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Aleks Glod

TA: Lauren Pepi

Chem 2211L
April 6 , 2017
Experiment 9 Post Lab

Total Area: 42.8398 counts-min + 33.5614 counts-min = 76.4012 counts-min

The relative percentage of each product formed during the course of the reaction:

Individual Product Peak Area

x 100
Total Area

Percentage of Tert-Butylchloride formed: x 100 = 43.93 %

Percentage of Tert-Butylbromide formed: 76.4012 x 100=56.07

The analysis of gas chromatography showed that showed four peaks. Two of the peaks

represented the products formed: tert-butylchloride and tert-butylbromide. The first represented

tert-butylchloride with an area of 33.5614 mm . The second peak represented tert-butlbromide

with an area of 42.8398 mm. Percentage of tert-butylbromide formed was 56.07% . From these

products a ratio of .78:1 which is around a 3:4 ratio of tert-butylchloride to tert-butylbromide.

Since tert-butylbromide formed more product it was concluded to be the stronger nucleophile.

This is due to bromides larger atomic mass compared to chloride therefore it is less

electronegative than chlorine Bromine is then more willing to share its electrons making it a

stronger nucleophile as well as a stronger leaving group

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