Fatal Attraction: Search For A Dead-End Trap Crop For The Pollen Beetle (Meligethes Aeneus)

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Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2014) 8:373381

DOI 10.1007/s11829-014-9325-0


Fatal attraction: search for a dead-end trap crop for the pollen
beetle (Meligethes aeneus)
Eve Veromann Riina Kaasik Gabriella Kovacs

Luule Metspalu Ingrid H. Williams

Marika Mand

Received: 11 April 2014 / Accepted: 9 August 2014 / Published online: 18 September 2014
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract In sustainable pest management, orientation of Introduction

insect pests can be manipulated by utilizing the relative
attractiveness of different host plants. Plants attractive for Pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus Fab. (Coleoptera, Niti-
oviposition but not offering a suitable resource for the dulidae; syn. Brassicogethes aeneus Fab.), is the most
development of larvae are called dead-end trap crops. In important pest of oilseed crops in Europe (Williams 2010).
this study, the number of eggs and larvae and larval sur- Adult beetles emerge from their overwintering sites in
vival of Meligethes aeneus (Fab.) in the buds of Brassica spring when temperature exceeds 810 C and feed on
napus L., B. rapa L., B. nigra L., B. juncea L., Eruca sativa pollen from different flowering plants. After maturation
Mill., Raphanus sativus Pers. and Sinapis alba L. were feeding, they oviposit only in the flower buds of brassica-
compared in 2011 and 2012. Overall infestation rate of ceous plants (Free and Williams 1978; Metspalu et al.
buds varied from 0 to 71 %; the least attractive plants were 2011). Feeding and oviposition damage by adults and first
S. alba and E. sativa. Egg clutch size per bud was greater instar larvae within the bud can result in bud abscission and
on B. nigra and lower on S. alba and E. sativa than on B. loss of yield (Free and Williams 1978). When very abun-
napus. Dead larvae were found only in E. sativa and R. dant during flowering, they can also cause economic
sativus buds. Over the two study years, 19 % of larvae on damage by reducing the amount of pollen available to
E. sativa and 35 % on R. sativus were dead. In conclusion, pollinate male-sterile plants (Cook et al. 2004) and may
M. aeneus preferred to oviposit on Brassica species rather nibble developing pods after they have consumed available
than on cruciferous plants from the other genera. In addi- pollen. Second instar larvae do not cause economic yield
tion, R. sativus has the features of dead-end trap crop loss, because they feed on pollen from open flowers
because 35 % of the larvae failed to survive. (Williams and Free 1978). Usually, however, only plants at
the green and yellow bud growth stages of oilseed rape are
Keywords Brassicogethes aeneus  Brassica napus  susceptible to yield diminishing damage (Tatchell 1983;
B. rapa  B. juncea  B. nigra  Sinapis alba  Axelsen and Nielsen 1990; Cook and Denholm 2008).
Raphanus sativus  Eruca sativa Control of pollen beetle relies mainly on synthetic pesti-
cides that may not decrease the pest population (Hokkanen
2000) and can even increase it (Veromann et al. 2008); it
also leads to the development of pesticide resistance in
pollen beetles (Nauen et al. 2012). Therefore, the devel-
opment of environmentally safe sustainable control meth-
Handling Editor: Heikki Hokkanen. ods for the pollen beetle is a key issue in oilseed rape
E. Veromann (&)  R. Kaasik  G. Kovacs  L. Metspalu  Behavioural manipulation of insect pests (through their
I. H. Williams  M. Mand
host plant preferences) is a useful tool in ecologically
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Estonian
University of Life Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 1, 51014 Tartu, Estonia sustainable and economically viable integrated crop man-
e-mail: eve.veromann@emu.ee agement. There is a growing interest in the value of

374 E. Veromann et al.

enhanced agro-ecosystem diversity and pushpull strate- 2014a, b). Moreover, the only study that has hypothesized
gies for suppression of insect pests. One component of this about dead-end trap crops with a focus on pollen beetles is
strategy is trap cropping which is based on the different that by Veromann et al. (2012). This study was conducted
attractiveness of host plants for pests (Cook et al. 2007a). to continue the aforementioned study to find out whether
Trap cropping can reduce reliance on insecticide applica- these assumptions about probable dead-end traps crops for
tions, and it has been shown to have a potential to control pollen beetles could be verified.
several cruciferous pests, including M. aeneus (Hokkanen The principal focus of this study was to compare
1991; Blight and Smart 1999; Bartlet et al. 2004; Frearson M. aeneus oviposition preference and larval survival on the
et al. 2005; Cook et al. 2006, 2007a, b, 2013; Veromann buds of Brassica napus, B. rapa, B. juncea, B. nigra, Si-
et al. 2012; Vinatier et al. 2012). Trap crops can consist of napis alba, Raphanus sativus and Eruca sativa, to find a
one or several host plant species for a particular pest, potential conventional and dead-end trap crop for oilseed
grown to lure pest species away from the main cash crop rape.
and thereby limit pest damage to the main crop (Hokkanen
1991; Shelton and Badenes-Perez 2006; Cook et al. 2007a).
In addition, application of a trap crop strategy in oilseed Materials and methods
rape can enhance the presence and diversity of parasitoid
species in agro-ecosystems (Kovacs et al. 2013; Kaasik Study area and experimental design
et al. 2014a, b), to efficiently control the pest population
(Ulber et al. 2006; Veromann et al. 2011). Trap crops are Studies were carried out in an experimental field of the
classified as either conventional trap crops, which are more Estonian University of Life Sciences in 2011 and 2012,
attractive than the main crop for pest feeding and/or ovi- Tartu County (58210 N, 26390 E; elevation 63 m). The
position, or dead-end trap crops, which, although being plants were grown in a randomized complete block design
attractive to insects, do not support their development with three replicates of each of the following species:
(Hokkanen 1991; Shelton and Nault 2004). Dead-end trap B. napus (cv. Maskot), B. rapa (cv. Largo), B. juncea,
crops can be obtained either via the intrinsic characteristics B. nigra, Eruca sativa (cv. Poker), Raphanus sativus
of a plant species (Badenes-Perez et al. 2005), such as (cv. Bille) and Sinapis alba (cv. Branco). In both years,
nutritional inadequacy, through its chemical defence seeds were obtained from the seed bank of the Estonian
properties (Shelton and Nault 2004; Shelton and Badenes- University of Life Sciences. In both study years, each plot
Perez 2006), or created by introduction of an insecticidal was 1 9 5 m with a 1-m-wide buffer zone of bare soil
transgene, such as a Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner gene around it to minimize inter-plot interactions. The whole
(Cao et al. 2005). One well-known example is yellow experimental field was surrounded by grass for hay. Plots
rocket, Barbarea vulgaris var. arcuata R. Br. which acts as were sown concurrently on 9 May 2011 and 15 May 2012,
a dead-end trap crop for the diamondback moth, Plutella at 250 seeds/m2. Seeds were germinated similarly, and no
xylostella (L.) via its intrinsic characteristics (Shelton and differences were noticed in plant density (on average 200
Nault 2004, Shelton and Badenes-Perez 2006). Caterpillars plants/plot) between plots. Neither fertilizers nor pesticides
cannot complete development on this plant; this inability to were used. Plant growth stage (BBCH) was assessed using
survive has been attributed to the feeding deterrent, mo- the decimal code system of Meier (2001).
nodesmosidic triterpenoid saponin (Shinoda et al. 2002).
Furthermore, the host plants chemical composition is Bud sampling
essential because it influences the development and
fecundity of insect pests (Kehat and Wyndham 1972; Beetles prefer to lay eggs in buds 1.53 mm long (Nilsson
Awmack and Leather 2002) and fertilization influences the 1989; Ekbom and Borg 1996). To determine the number of
chemical composition of plants. Veromann et al. (2013) eggs in green buds, ten plants per plot were sampled ran-
have shown that different levels of nitrogen fertilization of domly. The top of the main raceme was cut and bagged at
oilseed rape plants can have an effect on the behaviour of the green bud growth stage (BBCH 5254, 14 June 2011
M. aeneus. Hopkins and Ekbom (1999) have shown that and 17 June 2012). In the laboratory, five green buds per
M. aeneus is capable of changing oviposition rate to match plant were chosen and dissected, giving a total of 50 buds/
resources available. Studies of the interactions between plot and 150 per plant species. This procedure was repeated
pollen beetles and potential trap plants in field conditions at the yellow bud growth stage, BBCH 5759 (at 28 June
are scarce, and results are, besides other factors, also 2011 and 3 July 2012). Discrimination between green and
dependent on the climatic zone of the study area and yellow buds was based on the colour and size of buds:
therefore are sometimes controversial (Hokkanen 1991; green buds were smaller (1.53 mm long) and green; yel-
Cook et al. 2007b; Veromann et al. 2012; Kaasik et al. low buds were C3 mm, yellowish and not yet open. All

Fatal attraction 375

buds were dissected under the microscope (Olympus sativa, which differed significantly from all other plant
SZ-CTV) on the day of collection in the laboratory; the species (see Table 1 for full statistical analyses)).
numbers of infested and non-infested buds and the numbers In 2012, the greatest number of infested green buds per
of eggs and larvae (live and dead) per infested bud were plot was on B. rapa, significantly more than on the other
recorded. species (B. napus: v2 = 7.43, df = 1, P \ 0.01; B. juncea:
v2 = 10.79, df = 1, P \ 0.001; B. nigra: v2 = 6.83,
Statistical analyses df = 1, P \ 0.01; R. sativus: v2 = 11.53, df = 1,
P \ 0.001; S. alba: v2 = 58.57, df = 1, P \ 0.0001; E.
The statistical differences between plant species and years sativa: v2 = 84.66, df = 1, P \ 0.0001). As in 2011, the
on the number of beetle eggs and larvae in green and least infested plants at green bud stage were S. alba and E.
yellow buds as well as on the number of live and dead sativa which differed significantly from all other plant
larvae were calculated by using Wald statistic Type III species and also from each other (v2 = 17.62, df = 1,
empirical standard error analysis with the Poisson model P \ 0.0001). At the yellow bud stage, the infestation rate
and log link function considering the fixed effects of year of buds on B. napus, B. rapa, B. juncea and B. nigra was
and plant species. The response variable was infested buds. adjusted and significantly more infested buds were on B.
Differences of means between plant species were analysed napus than on R. sativus (v2 = 8.82, df = 1, P \ 0.01), S.
using the GENMOD procedure Differences of Least alba (v2 = 56.98, df = 1, P \ 0.0001) and E. sativa
Squares Means test. Comparisons of infested green and (v2 = 71.10, df = 1, P \ 0.0001) (Table 1).
yellow buds of different plant species and years were When data were pooled, the infestation rate of green and
analysed by using Wald statistic Type III empirical stan- yellow buds was similar on B. napus, B. rapa, B. juncea, B.
dard error analysis with the Binomial distribution and logit nigra and R. sativus, with significantly fewer on S. alba and
link function. The analyses were conducted with SAS 9.1 E. sativa (Table 1).
software (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA). All differ-
ences were considered statistically significant at P B 0.05. Clutch size

To estimate pollen beetle oviposition on different plant

Results species, we compared the number of eggs and larvae per
infested bud. Plant species had a significant influence on
Damage to buds the number of eggs in green buds (v2 = 93.57, df = 1,
P \ 0.0001) as well as in yellow buds (v2 = 202.34,
Plant species had a significant impact on the infestation rate df = 1, P \ 0.0001) over the 2-year study period. Year as
of green (2011: v2 = 58.20, df = 6, P \ 0.0001; 2012: a factor had no influence on the number of larvae at the
v2 = 124.41, df = 6, P \ 0.0001) and yellow buds (2011: green bud stage of plants (v2 = 0.09, df = 1, P = 0.76),
v2 = 80.25, df = 6, P \ 0.0001; 2012: v2 = 133.70, but had an impact on these numbers at the yellow bud stage
df = 6, P \ 0.0001) by pollen beetle eggs and larvae each of plants (v2 = 9.93, df = 1, P = 0.0016).
study year as well as over the 2-year study period (green In 2011, significantly more eggs and larvae were found
buds: v2 = 51.90, df = 6, P \ 0.0001; yellow buds: in green as well as in yellow buds on B. nigra than on all
v2 = 78.76, df = 6, P \ 0.0001). The infestation rate was other plant species. In green buds: B. napus: v2 = 13.90,
similar in both study years at both growth stages since year df = 1, P = 0.0002; B. rapa: v2 = 5.77, df = 1,
as a factor had no influence (green: v2 = 2.35, df = 1, P = 0.016; B. juncea: v2 = 14.04, df = 1, P = 0.0002; R.
P = 0.13; yellow: v2 = 1.98, df = 1, P = 0.16). sativus: v2 = 71.04, df = 1, P \ 0.0001; S. alba:
In 2011, the greatest number of infested green buds per v2 = 73.86, df = 1, P \ 0.0001. In yellow buds: B. napus:
plot was on B. nigra, significantly more than on B. rapa v2 = 7.03, df = 1, P = 0.0080; B. rapa: v2 = 5.33,
(v2 = 3.75, df = 1, P = 0.05) and S. alba (v2 = 32.10, df = 1, P = 0.021; B. juncea: v2 = 22.14, df = 1,
df = 1, P \ 0.0001). The same tendency continued at the P \ 0.0001; E. sativa: v2 = 110.87, df = 1, P \ 0.0001;
yellow bud growth stage of plants with the greatest number R. sativus: v2 = 122.81, df = 1, P \ 0.0001; S. alba:
of infested buds per plot on B. nigra, but at this time, it v2 = 162.28, df = 1, P \ 0.0001. Beetles laid eggs into
differed significantly from B. juncea (v2 = 6.98, df = 1, the green buds in similar numbers on B. napus, B. rapa and
P \ 0.01), S. alba (v2 = 23.38, df = 1, P \ 0.0001) and B. juncea; significantly, fewer eggs were found on R. sat-
E. sativa (v2 = 53.95, df = 1, P \ 0.0001) (Table 1). In ivus and S. alba than on all other plant species (see Table 2
both years, as well as in both growth stages, the lowest for full statistical analyses). At yellow bud stage, the
numbers of infested buds were on S. alba and E. sativa (in number of larvae found on B. napus and B. rapa was
2011, at green bud stage, there were no infested buds on E. similar (v2 = 0.11, df = 1, P = 0.74), fewer than on B.

376 E. Veromann et al.

Table 1 Mean (SE) percentage of infested green and yellow buds per plot (N = 50) in different plant species in two growing seasons
Plant species Proportion of infested green buds Proportion of infested yellow buds
Year Mean Year Mean
2011 2012 2011 2012

Brassica napus 64.0 3.93ab 54.7 4.08a 59.4 2.84a 65.3 3.90ab 71.3 3.70a 68.4 2.69a
Brassica rapa 60.0 4.01 a 70.0 3.75b 60.8 2.75a 65.3 3.90ab 64.0 3.93ab 64.7 2.76a
Brassica juncea 65.3 3.90ab 51.3 4.09a 58.4 2.85a 57.3 4.05a 63.3 3.95ab 60.4 2.82a
Brassica nigra 70.7 3.73b 55.3 4.07a 63.1 2.79a 72.0 3.68b 64.0 3.93ab 68.0 2.70a
Raphanus sativus 64.0 3.93ab 50.6 4.10a 57.4 2.86a 64.0 3.93ab 54.7 4.08b 59.4 2.84a
Sinapis alba 30.7 3.78c 24.0 3.50c 27.2 2.58b 44.0 4.07c 26.0 3.59c 35.0 2.76b
Eruca sativa 0.00 0.00* 5.33 1.84d 2.64 0.93c 28.0 3.68d 20.0 3.28c 24.0 2.50b
Different letters indicate significant differences between plant species within the given year (P \ 0.05 according to GENMOD differences of
least squares means test)
* The analysis gave no data to compare the mean of E. sativa

Table 2 Mean (SE) number of eggs and larvae per infested green and yellow bud in different plant species in two growing seasons
Plant species Number of eggs/larvae in green buds Number of larvae in yellow buds
Year Mean Year Mean
2011 2012 2011 2012

Brassica napus 1.98 0.05a 2.07 0.05ab 2.02 0.04a 2.31 0.04a 2.08 0.05ad 2.18 0.03a
Brassica rapa 2.16 0.05a 1.82 0.05a 1.98 0.04a 2.35 0.04a 2.52 0.05bc 2.43 0.03bc
Brassica juncea 1.98 0.05a 1.88 0.06a 1.94 0.04ac 2.05 0.04b 2.57 0.05c 2.31 0.03abc
Brassica nigra 2.51 0.04b 1.87 0.05a 2.23 0.03b 2.63 0.03c 2.13 0.06a 2.40 0.03c
Raphanus sativus 1.38 0.06c 2.29 0.05b 1.78 0.04c 1.38 0.05d 2.38 0.06acd 1.84 0.04d
Sinapis alba 1.0 0.10d 1.14 0.04c 1.06 0.07d 1.00 0.07e 1.46 0.11e 1.18 0.06e
Eruca sativa 0.0 0.0* 1.13 0.22c 1.06 0.23d 1.00 0.09e 1.20 0.13e 1.09 0.08e
Different letters indicate significant differences between plant species within the given year (P \ 0.05 according to GENMOD differences of
least squares means test)
* The analysis gave no data to compare the mean of E. sativa

nigra but greater than on R. sativus, S. alba and E. sativa df = 1, P = 0.006; E. sativa: v2 = 8.29, df = 1,
(Table 2). P \ 0.004; R. sativus: v2 = 18.46, df = 1, P \ 0.0001; S.
In 2012, the greatest number of eggs in green buds was alba: v2 = 81.77, df = 1, P \ 0.0001). Similar numbers of
on R. sativus which differed significantly from B. rapa eggs were found on B. napus, B. rapa and B. juncea.
(v2 = 10.82, df = 1, P \ 0.001), B. juncea (v2 = 6.78, Fewest eggs per bud were on S. alba and E. sativa
df = 1, P = 0.0092), B. nigra (v2 = 7.64, df = 1, (Table 2). Over the study period, the mean number of
P = 0.0057), S. alba (v2 = 36.33, df = 1, P \ 0.0001) larvae per yellow bud was similar on B. rapa, B. juncea
and E. sativa (v2 = 9.70, df = 1, P = 0.0018) but similar and B. nigra, but significantly fewer larvae were found on
to B. napus (v2 = 1.90, df = 1, P = 0.17; Table 2). The B. napus than on B. rapa (v2 = 5.28, df = 1, P = 0.022)
egg laying activity of these beetles changed from green to and B. nigra (v2 = 4.00, df = 1, P = 0.045). The mean
yellow bud stage since the highest mean numbers of eggs number of larvae in yellow buds of R. sativus was signif-
per bud were found on B. juncea, B. rapa and R. sativus icantly fewer than all other species but S. alba and E. sativa
(see Table 2 for detailed significant differences). which had the fewest larvae (Table 2).
When data were pooled over the years, the most pre-
ferred plant species for oviposition during green bud stage Potential dead-end plants
was B. nigra which differed significantly from all other
plant species (B. napus: v2 = 3.71, df = 1, P = 0.05; B. To estimate the suitability of the host plant for the devel-
rapa: v2 = 5.91, df = 1, P = 0.015; B. juncea: v2 = 7.55, opment of larvae, dead larvae from all sampled buds were

Fatal attraction 377

Fig. 1 Mean (SE) number of No

live and dead larvae of Raphanus sativus
Meligethes aeneus in infested Eruca sativa
yellow buds per bud on 1.6
Raphanus sativus and Eruca 1.4
sativa. Asterisk indicates
significant differences between 1.2
plant species (P \ 0.05 1.0 ns
according to GENMOD
differences of least squares 0.8
means test), ns not significant 0.6
live dead live dead live dead
2011 2012 mean 20112012

counted. Dead larvae were found only in the yellow buds of larvae on R. sativus was almost equal, whereas in 2012,
R. sativus and E. sativa. Both plant species had a signifi- more than a quarter were dead so that when the data were
cant effect on the mean number of live as well as dead pooled over 2 years, the mortality rate was 35 %. The
larvae (accordingly: v2 = 8.89, df = 1, P = 0.029; difference in mortality rates in different years could be
v2 = 22.58, df = 1, P \ 0.0001), but year as a factor had a caused by several factors, e.g. differences in air tempera-
significant influence only on live larvae (v2 = 71.40, ture, humidity rates, which can change food plant quality.
df = 1, P \ 0.0001). The number of live larvae was sim- The attractiveness of E. sativa and S. alba to M. aeneus for
ilar in both plant species in 2011, but in all other cases the oviposition was rather low as the average infestation rate
numbers of live and dead larvae were greater on R. sativus stayed below 25 %. Although dead larvae were also found
(live larvae: 2011: v2 = 0.01, df = 1, P = 0.92; 2012: on E. sativa, the average mortality of larvae was much
v2 = 18.59, df = 1, P \ 0.0001; dead larvae: 2011: lower than on R. sativus at around 20 %. Most of the
v2 = 11.60, df = 1, P \ 0.001; 2012: v2 = 10.74, df = 1, observed mortality on R. sativus was associated with the
P = 0.001; Fig. 1). On R. sativus, mortality reached larval moulting process. The larvae in buds died just before
45.5 % in 2011, but the following year decreased to only shedding their old cuticles; presumably, the epidermal cells
26.7 %. Over the two study years, 35 % of larvae on R. failed to separate from the old cuticle. Such effects are
sativus were dead. On E. sativa, mortality of larvae was thought to be caused by disruptions of the complex inter-
half that on R. sativus with 23.8 % in 2011, 13.9 % in 2012 actions between hormones that stimulate the moulting
and over both years 19.3 %. process. The main hormones involved in growth regulation
in insects are ecdysone and 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (moult-
ing hormones) and juvenile hormones (Hiruma and Rid-
Discussion diford 2001). The balanced interaction of these hormones
ensures normal insect development (Nijhout 1994). Mo-
Mortality of larvae ulting requires a balance of hormones and other physio-
logical changes to be successful and can occur only when
This study shows, for the first time, that R. sativus, and to the insect has reached a certain minimum body mass
some extent also E. sativa, killed M. aeneus larvae and threshold for the growth stage (Davidowitz et al. 2003).
therefore can be considered dead-end trap crop plants. The growth and moulting processes are influenced by
Although R. sativus was not as highly attractive as dead- several factors, the most important being food availability
end trap crops can be, the finding that this plant species and quality. After that, the type of food consumed, the
killed pollen beetle larvae is highly interesting and worth quantity and the efficiency with which it is used by the
further study. Female pollen beetles oviposited equally on insect determine the availability of nutrients for growth
R. sativus, B. napus, B. rapa, B. juncea and B. nigra, but during development (Browne and Raubenheimer 2003). In
larval survival was significantly lower on R. sativus than on the present study, the lethal larval moulting observed in
the other plant species. This confirms the view of Vero- R. sativus was most likely caused by interference with
mann et al. (2012), who suggested that R. sativus may act hormone production that might be induced by low quality
as a dead-end trap crop as they found more eggs in its buds of food as well as toxic compounds in this plant. Both
than larvae in its flowers. In 2011, the ratio of dead to live factors could cause pathological changes in the endocrine

378 E. Veromann et al.

system of the larvae and disorders in the secretion of Clutch size

hormones. The larvae died in the green buds of E. sativa
shortly after hatching which suggests that this plant species One of the characteristics indicative of pollen beetle host
was deficient for their development. It is generally known plant preferences is clutch size as pollen beetles may
that many plant species may contain feeding inhibitors or reduce egg number per clutch on low-quality host plants
components toxic to the larvae. For instance, Shinoda et al. (Hopkins and Ekbom 1996). In our study, the mean number
(2002) found that a cruciferous plant, yellow rocket (B. of eggs found in green buds was significantly greater on
vulgaris L.), contained the feeding deterrent triterpenoid B. nigra than on all other plant species. However, there
saponin which killed all P. xylostella larvae in their first were some differences between years. In 2011, B. nigra
growth stage. In addition, shepherds purse, Capsella was highly preferred over the other plant species and also
bursa-pastoris (L.) also contains saponins which deter there were more eggs in other studied plants from the genus
feeding of Phyllotreta spp. (Nielsen 1989) and P. chryso- Brassica with only few eggs found in buds of S. alba and
cephala L. (Bartlet and Williams 1991; Metspalu et al. none from E. sativa. In 2012, surprisingly, the most pre-
2011). Thus, interpretation can be complicated because ferred plant species was R. sativus, which differed signif-
multiple mechanisms may operate simultaneously. icantly from other studied plant species except B. napus.
We assume that, because of the weather conditions in 2012
(constantly low temperatures during April and May did not
Damage to buds favour the emergence of M. aeneus from its hibernation
sites), the phenology of M. aeneus was better synchronized
Our results showed that M. aeneus differentiated between with the phenology of R. sativus than that of B. nigra,
plant species for oviposition. The rate of damage to buds of B. rapa or B. juncea. Because of low spring temperatures,
different plant species varied from 0 to 71 % and was quite beetles emerged later from their overwintering sites, and as
similar between years. Only small differences were found the development of R. sativus is slower than that of B.
in the number of infested buds between Brassica species. nigra, B. rapa or B. juncea (Veromann et al. 2012), they
Female beetles preferred B. nigra, B. napus and B. rapa, could find the most suitable buds for oviposition on R.
followed by B. juncea and R. sativus. These equally sativus. In previous studies, there have been significantly
acceptable Brassica species for pollen beetles are closely fewer larvae per plant on R. sativus than on B. nigra
related and have similar morphology. The least attractive (Veromann et al. 2012) and no differences between B.
plants for oviposition were S. alba and E. sativa, species napus and R. sativus (Veromann et al. 2012; Kaasik et al.
which differ from the Brassica species in morphology (E. 2014b). In addition, contrary to our findings, Ekbom (1998)
sativa) as well as in chemistry (S. alba) (Tollsten and found in laboratory experiments that plants belonging to
Bergstrom 1988; Ekbom 1998). The relatively small the genus Brassica are more attractive to the beetles than
exploitation of S. alba and E. sativa for oviposition by crucifiers from other genera. On the other hand, field
pollen beetles has been shown also by Borg and Ekbom experiments have shown the potential of R. sativus as a trap
(1996), Ekbom (1998), Veromann et al. (2012) and Kaasik crop to lure cabbage flea beetle away from cabbage, and
et al. (2014a, b). Hopkins and Ekbom (1996) concluded similarly to our study, R. sativus was preferred over B.
that one of the reasons for this kind of choice is low host nigra and B. napus (Bohinc and Trdan 2013). Therefore,
quality that does not increase the physiological motivation this plant species has shown the relative attractiveness to
of the pollen beetle to oviposit. Nevertheless, the selection beetles under field experiment conditions. Although pollen
of host plants by M. aeneus depends on several host plant beetles are highly attracted to the colour yellow (Laska
characteristics including colour, odour, chemical com- et al. 1986; Giamoustaris and Mithen 1996; Blight and
pounds, physical architecture (Charpentier 1985; Ekbom Smart 1999; Doring et al. 2012), beetles also chose R.
and Borg 1996; Blight and Smart 1999; Jonsson 2005; sativus which has violet flowers. However, as with oilseed
Cook et al. 2007a, b, 2013). The quality of the host plant is rape, R. sativus buds are green and/or yellowish, so the
considerably influenced by defensive mechanisms in the colour of buds did not play a crucial role in oviposition
plant, such as secondary compounds, and by nutritional behaviour of pollen beetles in our study. Several studies
value of the plant tissues. Selection and acceptance of have shown E. sativa and S. alba to be unattractive for
plants for oviposition by most herbivorous insects are oviposition by pollen beetle (Ekbom 1998; Ekbom and
based on chemical stimuli from the plants (Renwick and Borg 1996; Veromann et al. 2012; Kaasik et al. 2014b) and
Chew 1994). Pollen beetles are attracted to metabolites of may therefore be used primarily as a food source by them
glucosinolates, such as isothiocyanates and nitriles, as well (Ekbom and Borg 1996). The attractiveness of B. nigra
as to non-specific volatiles that are released from plants of over B. napus and B. rapa contrasts with the results of Borg
various plant families (Cook et al. 2007a). and Ekbom (1996), Ekbom and Borg (1996) and Ulber and

Fatal attraction 379

Thieme (2007) who found that B. nigra was less attractive therefore, the potential for using these plant species as trap
than B. napus for oviposition by pollen beetles. However, crops for spring rape needs to be tested in large field trials
our results confirm the findings of Veromann et al. (2012) and under local conditions.
who reported significantly more larvae on B. nigra than on
B. napus and B. rapa and Kaasik et al. (2014b) who also Acknowledgments We wish to thank Kadri Paasukene for her
assistance with the statistical analyses used in this paper. This study
found more larvae on B. nigra than on B. rapa. The reason was supported by the Estonian Science Foundation Grant 8895, the
for this difference may be that studies in Sweden and Estonian Ministry of Science and Education Grant SF0170057s09.
Germany were carried in the laboratory, whereas those of
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