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TO: David Stoddard, Communication 1010

FROM: Kristan Hernandez, Student of Salt Lake City Community College

DATE: April 3, 2017

SUBJECT: Career Research Interview

I have created this memo regarding an interview I conducted with a retired FBI investigator by
the name of William Facer. I am interested in becoming a medical fraud investigator and
currently working toward a BA in the Criminal Justice field. In this memo, I will provide you
with the questions and response from William regarding his education and experience he learned
while being an investigator with the FBI.

I learned that Bill attended Ricks College for 2 years and then attended Utah State College for
another 2 years and this is where he graduated with a BA in accounting. He recommends the best
classes to take for the field I am interested in would be interviewing, active listening and audit


Bill became an auditor with the FBI and worked by auditing hospitals, Medicaid, Medicare
income statements. He filled that he gained his most experience was working with the FBI for 7
years in the department that handled white collar crimes, money laundering and Medicaid
national fraud. He enjoys most about the job is being able to get out and talk, interview with
people. His dislike is the bureaucracy.

Bill explained his reasoning for becoming an investigator he liked making a difference by
helping the public, speaking with different individuals, also working with the same type of
people having the same goals and all were like minded.

He said there are several interesting stories he would like to share from finding evidence and
being able to lock up lawyers, CPAs and public officials. He says there are a lot of different areas
that you could go into by getting your degree in Criminal Justice.
Analysis of Criminal Justice as my Career Choice
The interviewee has provided a lot of information regarding my decision on pursuing my degree
in the Criminal Justice field. By providing his different jobs experience he had attempted before
he knew the fraud investigator was the field he most enjoyed, his response to working with liked
minded people that want the same outcome against fraud, waste and abuse. He really made an
impacted on what I want as my career plans, to make a difference by helping and serving the
public. To make things in life fair for everyone and to stop the ones that are being dishonest
against others.
Analysis of my Interview Process
What I learned by doing this interview was that there could be several other questions I would
have liked to ask that would help me to learn exactly which type of fraud investigation field that
would best fit my personality. I feel my strengths with this interview is that I had the confidence
about my questions and my weakness was that I wish I would of had more knowledge of the
different fields about the criminal justice you could go into.
My closing for this memo is a summary of what you have just read on my career research
interview. I located a retired FBI investigator by the name of William Facer and provided his
outline of education, experience and interests. He also gave me different stories regarding how
he worked as investigator. I also provided an analysis of my career choice and my interviewing

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