Diagnostic Approach To Palpitations

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Diagnostic Approach to Palpitations

ALLAN V. ABBOTT, M.D., Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Palpitationssensations of a rapid or irregular heartbeatare most often caused by cardiac

arrhythmias or anxiety. Most patients with arrhythmias do not complain of palpitations.
However, any arrhythmia, including sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular
contractions, or ventricular tachycardia, can cause palpitations. Palpitations should be consid-
ered as potentially more serious if they are associated with dizziness, near-syncope, or syncope.
Nonarrhythmic cardiac problems, such as mitral valve prolapse, pericarditis, and congestive
heart failure, and noncardiac problems, such as hyperthyroidism, vasovagal syncope, and hypo-
glycemia, can cause palpitations. Palpitations also can result from stimulant drugs, and over-the-
counter and prescription medications. No cause for the palpitations can be found in up to 16
percent of patients. Ambulatory electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring usually is indicated if
the etiology of palpitations cannot be determined from the patients history, physical examina-
tion, and resting ECG. When palpitations occur unpredictably or do not occur daily, an initial
two-week course of continuous closed-loop event recording is indicated. Holter monitoring for
24 to 48 hours may be appropriate in patients with daily palpitations. Trans-telephonic event
monitors are more effective and cost-effective than Holter monitors for most patients. (Am Fam
Physician 2005;743-50,755-6. Copyright 2005 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

Patient information: n increased or abnormal aware- at a university medical center who com-

A handout on heart pal- ness of the heartbeat, palpita- plained of palpitations and were followed for
pitations, written by the
author of this article, is
tions are a common symptom in one year, an etiology was determined in 84
provided on page 755. patients presenting to family phy- percent of the patients.
sicians. Palpitations can be symptomatic of Of these patients, 43 percent had palpita-
life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias.1 How- tions caused by cardiac causes (40 percent
ever, most palpitations are benign. In one had an arrhythmia, 3 percent had other
retrospective study2 in a family practice set- cardiac causes), 31 percent had palpitations
ting, there was no difference in the rates of caused by anxiety or panic disorder, 6 percent
morbidity or mortality among patients with had palpitations caused by street drugs or
palpitations compared with matched control prescription and over-the-counter medica-
subjects. tions, and 4 percent had palpitations caused
Although there are many possible cardiac by other noncardiac causes. No specific
etiologies, palpitations can be associated cause of the palpitations could be identified
with noncardiac causes such in 16 percent of the patients. Psychiatric and
Palpitations are potentially as fever, anemia, or drug use, emotional illnesses such as anxiety, panic,
more serious when they and can occur in anxious but and somatization disorders may be underly-
are associated with diz-
otherwise normal persons. The ing problems in many patients.1
ziness, near-syncope, or
differential diagnoses of pal- Although arrhythmias frequently cause
pitations are summarized in palpitations, most patients with arrhyth-
syncope because they sug-
Table 1. mias do not actually notice their arrhyth-
gest tachyarrhythmia.
Consensus or evidence-based mia and are unlikely to report having
guidelines for diagnosing and palpitations.3
managing palpitations have not been devel- This article describes the more common
oped. However, recent studies of palpitation presentations of palpitations and a rational
etiology provide improved evidence that can approach to patient evaluation, and provides
guide a family physician through diagnosis. evidence for making decisions about ambu-
In a prospective cohort study1 of 190 patients latory monitoring.

Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright 2005 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial
use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. Contact copyrights@aafp.org for copyright questions and/or permission requests.

Key clinical recommendation Label References

Most patients with palpitations are diagnosed with an arrhythmia or

C 1
panic disorder.
The identification of panic disorder in patients with palpitations can be
C 9
assisted with the use of screening questionnaires.
Unless palpitations occur daily, event monitors are more cost effective
than 24-hour or 48-hour Holter monitors in the diagnosis of intermittent B 19
Patients with palpitations caused by premature ventricular contractions, B 23
who have a normal heart evaluation, have no increased mortality.

A = consistent, good-quality patient-oriented evidence; B = inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence;

C = consensus, disease-oriented evidence, usual practice, opinion, or case series. See page 639 for more information.

Etiology of Palpitations arteriovenous block, or ventricular tachy-

CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS cardia. Episodes of ventricular tachycardia
Palpitations can result from many arrhyth- and supraventricular tachycardia may be
mias, including any bradycardia and tachy- perceived as palpitations but also can be
cardia, premature ventricular and atrial asymptomatic or lead to syncope. Palpita-
contractions, sick sinus syndrome, advanced tions associated with dizziness, near-syn-

Differential Diagnosis of Palpitations

Arrhythmias Nonarrhythmic cardiac causes

Atrial fibrillation/flutter Atrial or ventricular septal defect
Bradycardia caused by advanced arteriovenous Cardiomyopathy
block or sinus node dysfunction Congenital heart disease
Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome Congestive heart failure
(sick sinus syndrome) Mitral valve prolapse
Multifocal atrial tachycardia Pacemaker-mediated tachycardia
Premature supraventricular Pericarditis
or ventricular contractions
Valvular disease (e.g., aortic insufficiency,
Sinus tachycardia or arrhythmia stenosis)
Supraventricular tachycardia Extracardiac causes
Ventricular tachycardia Anemia
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome Electrolyte imbalance
Psychiatric causes Fever
Anxiety disorder Hyperthyroidism
Panic attacks Hypoglycemia
Drugs and medications Hypovolemia
Alcohol Pheochromocytoma
Caffeine Pulmonary disease
Certain prescription and over-the-counter Vasovagal syndrome
agents (e.g., digitalis, phenothiazine,
theophylline, beta agonists)
Street drugs (e.g., cocaine)

NOTE: The categories of palpitations are arranged from most common to least common; within the categories, condi-
tions are listed in alphabetical order.

744 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 4 February 15, 2005
Panic Disorder Questionnaire

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to reproduce this item in electronic
media. For the missing item, see the
original print version of this publication.

Figure 1.

cope, or syncope suggest tachyarrhythmia A screening questionnaire (Figure 1) 9 to

and are potentially more serious. help identify patients whose palpitations are
Some patients notice pounding or jump- more likely to result from panic disorder was
ing palpitations when they are quietly sitting validated among patients referred for Holter
or lying down. This symptom may result monitoring. A score of more than 21 points
from premature contractions, especially pre- on the questionnaire is 81 percent sensitive
mature ventricular contractions. Orthostatic and 80 percent specific for panic disorder.
intolerance or inadequate cerebral perfusion To explain it another way, if, overall, 25 per-
on upright posture may result in palpitations, cent of patients have panic disorder as the
tachycardia, altered mentation, headache, cause of their palpitations, then 57 percent
nausea, pre-syncope, and, occasionally, syn- with more than 21 points have panic disor-
cope. Orthostatic intolerance is most com- der compared with only 7 percent of those
mon in women of childbearing age.4 with 21 or fewer points.9
A simpler screening tool for panic disor-
ANXIETY OR PANIC DISORDER der, consisting of a single question, also has
The prevalence of panic disorder in patients been developed. The question is, Have you
with palpitations is 15 to 31 percent.1,5,6 experienced brief periods, for seconds or
Panic disorder is diagnosed on the basis minutes, of an overwhelming panic or terror
of information in the patients history and that was accompanied by racing heartbeats,
is characterized by recurrent unexpected shortness of breath, or dizziness?10 The
panic attacks. Panic disorder is more likely physician must remember that panic dis-
to be diagnosed in women of childbearing order and significant arrhythmias are not
age because these patients somatize more mutually exclusive, and that cardiac evalu-
frequently, present to emergency depart- ation still may be necessary in patients with
ments more often, and have increased hypo- suspected panic disorder. In addition, some
chondriacal concerns about their health.7 patients or physicians may find it difficult to
Palpitations are most persistent in persons determine whether the feeling of anxiety or
who have many minor daily irritants and are panic started before or after the palpitations.
highly sensitive to bodily sensations.8 Therefore, true arrhythmic causes must be

February 15, 2005 Volume 71, Number 4 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 745
Key Clinical Findings with Palpitations
and Suggested Diagnoses

Finding Suggested diagnosis nized arrhythmia on the initial evaluation;

this was particularly true among young
Single skipped beats Benign ectopy
Feeling of being unable to catch Ventricular premature contractions
ones breath Catecholamines increase at times of intense
Single pounding sensations Ventricular premature contractions emotional experience, with intense exercise,
Rapid, regular pounding in neck Supraventricular arrhythmias and in conditions such as pheochromocy-
Palpitations that are worse at night Benign ectopy or atrial fibrillation toma. Ventricular tachycardias or supraven-
Palpitations associated with Psychiatric etiology or tricular tachycardias can be triggered by this
emotional distress catecholamine-sensitive arrhythmia catecholamine increase. An increase of vagal
Palpitations associated with activity Coronary heart disease tone after exercise occasionally can lead to
General anxiety Panic attacks episodes of atrial fibrillation.14 Thus, even
Medication or recreational drug use Drug-induced palpitations in cases where panic disorder is suggested,
Rapid palpitations with exercise Supraventricular arrhythmia, atrial electrocardiography (ECG) or ambulatory
fibrillation ECG monitoring is important.
Positional palpitations Atrioventricular nodal tachycardia,
Heat intolerance, tremor, Hyperthyroidism Conditions in this category include valvu-
lar diseases such as aortic insufficiency or
Palpitations since childhood Supraventricular tachycardia
stenosis, atrial or ventricular septal defect,
Rapid, irregular rhythm Atrial fibrillation, tachycardia with
congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy,
variable block
and congenital heart disease. These condi-
Palpitations terminated by vagal Supraventricular tachycardia
maneuvers tions can predispose the patient to arrhyth-
Heart murmur Heart valve disease mia and to palpitations. Pericarditis, a rare
Midsystolic click Mitral valve prolapse cause of palpitations, can cause chest pain
Friction rub Pericarditis that may change with position.

NOTE: The information in this table is based on clinical experience and not on the EXTRACARDIAC CAUSES
results of clinical trials.
The physician should examine the patient
for extracardiac causes. The patient may
have obvious associated illness with fever,
ruled out before the diagnosis of anxiety or dehydration, hypoglycemia, anemia, or evi-
panic disorder can be accepted as the cause dence of thyrotoxicosis. Use of drugs such as
of the palpitations.1,11,12 cocaine, and alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco
Some physicians may prematurely blame can precipitate palpitations. The use of ephe-
palpitations on anxiety. In one study13 of dra and ephedrine also has been associated
patients with supraventricular tachycardia, with palpitations.15 Many prescription med-
two thirds of the patients were diagnosed ications, including digitalis, phenothiazine,
with panic, stress, or anxiety disorder, and theophylline, and beta agonists, can cause
one half of the patients had an unrecog- palpitations.

Initial Clinical Evaluation

The Author
The cause of palpitations often can be deter-
ALLAN V. ABBOTT, M.D., is professor of clinical family medicine at the Keck
mined through a careful history and physical
School of Medicine of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, where
he is associate dean for curriculum and continuing medical education. Dr. examination. Patients may describe palpita-
Abbott received his medical degree from Indiana University School of Medicine tions in a variety of ways, such as a fluttering,
and completed a residency in family medicine at UCLA San Bernardino Medical pounding, or uncomfortable sensation in the
Center, Calif. chest or neck, or simply an increased aware-
Address correspondence to Allan V. Abbott, M.D., 1975 Zonal Ave., KAM 317,
ness of the heartbeat. Because the patients
Los Angeles, CA 90033 (e-mail: allana@usc.edu). Reprints are not available from description is often vague, knowing the cir-
the author. cumstances, precipitating factors, and asso-

746 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 4 February 15, 2005
Figure 2. Sinus tachycardia with electrical alternans.

Figure 3. Sinus bradycardia with premature atrial contractions.

Figure 4. Atrial fibrillation with premature ventricular contractions.

Figure 5. Sinus bradycardia. A slurred upstroke of the QRS, or delta wave, suggests Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
This finding is associated with paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and other supraventricular arrhythmias.

ciated symptoms may be helpful for the of the patient after he or she exercises may
physician in diagnosis. For example, a patient reveal an arrhythmia or murmur that is
who describes single skipped beats is likely exacerbated by the resulting increased heart
to be having benign premature ventricular rate and cardiac output.
contractions. The physician should consider
the differential diagnoses of palpitations
(Table 1) while questioning the patient. Cer- A 12-lead ECG evaluation is appropriate in
tain clinical findings and possible associated all patients who complain of palpitations.
conditions are listed in Table 2. In the event that the patient is experienc-
Because physicians usually do not get ing palpitations at the time of the ECG, the
the chance to examine the patient dur- physician may be able to confirm the diag-
ing an episode of palpitations, the physical nosis of arrhythmia. Many ECG findings
examination primarily serves to determine warrant further cardiac investigation. These
if there are cardiac or other abnormalities findings include evidence of previous myo-
present that might predispose the patient cardial infarction, left or right ventricular
to palpitations. Careful examination of the hypertrophy, atrial enlargement, atrial ven-
heart may reveal murmurs, extra sounds, or tricular block, short PR interval and delta
cardiac enlargement. Mitral valve prolapse, waves (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome),
which is commonly associated with palpita- or prolonged QT interval. Occasionally, the
tions, is suggested by a midsystolic click.16 finding of an isolated premature ventricular
The physician should look for evidence of contraction or premature atrial contrac-
hyperthyroidism (e.g., nervousness, heat tion warrants further monitoring or exercise
intolerance), drug use, or other serious ill- testing. Some common arrhythmias associ-
nesses. Finally, in the occasional patient who ated with palpitations are shown in Figures
has palpitations with exercise, examination 2 through 5.

February 15, 2005 Volume 71, Number 4 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 747
ECG exercise testing is
appropriate in patients
who have palpitations
with physical exertion and
patients with suspected
Further Diagnostic Testing nary artery disease or myocardial ischemia.
coronary artery disease or In patients at low risk for coro- Findings from the physical examination or
myocardial ischemia. nary heart disease who have no ECG may suggest the need for echocardiog-
palpitation-associated symp- raphy to evaluate structural abnormalities
toms such as dizziness, and who and ventricular function.
have negative physical examination and ECG High-risk patients, who require ECG
findings, palpitations may need no further monitoring, include those with organic
evaluation unless the episodes persist or the heart disease or any heart abnormality that
patient remains anxious for an explanation. could predispose the patient to arrhythmias.
Blood tests may be appropriate in the fol- Patients with a family history of arrhyth-
lowing conditions: complete blood cell count mia, syncope, or sudden death also may be
for suspected anemia or infection, electro- at higher risk. The results of one study17 of
lytes for arrhythmia from suspected elec- 24-hour ECG monitoring showed that ven-
trolyte imbalance, and thyroid-stimulating tricular tachycardia was associated with
hormone for suspected hyperthyroidism or previous myocardial infarction, idiopathic
hypothyroidism. dilated cardiomyopathy, significant valvular
ECG exercise testing is appropriate in lesions, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathies.
patients who have palpitations with physical If the etiology of palpitations is not appar-
exertion and patients with suspected coro- ent after the history, physical examination,

Evaluating a Patient with Palpitations

Patient presents with complaints of palpitations

Take history, perform physical examination, obtain ECG Evidence of structural

heart disease

Extracardiac cause No structural heart disease

diagnosed Obtain echocardiography,
or event or Holter monitoring
Obtain complete blood cell count, chemistry profile, and
Treat drug use, thyroid-stimulating hormone level; screen for drug use if
hyperthyroidism, etc. Treat etiology or
appropriately refer to cardiologist

Daily palpitations Palpitations are less than daily

Begin transtelephonic event Begin transtelephonic

monitoring or continuous event monitoring
ambulatory monitoring (Holter) for two weeks

Palpitations during Nonventricular Ventricular

normal sinus rhythm arrhythmia arrhythmia

Reassure patient, Treat arrhythmia Refer for electrophysiologic

consider panic disorder or refer to cardiologist evaluation and treatment

Figure 6. Algorithm for evaluating patients with palpitations. (ECG = electrocardiography)

748 American Family Physician www.aafp.org/afp Volume 71, Number 4 February 15, 2005

and ECG are completed, the physician should Evidence supports the use of an initial
consider ambulatory cardiac monitoring. two-week course of continuous closed-loop
Figure 6 is an algorithm that can be used in event recording to monitor for palpitations.
the evaluation of patients with palpitations. Holter monitoring for 24 hours is an alter-
native to event monitoring in patients who
CONTINUOUS ECG MONITORS reliably experience palpitations every day, or
The Holter monitor is a simple ECG moni- who are not willing to wear an event moni-
toring device that is worn continuously to tor for two weeks, and if event monitoring is
record data for 24 or 48 hours. The patient not available locally. When palpitations are
must keep a diary of any symptoms that sustained or poorly tolerated, a referral to a
occur during the monitoring.17 Holter moni- cardiologist for an electrophysiologic evalu-
tors typically are the most expensive of the ation may be warranted.21
monitoring devices, and are maintained and
operated by hospitals or larger outpatient Management
clinics. In patients with arrhythmias, the most com-
mon finding on ambulatory monitoring is
TRANSTELEPHONIC EVENT MONITORS benign atrial or ventricular ectopic beats
Transtelephonic event monitors transmit associated with normal sinus rhythm.20-22
recordings by telephone to a central sta- Normal sinus rhythm alone is found in
tion. As with Holter monitors, patients wear about one third of patients. Many patients
continuous-loop event monitors, but unlike with palpitations have ventricular prema-
Holter monitors, these save data only for the ture contractions or brief episodes of ven-
previous and subsequent few minutes when tricular tachycardia; if the evaluation of the
the patient manually activates the monitor. heart is otherwise normal, these findings are
These monitors are smaller than a Holter not associated with increased mortality.23
monitor (i.e., the size of a beeper) and may Appropriate patient education is indicated
miss arrhythmias that are asymptomatic, in these patients. The treatment of sus-
or that occur during sleep or with syncope. tained arrhythmias involves pharmacologic
Another type of transtelephonic monitor is or invasive electrophysiologic management
not worn continuously but is carried by the and is beyond the scope of this article.
patient and held to the chest when palpita- If the patient is diagnosed with a non-
tions are perceived. This monitor records cardiac, psychiatric, or nonarrhythmia car-
ECG data for about two minutes and is likely diac etiology, the underlying condition is
to miss the onset of arrhythmia. managed according to the diagnosis. In
some patients, a thorough history, physical
Choosing an Ambulatory examination, diagnostic testing, and cardiac
Monitoring Device monitoring all fail to reveal any abnormality
The results of a review18 of studies comparing or etiology for palpitations. These patients
Holter monitors and transtelephonic event should be advised to abstain from caffeine
monitors in the diagnosis of palpitations and alcohol, as well as foods or stressful
found that the diagnostic yield was 66 to situations that appear to trigger palpitations.
83 percent when event monitors were used Fortunately, the majority of patients with
for monitoring, and 33 to 35 percent when palpitations have benign diagnoses and can
Holter monitors were used. Furthermore, be treated with reassurance.
event monitors have been found to be sig-
The author indicates that he does not have any conflicts
nificantly more cost effective than Holter of interest. Sources of funding: none reported.
monitors.19,20 The results of retrospective and
Figures 2 through 5 used with permission from Allan V.
prospective trials19,20 showed that 83 to 87 Abbott, M.D.
percent of patients had diagnostic transmis- This article is one in a series on problem-oriented diagno-
sions within the first two weeks of using a sis coordinated by the Department of Family Medicine at
transtelephonic event monitor. the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.

February 15, 2005 Volume 71, Number 4 www.aafp.org/afp American Family Physician 749

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