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The California Educators Guide to School Law

-Orange County Department of Education

I. Campus Security
-TRO (restraining order) to have someone not come on campus at all for someone who is a
credible source of violence
-Can always tell a parent/person they may not be on campus for up to 14 days in writing (letter
or email)
-pg.5 G *policy for visitors to sign-in
-Press can come on grounds, unless disruptive and you can ask them to leave
-do not need parent consent to talk to students
-explain to students if incident occurs, you do not have to answer questions
-pg. 8 Ed Code
-Safety Plan done by March 1st each year
-Who do you call in a traumatic event to have psychs come to school? HCOE (Peter)

II. Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act

-within first 6 weeks of school starting (or within 6 weeks of hiring)
-pg. 17-26 (PC= Penal Code)
-if parents are driving on field trips, smart to have them fingerprinted
-file the report within 36 hours
-pg. 25 follow up with CPS after 2 weeks
-have Sheriff come to school if theres something violent
-pg. 28-29 written report
-photo copy CWS workers badge and write date and how they interviewed
-Student has right to have support person with them
-follow-up with parent if child is interviewed for something that doesnt involve the parent (such
as, student saw vandalism)
-Minor Consent, Confidentiality, and Child Abuse Reporting in California article

III. Animals on Campus (Service Animals)

-pgs. 6-8 summary
-School Board Policy pg. 12 Example

IV. Technology Use by Staff and Students

-be careful what is in an email about students
-Employee should sign Internet Use form pgs. 6-9
-Student should sign Internet Use form each year pgs. 10-11

V. Complaints
-Uniform Complaint Procedure (UCP) for most complaints
-49070 IEP, grades, student record, etc.
-pg. 25 Investigations Procedures*
-pg. 27 3rd bullet from top

VI. Student Free Speech and Discipline for Off-Campus/After School Conduct
-48900R bullying (off-campus)

VII. Searches
-reasonable suspicion to check students cell phone (information found must correlate to the
-Teacher should ask administrator to do the search
-Student does not have to be present for search
-end of Tab VII (vehicle search)

VIII. Custody Issues

-pg. 1 definition of parent
-pg. 1 custody orders
-court order must say legal rights are limited or gone in order for that parent to not get
educational documents
-parent requests to get school records (5 days to get those to them)
-parent needs to get TRO if they dont want the other parent to have all of the
-get copy of up-to-date custody order
-pg. 2 Right to Observe
-must tell Teacher 48 hours in advance, with teacher agreement of how often
-need Board Policy

-only 1 parent must sign IEP document (notify both parents)

-other parent can revoke special education services consent (if they have legal custody)
-other parent can go to court and get order that student can get services
-School must file for due process if parents cant agree

IX. Student Fees

-pg. 1 law
-pg. 4 fees you can request

X. Special Education
-other person can sign IEP if parent cant be located
-pgs. 2-5 timeline for Special Ed
-56346 cant file for hearing if parent denies services
-file for hearing if student allows some services, but denies some services
-504 plan must have assessment done

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