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Lauren Bryie

EDL 645: Short Article Reading 3

In the article, The Importance to Bonding to School for Healthy Development: Findings

from the Social Development Research Group by Catalona, Haggerty, Oesterle, Fleming &

Hawkins, the authors summarize research done on school connectedness. An interesting quote

I found in the article was, ... children must learn patterns of behavior 1) perceived

opportunities for involvement in activities and interactions with others; 2) actual involvement; 3)

skill for involvement and interaction; 4) perceived rewards from involvement and interaction.

Teaching socialization is incredibly important in school. Also part of teaching socialization, is

having a highly qualified teacher. A part of learning these social behaviors is having a teacher

who has proactive classroom management, interactive teaching, and cooperative learning. By

students getting to work together, with the guidance of the teacher, they are more likely to learn

these skills and feel connected to the classroom, teacher, and school.

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