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Review Essay

Everybody Talks about The War on Drugs. ..

by Richard B. Craig

Andes. By the Washington Office on Latin America. Washington, D.C.: Wash-
ington Office on Latin America, 1991. 154 pp. $12.00 (paper).

Deep Cover. By Michael Levine. New York: Delacorte Press, 1990. 304 pp.

Drug Wars: Conuption, Count~ency and Covert Operations in

the Third World By Jonathan Marshall. Forestville, Calif.: Eclipse Books, 1991.
90 pp. $14.95.

Name-termrism. By Rachel Ehrenfeld. New York: Basic Books, 1990. 225 pp.

The Politics of Heroh CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Tale. By Alfred
W. McCoy. Brooklyn, New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1991. 654 pp. $29.00

Red Cocaine: The Drqgghg of America. By Joseph D. Douglass, Jr. Atlanta,

Ga.: Clarion House, 1990. 227 pp. $19.95.

sender0 Lumlnoso and the Threat of Narcoterrorism. By Gabriela Tara-

zona-Sevillano. New York: Praeger, 1990. 184 pp. $37.95($15.95,paper).

Smoke and Mirrors: The Paradox of the Drug Wars. by Jaime Malamud-Goti.
Boulder, Cola.: Westview Press, 1992. 117 pp. $21.95.

The White LaJqx+nth~ cocaine and Political Power. By Rensselaer W. Lee

III. New Brunswick, NJ.: Transaction Publishers, 1989. 261 pp. $32.95 ($19.95,

Rkhard B. Cmig is a professor of politica. science at Kent State University. He is the author of 7be Braces

Winter 1993 I 135

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