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Sara Evans

Three Day Lesson Plan - English Language Arts

Each Class Duration: 50 minutes

Adolescent Nutrition - Eating Disorders

In Lesson 1, students will take a short diagnostic Kahoot! quiz to determine and
supplement their prior knowledge of eating disorders, read a short article or watch a
short video in small groups, then collaboratively form an inquiry question, conduct a mini
research project using instaGrok, and individually add a post to a class Padlet.

In Lesson 2, students will watch a short video about eating disorders and discuss using
the Think-Pair-Share strategy, then work in small groups to create a 3-5 minute
presentation based on their research, using Prezi or Google Slides, and write a question
they still have about eating disorders on a Post-it, and add it to a class poster on their
way out the door.

In Lesson 3, students will practice saying tongue twisters and review speaking and
listening skills, will deliver group presentations on various aspects of eating disorders,
take Cornell notes, post a higher order question or constructive comment on ea groups
Padlet following each presentation, and will write an informal letter to a younger student
explaining the dangers of eating disorders.

Students will acquire, or build upon, knowledge of eating disorders and nutrition, will
refine their abilities to form and research an inquiry question, will reinforce their
collaborative small group skills, will develop oral competence and ability to
communicate knowledge, and ideas, to various audiences, ask and answer higher order
questions, and will enhance informational and persuasive writing skills.


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1.A: Come to discussions prepared, having read and
researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to
evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful,
well-reasoned exchange of ideas.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.4: Present information, findings, and supporting

evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of
reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to
purpose, audience, and task.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.5: Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual,

graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance
understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and

convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the
effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and

convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the
effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the

development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Part I - Interacting in Meaningful Ways
A. Collaborative: 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral
collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topics; 2. Interacting
with others in written English in various communicative forms (print,
communicative technology and multimedia).
B. Interpretive: 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and
academic contexts; 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and
viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and
implicitly through language.
C. Productive: 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations
on academic topics; 10. Writing literary and informational texts to present,
describe, and explain ideas and information, using appropriate technology.
Part II - Learning About How English Works
A. Structuring Cohesive Texts: 1. Understanding text structure.
B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas: 4. Using nouns and noun phrases.
C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas: 2. Condensing ideas.

Students will be able to :
Work collaboratively in small groups to form a relevant inquiry question about
eating disorders, resulting from an introductory article or video.
Use instaGrok to research the established inquiry question to find and compile
relevant information from credible sources.
Collaborate to create a Prezi or Google Slides presentation to inform their
classmates about their newly acquired knowledge.
Effectively communicate the findings of research to classmates, and thereby
reinforce and retain knowledge of eating disorders.
Listen actively to student presentations, and communicate digitally.
Form a higher order question or constructive comment for each group.
Produce coherent and persuasive writing to convey the dangers of eating
disorders to a younger audience.


Scaffolding: Lesson 1 - Kahoot diagnostic quiz with teacher supplementation of
prior knowledge, strategic grouping; Lesson 2 - Teacher assistance during
presentation preparation; Lesson 3 - Strategic scheduling with presentations from
groups working on foundational skills before more advanced groups.
Modeling: Lesson 3 - Teacher demonstration of speaking and listening skills,
note-taking, and responding to presentations with a higher order question or
constructive comment.
Adapted Content: Lesson 1 - Varied introductory articles and/or videos, group-
created inquiry question, and use of instaGrok for research.
Collaborative Learning: Lesson 1 - Small group inquiry and research, Lesson 2 -
Research and presentation preparation.
Discussion: Lesson 2 - Think-Pair-Share.
Peer teaching: Lesson 3 - Presentation, peer responses on Padlet, letter to a
younger student.
Note-taking: Lesson 1 - Padlet Post, Lesson 2 - Post-it Poster, Lesson 3 - Cornell
Reflection & Response: Lesson 1 - Padlet Post, Lesson 2 - Post-it Poster,
Lesson 3 - Letter to a younger student.


Input Simplification:
1. Clear enunciation, slower speech rate; longer pauses; increased redundancy;
4. Define unusual words and words with double meaning; 5. Readability of
written materials is low.
Contextualization & Meaning
3. Learners encounter a new topic through a shared, alluring, realistic, direct
experience, a common introduction which serves as a foundation for (1) new
skills to be acquired, (2) concepts to be learned, or investigated, and/or (3) about
which the learners are to read, listen, speak, or write; 7. Illustrations, pictures,
motion pictures, maps, charts, flowcharts, overheads, and graphs; 11. Extend
mental set; 12. Comprehensible input: provision of information and/or
experiences that learners recognize as valuable and meaningful.
Emphasis on Success and Comprehension
1. Comprehension is stressed more than form or grammar, semantics more than
syntax; utility of ideas, investigations, and skills is the major criterion for success;
3. Listening and speaking activities precede reading and writing activities; 6.
Cooperative activities; 8. Appropriate pacing and difficulty level.
Check Frequently for Success and Understanding
1. Confirmation and comprehension checks; 5. Variety of assessment
techniques; 6. Interaction: teacher with student, and/or student with student.

Eating disorder, anorexia, bulimia, nervosa, binge eating, obsess, starve,
nutrition, energy, metabolism, harmful, psychological, mental health, physical
health, Kahoot!, article, inquiry question, research, source, credible, relevant,
instaGrok, post, Padlet, reaction, Think-Pair-Share, sentence frames,
collaborate, presentation, Prezi, Google Slides, Cornell notes, higher order
question, constructive comment, informal letter.

Lesson 1:
Anticipatory Set:
Students will be instructed to take out a device, and sign into a Kahoot! quiz.
Teacher will guide students through the quiz, and briefly explain each answer
with student input. (10 mins)
Activity Sequence:
In strategically teacher-selected groups, students will individually read and
respond to a short introductory article or watch an introductory video about
different aspects of eating disorders, using one of several teacher-created
Padlets designed for varying abilities and interests. (5 mins)
Groups will discuss their responses to the article and/or video and form an
inquiry question. Teacher will circulate to ensure groups inquiry questions have
an appropriate level of depth and focus. (10 mins)
Students will create a Google Doc to take collaborative notes, share it with te
teacher, and use instaGrok to start research to answer their inquiry question. (20
Students will individually post a response on a class Padlet in which they will
name two interesting facts from their research, and, in 3-5 sentences, state their
reactions to the information. (5 mins)

Lesson 2:
Anticipatory Set:
Students will watch a short video about eating disorders, then Think-Pair-Share;
students will write their individual responses, then discuss their responses with a
partner, and then share their pair discussion with the class. The teacher will
circulate during pair discussions to listen, and to select, and inform pairs that
have interesting ideas that you would like them to share with the class. Teacher
will then facilitate students in a short class discussion using sentence frames. (10
Activity Sequence:
Teacher will introduce and model the presentation assignment, with a short
Google Slides presentation, and introduce the presentation rubric. (5 min)
In their small groups, students will collaboratively create a Prezi or Google Slides
presentation to share their research findings with the class. Teacher will circulate
while groups prepare their presentations to monitor understanding and progress.
Teacher will decide on an appropriate order for presentations, and inform groups
of the order. If groups finish early, they will practice their presentations. (30 min)
Students will each write a question they still have about eating disorders, and
add it to a class poster as they leave. (5 min)

Lesson 3:
Anticipatory Set:
Students will practice saying tongue twisters as a class, and review speaking and
listening skills, and higher order questioning. (5 mins)
Activity Sequence:
Small groups will deliver their Prezi or Google Slides presentations in the
pre-determined order. As audience members, students will be taking Cornell
notes, and post a high order question or constructive comment on each groups
Padlet. Teacher will sit at the back of the classroom, taking Cornell notes, and
responding to each presentation with a higher order question or constructive
comment. (35 mins)
Students will write an informal letter to a younger student explaining the dangers
of eating disorders. (10 mins)
Lesson 1: Kahoot! quiz - diagnostic; Padlet post - formative.
Lesson 2: Think-Pair-Share - formative; Post-it Poster - formative.
Lesson 3: Cornell notes - formative; Padlet posts - formative; Presentations -
summative; Informal Letters - summative.

Lesson 1:
Computer & projector or smart TV.
Chromebooks or iPads for each student, and internet access.
Pre-created Padlets for each group.
Pre-created class Padlet.
Lesson 2:
Computer & projector or smart TV.
Short video about bulimia.
Sentence frames.
Instructional Google Slides presentation.
Group presentation rubric.
Chromebooks or iPads for each student, and internet access.
Post-its & a large sheet of paper.
Lined paper & writing Implements.
Lesson 3:
Computer & projector or smart TV.
Tongue twisters video.
Higher order questioning diagram.
Cornell notes template.
Chromebooks or iPads for each student, and internet access.
Pre-created Padlets for each group.
Lined paper & writing Implements.
Group presentation rubric.


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