermal analysis calculates the effects of steady thermal loads on a system or
component. Engineer/analysts often perform a steady-state analysis before performing a transient
thermal analysis, to help establish initial conditions. A steady-state analysis also can be the last
step of a transient thermal analysis; performed after all transient effects have diminished.

A steady-state thermal analysis may be either linear, with constant material properties; or
nonlinear, with material properties that depend on temperature. The thermal properties of most
material do vary with temperature, so the analysis usually is nonlinear. Including radiation effects
also makes the analysis nonlinear.

A transient thermal analysis determines the temperature distribution and other thermal quantities
under conditions that vary over a period of time.

1.3 Dynamic Analysis:

A transient dynamic analysis is more involved than a static analysis because it generally requires
more computer resources and more of our resources, in terms of the "engineering" time involved.

Analyze a simpler model first. A model of beams, masses, and springs can provide good insight
into the problem at minimal cost. This simpler model may be all you need to determine the
dynamic response of the structure.

Understand the dynamics of the problem. By doing a modal analysis, which calculates the natural
frequencies and mode shapes, learn how the structure responds when those modes are excited. The
natural frequencies are also useful for calculating the correct integration time step.


Bar of constant cross-sectional area:

Problem 2.1: Bar of constant cross-section area.
To study the stresses, displacements and reaction forces subjected to an axial load in bars and
stepped bars and compare the results with analytical.
For the Simple bar shown in Figure, Determine the displacement, stress and reaction forces. Take
the cross sectional area of the bar as 500mm2 and E as 2X105N/ mm2

Preferences-Structural- h method - OK
Element- Add/Edit/ Delete-Add -Select link 3D finitstn180 (Link180) Click OK.

Real Constant- Add/Edit/ Delete Add- under real constants Set no-1
Area = 500mm2 Click Ok Close.

Material properties Material models Structural linear Elastic Isotropic

EX=2E5 -Close or Exit

Create Nodes - In active CS
Node No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply
2 1000 0 OK

Element Auto numbered Thru nodes Select node1 and node 2 OK

Loads Define loadsApplyStructuralDisplacementOn NodesSelect node 1 ALLDOF


Force /moment On Nodes Select node 2 enter FX=+1000N- OK

Solution Solve - Current LS Solution is done-OK-Close.

General post processor

Element table Define table Add (user label-SAXL)-By sequence No.LS1-OK-Close

Plot results Contour plot Element table SAXL-Yes- avg. (Note down the stress value)

Nodal Solution DOF Solution X-Component displacement OK.

(Note down the displacement)

List Results- Reaction Solution Select all OK. (Note down the Reaction forces)

Results: Displacement, stress and reaction force is tabulated and compared.

Practical Applications of bars and stepped bars: Aerospace and Automotive applications.

Bar of Tapered cross-sectional area:

Problem 2.2: Bar of tapered cross-section area.

To study the stresses, displacements and reaction forces subjected to axial load in tapered bar and
compare the results with analytical.

For the Tapered bar shown in Fig, Determine the displacement, stress and reaction forces. Take
the cross sectional area of the bar A1= 1000mm2 & A2=500mm2 E =2X105N/ mm2.
Solution: The given tapered bar is modified into 2 elements with the modified area,
i.e., (A1+ A2)/2 = (1000+500)/2 = 750 mm2

Modified area, A1 = (1000+750)/2 = 875 mm2

A2 = (750+500)/2 = 625 mm2

The Tapered bar is modified into a Stepped Bar as shown in the Figure.

A1 A2


187,5 187,5

Preferences-Structural-h-method - OK

Element- Add/Edit/ Delete-Add -Select link- 3D finitstn180 (Link180) Click OK.

Real Constants- Add/Edit/ Delete Add- under real constants

Set no-1 -Area = 875mm2 Apply
Set no-2 -Area = 625mm2 - Click Ok Close.

Material properties Material models Structural Linear Elastic Isotropic

EX=2E5.-Close or Exit
Create Nodes - In active CS
Node No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply
2 187.5 0 Apply
3 375 0 OK

Element- Element Attributes-Auto numbered Thru nodes Select node1 & 2 OK

Element Attributes-Set Real constant number to 2-Auto numbered Thru nodes Select node2 &
3 OK

Loads Define loadsApplyStructuralDisplacementOn NodesSelect node 1 ALLDOF


Force /Moment On Nodes Select node 3 enter FX=+1000N- OK

Solution Solve - Current LS Solution is done-OK-Close

General Postprocessor:
Element table Define table Add (user label-SAXL) - By sequence No. LS 1-OK-Close

Plot results Contour plot Element table SAXL-Yes- avg. (Note down the stress value)

Nodal Solution DOF Solution X-Component displacement OK.

(Note down the displacement value)

List Results- Reaction Solution Select all OK. (Note down the Reaction forces)

Result: Displacement, stresses and reaction force is tabulated and compared.

Aerospace and Automotive applications.


Analysis of Trusses:
Problem 2.3: Analysis of four bar truss

Analyze the given truss for stresses, displacements and reaction forces and compare the results
with analytical.

Four bar truss element is shown figure. Determine the following:
1) Nodal displacement
2) Stress in each element
3) Reaction at supports.
Take E= 2x105 N/mm2 and Area of each element to be 100mm2.
Element type Add/Edit/ Delete-Add -Select link- 3D finitstn180 (Link180) Click Ok.

Real Constants - Add/Edit/ Delete Add- under real constants Set no-1
Area = 100mm2 Click on Ok Close.

Material properties Material Model Structural Linear Elastic Isotropic

Give the values of
EX=2E5 (Youngs Modulus)
PREY= 0.3(Poissons ratio) Ok Close.

Create Nodes Inactive CS
Node No. X Y

1 0 0 Apply
2 40 0 Apply
3 40 30 Apply
4 0 30 OK

Element Auto numbered Thru nodes Select Corresponding nodes as indicated and Create
truss elements.
Select Node 1 & 2-Apply
Select Node 2 & 3-Apply
Select Node 1 & 3-Apply
Select Node 3 & 4 - OK
Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn NodesSelect node 1& 4 Constraint in
UX and UY direction Ok.

Define loads Apply Structural Displacement Select node 2 Constraint in UY direction.

Force /moment On Nodes Select node 2 apply FX +20 KN in X direction and

Select node 3 apply - FY -25KN in Y direction OK.

Solution Solve - Current LS OK.

General post processor

Element table Define table By sequence number- Select LS, 1. For axial stress

Plot Results-Contour plot -Element Table data-Select LS1-OK (Note down the stresses)

Plot Results-Contour plot - Nodal Solution DOF Solution displacement Vector sum OK.

List Results- Reaction Solution Select all OK.

Result: The given Four bar truss is analyzed for displacements, stresses, reaction forces and
the results are compared with theoretical.

Practical Applications of Trusses:

A truss bridge is a bridge composed of connected elements (typically straight) which may be
stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads. Truss
bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges.


Problem 2.4: Analysis of two bar truss with different areas:

Analyze the given truss for stresses, displacements and reaction forces and compare the results
with analytical.

Two bar truss element is shown figure. Determine the following:
i) Nodal displacement
ii) Stress in each element
iii) Reaction at supports.
Take E= 2x105 N/mm2 and Area of each element as shown in Figure
Element type Add/Edit/Delete-Add Select link- 3D finitstn180 (Link180)- Click - Ok.

Real Constant Add/ Edit / Delete

Input area for each element
For element 1:1200mm2
2:1000mm2 Click Ok.

Material properties Material Models Select Structural linear Elastic Isotropic


Create Nodes In Active CS Click on.
Node No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply
2 750 500 Apply
3 0 500 OK
Element attributes-Check the real constant Set No.to 1-OK
Auto numbered Thro node Select Node 1 & 2 and Create truss element-OK

Element attributes- Change real constant Set No. 2 OK

Auto numbered Thro nodes Select Node 2 & 3and Create truss element-OK

Loads Define loads Apply Displacement On Nodes

Select node 1&3 and Constraint in X and Y direction (UX &UY)

Force / moment On nodes

Select Node 2 Apply-FY (-50000N) in Y direction.

Solution Solve From current LS the Solution is done Ok.

General post processor

Element table Define table By sequence number- Select LS, 1. For axial stress

Plot Results-Contour plot -Element Table data-Select LS1-OK (Note down the stresses)

Plot Results-Contour plot - Nodal Solution DOF Solution displacement Vector sum OK.

List Results- Reaction Solution Select all OK.

Result: The given 2 bar truss is analyzed for displacements, stresses, reaction forces and the
results are tabulated.

Practical Applications of trusses:

A truss bridge is a bridge composed of connected elements (typically straight) which may be
stressed from tension, compression, or sometimes both in response to dynamic loads. Truss
bridges are one of the oldest types of modern bridges.


Analysis of Beams:
Problem 2.5: Cantilever beam subjected to point load
Analyze the cantilever beam for bending stress, deflection, S.F.D and B.M.D and compare the
results with analytical.

A 2m long cantilever beam with rectangular section (60mmx90mm) is subjected to point load of
4KN at its free end. Determine the maximum bending stress and its deflection. Obtain the shear
force and bending moment diagram. Compare the results with theoretical.
Length of the beam L = 2m, E = 200GPa = 2 X 1011 N/m2
Preferences- Structural-h-method-OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Beam-2 node188 (Beam188) - OK Close

Material Properties
Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of EX=2E11 (Youngs
PRXY= 0.3(Poissons ratio) Ok Close.

Sections- Beam Common sections Beam Tool Name (Rectangular) Sub type offset to
centroid Enter the values of B and H- OK

Create Nodes- In Active CS
Node No. X Y Z
1 0 0 0 Apply
2 2 0 0 OK
- Auto numbered Through nodes Click node1&2- Ok
Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn NodesSelect node 1. Ok
Select degree of freedom ALL DOF (Constraints) Ok
Force/Moment On Nodes Select Node 2- under load key 1.
Apply Direction of Force FY OK
Value of force/ momentum, = -4000
Solve Current LS -Ok Close.
General post processor
Element Table Define table Add Select

By sequence number SMIC 6 Apply.

By sequence number - SMISC 19 Apply. For Shear force diagram

By sequence number SMISC 3 Apply.

By sequence number SMISC16- OK - Close. For Bending moment diagram

Plot result: Deformed Shape Deformed + Un Deformed Ok

Enter the displacement value obtained DMX

Contour plot Line element results

Element table Stress at node I SMISC 6.
Element table stress at node J SMISC 19. - OK (For Shear force Diagram)
Element table item at node I SMISC 3
Element table item at node J SMISC 16 OK (For Bending Moment Diagram)

We get Shear force and bending moment diagram respectively.

List result- Element table data.

Item to be listed
Select SMISC 6, 19 for shear force SMISC 3, 16 for bending moment diagram & Ok.

1) Maximum deflection is determined.
2) Maximum bending stress is determined.
3) Bending moment & shear force diagram of the beam loaded with point load is drawn
4) Max Shear force & bending moment values are tabulated.

Practical Applications of cantilever beam: Cantilevers are widely found in construction, notably
in cantilever bridges and balconies (see corbel). In cantilever bridges the cantilevers are usually
built as pairs, with each cantilever used to support one end of a central section. The Forth Bridge
in Scotland is a famous example of a cantilever truss bridge.

Another use of the cantilever is in fixed-wing aircraft design, pioneered by Hugo Junkers in 1915.

Cantilevered beams are the most ubiquitous structures in the field of microelectromechanical
systems (MEMS).


Problem 2.6: Cantilever beam subjected to UDL

Analyze the cantilever beam for von-mises stress, deflection, S.F.D and B.M.D and compare the
results with analytical.

A 2m long cantilever beam with rectangular section (60mmx90mm) is subjected to uniformly
distributed load of 4kN/m throughout its length. Determine the maximum bending stress and its
deflection. Obtain the shear force and bending moment diagram. Compare the results with
Preferences- Structural- OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Beam- 2D188 (Beam188) - OK Close

Material Properties
Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of EX=2E11 (Youngs
PRXY= 0.3(Poissons ratio) Ok Close.

Sections- Beam Common sections Beam Tool Name (Rectangular) Sub type offset to
centroid Enter the values of B and H- OK

Create Nodes- In Active CS
Node No. X Y Z
1 0 0 0 Apply
2 2 0 0 OK
- Auto numbered Through nodes Click node1&2- Ok
Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn NodesSelect node 1. Ok
Select degree of freedom ALLDOF (Constraints) Ok

Pressure On Beams Select Node 1 & 2- under load key 2.

Pressure at Node I= 4000
Pressure at Node J =4000 Ok

Solve Current LS -Ok Close.

General post processor

Element Table Define table Add Select
By sequence number SMIC 6 Apply.
By sequence number - SMISC 19 Apply. For SFD

By sequence number SMISC 3 Apply.

By sequence number SMISC16- OK - Close. For BMD

Plot result: Deformed Shape Deformed + Un Deformed Ok

Enter the displacement value obtained DMX

Contour plot Line element results

Element table Stress at node I SMISC 6.
Element table stress at node J SMISC 19. - OK (For Shear force Diagram)
Element table item at node I SMISC 3
Element table item at node J SMISC 16 OK (For Bending Moment Diagram)
We get Shear force and bending moment diagram respectively.

List result- Element table data.

Item to be listed
Select SMISC 6, 19 for shear force SMISC 3, 16 for bending moment diagram & Ok.
1) Maximum deflection is determined.
2) Maximum bending stress is determined
3) Bending moment & shear force diagram of the beam loaded with uniformly
distributed load is drawn
4) Maximum shear force & bending moment values are tabulated.

Practical Applications of cantilever beam: Cantilevers are widely found in construction, notably
in cantilever bridges and balconies (see corbel). In cantilever bridges the cantilevers are usually
built as pairs, with each cantilever used to support one end of a central section. The Forth Bridge
in Scotland is a famous example of a cantilever truss bridge.

Another use of the cantilever is in fixed-wing aircraft design, pioneered by Hugo Junkers in 1915.

Cantilevered beams are the most ubiquitous structures in the field of microelectromechanical
systems (MEMS).


Problem 2.7: Simply supported beam subjected to point load and UDL

For the beam shown in fig, obtain the shear force and bending moment diagram. Rectangular cross
section of the beam is 1m1m, E=2e11 and Poissons ratio=0.3.
Preferences- Structural- OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Beam, 2D Beam188 (Beam188) - OK Close

Material Properties
Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of EX=2E11 (Youngs
PRXY= 0.3(Poissons ratio) Ok Close.

Sections- Beam Common sections Beam Tool Name (Rectangular) Sub type offset to
centroid Enter the values of B and H- OK

Create Nodes- In Active CS
Node No. X Y Z
1 0 0 0 Apply
2 2 0 0 Apply
3 4 0 0 Apply
4 8 0 0 OK
- Auto numbered Through nodes Click node1&2 Apply
Click node 2&3 Apply
Click node 3&4 Ok
Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn NodesSelect node 1& node 4. Ok
Select degree of freedom UY (Constraints) Ok
Force On Nodes Select node 2 Apply Direction of Force FY OK
Value of force/ momentum, = -30000
Select node 3 Apply -Direction of Force FY-OK
Values of force / momentum = -20000
Pressure On Beams Select Node 3 & 4- under load key 2.
Pressure at Node I= 10000
Pressure at Node J =10000 Ok
Soln Controls Soln options Equation solvers select Pre-condition CG - OK

Solve Current LS -Ok Close.
General post processor:
Element Table Define table Add Select
By sequence number SMIC 6 Apply.
By sequence number - SMISC 19 Apply.
By sequence number SMISC 3 Apply.
By sequence number SMISC16- OK - Close.

Plot result: Deformed Shape Deformed + Un Deformed Ok

Enter the displacement value obtained DMX

Contour plot Line element results

Element table Stress at node I SMISC 6.
Element table stress at node J SMISC 19. - OK (For Shear force Diagram)
Element table item at node I SMISC 3
Element table item at node J SMISC 16 OK (For Bending Moment Diagram)
We get Shear force and bending moment diagram respectively.

List result- Element table data.

Item to be listed
Select SMISC 6, 19 for shear force SMISC 3, 16 for bending moment & Ok.

1) Bending moment & shear force diagram of the beam loaded with point load and uniformly
distributed load is drawn.
2) Maximum deflection, bending stress, shear force & bending moment values are tabulated.

Practical Applications of simply supported beam: Automotive, civil, aerospace and

mechanical engineering.


Problem 2.8: Simply supported beam subjected to point load UVL and moment

For the beam shown in fig, obtain the shear force and bending moment diagram. Rectangular cross
section of the beam is 1m1m, E=2e11 and poissons ratio=0.3.
Preferences- Structural- OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Beam, 2DBeam188 (Beam188)- OK Close

Material Properties
Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of
EX=2E11 (Youngs Modulus)
PREY= 0.3(Poissons ratio) Ok Close.

Sections- Beam Common sections Beam Tool Name (Rectangular) Sub type offset to
centroid Enter the values of B and H- OK

Create Nodes- In Active CS
Node No. X Y Z
1 0 0 0 Apply
2 3 0 0 Apply
3 4 0 0 Apply
4 6 0 0 Apply
5 8 0 0 OK
- Auto numbered Through nodes Click node1&2 Apply
Click node 2&3 Apply
Click node 3&4 Apply

Click node 4&5- OK

Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn NodesSelect node 1& node 5 Ok
Select degree of freedom UY (Constraints) Ok

Force On Nodes Select node 3 Apply Direction of Force FY OK

Value of force/ momentum = -40000
Select node 4 Apply Direction of Force MZ-OK
Values of force / momentum = -40000

Pressure On Beams Select Node 1& 2- under load key 2.

Pressure at Node I= 0
Pressure at Node J =20000 Ok

Soln Controls Soln options Equation solvers select pre-condition CG - OK

Solve Current LS -Ok Close.

General post processor

Element Table Define table Add Select
By sequence number SMIC 6 Apply.
By sequence number - SMISC 19 Apply.

By sequence number SMISC 3 Apply.

By sequence number SMISC16- OK - Close.

Plot result: Deformed Shape Deformed + Un Deformed Ok

Enter the displacement value obtained DMX

Contour plot Line element results

Element table Stress at node I SMISC 6.
Element table stress at node J SMISC 19. - OK (For Shear force Diagram)
Element table item at node I SMISC 3
Element table item at node J SMISC 16 OK (For Bending Moment Diagram)

We get Shear force and bending moment diagram respectively.

List result- Element table data.

Item to be listed
Select SMISC 6, 19 for shear force SMISC 3, 16 for bending moment & Ok.
1) Bending moment & shear force diagram of the beam loaded with variable load, point load
and moment load is drawn.
2) Max deflection, bending stress and shear force & bending moment values are tabulated.


Problem 2.9: Simply supported beam subjected to inclined loads (hinged support at one end
and roller at the other end)

For the beam shown in fig, obtain the shear force and bending moment diagram. Rectangular cross
section of the beam is 1m1m, E=2e11 and poissons ratio=0.3.
Preferences- Structural- OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Beam, 2D Beam188- OK Close
Material Properties
Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of EX=2E11 (Youngs
PRXY= 0.3(Poissons ratio) Ok Close.

Sections- Beam Common sections Beam Tool Name (Rectangular) Sub type offset to
centroid Enter the values of B and H- OK

Create Nodes- In Active CS
Node No. X Y Z
1 0 0 0 Apply
2 2 0 0 Apply
3 4 0 0 Apply
4 6 0 0 Apply
5 8 0 0 OK
- Auto numbered Thru nodes Click node1&2 Apply
Click node 2&3 Apply
Click node 3&4 Apply
Click node 4&5 Ok
Rotation of Nodes for Inclined Loads:
- Create Nodes Rotate By Angle Select Node 2 Enter Rotation angle as 900 - 600 =
300 OK
- Create Nodes Rotate By Angle Select Node3 Enter Rotation angle as 900 - 450 =
450 OK
- Create Nodes Rotate By Angle Select Node 4 Enter Rotation angle as 900 - 300 =
600 OK
Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn NodesSelect node1 Ok - Select
degree of freedom UX and UY (Constraints) Ok
Select node 5 Ok - Select degree of freedom UY (Constraints) Ok

Force On Nodes Select node 2 Apply Direction of Force FY OK

Value of force/ momentum, = - 150 N
Select node 3 Apply -Direction of Force FY-OK
Values of force / momentum = - 200 N
Select node 4 Apply -Direction of Force FY-OK
Values of force / momentum = - 350 N

Soln Controls Soln options Equation solvers select pre-condition CG - OK

Solve Current LS -Ok Close.

General post processor

Element Table Define table Add Select
By sequence number SMIC 6 Apply.
By sequence number - SMISC 19 Apply.
By sequence number SMISC 3 Apply.
By sequence number SMISC16- OK - Close.

Plot result: Deformed Shape Deformed + Un Deformed Ok

Enter the displacement value obtained DMX

Contour plot Line element results

Element table Stress at node I SMISC 6.
Element table stress at node J SMISC 19. - OK (For Shear force Diagram)
Element table item at node I SMISC 3
Element table item at node J SMISC 16 OK (For Bending Moment Diagram)
We get Shear force and bending moment diagram respectively.
List result- Element table data.
Item to be listed
Select SMISC 6, 19 for shear force SMISC 3, 16 for bending moment & Ok.
1) Bending moment & shear force diagram of the beam loaded with inclined loads are drawn
2) Maximum deflection, bending stress and shear force & bending moment values are



Problem 3.1: Stress analysis of a rectangular plate with a circular hole.

Determine the deflection & maximum stress for a rectangular plate of 50mm x 80mm with hole of
diameter 10mm in the center is loaded in axial tension, thickness of the plate is 10mm.Take E=
10kN 10kN

80 10

Structural - OK

Element type

Add/Edit / Delete

Solid - Quad 4 node182 (Plane 182) - OK

Options Plane stress with thickness-ok

Real Constants:
In the real constants popup box click on ADD, type 1, Plane182 gets added. Click on OK, type in
the thickness value as 10 mm in the data box and Click on ok .click the mouse to return.

Material properties - Material Models

Double Click on Structural, linear, Elastic and isotropic.
Enter values of EX=2E5, PRXY=0.3, OK
Material - Exit.

By Key points

Key point No. X Y

1 0 0 Apply
2 40 0 Apply
3 40 25 Apply
4 0 25 OK

Click ok to get the rectangle on screen.

Create- Areas - Circle-Solid Circle

Specify radius = 5mm - Click OK

Operate - Booleans- Subtract Areas.

Select the longer area then click on OK. Then select smaller area .click OK to subtract.

Meshing - Mesh tool - Ok

In the main menu tool popup click on small size .select to fine size, click on mesh, select mesh

Loads-Define loads- Apply- Structural- Displacement-Symmetric Boundary Conditions- On lines.

-Click ok.
Pressure- On lines (select Right side line)-Apply-Type (-20N/mm2) OK.

Solve-current LS-OK
It displays Solution is Done.

General Post processor:

Plot Results- contour Plot- Nodal Solution for Displacement.
Plot Results- contour Plot -Stress-Von Mises for Maximum & Minimum stress-OK

Main menu- Plot controls Style- Symmetry Expansion Periodic/Cyclic Symmetric- 1/4th
directional symmetry-OK.
Plot Controls- Animate- Deformed results.

Theoretical ANSYS
Maximum stress
Minimum Stress

Practical Applications: Stress concentration problems in design for automotive and

aerospace applications.

Thermal analysis:
Problem 3.2: Thermal analysis of 2D problem with conduction boundary conditions (single
The inner surface of a plane brick wall is at 600 C and the outer surface is at 350 c .calculate the
rate of heat transfer/m2 of surface area of wall, which is 220mm thick. K=0.51W/m-k.

Aim: To determine the heat flux and nodal temperature of single wall.

Preferences- Thermal-OK
Element type-Add/Edit-Link- 3DConduction33 (Link33) -Ok close

Real Constant-Add-ok-c/s Area-1m2

Material Properties -Material models-thermal conductivity-Isotropic-Kxx-0.51W/m-k-OK

Modeling Create Nodes - Inactive CS

Node No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply,
2 0.22 0 OK

Create Element Element Attributes-OK

Auto numbered - Through Nodes - Select Node 1&2- Apply - Ok

Solution - Analysis Type - New analysis Steady State- OK

Define Loads Apply Thermal Temperature on nodes,
Select Node 1, Apply Temperature 600 C - OK
Select Node 2, Apply Temp 300 C OK

Solve: Current LS Ok Solution is done Ok

General Post processor:

Plot Result Contour Plot Nodal Solution DOF Solution Nodal Temp ok

List Result Nodal Load Heat Flow -ok

Practical Applications: Steady state thermal analysis for heat exchangers, power plants,
Satellite design.


Problem 3.3: Thermal analysis of 2D problem with conduction boundary conditions (Two
composite wall)
A reactor wall 320mm thick is made up of an inner layer of a fire brick of 114.6mm (K= 0.84
w/mc) covered with a layer of insulation of 205.4mm (K=0.16 W/m-0C). The reactor operates at a
temp of 13250C and ambient temperature is 250C.

Aim: To determine the heat flux and nodal Temperature of a Composite Wall.
Preferences Thermal - ok
Element Type Add\Edit Add Link 3DCond33 (Link33) Ok Close

Real constants Add Add Ok c\s Area 1m2 Ok Close

Material properties Material model Thermal Conductivity Isotropic 0.84W/mc
Material New model Define material 1D-2- Ok.
Material model - Thermal Conductivity Isotropic 0.16 W/m-0c Close

Modeling create Nodes In active CS

Node No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply
2 0.1146 0 Apply
3 0.32 0 OK
- Create elements Element attributes ok Auto numbered Through node- Select node
1&2 ok.
- Create Element Element attributes Material No. 2- ok Auto numbered Through
node- Select node 2&3 ok.

Solution: Analysis type New analysis Steady state OK

Define Loads Apply Thermal Temp on nodes
Select node 1 Apply Temperature 13250C Apply
Select node 3 Apply Temperature 250C OK

Solve: Current LS OK Solution is done - Close

General Post Processor:

Plot result contour plot Nodal solution DOF Solution nodal temp Ok

List Results Nodal Loads Heat Flow OK.

Result: Nodal Temperatures and Heat Flux are tabulated


Problem 3.4: Thermal analysis of 2D problem with conduction and convection boundary
conditions (composite wall)
A furnace wall is made of inside silica brick (k=1.5W/m-k) and outside magnesia brick
(k=4.9W/m-k) each 10cm thick. The inner & outer surfaces are exposed to fluids at temp 8200 C
& 1100C respectively. The contact resistance is 0.001m-k/W. The heat transfer co-efficient for
inner & outer surfaces is equal to 35W/m2k. Find the heat flow through the wall per unit area per
unit time and temperature distribution across the wall.
Contact Resistance, Rc =L2/k2A2
Assume L2 =1mm, Area A2= 1m2 Then K2 = 1W/m-k

For FE Model:

Element number Element Type

2, 3, 4 Link33 for Conduction
1, 5 Link34 for Convection

Preferences- Thermal
Element-Add/Edit/Delet-Link-3D-Conduction33 (For Conduction)-Apply
Add-link-Convection34 (For Convection)-Ok.

Real Constants-Add-Link33-Set1-Area-1-Apply
Material Properties- Material Model-Thermal - Conductivity -Isotropic-Kxx =1.5.

Click on Material- New material Model-Define material model 2- Ok- Thermal - Conductivity
Isotropic- Kxx = 1- Ok
Click on Material- New material Model-Define material model 3-Ok - Thermal - Conductivity
Isotropic-Kxx= 4.9 -Ok
Click on Material- New material Model-Define material model 4-Convection or Film Co efficient-
Ok HF- 35-Ok.
Modeling- Create On Nodes- Inactive CS-
Node No. X Y Z
1 0 0 0 Apply
2 0.001 0 0 Apply
3 0.101 0 0 Apply
4 0.102 0 0 Apply
5 0.202 0 0 Apply
6 0.203 0 0 Ok.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no 2 Link34
Material Set no 4
Real constant set no 2-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node1& Node 2.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no 2Link33
Material Set no 1
Real constant set no 1-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node2& Node 3.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no 2Link33
Material Set no 2
Real constant set no 1-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node3 & Node 4.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no 2Link33
Material Set no 3
Real constant set no 1-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node4 & Node 5.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no 2Link34
Material Set no 4
Real constant set no 2-Ok

Elements -Thru nodes Select Node5 & Node 6.

Solution New Analysis-Steady state-Ok

Loads-Define load-Apply- Temperature-On nodes-Select 1- Temp-820-Apply

-Temperature-On nodes-Select 6- Temp-110-Ok.

Solution Solve Current LS-Ok

General post processor-Read result-Last Set.

- List result Nodal solution DOF solution Temperature. Ok

- Plot Controls Style Size & shape Display element ON Ok

- Element table- Define table-Add-By sequence No.-SMIISC 1-Ok-Close

- Plot result contour plot Nodal solution DOF Temperature.

Result: Nodal Temperatures and Heat Flux are tabulated


Problem 3.5: Thermal analysis of 2D problem with conduction and convection boundary
conditions (exterior wall)
The exterior wall of a building is constructed of four materials.
12mm thick of gypsum board K=0.176W/m-k
75mm thick of fiber glass K=0.036W/m-k
20mm thick of plywood K=0.115W/m-k
20mm thick of hard board K=0.215W/m-k
Inside & outside temperature are 200C and (-100C)
The convective heat flow coefficients of the inner & outer surface of the wall are 6W/m2K &
10W/m2K respectively.
Determine the heat flow rate & the temperature distribution.
Preferences - Thermal
Element-Add/Edit/Delet-Link-3DConduction33 (For Conduction)-Apply
Add-link-Convection34 (For Convection)-Ok.
Real Constants-Add-Link33-Set1-Area-1-Apply
Material Properties- Material Model-Thermal - Conductivity -Isotropic-Kxx =0.176.
Click on Material- New material Model-Define material model 2- Ok- Thermal - Conductivity
Isotropic- Kxx = 0.036- Ok
Click on Material- New material Model-Define material model 3-Ok - Thermal - Conductivity
Isotropic-Kxx = 0.115 -Ok
Click on Material- New material Model-Define material model 4-Ok - Thermal - Conductivity
Isotropic- Kxx = 0.215 -Ok
Click on Material- New material Model-Define material model 5-Convection or Film Co efficient-
Ok HF- 6-Ok.
Click on Material- New material Model-Define material model 6-Convection or Film Co efficient-
Ok HF- 10-Ok.

Modeling- Create On Nodes- Inactive CS-

Node No. X Y Z
1 0 0 0 Apply
2 0.001 0 0 Apply
3 0.013 0 0 Apply
4 0.088 0 0 Apply
5 0.108 0 0 Apply
6 0.128 0 0 Apply
7 0.129 0 0 OK

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no Link34
Material Set no 5
Real constant set no 2-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node1& Node 2.
Elements - Element Arbitrary-
Element type no Link33
Material Set no 1
Real constant set no 1-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node2& Node 3.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no Link33
Material Set no 2
Real constant set no 1-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node3 & Node 4.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no Link33
Material Set no 3
Real constant set no 1-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node4 & Node 5.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no Link33
Material Set no 4
Real constant set no 1-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node 5 & Node 6.

Elements - Element Arbitrary-

Element type no Link34
Material Set no 6
Real constant set no 2-Ok
Elements -Thru nodes Select Node 6 & Node 7.

Solution New Analysis-Steady state-Ok

Loads-Define load-Apply- Temperature-On nodes-Select 1- Temp-20-Apply

-Temperature-On nodes-Select 7- Temp-(-10)-Ok.

Solution Solve Current LS-Ok

General post processor-Read result-Last Set.

- List result Nodal solution DOF solution Temperature. Ok

- Plot Controls Style Size & shape Display element ON Ok
-Element table- Define table-Add-By sequence No.-SMIISC 1-Ok-Close
- Plot result contour plot Nodal solution DOF Temperature

Result: Nodal Temperatures and Heat Flux are tabulated

Dynamic analysis:
Problem 3.6: Modal analysis of fixed-free beam for natural frequency determination

Find the Frequency & different modes of vibrations of a Simple Cantilever Beam as shown in
Preferences- Structural- OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Beam, 2DBeam188 (Beam188)- OK Close

Material Properties
- Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of
EX=2E11(Youngs Modulus)
Density-798.16kg-sec2/m4 Ok Close.
NOTE: The given density 7830kg/m3 is to be divided by 9.81m/sec2 which gives the software
density of 798.16kg-sec2/m4
Create Key Points - In Active CS
Key Point No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply
2 2 0 OK

Straight lines - Select Key points 1 &2. Ok
Size controls Manual size Lines All Lines No. of element divisions 10 OK
Meshing Mesh tool Mesh OK

Analysis Type New Analysis Modal OK
Solution Analysis options Block Lanczos No. of modes to extract 6 OK

Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn Key pointsSelect key point 1 All

Solve Current LS -Ok Solution is done OK - Close

General Post Processor:

Result Summary (Note down the frequencies from the sheet)
Read results First set
Plot Result Deformed (Deformed + undeformed) - 1st mode shape
Plot Result Deformed (Deformed + undeformed) - 2nd mode shape
Plot Result Deformed (Deformed + undeformed) - 3rd mode shape

Note down the mode shapes.

Practical Applications:

Modal analysis of an aircraft wing, car body, slat track, which is safety critical component of
a airplane.


Problem 3.7: Modal analysis of fixed-fixed beam for natural frequency determination

Find the Frequency & different modes of vibrations of a fixed-fixed beam as shown in Figure.
Preferences- Structural- OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Beam, 2D Beam188- OK Close

Material Properties
- Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of
EX=2E11 (Youngs Modulus)
Density-798.16kg-sec2/m4 Ok Close.
NOTE: The given density 7830kg/m3 is to be divided by 9.81m/sec2 which gives the software
density of 798.16kg-sec2/m4

Create Key Points - In Active CS
Key Point No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply
2 2 0 OK

Straight lines - Select Key points 1 &2. Ok
Size controls Manual size Lines All Lines No. of element divisions 10 OK
Meshing Mesh tool Mesh OK
Analysis Type New Analysis Modal OK
Solution Analysis options Block Lanczos No. of modes to extract 6 OK
Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn Key pointsSelect key point 1& 2 All
Solve Current LS -Ok Solution is done OK - Close
General Post Processor:
Result Summary (Note down the frequencies from the sheet)

Read results First set

Plot Result Deformed (Deformed + undeformed) - 1st mode shape
Plot Result Deformed (Deformed + undeformed) - 2nd mode shape
Plot Result Deformed (Deformed + undeformed) - 3rd mode shape

Note down the mode shapes.


Problem 3.8: Harmonic analysis of fixed-fixed beam subjected to forcing function

Find the maximum Amplitude and draw the graph for the fixed-fixed beam subjected to forcing
function as shown in Figure.
Preferences- Structural- OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Beam, 2DBeam188- OK Close

Material Properties
- Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of
EX=2E11 (Youngs Modulus)
Density-798.16kg-sec2/m4 Ok Close.
NOTE: The given density 7830kg/m3 is to be divided by 9.81m/sec2 which gives the software
density of 798.16kg-sec2/m4

Create Key Points - In Active CS
Key Point No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply
2 1 0 Apply
3 2 0 OK

Straight lines - Select Key points 1 &2. Apply
Select Key points 2 & 3 OK
Size controls Manual size Lines All Lines No. of element divisions 10 OK
Meshing Mesh tool Mesh OK
Analysis Type New Analysis Harmonic OK
Solution Load step Opts Time/frequency Frequency and sub steps
Harmonic Freq Range (0 to 100)
No. of substeps-100
Boundary Conditions Ramped - OK
Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn Key pointsSelect key point 1& 3 All
Force On Key points Select Key point 2 Apply FY = 100N - OK
Solve Current LS -Ok Solution is done OK Close
Time History Post-processor Time History variables Table opens Add data Add time
History variables DOF Solution Y component of Displacement Select Node 2 OK
Graph Data Graph will be Plotted (Frequency Vs Amplitude)
List Data (Time and Amplitude (UY) data will be Listed)

Result: Peak responses are identified on the graph.

Practical Applications: Determination of Harmonic frequency Response


Problem 3.9: Harmonic analysis of fixed bar subjected to forcing function

Find the maximum Amplitude and draw the graph for the fixed bar subjected to forcing function
as shown in Figure.
Preferences- Structural- OK
Element type Add/Edit / Delete-Add Link - 3DfinitStn180 (Link180)- OK Close

Real Constants Add / Edit /delete add ok, under real constants
Set no-1
Area- 1*1
OK Close

Material Properties
- Material models- Structural - Elastic- Linear- Isotropic Give the values of
EX=2E11 (Youngs Modulus)
Density-798.16kg-sec2/m4 Ok Close.
Note: The given density 7830kg/m3 is to be divided by 9.81m/sec2 which gives the software
density of 798.16kg-sec2/m4

Create Key Points - In Active CS
Key Point No. X Y
1 0 0 Apply
2 2 0 OK

Straight lines - Select Key points 1 &2. OK
Size controls Manual size Lines All Lines No. of element divisions 10 OK
Meshing Mesh tool Mesh OK
Analysis Type New Analysis Harmonic OK
Solution Load step Opts Time/frequency Frequency and sub steps
Harmonic Freq Range (0 to 100)
No. of substeps-100
Boundary Conditions Ramped - OK

Define loadsApply loadsStructuralDisplacementOn Key point Select key point 1- All DOF
- OK
Force On Key points Select Key point 2 Apply FX= 100N - OK

Solve Current LS -Ok Solution is done OK Close

Time History Post-processor Time History variables Table opens Add data Add time
History variables DOF Solution X component of Displacement Select Node 2 OK

Graph Data Graph will be Plotted (Frequency Vs Amplitude)

List Data (Time and Amplitude (UX) data will be Listed)

Result: Peak responses are identified on the graph.



1. Ansys V 14.5 Lab Manual

2. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, (3rd Edition), Tirupathi R.

Chandrupatla , Ashok D. Belegundu.
3. Finite element analysis, Theory and programming, second edition, C.S.

Viva Questions:

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