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Grade Level Placement Agreement

According to Education Code 48070.5, students not meeting grade level standards shall be retained in their
current grade unless the school determines that placement in the next grade is more appropriate. This Grade
Level Placement Agreement verifies that we are not recommending retention for your child.

Even though ______________________________ is not currently meeting grade level standards in the following
academic area(s), it has been determined that placement in grade ______ is appropriate.

_____ Reading _____ Written Language _____ Mathematics

After careful consideration, the decision to place your child in the next grade has been made for the reason(s)
checked below:

_____ Current achievement is below grade level; however, student is progressing at a steady rate.
_____ Student is already one of the oldest in his/her current grade level.
_____ Student has an individualized special education plan.
_____ Student would not benefit from another year in the current grade level due to low effort/motivation.
_____ A high number of absences are hindering the students academic growth.
_____ Other: _____________________________________________________________________

Recommended interventions in lieu of retention include increased home practice and tutoring during the summer.
To access various community resources that might assist in boosting academic skills, feel free to call the
Humboldt Community Switchboard at 441-1001. Participation in academic support services here at
Cutten/Ridgewood (reading, writing, and/or mathematics assistance) is also recommended for the 2017-18 school

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Teacher Signature & Date Principal Signature & Date

Please check one option:

I agree my child should be placed in the next grade level _______. --- or ---
I prefer my child be retained in the current grade level _______.

______________________________________ ______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature & Date Parent/Guardian Signature & Date

Please return this agreement by June 14, 2017

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