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Language Arts Multiple Measures Second Trimester Form B

For ORF score: Final CEPM score: Final Reading Rubric Scores
How many of each?
Convert CEPM from report card to a M 270 - 300
___ M ____ E
number: P CWPM
210 - 269 Form B (%) Final Average Final
C = 50;Record students
E = 100; alphabetically,
P = 150; and M = E 120 - 209 ORF ORF
___ P Form B____ C
Narrative Total CEPM Writing columns CEPM
200. last name first. CEPMOpinion
___ at
(%) Informative
____ belowscore Test (%)
C Below
Acc. 119 1-4 Score
grade grade
Grade: 2 3 4 5 6
Final Writing Rubric Scores
Final CEPM score:
How many of each?
M 91 - 100
___ M ____ E
P 70 - 90
___ P ____ C
E 40 - 69
C Below 40 ___ at ____ below
grade grade

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