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(209) 261 - 2851

Merced High School
Class of 2017
Special Subjects: Some subjects that I specialize in and have specialized in school is math in general but especially
Algebra 2, Woodshop, and Accounting 1. Now I know I might not have a college degree just yet but acquiring a job like
so, this will help me not only save for college in the fall but help me to become more and more independent.

Andrade F.L.C. Inc
204 Francher St. / Planada, CA / 95365 / (209) 769 - 8754
May 2016 - August 2016
Job Title: Picker/Peacekeeper
Reason for Leaving: It was the end of the tomato season and I was starting school again. I was not warned or dismissed
once throughout the whole time I worked for Gabriel and Maria Andrade.
Job Description: First off I want to say that working in the fields in the summer before my senior year was probably the
best experience that happened to me most importantly because it showed me to be even more thankful for what I have.
This gave me the opportunity to be more independent by buying stuff such as my back to school clothes also having my
own money and knowing I worked hard for that money. As a picker I would be assigned my own row of many tomato
plants, and my job was to pick every medium and large sized green tomato and fill up my two buckets that were mine for
that days work. I would then take my buckets that were full and weighed about 15 pounds each, I would take them to the
trailer where my buckets would be dumped and then the cycle continues.

Planada Parks and Rec

Planada, CA / 95365 / (209) 761-7785
June - August (2015)
June - August (2016)
Job Title: Team Leader
Reason for Leaving: It was the end of the basketball season and both years I was starting up school again. I was offered
various jobs with Planada Parks and Recs after this point but happily declined due to school.
Job Description: When I first started off with this summer job I didnt think I was going to like it because I wasn't going
to be paid at all. But after working and seeing how important my job was to the league and the community itself, it made
me feel better about what I was doing. What I would do as the Team Leader is, set up and break down the entire facility.
What I mean by that is every Sunday I would come in and set up what the gym and snack area was going to look like for
that particular day. I would set up games and activities for the little kids that would attend as well. Another thing that I
would do is move heavy objects and organize accordingly. One thing that I would do that would help suit me for this job
is run the snack and entrance stand, dealing with cash transactions. This would help me because I would be dealing with a
lot of math and be responsible for other coworkers jobs. In a way and under the title I was a leader for the league but I feel
like my job was just as important as the sweeper and trash taker, which I was at a point in time.

Clubs and Organizations

Environmental Science Academy (ESA) Member 2014 - 2016
Members would meet every Tuesday and Thursday to study Merceds particular environment and talk about what we could
benefit from as a community. Another thing we studied was Yosemite and the certain areas and parks and the history
behind them. We
World Orphan Foster Foundation (WOFF) Member fall 2015 - 2016
Members write letters with local foster youth (Modestos Sierra Vista & Child Services) as well as creating annual
toy drives for local foster youth. I was interested in this group because my mom is a Social worker and would deal
with troubled children on an almost daily basis.


Physical Skills: I played youth football from when I was 9 till my freshmen year in high school. So playing
football for those long years it was able to teach me a sense of urgency and discipline. It also gave me the sense of
a job because it was an everyday schedule of practices, bulk ups, and games on Saturdays. I also played basketball
since 7th grade so again this was able to help me build a sense of urgency and routine.
Interests: Enjoy running, hiking, playing sports, and learning new tasks
Technical Skills: Google Docs, Microsoft Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Faxing, Copying, etc.
Joe Serena
Basketball coach, Sheriff, and College Counselor
(209) 617-5234
Eduardo Perez
Child Care Worker
(209) 631-9088
Rosa Centeno
Retired Social Worker III
(209) 201-1562
Isai Palma
Building Healthy Communities
(209) 777-9898
Gabriel Andrade
Andrade F.L.C Inc.
(209) 769-8754

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