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A Whistle Blowers Tale:

In this era of the tweet, it is stylish in a trumpish sort of way to fire
someone with a text message such as: effective todays date
your participation on the (human rights) commission is no
longer required and I am rescinding your appointment. So
saith Estelle Fennel to Christ Weston. Chris had managed to
serve all of 3 months and one day as a representative on the Human
Rights Commission from District 2, Estelles district.
He had serious problems with the Chairman of the Commission,
Jim Glover. Glover's the guy that caused Nezzie Wade to resign
when he suppressed testimony from a human rights combat zone:
SoHum, and turned it all over to one of the implicated parties, Es-
-Growers Continued from front page telle Fennell. Said Glover apologetically several times at subsequent
We have identified some of the areas of concern: Public meetings, I didnt know she was a member of Locals On
Weston's journey begins and ends after he had called County Council office to ask if a specific email,
If you purchase clones,
sent only to Human Rights Commissioners by Chair Glover, was compatible with the Brown Act. In this
please,pleasebeware.Know your source! If
email it appears to intentionally hide a back room deal among HRC members absent public knowl-
those little babies were sprayed with miticide, they
edge. He goes on to state that I was summarily firedwithin less than two hours. His Open Letter
have absorbed it and it will remain in the plant tis-
was a follow up with Humboldt DA Maggie Flemming at the instruction of the California Attorney
sues all the way through flowering. This is a major
source of contamination. The same caution goes
for any purchased nursery plant, even those Weston wanted a ruling. This firing he says appears to be more than a coincidental sequence of events.
grown from seed. It appears to be punishing a whistle-blower and enabling a particular commissioner to silence me on
the HRC.
Chairman Glover has a technical problem as well- He cant be a member of both the Human Rights
If you work with a sub-contractor, whether a friend Commission and the Grand Jury- its against the rules of the Grand Jury. Commissions, Boards, Com-
minding your garden while youre away or a share- mittees are appointed, as Chris Weston was, by a live politician with a live political agenda. We see how
cropper, be certain to educate them. They may not that is turning out. A grand juror must have at least the appearance of independence while it appears
have the same sensibility as you do; some might that Human Rights Commissions, state-wide, are establishment protectors, constructed to facilitate
just be trying to save their butts and the crop in an cover up, suppression of evidence of official wrong doing, and flak-catching. The Commission will
emergency infestation. If they spray while you are sorely miss Glover who had an air of innocence that sugar-coated his ability to work that system.
away, your crop will be unsaleable. It will be
Here is Westons experience as a Commission member with ideas of his own: The HRC Chairman, Jim
Glover put obstacles in my path. He repeatedly ignored my emails and texts. He repeatedly claimed he
Soil: did not receive my e-mails, then sometimes miraculously found them later. He refused to confirm he
One possible avenue of contamination is the agendize my topics and proposals for discussion and action, so I confirmed with Ana, Deputy Clerk of
compost that people are trucking in to Humboldt the Board of Supervisors office that all commissioners are equal and their requests to agendize should
from Sonoma County. We suspect that much of it be respected. When I mentioned this to Mr. Glover on April 19, during a return trip from a special HRC
comes from composted vineyard waste, which meeting in Willow Creek, he yelled, swore like a sailor, used the Almightys name in vain, and
could be heavily contaminated withMyclobutanil. pounded the steering wheel, such that I felt it necessary to request that he keep at least one
The best option is to not buy soil, but tobuildit hand on the steering wheel. He then drove 70mph in a 35 mph zone coming into Eureka.
organically or biodynamically. If you must buy soil, He asks DA Flemming to "please consider appropriate remedies to rectify the situation and make it clear
make sure to have ittestedif it hasnt already that nobody is above the law, not even Jim Glover." - The Peoples Whistle
Products from the Internet: -MEDEA Continued from front page
The idea that the US military can vanquish the
Just like prescription drugs, products sold over enemy with ferocious air power is certainly not
the internet from other countries such as Canada new, but history tells a different story. The US mili-
are frequently mislabeled, sometimes deliberately. tary dropped over seven million tons of explosives
That new organic pesticide promoted as the best in south-east Asia and still lost the Vietnam war.
thing ever? It could be that it is not organic at all. In the first days of the Afghan war, we were told
It could be Avid- Abamectin with a bogus label. that US airpower was no match for the ragtag,
This happens all the time. Beware the sales pitch poor, uneducated Taliban religious fanatics. In-
and use only OMRI* certified products. deed, we saw the precursor to the MOAB used
We are finding the following and what it seems - right after the US invasion in 2001. It was the so-
growers are using products off-label and because called Daisy Cutter, named after the shape of the In a statement immediately after the MOAB ex-
the plant is not ingested thinking it is OK crater it leaves, weighing 15,000 pounds. plosion, Democratic congresswoman Barbara Lee
THESE ARE NOT OK: The US military also dropped 5,000-pound bunker from California said: President Trump owes the
Spinosad, Permethrin, Palcobutrazol, Bushload busters to blow up caves where Osama bin Laden American people an explanation about his escala-
by General Hydroponics was hiding in the Tora Bora mountains. The Bush tion of military force in Afghanistan and his long-
administration bragged that this awesome air- term strategy to defeat Isis. No president should
Gravity by Emerald Triangle
power would ensure the Talibans demise. That have a blank check for endless war, especially not
Flower Dragon by Grow Envy
was 16 years ago, and now US military is not only this president, who is acting without any checks
Phosphoload by Dutch Master fighting the Taliban but Isis, which first appeared or oversight from the Republican-controlled Con-
I am very concerned for the Humboldt community. in this war-torn nation in 2014. gress.
So many growers choose not to become legal. So, are we really supposed to believe that releas- This mother of all bombs and Trumps new-
This is a problem. They are used to the old sys- ing the deadly power of the MOAB will be a game found penchant for war will not help Afghan
tem. No longer will a dispensary be able to buy changer? What will happen when it becomes mothers, many of whom are widows struggling to
product from your local dealer. clear, yet again, that airpower is not enough? take care of their families after their husbands
At this moment we must be vigilant. There are already about 8,500 US troops in Af- have been killed. The $16m cost of this one ex-
Wemustproduce safe product for the legal mar- ghanistan. Will Trump drag us deeper into this plosion could have provided over 50 million meals
ket-- and all markets. endless war by granting the US Afghan com- for Afghan children.
Who wants to poison people for profit? mander, Gen John Nicholson, his request for sev- Alternatively, with Trumps original playbook of
Not the Humboldt I know and love. eral thousand more troops? America First a phrase which originated with
And not the Humboldt I promote. More military intervention wont win the war in isolationists and Nazi sympathizers in the 1940s
Afghanistan, but it will probably win Trump more the money spent on this one bomb could have
Karyn Wagner
favorable ratings in the polls, as he discovered helped American moms by easing Trumps pro-
Chief Culture Evangelist with the Syria missile strike. posed cuts in the after-school programs so criti-
Bombing other countries certainly takes the atten- cal for their children.
*Organic Materials Review Institute- tion off Trumps domestic woes, but perhaps in- Trumps trigger-happy finger is careening the
stead of the congratulatory adulations by Trump world down a reckless and dangerous path, not
In a sustainable society, himself, and his fans and critics alike, we should
nature is not subject to systematically increasing: only deepening US involvement in ongoing con-
be asking: just where is this escalation leading? flicts but threatening new ones with nuclear pow-
Concentrations of substances from the earths crust
(such as fossil CO2 and heavy metals) This president does not have a track record for ers from Russia to North Korea.
concentrations of substances produced by society deep thinking or long-term planning. Trump told Perhaps its time for a new resistance movement
(such as antibiotics, and endocrine disruptors,) reporters that this bombing was another very, called MOAB: the Mothers of All Babies, where
degradation by physical means (such as deforestation very successful mission, but when asked about women come together to stop this misogynist,
and draining of groundwater tables). long-term strategy he remained elusive. He de- war-loving president from blowing up all our ba-
And in that society there are no structural obstacles to flected a question about whether or not he him- bies by starting World War III.
peoples health, influence, competence, impartiality self had ordered the bombing by offering one of -Madea Benjamin
and meaning. his canned responses about having the worlds
greatest military.

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