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1. In your own words, explain the social contract.

The social contract is an agreement in which someone gives

away a specific thing; in return they get something such as
freedom for state protection.

2. Think about the revolution that you researched. How was the social contract
broken in that revolution?

The social contract was broken by the government not respecting the
Indian Treaties.

3. What impact did the breaking of the social contract have on the society in your
researched nation?
It provided a reason for the railway to be finished. The most long lasting
effects were against generations of the Mtis and First Nations in

4. At the beginning of the unit we discussed the role of and our relationship with
our government. Does the idea of a social contract actually apply between us
and our government today? Explain your thinking.

I think we have a social contract in Canada because we have the

freedom to speak and gender equality. We also have medical and the
ability to have a roof over our heads.
5. New ideas were a major contributing factor in the revolutions you researched.
What ideas would we consider new (from the last 20 50 years or so) that our
governments are having a tough time dealing with? Ex. Gay marriage.

The government would probably be having a tough time dealing with the
legalization of marijuana. The government could also be having a hard time
with immigration.

6. Do you think any of these ideas will contribute to the government breaking the
social contract with its citizens? Explain your thinking.

Immigration might not affect the social contract as much as legalizing

marijuana. Immigration has more things to do with other people from
other parts of the world coming to our country. Legalization of marijuana
however might affect the social contract because it might be used more
as a drug than medical.

7. In each of the revolutions you researched there came a breaking point. A time
when the people would no longer stand by while their government continued on
doing what they were doing. Do you have a breaking point with our
government? What is that breaking point and why is it a breaking point for you?

I do have a breaking point for the government. My breaking point is

when the government stops providing specific needs, such as food,
water, shelter and also medical because everyone should have the right
to be healthy. The reason why these are my breaking point is because
Id rather be able to survive and live a good life than die due to
starvation, dehydration, hyperthermia or not being healthy.
8. List at least three questions that you have concerning political revolution in
general or the revolution you researched specifically.

9. What were your strengths?

My strengths were that I paid attention, stayed organized and

that I worked rather well in groups.

10.What were your weaknesses?

One weakness of mine is being rather nervous to talk in front of the

class, even in a group presentation.

11.What could you have done differently to be more successful than you were?

Probably being more able to talk in front of the class.

12.What was your favorite thing that we did?

Watch a movie.

13.What was your least favorite thing that we did?

Present in front of the class.

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