Sulit 4541/2

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SULIT 4541/2

Section A
Bahagian A

[60 marks]
[60 markah]

Answer all questions in this section.

Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi propena dan but-1-ena.

Diagram 3 shows the structural formula of propene and but- 1- ene.

(a) Nyatakan,
State the,

(i) Siri Homolog bagi propena dan but-1-ena

Homologous series for propene and but-1-ene


(ii) Kumpulan berfungsi bagi propena dan but-1-ena.

Functional group for propene and but-1-ene

(iii) Formula am bagi propene dan but-1-ena.

General formula for of propene and but-1-ene

(b) Bagaimanakah takat didih kedua-dua sebatian ini berubah? Jelaskan jawaban anda.
How do the boiling point of these two compound change? Explain your answer.

SULIT 4541/2

[3 marks]

(c) Propena mengalami tindak balas pengklorinan. Tuliskan formula molekul dan namakan
hasil tindakbalas propena dengan klorin.
Propene undergoes chlorination reaction. Write the molecular formula and name the
product of the reaction of propene and chlorine.

[2 marks]
(d) Lukiskan formula struktur bagi dua isomer but-1-ena.
Draw the structural formula of two isomers of but-1-ene

[2 marks]

Table 1 shows the pH values of four solutions P, Q, R and S with a concentration of

0.1 mol dm-3.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan nilai-nilai pH bagi larutan-larutan P, Q, R dan S yang mempunyai
kepekatan 0.1 mol dm-3.

pH value
NilaipH 1 7 10 14
Larutan P Q R S

Table 1 / Jadual1

(i)Which solution is the strongest alkaline. Mark ( ) for your answer in the box
provided in Table 1.
Larutan manakah merupakan alkali paling kuat. Tandakan ( ) jawapan anda dalam petak yang
dibekalkan dalam Jadual 1.
SULIT 4541/2

[1 mark]
(a)(ii) Explain your answer in (a) (i).
Jelaskan jawapan anda dalam(a) (i).

[2 marks]
(b) Diagram 1 shows the apparatus set-up for the titration.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi suatu pentitratan.

Solution P

Solution S + indicator
LarutanS + penunjuk
Diagram 1
Rajah 1
(i) Name the reaction.
Namakan tindakbalas tersebut.

[1 mark]
(ii) Name a suitable indicator.
Namakan satu penunjuk yang sesuai.

[1 mark]

(iii) Based on your answer in (b) (ii), state the colour change at the end point.
Berdasarkan jawapan anda dalam(b) (ii), nyatakan perubahan warna pada takat
SULIT 4541/2

[1 mark]
(iv) Write the ionic equation for the reaction.
Tuliskan persamaan ion bagi tindakbalas tersebut.

[1 mark]

(c) Concentration of solution P is 0.1 mol dm-3. 5.0 cm3 of solution P is added with water until
its volume is 20.0 cm3.
Kepekatan larutan P ialah 0.1 mol dm-3. 5.0 cm3larutan P ditambah dengan air sehingga
isipadunya menjadi 20.0 cm3.

(i) Calculate the new concentration of solution P.

Hitung kepekatan baru bagi larutan P.

[2 marks]

(ii) Compare the number of ions present in solution P before and after dilution.
Bandingkan bilangan ion-ion yang hadir dalam larutan P sebelum dan selepas

[1 mark]

6. An experiment is carried out to determine the rate of reaction between calcium carbonate
powder and dilute hydrochloric acid. The volume of carbon dioxide gas produced at fixed
intervals are recorded.
Table 3 shows the results of the experiment.
Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk mengukur kadar tindak balas antara serbuk
kalsium karbonat dengan asid hidroklorik cair. Isipadu gas karbon dioksida yang terhasil
dalam tindak balas tersebut ditentukan pada satu sela masa tertentu.
Jadual 3 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen tersebut.
SULIT 4541/2

Table 6
Jadual 6

(a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the above reaction.

Tuliskan persamaan kimia seimbang bagi tindak balas yang berlaku.

[2 marks]
(b) (i) Based on the results in Table 3, draw a graph of volume of gas against time on the
graph paper provided.
Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Jadual 3, lukiskan graf isipadu gas melawan masa bagi
eksperimen tersebut pada kertas graf yang disediakan.

[3 marks]

(ii) By referring to the graph in (b)(i) calculate the rate of reaction for experiment at 120 s.
Berdasarkan graf dalam (b)(i) hitungkan kadar tindak balas pada saat ke 120.

[2 marks]
SULIT 4541/2

(c) (i) On the graph in b(i), sketch the curve that would be obtained if the
experiment is repeated by replacing powder calcium carbonate with granulated
calcium carbonate.
(Other conditions of the experiment remains the same ).
Pada graf di b(i), lakarkan lengkung yang akan diperolehi jika eksperimen ini
diulangi dengan menggantikan serbuk kalsium karbonat dengan ketulan kalsium
( Keadaan lain dalam eksperimen adalah sama ).
[1 mark]

(ii) Based on the graph in (b) (i) and the curve in (c) (i) , explain why there is a
difference in the rate of reaction by using collision theory.
Berdasarkan graf dalam (b) (i) dan lengkung dalam (c) (i), terangkan mengapa
terdapat perbezaan dalam kadar tindak balas dengan menggunakan teori

[3 marks]

Section B
SULIT 4541/2

Bahagian B
[20 marks]
Answer any one question.
Jawab mana-mana satu soalan.

Figure 9 shows the symbols which represent three elements W, X and Y.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan simbol yang mewakili tiga unsur W, X dan Y.

Figure 9
Rajah 9

Elements W and Y react to form a covalent compound, while elements X and Y react to form an
ionic compound.
Unsur W dan unsur Y bertindak balas untuk membentuk sebatian kovalen, manakala unsur X
dan unsur Y bertindak balas untuk membentuk sebatian ionik.

Describe the formation of the chemical compounds between

Huraikan pembentukan sebatian kimia antara

(i) elements W and Y

(ii) elements X and Y

[16 marks]

Explain the above statement.

Terangkan pernyataan di atas.
[4 marks]

8(a) Dilute ethanoic acid (vinegar) is electrolysed using carbon electrodes.

SULIT 4541/2

What is produced at the cathode? Write a half-equation for the

Elektrolisis asid etanoik cair telah dijalankan menggunakan elektrod elektrod karbon.
Apakah yang terhasil di katod.
Tuliskan setengah persamaan bagi tindak balas tersebut.
[2 mark]
(b) Diagram 8 shows two types of cells.
Rajah 8 menunjukkan dua jenis sel.



Magnesium sulphate Copper(II) sulphate

solution solution

Cell A Cell B

Diagram 8
Rajah 8

Compare and contrast cell A and cell B. Include in your answer the observations and half
equations for the reactions at the electrodes in both cells.
Banding dan bezakan sel A dan sel B. Sertakan dalam jawapan anda pemerhatian dan
setengah persamaan bagi tindakbalas di elektrod-elektrod kedua-dua sel.
[8 marks]
SULIT 4541/2

(c) A student intends to electroplate an iron ring with silver.

Seorang pelajar ingin menyadur cincin besi dengan argentum.

(i) State two purposes of electroplating

Nyatakan dua tujuan penyaduran.
[2 marks]

(ii) Design a laboratory experiment to electroplate the iron ring.

Rancangkan satu eksperimen makmal untuk menyadur cincin besi tersebut.

Your answer should consist of the following

Procedures of the experiment.
A labelled diagram showing the set up of apparatus.
Half equations for the reactions at both electrodes.
Observations at both electrodes.

Jawapan anda hendaklah termasuk perkara-perkara berikut:

Langkah-langkah eksperimen.
Gambar rajah susunan radas berlabel.
Setengah persamaan bagi tindak balas di kedua-dua
Pemerhatian di kedua-dua elektrod.
[8 marks]
SULIT 4541/2

Section C
Bahagian C
[20 marks]
Answer any one question from this section.
Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

9(a) (i) Explain by naming an example each, the meaning of saturated hydrocarbons and
unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Dengan menamakan setiap contoh, terangkan maksud hidrokarbon tepu dan hidrokarbon
tak tepu
[4 marks]
(ii) Unsaturated hydrocarbon can be converted into saturated hydrocarbon.
State the process and the condition needed
Write the chemical equation involved.

Hidrokarbon tak tepu boleh ditukarkan kepada hidrokarbon tepu.

Nyatakan proses dan keadaan yang diperlukan
Tuliskan persamaan kimia yang terlibat.

[4 marks]

(b) (i)
Alkohol Carboxylic acid
Explain briefly how the conversion of homologues series above can be carried out .
Jelaskan dengan ringkas bagaimana pertukaran siri homolog di atas dapat dilakukan.
[4 marks]

Simple carboxcylic acid with low molecular mass
can dissolve in water to produce acidic solutions

Asid karboksilik yang ringkas dengan jisim

molekul yang kecil boleh larut dalam air untuk
menghasilkan larutan berasid.

By using an example describe the properties of carboxylic acid.

Include your answer with chemical equation.
Dengan menggunakan contoh, terangkan sifat-sifat asid karboksilik.
Sertakan persamaan kimia dalam jawaban anda.
[8 marks]
SULIT 4541/2


(c) A student wanted to prepare 250 cm3 standard solution of sodium hydroxide with a
concentration of 1.0 mol dm-3 in the school laboratory.
Seorang pelajar ingin menyediakan 250cm3 larutan piawai natrium hidroksida dengan
kepekatan 1.0 mol dm-3dalam makmal sekolah.

Describe how the student would prepare the solution.

Include the following in your description :
The material and apparatus needed,
The calculation involved,
The steps involved in the preparation.

Huraikan bagaimana pelajar itu dapat menyediakan larutan tersebut.

Sertakan yang berikut dalam huraian anda :
Bahandanradas yang perlu,
Pengiraan yang terlibat,
Langkah-langkah yang terlibatdalampenyediaan
[ Relative atomic mass : H, 1 ; O, 16 ; Na, 23 ]

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