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Jayanni Jeffery

ENG 102
April 9, 2017
Story Map Link:

My topic is the 15 most destructive hurricanes in American history. I chose this topic to analyze
the impact of natural disasters visually. Natural disasters are not often discussed and are usually
presented in the traditional literature format. Using hurricanes as my topic gave me the
opportunity to have an informative platform about natural disasters using visual aid. This is a
valuable topic that affects all people. The story map can appeal to college students to quickly
learn facts about tragic hurricanes. This can be used as a tool of awareness, prevention, and
education. The goal of the story map is to bring awareness of hurricane, honor victims, and learn
about natural disasters. The story map provides a visual source to learn about natural disasters. I
want readers to look at past destruction and recognize efforts to reconstruction. Each hurricane
destroyed businesses and homes but it did not destroy the community. Post tragic hurricane each
city came together as a community to restore their beloved town. The hurricane sparked change
and unity amongst civilians. I used several sources to find facts about each destructive hurricane.
It was difficult in my research to pin point one location. Most of the hurricanes highlighted in my
story map traveled across the globe. Hurricanes would travel down the coast affecting more than
just one city or state. It was also difficult to find the date of hurricane, each hurricane began as a
tropical storm prior to escalating to multiple hazardous categories. The topic of the most
destructive hurricanes in American history is best for a story map. The information is delivered
clearly and concisely. The map allows you to view the exact location of tragic events, providing
a geographical perspective.

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