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A. 40 Mdua slyps , fe (4g foutue) More,wlaxtd _ eonfertablr v0 opale a non “dwaringy * scour caiontnent/ = Fellings/ emotions of Ss. Iho fective Filler Eight Commonly Used Approaches to Language Teaching 6 Nedi vo ?. colowed . 10. colaus Siontiop 3 cloned 9. chart _ 1. not | ee etisalat esa 2 DAvitl hich foster independence and correctness. Students ae Fe luring, end each .(2) the learning process. As a result, joni fre ‘of Subordivnafecher ia) aPeaking ony a ected tn iting tet initiative and i satis once sal nd cron ae ei satay tncigh modeling Moch emphasis is placed onsen .(4. in aking 2. fat ate ie conient some lowe he) ite (> neg fling alist sate ny wth i pte sce (] Skjecwor-- (B.C) tee help tents associate the stu or Sound . ‘Shlangnge with prt (10..- Prior tim i (11). sa as it delays 6. Aft ve- poem! anges development J a ppanreriteriaes abfertion > ploduoten > self corection ~> aleoiplon ini Meee (Netra MZ OVALE) yy 7 4 du ; ance sanders ears think and comma Oh ort gna by SSD ive Nai (2) language oot al shelp ip. yords : dt ot pantomime, visual subenic ‘materials (real generalization from hans ever befor, The eacher diets he Shr mvs tut a's es apartner with Sc eanng proces. The eater 15 nuctivelyamaty rection ih eve Eras inn) neh ‘pronunciation highlighted rom the beginning. Vocabulary is more important han 6 4pOKutr gamma Senneion commend la. Granaer yansiaaion 4 “rensat.)m as ssens m pcan gt ga es ; Leeper wrod 1) muncrican Eee med tit Actes inole serine of etl sey, =), te die) oft of mar and ocdlay Wort frau fete an.) As arrest x eon a eo ee 6 munoncoteene ata, Seema tape 6 Nahe [Fieger pp tt oti Sa isutuadenen (:nguge ed ely ila A tly Themis 9) econ sun scee ol mig F-Native B. utlonty : A pa cALM.Latum.c.arem) Sibmenerel 4S bulawionty - fy Slay omit (1... theories that were popular jnthe1960'S;students arc taught new ee 4 ener Clin (or cond logs the defi ene j4-TtR [2 sifass div pita fe aS ides an, witha minimum of (2). 18 lng Si etre 0s ct enn ep language ecuisition by urging students to become). iavlved in the arget [jupiter nce ee ay 5. Comimtiteacer Student) elp hen of he lmguageieaon meno, Te acho Sto, erat ei Dis io ita ert pon a 7 moved ote ee iy encore 92 el cnet ‘with classmates. Laughter plays 14. humonous arTPR | Suge topcla.. See ea saat ste eno, oe, ie agt pe ee i dalngeron ethnafte tenia a ee pa M4. por | 3.aon- Hh In orderto succeed the appro promote ning, Classrooms ae (8) Highted with (Jo 5 on(Ore [ugly bk teeth teed (wih Only f Jgjt ~ theteacher peaks at first A playfil patio of the lesson fils ding the “activation” sige.) 6, soothing a aunulanuously 4. holt aggression 9. dis oumimation fa 2. feors 6 orion 10. belund 5. Seer 7. fofletion ALM ‘ 8 Aglontion 3 NORV, ‘aes In this metho, teachers consider students a ..(1)... beings 0a is fr students to take responsibilty for leaning while ‘communicatively, The teacher creates energy to help students overe reais oe [re : decry mate te tospee ve copein, On, es ier (Sintec sees Cotl what ey wetto™ (1). -a rere ieee Fe desroer scale refs heist of be aes Wheaten en tanta on ay ojos he doe yearn he pone th cle he target language. This level is very low and he ea’t do 0, he speaks in hs..(12.. language, and the factor makes the..(13).. thatthe student then says othe person, are generally designed around a (2). 0F 3). syllabus amma not leamed trough ..4).. and .(5). but tough ..()..and (7). (@).. practice is encouraged, aphilosophy in direct contrast to the (9)... method, F. ceamplt Meh OME). apote oeaning ganar, (15)... competence isthe principal nde bjetve instead of tnguistic gompetense; hence the emphasis on..(16). skills lored and lessons include multipe references to ‘Commonly used expressions fom siwations ae prctized and conceptualized. (17)... materials ae selected “whenever posible in addition to or even instead of textbooks, Objects, photographs, 41 comity gz om econ of ily ie ar ought i ded by he Sens nde» id to reaching the language objectives, 0, cu eres 8, Stuclnt ‘Students continually work together in pir or groups to maximize their opportunity to practice the target language. ‘The teacher is relatively passive, guiding students while they ‘avigate specific assignments in which communication takes place, Use of role plays, Student's aetivities'ften are Afr 5 jaa. oLssccintion “This technique is enouraged here student ae given information which must be shared “21 cluwonsttaladsymthesized to understand the desired concept, Vocabulary and gramnar are acquired Uy encanta 2). dC) Perma of a 1 TUilLS js often shown through student behaviours such as responding to questions, describing {ip exlaiiona sion 2, den poues mahing vos mei xing ons # oor sunmarzing infomation aa. shimuli : | Chokes rete i 29, Jail th ear C25)» sing lasng inthe destin the stants wan 1 gp ter thane RIOT detonate coos we nd hw hy wiht Smut: Some stmt ot hm ncoimonicatnone gh expo ‘rll cxeson lated oth nto, reedomeeoueges elven and | ipo The poco development nd provements lft he nda sen Feedback 246 wingon Pll. 26). tty to motte te sents. The xpress cen by staes trusty ead toby he teaser oor elasnaes. Minor enor are toed in 2. Alwar of te 20,.being conveyed. | |-tanguageis wea sor than he um fi prs, The epi (28). CONNOR Le edad sack mids se AmDOuNUrg 22 ON ya «0 aie.) eed way ne freon Kain engo torn oapis ences oaig on tangle te snd 150. POPU fineton, to open-ended sk-besed activites Unt center on problems in whih language ‘ic all sragieerile tcl, Stat roges om singe condos taldng eer | ees tp eet nthe aso engage ae. teaclir -Atncént %. eonwriotion * 4

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