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Running head: PEPSI 1


Alondra Acosta

College of Southern Nevada

Principles of Educational Psychology 220

Dr. Hooks

14 of December, 2016
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Biography on child

The child that was used for this PEPSI study is a female of 10 Years of age. I observed this child

for a time frame of 3 months. With the consent of her parents we are able to use her First name;

Citlaly. Citlaly was born in Branson, Missouri. Citlaly comes from a Hispanic Ethnicity. Her whole

family is also Hispanic. She comes from a middle class socio-economic family. In her household,

Citlaly lives with both her parents: Francisco (44) and Elvia (41) and 3 siblings, 2 boys (17 and

12) and one girl (20). Francisco works Full-Time in construction and Elvia is a stay-at-home mom.

Citlaly is the youngest child in this family of 6. Her older sister is Alondra and she is 20 years old

and goes to CSN. Her older brother is Alexis and he is 17 and goes to SECTA High school. Her

other brother is Christopher who is 12 and goes to Woodbury Middle school. Citlaly goes to

Fourth grade at Ullom Elementary. Citlalys family invokes many ethical, moral, and religious

values into her everyday life. Her family practices the Catholic religion and Citlaly is preparing to

do her first communion.

Keywords: PEPSI = Physical, Emotional, Philosophical, Social, and Intellectual.

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In this paper, I will be observing the child Citlaly in the following stages: Physical,

Emotional, Philosophical, Social, and Intellectual.

Physical Development (P)

The physical characteristics of Citlaly are: that she is of a fair complexion, she has dark

brown hair and dark brown eyes. She weighs 92 pounds and is 4 feet and 8 inches tall. She is of a

lean body. According to an article on New Health Advisor (last updated on 13 December 2016) it

states that, At the age of ten, the girls will weigh about 70 pounds (32kg) on average. However,

since there is a wide range of sizes among kids this age, girls might weigh anything from 53 to 102

pounds and still be considered to be healthy. The height of 10-year-old girl can be generally around

54.5 inches. From this article we get that, she is between what is considered to be the normal

healthy weight for a 10-year-old girl; on the other hand, she is taller than the average girl by 1.5


According to JAnne Ellsworths Physical development, a few girls may begin to acquire

secondary sex characteristics, Citlaly is on track because she has already started to use training

bras because, she developing secondary sex characteristics. Noticing her physical development,

she has begun to become more tentative to the issue of wearing light fabric or light colored tops. I

also have noticed, that she is open to her sister Alondra, when she feels uncomfortable with her

training bra showing through her shirt.

Although she loves to play sports with her older brothers; Chris and Alexis, she sometimes

lacks the sport related motor skills. According to chapter 3, section 3, in our textbook: Psychology

applied to teaching 14th edition by Jack Snowman it states, Boys tend to outperform girls on tasks

that involve kicking, throwing, catching, running Girls surpass boys on tasks that require
Figures title: 4
muscular flexibility, balance, and rhythmic movements. From what I have observed, the things

stated above are sometimes true and false regarding her motor skill performances. I conducted a

small experiment to see is she was on track, by having her run against the neighbors 10-year-old

boy, Wyatt Quinton. I made them run 10 times against each other, out of all the times, Citlaly ended

up winning 6 out of the 10 times. I needed more research, so I made them play catch against each

other. In this activity, she lacked on her motor skills. She would not always catch the ball and she

didnt have a good throw like Wyatt. After observing this, I concluded that she is above and meets

the standards that are set for her age- level motor skill performance.
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Emotional Development (E)

In her emotional development, she falls into Ericksons industry versus inferiority. At her

age, according to chapter 2, section 1, in the book: Psychology applied to teaching 14th edition by

Jack Snowman it states a child entering school is at a point in development when behavior is

dominated by intellectual curiosity and performance. If children are encouraged to make and do

things well, praised for trying, industry results. Children who feel inferior may never learn to enjoy

intellectual work After observing, I have noticed that this is true. If you tell her good job after

she completes a household chore, she feels proud of herself and will do the chore next time with

less feedback on why she has to do it. If you praise her when she does her homework or gets good

grades, she feels happy and I noticed that it sparks her curiosity. For example, she strives to read

more books that are above her reading level to graduate to the next reading level.

After talking to Citlaly, I have noticed that she has a tendency to dream big when it comes

to her goals in life. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up, so she can help people. Also, in

school she always strives to be the best she can and ultimately she wants to achieve the Mega

reading level, which only a handful of students have achieved before graduating to middle school.

According to JAnne Ellsworths Emotional development, This is also the age of the dreamer -

dreams of future greatness, presidency, greatest pitcher in the league, the grand slam or slam dunk

champion of the future. She falls into her age group of emotional development because, she is

always thinking about the big picture.

Even though Citlaly seems like a jolly person, she can be really shy when it comes to

talking to adults. She is outgoing with her friends and peers, but when it comes to adults, she is

shy and sometimes stumbles on her words. According to an article on Social and Emotional

development: Ages 8-10 by kidcentral tn, it states that, At this stage, children will exhibit many
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of these characteristics: Spend a lot of time talking with peers, can express subtle emotions and

experience moments of anger or frustration, may be quite sensitive and overly dramatic, can

change emotions quickly and, can become discouraged, which may lead to being shy in public

performances. She does change emotions really quick, she will be mad and then she will be

laughing because something funny happened. She over-reacts and is very dramatic when you take

things away from her. She will start to cry and whine about what was taken away. When it comes

to her shyness, she doesnt like the idea of asking adults questions in public. For example, she

was at Christophers baseball game and her mom wanted to know the score, she asked Citlaly to

ask the score keeper what it was, but she kept saying no. After haven given her a bribe, she went

and asked. When she asked him, she got red and talked very soft towards him and was just pleading

to go back and sit down. From what I observed, she is a shy girl when it comes to public situations.
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Philosophical Development (P).

The child is generally relatively willing to obey and conform to adult expectations or

requests If the child does this, then they would be on track with JAnne Ellsworths Philosophical

development. While observing Citlaly, I noticed that over the time, she doesnt fall into this

category, she has a tendency to disobey the commands of adults. At the beginning, she would

gladly do what she was instructed to do, but later on she began to act out. She is now asked to do

something, and she says, no, Im good, I dont feel like doing that! why me? I feel that she is

starting to do this because she wants to seek attention since, Elvia has started to babysit a toddler

and all the attention is shifted towards him.

According to Kohlbergs stages of Moral reasoning, in our book: Psychology applied to

teaching 14th edition by Jack Snowman, Citlaly would be in level 2: Conventional Morality. She

usually does follow the rules of society, and her parents have invoked many values into her life

regarding how she should act in public. Stage 3 and Stage 4, are something that I have observed

her parents invoke in her. She has recently been lacking in stage 3 because of her sudden bad

behavior. In her household, they have a set of rules that have to be obeyed or else they cant go

play with their friends. Her parents noticed that she was acting out and started to enforce more

harshly the rules. Towards the end of my observing time, I noticed that Citlaly had started to

decrease the times she acted out in the day, due to the highly implemented rules in her house.

After realizing what she has done, Citlaly started to become socially accepting of the rules

that where enforced on her. According to an article, Stages of child development and milestones

from 7-12 years, it states that; Social acceptance becomes more and more important- You will

hear the term "that's not fair" over and over, and she will be very aware of social expectations,

being especially careful not to do anything that will bring embarrassment or humiliation. I have
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observed that this is true, she is starting to take into thought what society will think of her. She

started to minimize the number of times she acts out because, she told me that; I think I embarrass

myself by doing that, what if my friends see me, what would they think of me? She started to get

the idea that acting out wasnt the ideal way to express herself.
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Social Development (s).

When I started to observe Citlaly, I noticed that she was an easy going girl, and she loved

to socialize with girls her age. I held an interview with Citlaly regarding her social skills, and when

we started to talk about her friends, she didnt want me to call them Girl Friends and Boy Friends

her reasoning behind it was that it sounded weird and that she liked boys not girls. She wanted me

to call them by Friend Girls and Friend boys because that made more sense to her. This has a lot

to say about her social skills, according to Chapter 3, Section 3b in our textbook: Psychology

applied to teaching 14th edition by Jack Snowman, it says; friendships become more selective and

gender-based. Most children choose a best friend, usually of the same gender. This age will rarely

refuse to interact with members of the opposite sex when directed to do so by parents and teachers,

they will avoid the opposite sex when left to their own devices. I asked Citlaly who her best friend

was a she replied with girl, I asked who the majority of her friends where and she said, mostly

girls but, I do have some friend boys. I asked her who she does projects with and she replied with,

two girls and one boy, I like the boy because he is smart and helps me when I get stuck in

problems. This tells me that she does look at gender when choosing friends but, she doesnt

eliminate them from being possible friends later on.

This is a great time for belonging and clubs, secret codes and disappearing ink.

According to JAnne Ellsworths Social development, Citlaly is on target because she wants to

feel that she belongs to a group and she has her best friends there. For example, Citlaly is involved

in the Dance Club at her school because she enjoys it and because her friends are also involved.

At this stage in her life, peers start to influence her everyday actions and start to mold her a specific

way. According to an article on The emotional lives of 8-10 year olds, it says; Children this age

frequently travel in groups, although girls will often pair off with close friends within larger circles.
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The close bonds and friendships that form among this age group comes the increase in social

cruelty and bullying. As a consequence, children became capable of intentional meanness and

social exclusion. In addition to a new emphasis on friends, crushes often make their appearance

during these years I interviewed to see if all these aspects where true, and they were. She didnt

hang out with 2 girls because they were bullies to another friend of hers, she had a crush on a boy

from her classroom, and by making aside the 2 girls that once where her friends and now are not,

she too contributed to the cruelty and bullying going on in schools even though she didnt know.
Figures title: 11
Intellectual Development (I).

For the time period that I was observing Citlaly, I was lucky to be able to go to one of her

parent-teacher conference. I heard about what a great student she is. I noticed that all her teachers

loved her and really wanted her to succeed. According to JAnne Ellsworths intellectual

development, Student show gains in the ability to share ideas and insights with fellow students,

many youngsters begin to pursue education outside of school for personal satisfaction, and

learning styles may become evident. Citlaly falls into these categories because, she loves to read

and she continues to read on the weekends and even in the summer. She also, loves to share her

ideas about new things she learned or saw with her friends. Her learning style is that you have to

teach her several times how to do problems in math because, sometimes she doesnt grasp the

subject on the first try.

I observed that her grades where really good except in math. She had all As but, one C+

in math. Even though her parents tried to help her, she had to go to tutoring to get extra help in

math. According to an article; 9- to 11-year-olds: Ages and stages of youth development, it says;

Their academic abilities vary greatly. They have an increased attention span, but many have

interests which change rapidly. They are learning to use good judgment. They judge ideas in

absolutes, right or wrong not much tolerance for middle ground. They have interests in

collections and hobbies. Citlaly at the beginning of the study was fascinated with science, but

then after a month, she got bored and moved on to social studies. After a couple weeks, she got

bored and got into reading. Up to the day that I finished observing, she was still into reading.

Something that really caught her attention was the series, Dork Diaries by Rachel Renee Russel.

Her current collection/ hobby is, collecting the whole series of books.
Figures title: 12
According to Piagets stages of cognitive development; in our textbook, Citlaly falls into

the Concrete operational stage. children in the concrete operational stage are often more capable

of learning advanced concepts than most people realize. The fundamental abilities are expected

to acquire asking questions about objects, conducting simple observations, using simple

equipment Citlaly falls into this category because, even though it takes her a little more effort

to understand some math topics, once she understands it, she excels in it.
Figures title: 13

New Health Advisor. (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2016, from

Ellsworth, J. (1998). 10th Year Teaching & Learning Fairness. Retrieved December 14,

2016, from

Social and Emotional Development: Ages 810. (n.d.). Retrieved December 14, 2016,


, B. (n.d.). Positive Parenting Ally: Practical Advice and Deep Insights. Milestones and

Stages of Child Development from 7-12 Years. Retrieved December 14, 2016, from

Anthony, M. (n.d.). Scholastic Publishes Literacy Resources and Children's Books for

Kids of All Ages. The Emotional Lives of 8-10 Year Olds | Parents | Retrieved

December 14, 2016, from


Stewart, J. (2013, January 7). Home | MSU Extension. 9- to 11-year-olds: Ages and

stages of youth development | MSU Extension. Retrieved December 14, 2016, from
Figures title: 14

Jack , S., & McCown, R. (2012-2015). Psychology applied to teaching (14 ed.). US:

Figures title: 15

Physical Development (P)

My recommendations for this developmental stage is just to watch her weight. I would

try to make her eat healthier and just keep an eye out for the amount of sugar and junk food she


Emotional Development (E)

My recommendations for her emotional stage is to have family and teacher support on

what she want to do in life. Support her in her decisions and give her inspirational feedback

about going to school and achieving those dreams. About her sudden change of emotions, I

would keep an eye on that. We do not want that to get out of hand and cause a problem later on.

Philosophical Development (P).

My recommendations for her philosophical stage would be, to not let these sudden bursts

of rebellion go out of hand. I would just try to pay more attention with how she deals with things

and her way of looking at the world.

Social Development (s).

My recommendations for her social stage is just to remind her not to be mean to her

fellow classmates and to include everybody when she can.

Intellectual Development (I).

My recommendations for this intellectual stage are just to have her parents and teachers

motivate her when she is stuck. Tell her to not give up, to continue trying because, she will

eventually succeed.
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Citlalys PEPSI Graph






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