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Nationalism, Ignorance & Consequences

Actions are held to be Justice for War Crimes
good or bad, not on their
If we or our leaders ever seri-
own merits, but according ously want to prevent war
to who does them, and crimes and hold war criminals
there is almost no kind of responsible, we must start with
outrage torture, the use the basic principle of justice
of hostages, forced labour, invoked by Supreme Court
mass deportations, impris- Justice Robert Jackson at the
onment without trial, for- London Conference that drew
gery, assassination, the up the Nuremberg Principles in
bombing of civilians 1945.:
which does not change its If certain acts in violation
moral color when it is of treaties are crimes, they
committed by our side are crimes whether the
The nationalist not only United States does them
does not disapprove of or whether Germany does
atrocities committed by his them, and we are not pre-
own side, but he has a re- pared to lay down a rule of
markable capacity for not criminal conduct against
even hearing about them. others which we would not
-George Orwell be willing to have invoked
against us.
inNotes on Nationalism
1945- as the allies celebrated More are being killed every day,
Germanys surrender at the end and our government has no
of World War II. mechanism or policy in place
to prevent further, even unlim-
ited escalation.Like a blinded
Far from treating this preju- and wounded giant, the U.S.
diceas a problemto be over- lashes out at every perceived
come through public account- dislodge the Ottoman defenders barring the Brit- enemy on every pretext, falsely
abilityand serious journalism, our current military ishadvance to Jerusalem and Damascus. invoking laws, values and standards of account-
and civilian leaders and their media treatthiskind ability that our leaders doggedly refuse to apply to
As British occupation forces faced a nationwide their own actions.
of nationalismas a weakness they canexploitto
rebellion in Iraq in 1920, British leaders in London
further suppress public awareness of their own Our leaders effectivelyclaim thesolepower to
sent chemical weapons to Iraq, but historians dis-
atrocities. define whose violence is justified and whose is
agree on whether theywereactuallyused.British
Then, whenan incident breaks through this wall of forces relied mainly on bombing, andfire- criminal, andona strictly self-serving basis.Our
silence into the public consciousness, the propa- bombingin particular,to put down the rebellion violence is always legitimate.Our enemies is al-
ganda machine is quick to frame our killing of ci- and enforce British rule in Iraq.One of the British ways criminal.Noam Chomsky has referred to
vilians as unintentional andcontrast it with the squadron leaders in Iraq, Arthur Harris, is better this as the single standard that governs U.S.
deliberatekilling of civilians by our enemies. know to history as Air Marshall Bomber Harris, foreign policy. It ismoretraditionally referred to as
who ordered the fire-bombing of Dresden and might makes right, or the law of the jungle.
The historian Howard Zinn pointed out the flaw in It bears no relation to the rule of law, except to
this frame of reference ina letter published in other German cities in World War II.
violate, abuse, undermine and discredit it.
theNew York Timesin 2007, based on his own Winston Churchill was a strong advocate for the
experience as a a U.S. Air Force bombardier in use of chemical weapons.As War Minister during Back Through the Looking Glass
World War II: the negotiations leading to the Treaty of Versailles,
Through several administrations, across political
he wrote ina memo to his staff:
These words are misleading because they parties, and with the active collaboration of the
assume an action is either deliberate or I do not understand this squeamishness U.S. mass media, our leaders have replaced the
unintentional.There is something in be- about the use of gas. We have definitely rule of law with therule of propaganda, treating
tween, for which the word is inevitable.If adopted the position at the Peace Confer- flaws in our public debates like those exposed by
you engage in something like aerial bomb- ence of arguing in favor of the retention of Orwell and Zinn only as weaknesses to beex-
ing, in which you cannot possibly distin- gas as a permanent method of warfare. It ploited, instead ofdangers to beware of. The vital
principles of justice upheld by Robert Jackson,
guish between combatants and civilians is sheer affectation to lacerate a man with
are reduced to inconvenient obstacles to be mar-
(as a former Air Force bombardier, I will the poisonous fragment of a bursting shell
ginalized by propaganda and flushed down the
attest to that), the deaths of civilians are and to boggle at making his eyes water by memory hole.
inevitable, even if not intentional. Does means of lachrymatory gas. I am strongly
that difference exonerate you morally? in favor of using poisoned gas against un- Political skill across the spectrum is now meas-
ured in the ability to connect with the public in a
The terrorism of the suicide bomber and civilized tribes. The moral effect should be
way that is completely divorced from the actual
the terrorism of aerial bombardment are so good that the loss of life should be re-
details or effects of government policy. U.S. poli-
indeed morally equivalent, to say other- duced to a minimum... tics has gradually been reducedto the corrupt
wise (as either side might) is to give one At that time, the British ArmysManual of Military circus of smoke and mirrors now personified by
moral superiority over the other, and thus Lawstated explicitly that thelaws of war applied President Trump.
serve to perpetuate the horrors of our only to war between civilized nations and do We live in a society that our political and economic
time. not apply in wars with uncivilized States and systems create- the monopolization of our re-
tribes. The United Nations Charter in 1945 and sources by an insatiablygreedyruling class; the
Chemical Weapons: the revised Geneva Conventions in 1949 formally resulting povertyofworking Americans; the sys-
Propaganda and History abolished suchlegaldistinctionsbetweenwealthy tematic corruption of every institution of govern-
Western nations andthe rest of the world. But atti- ment and society by corporate power- an example
The persistent role of chemical weapons in U.S. tudes born of wealth, privilege and racism die of Sheldon Wolins Inverted Totalitarianism.
propagandato justify attacks on Iraq and hard, andthe purpose of much of todays Western
Syriaturns on its head the way that Western pow- propaganda isto convince the world of themoral
ers actuallyused chemical weaponsthemselves in superiority of our mass technological vio- Extracts from Nicolas J S Davies
the past.During World War I, American factories lenceover the asymmetric warfare of our less
Author of
produced5,770 tons of chemical weaponsfor use wealthy and more lightly armed enemies.
Blood On Our Hands:
by the U.S. and its allies on the Western Front,
As Howard Zinn concluded,these claims to moral the American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq.
and this was only a small fraction of the weapons
superiority only serve to perpetuate a mutually-
produced and used by the U.K., France and Ger-
reinforcing cycle of violence and to foreclose any
attempt to resolve any of these conflictsex-
This past weekend (Mid April) marks the centenary ceptthrough even greater violence.
of the first time that chemical weapons were used
With Trump, the mask is off, and the world is sud-
in the Middle East, by British forces in theSecond
denly faced with the unvarnished reality of an ag-
Battle of Gazain April 1917, where theyfailed to
gressive military power that accepts no legal con-
straints on its violence.

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