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1. General 5. Rectangular inclined (R.I.)
drops (figs. 2-18, 2-19, 2-20,
2. 2-19. Function. -The 2-21, and 2-22) and pipe
function of drop structures drops (figs. 2-23, 2-24, and
is to convey water from a 2-25) are used where the
higher to a lower elevation decrease in elevation is in
and to dissipate excess the range of 3 to 15 feet
energy resulting from this over a relatively short
drop. A canal along this distance.
same terrain would 6.
ordinarily be steep enough
to cause severe erosion in
earth canals or disruptive
flow in hard surface lined
canals. The water must
therefore be conveyed with
a drop structure designed to
safely dissipate the excess
energy. Different kinds of
drops that may be used are
vertical, baffled apron, 7.
rectangular inclined, and 8. Economics
Figure dictate if itofisrectangular
2-18. Series
pipe drops. more inclined
use a
3. Subchapter III C, Check- pipe drop or an R.I. drop.
Drops, discusses vertical Usually a pipe drop will be
drops without blocks for selected for the smaller
drops of 3 feet and less. flows and an R.I. drop will be
Subchapter IV C, selected for the larger flows.
Overchutes, discusses If the drop crosses another
vertical drops with blocks. waterway or a roadway it
4. Baffled apron drops (fig. 6- will probably be more
3) may be used for nearly economical to use a pipe
any decrease in water drop.
surface elevation where the 9. Chutes (fig. 2-34) are
horizontal distance to usually used where the drop
accomplish the drops is in elevation is greater than
relatively short. They are 15 feet and where the water
particularly adaptable to the is conveyed over long
situation where the distances and along grades
downstream water surface that may be flatter than
elevation may vary because those for drops but yet
of such things as steep enough to maintain
degradation or an supercritical velocities. The
uncontrolled water surface. decision as to whether to
A further discussion on use a chute or a series of
baffled aprons may be found drops should be based upon
in subchapter VI B, Baffled a hydraulic and economic
Aprons. study of the two
alternatives. From a
hydraulic viewpoint, drops
1 Op. Cit., p. 19.
should not be so closely
spaced as to possibly
preclude uniform flow
between outlet and inlet of
consecutive structures,
particularly where checks or
control notches are not used
at the inlets.

12. 2-19. Rectangular inclined
13. with control notch inlet.

15. 2-20. Rectangular inclined

17. 2-21. Rectangular inclined drops Figure 2-21. Rectangular inclined drops
Figure under construction. P 222-116-53590
under construction. P 222-117-36402

21. outlet and pipe collars. P 328-701-8417
Figure 2-23. Pipe drop with baffled
23. problems of excavation and
backfill may make such
construction undesirable or
prohibitive. Very broadly
speaking, about 200 feet of
canal should be the
minimum between inlet and
outlet cutoffs of consecutive
drop structures. The
economic study should
compare costs of a series of
drops and a chute, taking
into account advantages
and disadvantages pertinent
to the specific conditions.
24. Since the maintenance
25. costs for a series of drops is
Figure 2-24. Pipe drops,
26. usually considerably more
PX-D- 31406
than for a chute
accomplishing the same
function, it is sometimes
economically justifiable to
spend considerably more for
a chute than for a series of
drops. A more complete
discussion on chutes will be
found in subchapter II F.
31.2-20. Hydraulic Design. -The
hydraulic design of a drop
should be completed before
the structural design with
only general consideration
initially being given to the
structural details. Minimum
required field data will be
the hydraulic properties and
bottom grade elevations of
waterway sections above
and below the drop, and a
profile of the ground line at
the drop location with
information about the
foundation material. Further
Figure 2-25. Pipe drops with
hydraulic design
baffleddanger is P-
outlet. that sufficient
considerations are included
tailwater depths may not
with the discussion of
exist to produce hydraulic
structure components.
jumps in the pools, and thus
32.2. Rectangular Inclined
shooting flow may develop
through the series of drops
33.2-21. Purpose and
and possibly damage the
Description.-A rectangular
inclined (R.I.) drop (figs. 2-
30.Also, with drops too closely
26 and 2-27) is a
spaced on a steep slope,
rectangular shaped has reached the lower
structure with constant elevation resulting in excess
width that conveys water energy being dissipated.
from a higher elevation to a The inlet of the structure
lower elevation. This drop in may also serve as a control
elevation may be any to regulate the water depth
amount between 3 and in the channel upstream
about 15 feet. The R.I. drop from the drop.
not only conveys water, but 34.
it also stills the water after it

Figure 2-26. Retangular inclined drops type 1. 103 D-1262

Figure 2-27. Retangular inclined drops type 2. 103 D-1263
42.Table 2.1.- canal and lateral rectangular inclined drop
43.dimensions and reinforcement (for use with figs. 2.26 and 2.27
46.Table 2.1.- canal and lateral rectangular inclined drop
47.dimensions and reinforcement (for use with figs. 2.26 and 2.27

Table 2.1.- canal and lateral rectangular inclined drop dimensions and
reinforcement (for use with figs. 2.26 and 2.27 (sheet 3 of 3). 103-D- 1264-3


58. Structure N 5.3 indicates Q=5 cts., H= 3 ft.
59. The dimensions of the control notch at the inlet of the structure should be determined
for design Q and 20% of design Q with control notch graphs as shown in design
360 Q
60. The base width of the structure is determined from the formula b=
61. The minimum downstream energy gradient for full design capacity is determined by
reducing the assumed n value for the channel by 20% and computing the depth.
62. H is the vertical fall from the normal upstream energy gradient to the minimum
downstream energy gradient.
63. d2 may be determined by using figure 2-37, then from d2 , A1 and V1 con be

determined from the formula d 2=


d 1 2 v 1 d 1 d 21
or from figure 2-37

64. d1 may be determined by using figure 2-37, then from d1, A1 and V1 can be
determined. The invert EI of the stilling pool is found by subtract d 2+hv2 from the
downstream gradient.
65. The minimum stilling pool length is 4d2.
66. The minimum freeboard for the stilling pool is obtained by using figure 2-33 as a
67. The minimum distance between chute blocks and floor blocks and floor blacks is 8d 2.
68. Reinforcement steel desing is based on working stresses of 24,000 p.s.i. with
specified minimum yield strength of 60,000 p.s.i.
69. Monolithic concrete desing based on a compressive strength of 4,000 p.s.i. at 28
days w. a working stress of 1800 psi.
70. When a gate with a specified height is not available, a gate with next greater
available height should be used with appropriate frame height.
Table 2.2.- Wasteway and drain rectangular inclined drop dimensions and
reinforcement (for use with figs. 2-26 and 2-27) (Sheet 1 of 3). 103-D-1265-1



Table 2.2.- Wasteway and drain rectangular inclined drop dimensions and
78. (for use with figs. 2-26 and 2-27) (Sheet 2 of 3). 103-D-1265-2



Table 2.2.- Wasteway and drain rectangular inclined drop dimensions and
reinforcement (for use with figs. 2-26 and 2-27) (Sheet 3 of 3). 103-D-1265-3



86. Structure N 5-3 indicates Q=5 cts., H= 3 ft.
87. The dimensions of the control notch at the inlet of the structure should be determined
for design Q and 20% of design Q with control notch graphs as shown in design
360 Q
88. The base width of the structure is determined from the formula b=
89. The minimum downstream energy gradient for full design capacity is determined by
reducing the assumed n value for the channel by 20% and computing the depth.
90. H is the vertical fall from the normal upstream energy gradient to the minimum
downstream energy gradient.
91. d2 may be determined by using figure 2-37, then from d2 , A1 and V1 con be

determined from the formula d 2=


d 1 2 v 1 d 1 d 21
or from figure 2-37
92. d1 may be determined by using figure 2-37, then from d1, A1 and V1 can be
determined. The invert EI of the stilling pool is found by subtract d 2+hv2 from the
downstream gradient.
93. The minimum stilling pool length is 4d2.
94. The minimum freeboard for the stilling pool is obtained by using figure 2-33 as a
95. The minimum distance between chute blocks and floor blocks and floor blacks is 8d 2.
96. Reinforcement steel desing is based on working stresses of 24,000 p.s.i. with
specified minimum yield strength of 60,000 p.s.i.
97. Monolithic concrete desing based on a compressive strength of 4,000 p.s.i. at 28
days w. a working stress of 1800 psi.
98. When a gate with a specified height is not available, a gate with next greater
available height should be used with appropriate frame height.

99.2. Rectangular Inclined adequate gravel or rock

Drops protection of outlets
discharging into unlined
100. 2-21. Purpose and waterways. The maximum
Description.-A rectangular fall in water surface for any
inclined (R.I.) drop (figs. 2- one R.1. drop is about 1.5
26 and 2-27) is a feet. The R.1. drop should
rectangular shaped have adequate percolation
structure with constant path and sufficient
width that conveys water resistance to sliding. The
from a higher elevation to a standard R.I. drop structures
lower elevation. This drop in in figures 2-26 and 2-27 are
elevation may be any designed to provide this
amount between 3 and stability; however, if
about 15 feet. The R.I. drop unusual foundation
not only conveys water, but conditions are encountered,
it also stills the water after it the percolation and sliding
has reached the lower resistance should be
elevation resulting in excess checked, and additional
energy being dissipated. stability may be obtained by
The inlet of the structure increasing the length Lf,
may also serve as a control
to regulate the water depth 102. 2-23. Structure
in the channel upstream Components. The
from the drop. principal hydraulic elements
of an R.I. drop are the
101. 2-22. Advantages upstream transition, the
and Disadvantages.- inlet, the short inclined
Rectangular inclined drops channel, the stilling pool,
are easily designed, built, the outlet, and the
and operated. The inlets downstream transition.
and outlets can be easily
adapted to either an earth 103. (a) Upstream
or a lined waterway. The Transitions.-The upstream
inlets can be made to transition produces a
incorporate a control notch, gradual change of velocity
a check, or a weir. If there is from waterway to structure.
a control or check inlet side When using a control inlet
overflow walls for there is not a change in
emergency situations invert elevation from
should be included. It is waterway to structure.
important to provide When a check inlet is used
the transition usually must undesirable wave action due to
provide for a gradual unsymmetrical flow. The
decrease in invert elevation trapezoidal critical-depth control
from the waterway to the should be proportioned in bottom
opening in the structure. width and side slopes for varying
The invert slope to a check discharge from design flow to 0.2
inlet should not be steeper design flow. For any flow in this
than 4 to 1. An earth range the notch causes the
transition may require upstream canal water depth to be
erosion protection. For at or very near normal depth. It
design of protection see the may also be proportioned to
discussion on Erosion control only one specific discharge.
Protection, subchapter VII B. Generally, the notch is designed
for the varying discharge. For
104. (b) Inlet to Drop.-The method of notch design for control
inlet to an R.I. drop may be any of of varying discharge see
the following: subchapter III G. The top of the
notch should be at the same
105. (1) Critical-depth elevation or slightly higher than
control section. -In an earth canal the normal upstream water
requiring no check, the inlet to the surface. The invert of the notch
drop should be designed to should be the same elevation as
provide a control section which will the canal invert. The depth of the
prevent Racing upstream and notch will be equal to or slightly
scouring of the canal. The inlet more than the depth in the canal
must be designed so that the full at normal flow. A control notch
capacity can be discharged into which requires slightly more
the drop with normal depth in the energy than that available from
canal. The inlet should be normal flow conditions in the canal
symmetrical about the centerline will cause a slight rise in water
and, whenever possible, of elevation in the canal, but this is
sufficient distance from horizontal not considered serious.
bends upstream as to limit


107. For the critical to permit design flow to go

condition of canal flow at or over the sidewalls with
near full design flow, the complete blockage of the
water surface rise is notch. If canal bank
minimized by part of the freeboard is based on figure
flow being able to overflow 1-9, the resulting freeboard
the sidewalls. The sidewalls, will still be about 0.5 foot.
with tops set at the same
elevation as the top of the 108. The invert to the inlet
notch, also provide for structure (elevation B, figs.
emergency overflow into the 2-26 and 2-27) is set low
inlet structure if there enough so that the flow at
should be an obstruction of the beginning of the incline
the notch or if the flow in will not affect the flow
the canal is greater than through the control figs. 2-
design flow. The overflow 26 and 2-27) is set low
sidewalls, figures 2-26 and enough so that the flow at
2-27 are of sufficient length the beginning of the incline
will not affect the flow
through the control notch. of the inlet is greater than 6
Expressed differently, feet and stoplog guides
elevation B is set low should be added so shorter
enough to prevent the flow are used, a center pier with
into the inclined section stoplog guides should be
from controlling the canal added so shorter stoplogs
water surface. can be used. Stoplogs
longer than 6 feet are
109. The inlet structure difficult to handle. Without a
also has wingwalls and center pier, the opening has
cutoffs for the purpose of two gate frame guides for
retaining canal earthwork installation of a gate or for
and for reducing seepage use as stoplog guides. The
from the canal. elevation of the inlet
opening should be the same
110. (2) Check. - check or lower than the invert of
structures are often the canal, never higher.
combined with the inlet to Slide gates may be
drops. The checks in such operated automatically. The
cases are utilized as a gate sizes in the table of
control to prevent racing of dimensions (tables 2-l and
the water upstream from 2-2) cause the top elevation
the inlet, in addition to their of the gates, when closed,
usual function of raising the to be approximately the
water surface to permit same elevation as the top of
diversion through upstream the side overflow walls. If
turnouts during periods of these gate sizes are not
partial flow in the canal. available and the next
greater available height is
111. Checks may also be used, the taller gate may
used to shut off the canal cause the canal freeboard to
flow if there is some be less than 0.5 foot when
provision such as an the gate is closed and all of
upstream wasteway to allow the normal canal flow is
the canal flow to go spilling over the sidewalls
elsewhere. This inlet closure and gate. If this freeboard is
could provide for isolation of much less than 0.5 foot, the
a canal reach in case of length of the sidewalls
canal embankment failure should be increased until
or for maintenance the canal freeboard is about
purposes. 0.5 foot for this overflow
112. The area of the inlet
opening should be 113. Stoplogs may be used
proportioned to limit the in vertical guides for water
design flow velocity to depths of 5 feet or less. For
about 3.5 feet per second. greater depths the guides
This velocity is considered should be placed on a slope
as the maximum desirable of 1/4 to 1 to facilitate
for ease of stoplog handling. handling. The sidewalls,
The width is usually the with their tops set at the
same as that determined by same elevation as normal
the width requirement for water surface in the canal,
the stilling pool. If the width provide for emergency
overflow into the structure if complete closure of the
the gate or stoplogs are not opening, the inlets in figures
appropriately set for a 2-26 and 2-27 are designed
particular flow in the canal, so that there will continue to
if the inlet becomes be about 0.5 - foot canal
obstructed, or if the inlet is bank freeboard if freeboard
closed. For the extreme design is based on figure 1-
condition of flow at canal 9.
design capacity and

114. The depth of flow measurement structures

over the walls and closure is pertaining to weirs.
dependent on a coefficient
of discharge, the length of 119. For a lined canal,
the walls, the width of the generally the minimum
structure, and the flow in freeboard at the inlet should
the canal. be the same as for the
lining. For unlined canals up
115. The floor of the inlet to a capacity of 100 cfs, the
structure (elevation B) is set minimum freeboard should
a distance H, below normal be 6 inches for water depths
water surface in the canal. to 1.25 feet, 9 inches for
The vertical distance Ho, in 1.26 to 2 feet, 12 inches for
the table of dimensions, depths 2.01 to 5 feet, and
tables 2-1 and 2-2 (sheet 3) 18 inches for depths 7.1 to
is great enough so that 9 feet.
design flow into the inclined
section will not cause 120. (c) Rectangular
backwater in the canal. inclined Channel. The channel is
rectangular in shape, and it is
116. Walk planks provide a usually practical to make the base
platform for operating a width the same as that required
gate or handling stoplogs. for the pool or inlet section. The
The 18 - inch clearance vertical height of the walls may be
between the top of sidewalls determined by computing the
and bottom of walk planks depth in the section with
(figures 2-26 and 2-27) theoretical velocity and adding
provides clearance for the freeboard of 12 inches for flows up
passage of floating debris to 100 cfs. The slope of the incline
that might otherwise may be as steep as 1-1/2 to 1 but
obstruct the flow of water is usually 2 to 1. R.I. drops with
over sidewalls. flows up to 100 cfs do not require
curved trajectories, therefore the
117. The check inlet incline will intersect the level inlet
structure also has wingwalls invert and also the level pool
and cutoffs for the purpose invert.
of retaining the canal
earthwork and for reducing 121. (d) stiling pool.-
seepage. Stiling pools for hydraulic jumps
are installed at the lower ends of
118. (3) Weir.-Sometimes a R.I. drops to obtain the required
measuring weir required at loss of energy between the lower
the inlet to an R.I. drop. See end of the inclined channel and
subchapter V E for a the downstream pool. The outlet
discussion on water
transition further reduces velocity downstream water surface control
and turbulence of the water in the channel, backwater for the
thereby reducing erosion in the jump may be provided by building
channel below. See subchapter II F a control into the outlet transition.
for design of stilling pools. The See subchapter II F.
necessary depth, d2, at the lower
end of the pool may be computed 122. For a controlled
by the pressure-momentum downstream water surface.
equation or may be determined as The elevation of the pool
demonstrated in the design floor may be determined by
example. The minimum subtracting (d2+hv2) from
downstream energy gradient for the minimum downstream
the hydraulic jump computations is energy elevation.
determined by using a reduced n
value. This reduced n should be 123. When use of a stilling
0.8 times the assumed design n pool is to be intermittent
for the canal. These smaller values and for short duration of
of n are used as a factor of safety flow, such as in most
against possible lower canal water wasteways or structures
elevations than indicated using the carrying floodwater, the
rougher n value. The friction loss minimum pool length should
on the incline of an R.I. drop is also be 3 d2. Where
neglected which provides an uninterrupted use or long
additional factor of safety for the duration of flow is expected,
stilling pool. If there is not the minimum pool length
should be 4 d2.


125. For rectangular pools extending into the earth canal

and discharges up to 100 banks on either side, and a
cfs, the width of pool may straight rectangular channel with
be obtained by the empirical vertical walls tapering from pool
formula. wall height to zero. A portion of the
transitions may be made in earth
360 Q provided the velocity at the
126. b= downstream cutoff is not too great
for the soil. Riprap or gravel
protection is used as required on
127. Where b = width of the earth transition section. See
pool in feet and Q = subchapter VII B for protection.
discharge in cubic feet per Where broken-back or warped
second. transitions are used, the tops of
these transition walls should be
128. (e) Outlet.-The outlet the same elevation as the stilling
of an R.I. drop connects the pool pool walls.
with an earth canal, a concrete-
lined canal, or a natural channel 130. Cutoffs at the ends of
and prevents or lessens the outlets should be a minimum
downstream erosion. of 24 inches deep and 6 inches
thick for water depths of 0 to 3
129. Some of the more feet over the cutoff, and 2 feet 6
common types of outlets used are: inches deep and 8 inches thick for
Broken-back transition, straight or warer depths from 3 to 6 feet.
curved diverging vertical walls
131. Where an earth surface at the cutoff to any
transition is used at the inlet or point at the top of the
outlet, it should be a minimum of inclined channel or stilling
10 feet long. pool walls. A slope of 5 to 1
is common. See subchapter
132. 2-24. Percolation.- VIII C for discussion on
where water stands at Lanes weighted-creep ratio,
different elevations above sometimes called
and below a structure, there percolation factor.
is a tendency for the water
to flow along the surfaces of 134. The need for cutoff
the structure or through the collars and the length of the
surrounding soil from the portion of the inlet between
higher elevation to the the inlet cutoff and the
lower. The velocity that then incline may be decided by
water will attain in passing the susceptibility to
from the higher to the lower percolation and seepage. It
elevation will depend on the is sometimes necessary to
hydraulic head differential, lengthen the inlet structure
the length of the path that or provide cutoff collars to
the water is required to lengthen the path of
follow, and the permeability percolation on the standard
of the soil. Obviously, it is R.1. drops, figures 2-26 and
possible for percolating 2-27.
water to attain a velocity
sufficiently great to move 135. 2-25. design
the soil particles with Example of R.I. Drop with
consequent hazard to the control inlet and stilling
foundation of the structure. poo outlet (see figs. 2-26
and 2-27 arid tables 2-1
133. The length of the and 2-2). The topography
percolation path along the for the canal alinement is
structure, as computed by assumed to be such that the
Lanes weighted-creep general ground drops
method, should be such that abruptly at this point and a
the phreatic line does not drop structure is the feasible
intersect the tops of the way to convey the water to
inclined channel or stilling the lower elevation.
pool walls. The type of soil
will govern the choice of the 136. (a) Give.-
maximum allowable slope of
the assumed percolation 137. (1) Type of waterway
line. In general, the slope of = earth canal
the walls should be held to a
slope not steeper than 3.5 138. (2) Hydraulic
to I (horizontal to vertical) properties of the canal at
from the canal water inlet and outlet of structure:

139. Q = 50 cfs b = 5.0 ft. 141. n = 0.025 v = 1.91

dn = 2.83 ft. f.p.s. hv = 0.06 ft.

140. s = 0.0005 s1/2 = 142. E = 2.89 ft.

0.02235 s:s=1-1/2: 1
143. (3) Type of 155. The value of Lo, = 5
conveyance structure = R.I. feet 7 inches in the table
drop with stilling pool. was determined by
emergency side-overflow
144. (4) EI. A = 5406.00 requirements, and the value
(from a profile sheet). of Ho = 2 feet 9 inches
minimum was determined
145. (5) NWS EI. at Sta. A by the requirement that El.
= EI. A + d, = 5406.00 + B is set low enough so that
2.83 = 5408.83. hydraulic control of the
upstream canal water
146. (6) Energy EI. at Sta. surface is at the control
A = NWS EI. + hv = 5408.83 notch.
+ 0.06 = 5408.89.
156. In the table, H, = 4
147. (7) El. top of bank = feet 3 inches minimum, was
5410.4. determined by adding 18
inches to Ho, From the above
148. (8) El. D = 5392.00 table, a = 4 feet 0 inch.
(from a profile sheet).
157. (2) The procedure and
149. (9) NWS El. at Sta. D calculations required to
= El. D + dn = 5392.00 + select the appropriate
2.83 = 5394.83. control notch are explained
in detail in subchapter
150. (10) Energy EI. at Sta.
D = EI. NWS + h, = 5394.83 158. III G. The design
+ 0.06 = 5394.89. example in subchapter III G
is for the same hydraulic
151. (11) There is no conditions and therefore
requirement for a check only the design values will
upstream from the drop, but be repeated here:
a control is required to
minimize erosion in the 159. P = 20 inches, S =
canal for flows in the range 0.50, and N = 4 ft. 6 in.
of about 0.2 to full design
flow. 160. (3) T should be equal
to or greater than normal
152. (b) Determine Control depth in the canal, 2.83
lnlet Dimensions. - (1) feet. Select
Standard dimensions b, Lo,
Ho, Hp, and a are read from 161. T = 2 feet 10 inches.
dimension table Structure Q
max. of 50 (table 2-1, sheet 162. (4) The value used for
3) for canals and laterals. H, must not be less than the
value selected for T. Since
153. The value for b = 6 the value T = 2 feet 10
feet 6 inches in the table inches exceeds the
was calculated from the tabulated value for H0 = 2
formula: feet 9 inches min., use H 0, =
2 feet 10 inches.
360 Q
154. b=
Q+360 163. (5) The value for Hf
must be H0, + 18 inches = 4
feet 4 inches.
164. (6) Determine 167. bmin. = 6 ft. 6 in., from
minimum jnside width of dimension shown on table 2-1
inlet structure with control (sheet 3) therefor use 6 ft. 6 in.
168. (7) Determine El. top
165. bmin. = N + 3 in. min. of notch and side overflow
each side walls. The invert elevation
of the notch is equal to EI.
166. = 4 ft. 6 in. + 6 A.
in. = 5 ft. 0 in. or,
169. = EI. A + T =
5406.00 + 2.83 = 5408.83.

170. (8) Determine El. B 176. From Mannings

equation [6]
171. = EI. top of notch and
sidewalls H0 177.
Qn 50 x 0.8 x 0.025
172. = 5408.83 - 2.83 = A R3= =
1.486 x 0.02235
5406.00 which for this example 1.486 S 2
happens to equal EI. A.
173. (c) Determine
Hydraulic Setting for Stilling 178. A R 3 =30.1
Pool by Using Table 2-1.
179. Assume different
174. (1) Determine the water depths, d, in the canal
minimum downstream and solve for AR2/3 until
energy at station D for AR23 = 30.1 (see
design flow using an II value tabulation below).
of 0.8 the normal n value.
180. The assumed d of
175. Min. energy at Sta. D = EI. D 2.53 feet properly balances
+ d + hv the Manning equation, so

181. depth is 2.53 feet, 184. So minimum energy

and A = 22.25 feet 2, at Sta. D = EI. D + E =
50 5392.00 + 2.6 1 = 5394.61.
V= =2.25 fps,
185. (2) Determine H value
V 2 5.06
hv= = =0.08 foot, 186. H = energy El. at Sta.
2 g 64.4
A Minimum energy EI. at
Sta. D. = 5408.89 -
182. E = d + hv = 2.53 + 5394.61= 14.28 feet. Use H
0.08 = 2.61 feet. = 15 feet for determining
structure number. Structure
183. The normal depth number = Q-H or 50-15.
could also have been This structure is for a canal
determined by using table so use table 2- 1 (sheet 3)
2-5. for standard dimensions.
From this table b, = 2 feet 6
inches, Hs= 2 feet 9 inches,
c =7 spaces, d = 11 inches.
LT = 10 feet 0 inch, L1: = 10 5394.61 - 4.02 feet =
feet 5 inches, LB= 3 feet 3 5390.59, use 5390.50.
inches, LP= 16 feet 0 inch,
HP= 6 feet 2 inches, d2 + hv2 189. (d) Alternative|
= 4.02 feet, h= 12 inches, t Method for Determining
=6 inches, and t=8 inches. stilling Pool Invert Elevation.
-An alternate determination
187. Other additional of stilling pool invert
information regarding elevation (EI. C) would be to
wingwalls, cutoffs, weep use figure 2-37, subchapter
holes, concrete thicknesses, II F and make the following
reinforcements, and computations:
estimated quantities may be
taken from figure 2-27 and 190. (1) Determine critical
table 2-1. depth in pool section from
equation dc= 0.3 1433q2/3, where
188. (3) Determine stilling Q 50
pool invert elevation (EI. C)
q= = =7.69 and q2/3 =
b 6.5
= minimum downstream
energy elevation (d2+ hv2) = 3.896.

191. Dc=1.22 ft.

193. 195. 197.
199. 201. 203.
205. 207. 209. 211. 212.

Ass d 1 b d A 3. Wp=b+ AR A
3.6 R=
194. 196. 198. 200. 202. 204. 206. 06d
d, s S f s sp Ft , 210.
208. Ft
213. 215. 217. 219. 221. 223. 225. 227. 229. 231. 233.
2.5 6 9 5 1 2 9. 14.01 1. 1 2
214. 216. 218. 220. 222. 224. 226. 14.12 230. 232. 234.
2.5 6 9 5 1 2 9. 1. 1 3

H table in figure 2-37,

235. (2) Determine dc subchapter II F.

14.28 238. =0.184
=11.7 dc
236. 1.22

237. (3) Obtain values 239. =17.43
d1 d1 dc
dc and dc by using
240. (4) Determine d1
above value of dc and 241. d1 = 0.184 x dc =
0.184 x 1.22
242. = 0.224 foot
243. (5) Determine d2 258. (2) Hydraulic
properties of the canal:
244. d2 = 17.43 x d1 =
17.43 x 0.224 259. Q = 50 cfs b = 5.0 ft.
dn = 2.83 ft.
245. = 3.92 feet 260. s = 0.0005 s1/2=
0.02235 s:s = 1-1/2: 1
246. (6) Determine A, V, and 11,
for depth, d2 261. n = 0.025 v = 1.91
f.p.s. hv= 0.60 ft.
A2 = b d2 = 6.5 x 3.92
= 25.45 ft.2 262. E = 2.89 ft.

248. 263. (3) Type of

Q 50 conveyance structure = R.l.
V 2= = =1.96 f . p . s . drop with stilling pool.
A 2 25.45
264. (4) EI. A = 5406.00
249. (from a profile sheet).
V 2 1.96 2
h v2= = =0.06 foot 265. (5) NWS EI. at Sta. A
2 g 64.4 = EI. A + dn =

250. (7) Determine stilling 266. 5406.00 + 2.83 =

pool invert elevation (EI. C). 5408.83.

251. = minimum 267. (6) Energy El. at Sta.

downstream energy EI. A = NWS El. + hv=

252. - (d2 + hv2) 268. 5408.83 + 0.06 =

253. = 5394.61 - (3.92 +
0.06) 269. (7) El. top of bank =
54 10.40.
254. = 5390.63 use
5390.50 270. (8) El. D = 5392.00
(from a profile sheet).
255. 2-26. Design
Example of R.I. Drop 271. (9) NWS El. at Sta. D
With Check Inlet and = El. D + dn =
Stilling Pool Outlet (see
figs. 2-26 and 2-27 and 272. 5392.00 + 2.83 =
tables 2-1 and 2-2). The 5394.83.
topography for the canal
alinement is assumed to be 273. (10) Energy El. at Sta. D =
such that the terrain drops El. NWS + hv
abruptly at this point, and a
274. = 5394.83 + 0.06 =
drop structure is the feasible
way to convey the water to
the lower elevation.
275. (11) A cheek inlet
256. (a) Given. - structure is required at the
inlet to provide diversion
257. ( 1) Type of waterway requirements to turnouts.
= earth canal. The check should be
furnished with a gate
because of the desire to Standard dimensions b, L,
automate the check. and H, arc read from
dimension table Structure Q
276. (b) Determine Check max. of 50 (table 2-l) (sheet
Inlet Dimensions.- ( I ) 3).

277. The value for b = 6 285. Number of planks =

feet 6 inches in the table 11
was calculated from the
formula: 286. (c) Determine
Hydraulic Setting for Stilling
360 Q Pool. -The following
278. b= dimensions and elevations
are identical to those for the
R.1. drop with control inlet,
279. The value of table set tion 2-25.
was determined by
emergency side-overflow 287. (1) Minimum
requirements and H, = 2 downstream energy
feet 9 inches minimum was elevation = 5394.6 1.
determined by the
requirement that El. B is set 288. (2) H = 1.5 ft.
low enough so that
hydraulic control of the 289. (3) dc = 1.22 ft.
upstream canal water
surface is at the check H
290. (4) =11.7
opening. dc
280. (2) El. top of sidewalls
= El. NWS in canal = 291. (5) d1= 0.224 ft.
292. (6) d2= 3.92 ft.
281. (3) El. B = El. NWS in
canal H0 minimum = 293. (7) A2= 25.45 ft.2,
5408.83 - 2.75 = 5406.08, V2=1.96 fps, hv2=0.06 ft.
but this is higher than canal
invert. El. B should not be 294. (8) El. C = 5390.50.
higher than the canal invert,
therefore make El. B = El. 295. (9) Lp = 16 ft. 0 in.
canal invert = 5406.00,
then H0= 5408.83 - 5406.00 296. (10) LT = 10 ft. 0 in.
= 2.83 feet.
297. (1 1 j HP = 6 ft. 2 in.
282. (4) Gate size, frame
298. (12) bT = 2 ft. 6 in.
height, and number of walk
planks are also read from
299. (13) LT = 3 ft. 3 in.
the Standard Dimension
tabulation on table 2-1
300. (14) c=7.
(sheet 3):
283. Gate size = 78 inches 301. (15) d= 11 in.
x 33 inches
284. Frame Ht. = 6 feet 0 302. (16) h= 12in.
303. (d) Determine 308. (b) Type 2.-The type 2
Additional Dimensions.- pipe drop figure 2-32 is a
These dimensions are also practical and economical
identical to those for the drop and is used as an inline
R.1. Drop with control inlet canal structure or as a
discussed in section 2-25. cross-drainage structure. It
is generally used in
304. 3. Pipe Drops preference to the type 1
pipe drop if sediment and
305. 2-27. Purpose and debris is carried in the
Description. -A pipe drop water. With a type 2 pipe
conveys water from a higher drop the excess energy
elevation to a lower dissipation must be
elevation. This drop in accomplished at the outlet
elevation may be any with either a baffled outlet
amount between 3 and or a stilling pool. However, if
about 15 feet. A pipe drop there is a possibility of
not only conveys water but having weeds in the water,
it must also dissipate the a stilling pool should be
excess energy and still the used because of the
water after it has reached difficulty with weeds
the lower elevation. clogging a baffled outlet.
The type 2 pipe drop should
306. The two general types have a check inlet or a
of closed conduit drops are control inlet if the drop is an
type 1 and type 2. (a) Type inline canal structure. If the
1.-The type 1 pipe drop type 2 pipe drop is a cross-
(figs. 2-28, 2-29, 2-30. and drainage structure it may
2-31) is a practical and have a reinforced concrete
economical drop and is used inlet transition.
as an inline canal structure
where the possibility of 309. 2-28. Advantages and
clogging is minimal. Another Disadvantages. Pipe drops
type of drop structure are easily designed, built,
should be used for cross and operated. The inlets can
drainage. The pipe is be readily adapted to either
sumped an amount required an earth or a lined
to create a hydraulic jump in waterway and the outlets
the pipe which dissipates can be easily adapted to an
the excess energy. earth or a lined canal or to a
waterway where there is no
307. The type 1 pipe drop downstream water surface
should have a check inlet or control. The inlets can be
a control inlet, but may made to incorporate a
have only an earth outlet control notch, a check, or a
transition if the full pipe weir. If there is a control or a
velocities are not greater check inlet there should be
than 3.5 feet per second. If side overflow walls for
this drop has a reinforced emergency flows. A pipe
concrete outlet transition drop can easily be taken
the full pipe velocities may under another waterway or
be as high as 5 feet per a roadway. Pipe drops are
second. economical, especially for
small discharges. Pipe drops
require very little are constructed of durable
maintenance, provided they pipe

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