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Lauren Bryie

Short Article Reading 1

In The Interface of School and School Connectedness and Relationships with

Aggression and Victimization by Dorian Wilson, the author writes about the importance of

creating a school climate that is accepting, safe, and where students feel valued and cared for.

The most important quote I read from this article is, Childrens experiences in school are

fundamental to their successful transition into adulthood. I think sometimes educators and

people who work in education forget that everything we say, everything we do, and every way

we make students feel can stay with them for the rest of their lives. I, to this day, still remember

some positive and negative things that my teachers and other staff members said to me. Part of

what is said and the way it is said creates a climate at the school. I found it interesting in the

article that if a student feels unsafe or not connected to the school, they are more likely to be

aggressive or victimized.

This article was a reminder to me to create a safe environment in my classroom. It will

also be just as important when I am a principal someday to build a climate within the school

district that has respect and makes everyone feel valued.

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