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Doroluman , Arakan, Cotabato







Students lives today are filled with technology that gives them access to information and

resources 24/7. Students are able to create multimedia content and immediately share it with the

world and participate in social networks where people from all over the world share ideas,

collaborate and learn new things. (Mike Muir 2005). In order for students to think deeply, be

globally competitive and meet the new standards, it is essential that they have access to

technology. Learning with technology can accelerate, enrich and deepen skills, motivate and

engage students and schools to the real world. It is imperative that the students can interact with

the technology and the internet because the 21 st century offers us far more options to learn and

grow intellectually, (Bonk 2010).

Mostly students used social networking to post messages, design websites, and create

content in which 96% of students with internet access engage in some aspect of social

networking. Their study found that 60% of the students use social networking to discuss

educational topics and 50% use it for school works.(The National School boards Association


Davis (2008), explained that the nonconformist is a new label that has emerged for the

learner who creates and designs content using technology. Social networking could be a great

educational tool. However, as Sprenger (2010) noted most school systems prohibited access to

social networking sites . They believe that traditional lecture and listen classrooms is losing

todays learners especially the nonconformist. (Tapscott et,al. 2009).

Statement of the Problem

This study is set to find out whether the 21 st century teaching skills using technology

gadgets, affects the students performance in CFCST.

Specially it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the teaching skills employed by the teachers in terms of using laptop/ tablet,

video conferencing and computers?

2. What is the level of students performance?
3. Is there any significant influence on teaching skills employed by the teachers and the

students performance?

Significance of the study

Since the emergence of modern research methodologies in the field of Agricultural

Education, it has always been a matter of interest and importance to identify the 21 st century

teaching skills using technology gadgets to students performance and development. During

different period of history emphasis continues to change and shift from one aspect to other and in

this regard various effectiveness has been identified during the few decades. During the past

century teaching skills strategies has been identified as being a contributing lots of knowledge

and development in student performance.

Teaching strategies include the deliberately planned chosen and employed by the

community for the welfare of its coming generations. The purpose is to modify the quality of

teaching to shape the student in a desirable way.

This study exploring the factors which affects students performance and develop their

knowledge by the help of teachers, parents, administrators, curriculum planners and policy

makers to coordinate in an effective way so that our student can have more ability, skills,

knowledge for their better achievement after completing their formal education.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused mainly on the instructors of College of Agricultural Education. This

will be conducted at Agriculture Department, Cotabato, Foundation, College of Science and

Technology S.Y. 2017- 2018.



The partnership for 21st century skills (P21) is a national organization that educates for

the 21st century readiness of every student. (P21) century skills as blend of content knowledge,

specific skills, expertise, and literacy necessary to succeed in work and life. The North central

regional education laboratory and the Metri group describe these skills as the outcomes of 21 st

century learning emphasize digital- age literacy inventive thinking, effective communication and

team work (Paige 2009).

The value of technological literacy has been discussed in a variety of circles from e-

learning ( Lamb and Callison 2005) to web 2.0 technologies (Greenhow et. Al 2009). 21st century

learning initiatives, informed by research on how people learn best, integrate emerging

technologies (e,g, smart phones and social media) and embrace collaborative, respiratory


Critical learning and innovation skills in addition to core subject mastery and familiarity with

inter-disciplinary themes, 21st century requires learners to build capacity for careers in todays

world. Trilling and Fadel (2009), that communication and collaboration are necessary ingredients

for career success of particular significance are the abilities to articulate ideas clearly to listen

effectively to utilize multiple media, and to work effectively and respectively in diverse team.

Although critical thinking and problem solving remain salient assets of learners and career

seekers. They are given new dimensions in the 21 st century via advance technologies for

accessing, analyzing and creating information . Creativity and innovation continue to preside

skills in the global market place. Contrary to popular belief, scholars suggest creativity can be

develop over time in the same way as others skills ( Wegerif and Dawes 2005).
Hence, new standards for what students should be able to do are replacing the basic skill

competencies and knowledge expectations of the past. To meet this challenge schools must be

transformed in ways that will enable student to acquire the creative thinking flexible problem

solving, collaboration and innovative skills they will need to be successful in work and life.

Some authors (Caroll. et al 2007)

Technology has been accepted as part of the present-day world especially in the industrialized

societies. It is indispensable and in fact, cultures and societies have adjusted to meet the

challenges of the knowledge age. How ever the technology has also influenced the field of

education and has unquestionably made an impact on teaching learning , and research in teacher

education both qualitatively as well as qualitatively technology provides opportunities for

students, teachers and academic as well as academic staff to interact with one another more

effectively in formal and informal teaching learning (Yusuf,2005) For doing all this, teacher need

training not only in computers but also in application of various kinds of educational software in

teaching and learning (alolube,2006). Furthermore, they learn how to incorporate ICT into their

classroom and school activities. Therefore, the quality of teachers is known to be a predictor of

student learning trough out the world.(alollube,2005a; alolube,2005b). Therefore, using ICT is

crucial for teacher training, because they assist teacher training and help them to take full benefit

of the potential of ICT to enhance student learning (UNESCO, et al 2006).



Independent Variables Dependent variables


1. Laptop/ tablet

2. Video conferencing

3. Computers

Figure 1. Schematic Presentation of the Study


For the purpose of this study, there are different terms that need to be defined in order to

be understand and recognized these review literature.

Skills is the ability to carry task out a task with pre - determined results often within a

given amount of time.

Gadgets It refers with a small tool such as machine that has a particular function, but is often

thought of as a novelty.

Technology This refer to a learner, or someone who attends an Educational Institution.

Video conferencing This refer to a set of telecommunication technologies which allow two to

communicate by simultaneous two-way video and audio transmissions.

Computer It refers with a device that stores and manipulates information and processing data

according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

Teaching This refers to job or profession of a teacher: that is taught the ideas an belief that are

taught by a person, religion, etc.

Multimedia It refers with a combination of different content of forms such as text, audio,

images, animations, video and interactive content.

Global It is refer on relating to, or involving the entire world; a worldwide global system of



This chapter represent the research procedure of the study, which includes the research

design, and setting the respondent of this study, research instrument and data gathering

Research design

Descriptive Survey design is needed for this study a survey questionnaire is used to

determine the 21st Century teaching skills using technology gadgets affects students performance

of 3rd year Agricultural Education Students.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Cotabato Foundation College of Science and Technology.

Doroluman, Arakan, Cotabato.

Respondent of the study

This study focuses in the instructor of BSA Major in agricultural education only.

Research Instruments

This study used a survey to determine the 21 st century teaching skills using technology

gadgets affects students performance. A self-design instrument was used for the

instrument is made up on the Instructor of The BSA Major in Agricultural Education,

Agriculture Department contained statement on the likers scale requiring the respondent
to indicate their level of agreement and disagreement . The range from Strongly agree

(SA), Agree (A),Undecided (UND), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD)the

Instructor Department contained 10 items. 1-10 dealt with 21 st Century teaching skills

using technology gadget affect student performance.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will ask permission from the office of the dean of the college of

Agriculture to gather the needed information of the respondents. In administering the


Statistics such as mean and descriptive equivalent we need to determine the effectiveness

of 21st Century teaching skills.

Sampling Technique

Random sampling was utilized in this research. The researcher will be distributed the

survey questioner to the respondent.

Statistical Treatment

The information given in the research. Materials will be gathered, tallied, and encoded.

The result will be summarized and analyze by computing the percentage of all variables using

frequency on the profile of the respondents.


Dear Student,

Student questionnaire on the 21st Century teaching skills using technology gadgets affects

students performance.
This questionnaire is designed to find out peoples opinion the above topic. Read each

statement and indicate your own opinion in the appropriate column provided.

Agricultural education instructor

1.Name of School:__________________.

2. Type of School: Public School ( ), Private ( ), Unity School ( ).

3. Sex: Male ( ), Female ( ).

4.Class of Study: Science ( ), Art ( ), Commercial ( ).


Please fill in the options from the statement 1-5 the best match your opinion.

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