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You asked for my message from the war zone
I can tell you the peach trees have come
Once more to their paperdoll blossom

You asked for my message on fear

When the thunder sounds from the west
my child wakes up shaking

The names of the dead

are broken glass, shining
these shattered windows

Will I see another morning? TRIED SUBSCRIBING TO GREENFUSE?

All over the troops are massing IT IS NOT EASY TO KEEP OUR ATTENTION
leaving wheatfields & dogs and it is no guarantee you or anyone else will
ever get an issue. Still how else is your Aunt
You cant forget the babies Ethyl & Uncle Fred in Iowa going to ever see
those little fingers, those heads sweating something so fucking radical!!!
that smell of milk We are all unpaid volunteers and we handle
money gingerly, which leaves us a hundred
that smell of burning
bucks or two short each issue. So we need

some donations and have no other premiums
-Kathy Epling to offer at the moment except Greenfuse.
If you have a product or service that is harm-
less to the living world you can also advertise.
to pay the printer we need twenty ads, theyre
handsome and potentially useful. Another
four ads will pay for the gas to spread 4,200
around NorCal. the Greenfuse contact info is
at the bottom of this column. We are Free to
prisoners, but dont do anything drastic.
We have a few problems with this Human business
When the free flow of traffic is cut, we spare no expense to repair the damage that emergency creates, Past issues available for download @
our public agencies subsidize commerce and frivolity alike, over and over again- because everyone www.Greenfuse.work:
knows: The Roads must Roll. With the latest outage of Highway 101- there was some sort of lesson to A spirited collection of opinion & fact.
be found in the much older, original route remaining intact, not up to major use by any means- as it never Published mostly monthly 2000-2015
benefited from any hard surface treatment beyond gravel and oil, but back when it was the only option, it Distributed in Six North Coast Counties.
logically followed the overland route that made sense to human scaled technology, rather than a massive Resurrected- Winter 2017
reorganization of geology in the service of transportation engineering, and its apparently continual failures
"Greenfuse bears witness to the love &
and repairs, caused by pesky Nature. We depend on and expect the unimpeded right of a transportation
enduring stubbornness of a small group of
system that not only drives the economy and enthralls us to its charms, but also offers as a by-product a
creative activist known as the:
result that rivals any terrorist act, with accident fatalities that rose in the U.S. to a record 40,200 last year.
When storms, fires or floods hit, no problem- Repair, rebuild, water and food for all, as needed. We seem Waking Dog Collective
to recognize that a baseline of convenience and lack of suffering is necessary and desirable, and yet the
Powers that Be and a nervous comfortable class conspire to inconvenience and cause suffering with
Unlike sleeping dogs,
ironclad policies & heartless will at every turn. Laying down the law of what is possible and what is not. waking dogs never lie.
When those who control such things, wish to send a message or abstractly make us safer every
effort, no matter the cost is made to blow-up those who need blowing-up. Absurdly, our country still
maintains the power to destroy all life on earth, with little understanding that the perceived risk we face is This paper is a Non-Profit Project
in large part an outgrowth of the manipulative global policies pursued for generations, that continue. produced with volunteer effort.
We get the message daily; Be afraid, distrust those who are not like us, and Watch it or youre next!
We appreciate contributions as our
Why doesnt North Korea trust us? (I mean beyond the 28,000 U.S. Troops stationed in the South, ready printing & distribution costs
to kick ass if forced to.) By 1953, After bombing the North into a pit of mud with more fire power than all regularly outpace our
of WWII, American pilots were returning to carriers and bases claiming there were no longer any signifi-
cant targets in all of North Korea to bomb. In fact a very large percentage of the surviving Northern popu- financial resources.
lation was by then living in tunnels dug by hand underground. In the Spring of 1953 US warplanes hit five We thank the sponsors of our
of the largest dams along the Yalu River completely inundating and killing Pyongyangs harvest of rice.
mission with promotional
By Airforce calculations, Attacks in May will be most effective psychologically because it was the
end of the rice-transplanting season before the roots could become completely embedded. Flash space in these pages.
floods scooped out 100s of square miles of vital food production, and killed untold numbers of farmers. If you would like to be included,
20 years ago when NASAs $3.27 billion Cassini probe launched, bound for Saturn- Many of us knew contact us for details.
the mission put the entire planet at risk. When it vaporized in the atmosphere of Saturn on this past
Earthday, there was nary a mention of the 72.3 pounds of Plutonium-238 on board- Used in a Radio-
isotope Thermoelectric Generator to provide a paltry 745 watts of electricity. If by some mishap Cassinis
Titan IV rocket had a catastrophic failure at launch (as had happened in the past) or if during the sling-shot
acceleration past Earth at 42,300 miles per hour, and an altitude of 727 miles, a rocket misfired, or some

miscalculation caused an error in navigation, the probe could have made what NASAs Environmental Im- Waking Dogs include, but are not limited to:
pact Statement called an inadvertent reentry, into the Earths atmosphere, releasing plutonium into all
the lungs on the planet as it disintegrated. Named after the Greek God of the Underworld, Plutonium is Joshua Golden: wakingdog@greenfuse.work
so toxic that less than a microgram (.000001g!), an invisible particle- is a carcinogenic dose. 1lb, uniformly Paul Encimer: thepeopleswhistle@greenfuse.work
distributed, could induce lung cancer in every person on Earth. Not to mention every other being. The Shakti: theprivateeye@greenfuse.work
odds against failure were deemed 1,500 to one, an acceptable risk. Debra Carey: thepubliceye@greenfuse.work
Tom ONeil, Solar Dan, Michael DeLeon,
NASA insists that it needs nuclear power for missions into spaceclaiming that it could not use any- Okra P. Dingle, John Hardin, Derrick Jensen,
thing but atomic energy beyond Mars. However, that has been proven incorrect. The solar-energized Nat Pennington, Kate Carlson, Steve-o, Pippin,
space probe Juno flew nearly two billion miles to reach Jupiter, and although sunlight at Jupiter is just 4% Monkey, Nora. Chick Dickens & many Goats.

of what it is on Earth, Junos solar panels were able to generate adequate electricity. Typically, the U.S.
Department of Energy working with NASA has started up a new production facility at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory to produce Plutonium-238 for space use. So much for the Prime Directive.
Our acceptance of risk makes possible the continual production of persistent toxins, which even if used Send any: Comments, Ideas, Suggestions.
safely contaminate everything everywhere, everyday. The old joke about playing Russian roulette with an Help: Distribute, Support, Contribute.
automatic weapon comes to mind. Chronic collective cognitive dissonance plagues the culture, as the Reveal: Hot tips, Leads, Stories.
unacceptable readily becomes the necessary. The nut at the wheel,100 days on the job, say that the polls
rating his poor approval are Totally wrong continuing to claim- This administration is running like a
fine-tuned machine. I sincerely doubt those lily-white silky-smooth, manicured, tiny hands know the GreenfuseBox 493 Redway, CA 95560
first thing about any machine beyond his gold cuff links. Yet the Juggernaut machinery of state rolls on- (707)923-4488 (707)298-7702
What would Ned Ludd do? Wooden shoes anyone? -Joshua Golden

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