Annotated Bibliography - Malek Sease

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Sease 1

Malek Sease

English 102


Professor Kays

Video Games In Child Development

1) First, we have source 1, was a very informative text using a data from a sample of 1274

students from families in poverty in Chile. The Kids were playing a specific game that

addressed the educational milestones of the first and second years of school, using basic

reading and mathematics comprehension. Although this article was a very lengthy article,

I believe that if the article shorter and got straight to the point or had more information

directly to the topic the article wouldve been better. The Article is like one extremely

large outline that does not fully grasp the theme. Although this article was an extremely

long outline. It did effect my theme greatly due to the fact I needed a wide range of

information, in one point of the text the article got so specific that they even had the used

gaming device (Nintendo Gameboy) and the used gaming cartridge listed.
2) Next up is source 2, this was my favorite text Ive read personally not because of the

length. More because of the quality of the text and how it had perfect correlation to my

theme. This text verified specifically that video games do actually affect child

development in some way. The text states that pathological gaming infects 3.1 percent of

the population, less than the alcohol abuse among kids ages 12 to 17 and far less over

18. My only critique for this text would be to state your point at the beginning and end

of the article, although the introduction grasps your attention. The introduction also does

not state what the article is actually about to be about. This article had numerous amounts

of subtopics where they identified one specific thing at a time like Does Gruesome
Sease 2

mayhem make kids violet? and Less bloody alternatives that made the connection of

video games and child development even stronger.

3) Third, source 3. source 3 is the text that contradicts most of my other information, Source

3 states that video games dont have or cause any psychological harm to children. This

text was very informative and even had a section where it noticed the extremes if a child

would play video games for 10 or 20 hours a week. This text was perfect in my eyes, no

critique needed. The title and introduction kept you attracted to the topic and the article

until the very last sentence. This text connects to my theme because of all of the work the

author put into getting and finding research the text eventually states in a later paragraph,

that the author wouldve even had to do more research to find out the limit to where

video games would then start becoming harmful.

4) Next in line is source 4. This text could have been so much better if it had useful

information this text was more of an opinionated text in my eyes. The text states Parents

should as if they didnt have any real or any solid information that could be used at

this exact moment. This text actually needs a lot of work. I believe it needs more

information in the text, if this had more information then the text wouldve been more of

an informative article instead of an opinionated text. Although this text does have a lot of

problems it connects heavily with my theme because it does state in the text that video

games can only affect child development if the parent allows the child to play for so long.

This shows that parents do have a large role on video games and their childs

5) Finally, we have source 5. This source is the source that blatantly tells you if video

games affect child development. But, this text tells you that video games actually boost

childrens learning, health, and social skills. All information is coming from the American

Psychological Association and in this text they speak about long term studies. Where the
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APA noticed that childrens creativity increased by playing any form of video games, but

not when using any other form of technology. My only critique for this article would be

to have subtopics to easily separate new topics of speech. This article had one paragraph

speaking about one thing. Then a quick transition to another subject that wasnt clear

enough. This article easily connects to my theme because it states that there is an effect to

child development when it comes to video games. But indeed the effect is a positive one.

1) Scholarly Journal Article-

2) Scholarly Journal Article


3) News Article:


4) 2 of my own:

5) Last Of My own:

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