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Muir Report: A Tale of Two Cities

The demonstration in San Fran featured the usual their faces. The volley was returned with rocks, which landed upon helmeted
suspects, mostly older, mostly white, mostly middle heads, the crowds moved forward, punches were thrown, a guy in a wheel
class people, cavorting with the casually dressed chair yelled out the N-word and the melee was on, sporadic fights broke out
police, carrying cleverly written signs, adorned with everywhere, the police were overwhelmed, small groups would battle vi-
little smiley faces, and featuring many more cute, ciously, M-80 rockets were shot off, paper spray filled the air and tear gas fol-
smartly dressed children than snarling pit bulls. The lowed as the park emptied into the streets of downtown Berkeley, leaving a
kind of people who show up for a tax rally are usually mess of bottles, garbage and ripped clothing in it's wake.
people who pay their taxes. They wanted to see Mr.
One of the lighter moments was watching a can of pepsi fly through the air,
Trumps tax returns as they believed there might be
mimicking the now famous commercial of a Kardasian girl giving soda to a
some mysterious plot revealed which could lead to immediate impeachment,
policeman to quell a riot. Of course, this being Berkeley, there remained a tent
exile or worse, as if we needed more information on why this whole Trump
featuring cuddles, hugs and compromise, staffed by the only sane people in
affair was at the very least, ill advised. On the other hand, the Berkeley crowd
the area. The tension that filled the air provided some much needed relief
consisted of angry, red faced, helmeted, and masked participants on both
from years of marching and not being heard, at the very least, there would be
sides of the ubiquitous orange plastic fence, last seen in the town square in
plenty of stories and lots of hot sex following this arousal of senses. At ex-
Garberville. Were they here to demonstrate or catch a United Airlines flight?
actly two p.m. hostilities seemed to miraculously cease and the combatants,
The police, borrowed from Oakland, wore full battle gear, which included gas filled with mutual respect for the others martial abilities, started to dialogue
masks and bullet proof vests. The Trumpsters appeared to be larger and had and walk off together, reminiscent of athletes hugging each other at the con-
much better T-shirts, featuring Donald Trump's snarling face. At first, both clusion of a well played game. Could this be a bad thing? maybe a little blood
sides were on their opposite sides of the fence with the police separating letting is just what we need to recognize we are both on the same side. Aside
them in the small strip of no man's land in the middle. At first it was insults from one stabbing and some minor contusions, a lot was accomplished and a
hurled at each other, mocking clothing, female body hair, and poorly etched good time was had by all.
tattoos, then a few stale bagels from the anti Trump side sailed over the barri-
ers, thrown by a group called the black bloc, -Muir Walker
consisting of skinny kids with kerchiefs hiding

Nonviolence in Syria: FIRST & LAST

Six years into a civil war whose humanitarian mortar attacks and bombings proved to be devastating for the nonviolent re-
and geo-political consequences have been sistance.
devastating, it is easy to forget that the Syrian Once the violence intensified, minority sects participation in the resistance
revolution began nonviolently. In March 2011, dropped significantly, while the Assad regimes propaganda machine por-
after a group of kids in Deraa province (close to the Jordanian border) trayed the resistance as foreign-backed Sunni terrorists. Eventually, terrorist
painted graffiti calling for the fall of the Assad regime, the local police tortured groups like Al Qaeda, Nusra Front and ISIS filled the political vacuum in rebel-
them and abused their families. In response, protests broke out in Deraa and held areas, and the nonviolent Syrian activists were forced to resist violence
across the country. More moderate calls to end regime impunity and corrup- and extremism from both the regime and armed opposition groups.
tion quickly gave way to demands that the Assad regime step down.
In the case of Syria, it is difficult to imagine the civil war ending without a re-
Inspired by the Arab Spring uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, Syrians were ea- gional agreement involving those countries Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,
ger to free themselves of the shackles of Assad family dictatorship. The first United Arab Emirates and Qatar which are backing various factions in the
eight months of the revolution were dominated by massive rallies, celebratory civil war. Then, alas, there is the necessary buy-in from Russia and the United
dance protests in the streets, puppet shows that dramatized the corruption States. Peace agreements, when they are reached, usually only take hold
and repression of the regime, sit-ins led by lawyers and students, and red dye when guaranteed by peacekeeping boots on the ground. In the case of Syria,
applied to fountains to dramatize the blood shed by the Assad regime such a force will be challenging to assemble.
these were staples of the nonviolent resistance. During this phase of the
struggle, although the majority of protesters were Sunni, members of minority Still, civil wars always end, whether in Northern Ireland, the Balkans, Liberia,
groups, including Christians, Kurds, Druze and Alawites (an off-shoot of Guatemala, Mozambique or, most recently, in Colombia. In each of these
Shiism and the sect of the ruling Assad family) protested in disproportion- cases, a combination of war weariness and persistent civil society mobiliza-
ately high numbers. tion and pressure on state and non-state armed groups were critical ingredi-
ents in ending the armed conflict. Organized pressure by women and religious
A decentralized network of Local Coordination Committees quickly took root leaders, notably, helped accelerate the path to peace in each of those places.
inside Syria and took the lead in organizing the protests and demonstrations. Pray the Devil Back to Hell, a film about the role played by Liberian women
Later, local councils were established and focused on civilian representation in ending that countrys civil war (through sustained nonviolent pressure and
and service provision. Eventually, as regime violence escalated and the oppo- gutsy noncooperation with the status quo) has been seen by many Syrians.
sition increasingly turned to armed resistance, forming the Free Syrian Army
and other militant factions, the civilian structures focused increasingly on lo- I predict that similar dynamics will play out in Syria. For this reason, those
cal administration and humanitarian operations. nonviolent, Syrian-led organizations that are struggling to keep people alive at
the same time that they build a counter-force to violence, tyranny and extrem-
Once the nonviolent uprising began, Bashar al-Assad ordered lethal violence ism deserve robust outside support. These groups are creating womens-led
against peaceful protesters and employed armed thugs, called shabiha, to peace circles inside Syria, reporting on atrocities committed by various
kill individuals during demonstrations. The Syrian Electronic Army and regime armed factions, providing education and trauma healing for refugee children,
security forces infamously tracked down, arrested, tortured and killed thou- challenging ISIS and other extremist groups and planning the elements of an
sands of the best nonviolent organizers and activists. Eventually, Syrian army eventual transition.
Thanks to Maria J. Stephan

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