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You will use this worksheet for both your Eastern religion visit and your Western religion visit.

Name: Heather Tesen

Where I went: Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple (Holi Festival)
When I went: March 25 2017

BEFORE YOU ATTEND: List 3 of what you understand to be the primary beliefs of this faith.
1. That the world was created by a cosmic man and that the cast systems are a divine assignment
2. That there is one reality Brachman
3. They believe in reincarnation

How does this religion understand the world?

They believe that there is only one reality but that it is manifested in many different Gods. They believe that
reincarnation is through Karma and that everyone will achieve liberation.

How does this religion understand their relationship to others?

Hinduism is unique in that they think that not one religion is the true religion. That every religion has some sort
of pathway to liberation. So in that sense they are very tolerant and peaceful towards others because they just
kind of adopt everything.


1) Physical (Spatial) observations: What did the worship space look like?
a) Was there symbolism on the exterior of the building? What is its purpose?
The building was very beautiful Im not sure of all the meaning of the temple and wish that I had looked
up more before I went.

b) What rituals marked the boundary between sacred and profane? (The extraordinary and the ordinary)
I dont believe there were any rituals that marked the boundaries however the building was marked off to
prevent those covered in chalk to mess up the ornaments inside the temple because of the colors.

c) What was the focal point of the space?

The vocal point of the space was the music stage just outside of the temple. That is where everyone was
practicing their chants and where the majority of colors were thrown.

d) What decorated the space? Why was it there?

The only thing decorating the beautiful temple were all the participants covered head to toe in the
beautiful Holi colors
e) Did the space reflect functionality? If so, how?
The only way that the space showed functionality was that it was a pace where lots of people could
gather and where they could speak to lots of people are from the same spot. Making it ideal for leading the

2) Ritual observations: What took place?

a) Describe the elements of worship (liturgy).

There was a chanting that people were encouraged to participate in, then there were throwing of chalk
like colors at everyone and wishing people a happy Holi.

b) Did they have a specific purpose?

From what I understand the throwing of colors is to bring in spring a new beginning and in olden days I
think for medicinal purposes but Im not sure.

c) Who participated? (Was there clergy? A hierarchy?)

There was a spokesperson but I dont know how they were related to the religion and I dont that they
were a religious person. They did however lead everyone in the chanting and help participants know
when they should throw their colors.
d) What seemed to be the benefit of these rituals?

3) Emotional observations: What was the mood?

a) Did the physical space enhance or distract from the emotional/spiritual experience?
I dont think the space distracted from the experience itself since it was a festival. I fell that emotionally
people were very excited and the space encouraged that. However, in the excitement of the festivities I
believe that people did loose track of how it was a religious festival.

b) What were the attitudes of the participants? (fear, awe, love, hope, union, boredom, excitement,
passion etc.) everyone seemed very happy, excited and in good spirits.
c) What does this tell you about their ideas toward worship?
Since it was the Holi festival I feel that it was a different experience than if I had attended a regular
service. I did notice that it shows how festivities and community activities play an important role in their
services and religious ideas.
d) What did you learn about this religions relationship to non-members?
It showed me how welcoming and how the barriers are broken by how they allow everyone to
participate in the festival. They didnt care who came or participated and were just happy to share
their own happiness with others.


1) Reaction: What were your expectations and were they met?

I didnt have that many expectations besides having a good time since it was a festival. I did enjoy my
time spent there but wished that I had looked up more about the Holi fest before going. It wasnt really
explained there so I felt like I was missing out on the religious purpose.

2) Reflection: Making connections.

a) Were the beliefs and the worldview of the religion present in the physical observations? How? Where?
For the specific holiday of holi/the festival of colors I think that since it was done in Utah it can never achieve
the greatness of the festival in India. However, I think that they did a very good job in trying to recreate the
holiday and the temple is beautiful and had a peaceful feeling about it.
b) Were the beliefs and the worldview of the religion represented in the rituals and symbols? How? Why?
For the ritual part of the festivities I dont think that it was represented to well because it was from a DJ of sort.
But I think they did the best job they could and the throwing of colors as a ritual and symbols was achieved.
c) Were the beliefs and the worldview of the religion felt and/or observed in the emotional observations? How?
I believe that the festival of colors is to bring in new life, spring, enjoyment and happiness. I dont think that I
saw a single person that looked upset to be there. So I think that they achieved their goal according to that

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