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Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yg akan sudah selasai dikerjakan di wak-tu yg
akan datang.
Untuk memperkirakan waktu selesainya suatu pekerjaan di masa yg akan datang
se-hingga dapat diketahui kapan pekerjaan / peristiwa itu akan benar-benar bisa
terpenuhi (selesai) / dapat diselesaikan.


(+) S + will / shall + have + v3 + o + ket.

(-) S + will / shall + not + have + v3 + o + ket.
(?) Will / Shall + S + have + v3 + o + ket?

Rumus tersebut di atas sebenarnya bisa diringkas manjadi:

S + will + have + v3 + by + ket waktu

Kata by di sini artinya pada / di saat. Bukan oleh

(+) I will have finished my homework by the time you get back.
=Saya akan sudah menyelesaikan PR saya pada saat kamu kembali nanti.
(+) I will have not finished my homework by the time you get back.
(+) will I have finished my homework by the time you get back?

III. TIME SIGNALS (Keterangan Waktu):

By + ket.waktu; by the end of this month; by tomorrow morning, by then.

Before; before the rainy season comes; before you get there.
When; when we arrive there, when you ask for it.

- Pekerjaan yg dimaksudkan disini harus selesai / tidak berkelanjutan pada waktu
tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
Biasanya ditandai dengan adanya kata by + ket. Waktu


1. Go ahead and leave on your vacation. By the time you get back, I care of
a. take d. have taken
b. will take e. am taking
c. will have taken
2. The traffic is so terrible. Were going to be late. By the time we get the school, the
a. will begin d. has begun
b. will have begun e. is to begin
c. will be beginning
3. Mona: Nir, you said that you would take me to your mango garden. When will
we go there?
Munir: Well, I think we can go there next Sunday.

Mona: Are you sure that your mangoes by the time we come there/
a. will ripen d. will have to ripen
b. will be ripening e. will have been ripened
c. will have ripened
4. By this time next week her work.
a. she finished d. she will have finished
b. she has finished e. she has been finishing
c. she would finish
5. By the end of this month I from Malaysia.
a. am back d. may back
b. have been back e. will have been back
c. would be back

(Kata Kerja yang dibendakan/ verb-ing)

Kata Kerja Bentuk ing atau biasa disebut dengan Gerund atau Verbal Noun adalah
Kata Kerja Dasar yg diimbuhi -ing yang berfungsi sebagai Kata Benda yang biasanya
menempati posisi Subject atau Object dalam kalimat.

Contoh Gerund
A. Gerund sebagai subjek
Eg. Smoking is not good for our health. =(Merokok tidak baik untuk kesehatan kita).
Smoking sebagai Subject berarti Kt.benda.
B. Gerund Sebagai Object
Eg. Her hobby is swimming. =(Hobinya adalah berenang).
Swimming sebagai Object dan berlaku seperti kt.benda.
Eg. He has given up smoking. =(Dia sudah berhenti merokok).
Smoking didahului Kt. kerja tertentu yang selalu diikuti

C. Gerund yang berada setelah kata kerja tertentu

Berikut ini adalah kata kerja yang selalu diikuti kt kerja ing:

N Kt. Arti Kata Contoh

o. kerja Kalimat
1. admit mengaku She finally
loving me
2. avoid menghindari We avoid
coming late
3. cant tak tahan I cant help
help waiting for
4. conside mampertimba He
r ngkan considers
moving to
5. deny menolak I deny
your money
6. dislike/ tidak suka / She dislikes
like suka eating fish
7. enjoy menikmati We enjoy
living in
8. find mandapati I find a dog
barking at

9. give up menyerah He cant
give up
10 keep tetap, terus- Dont keep
. terusan smiling at
11. mind keberatan Do you
mind my
12 miss gagal, He missed
. ketinggalan watching
the movie
13 put off menunda- Dont put
. nunda off doing
your work!
14 remem ingat I remember
. ber giving her
15 start mulai The factory
. will start
16 suggest menganjurkan He suggests
. me leaving

D. Gerund yang terletak setelah preposisi

1. Preposition (Kata Depan) at, on, in, of, before, after, for, etc.
Cat: setelah Kata kerja khusus dibawah ini harus diikuti oleh gerung seperti:
Object to (keberatan): I object to helping you all the time.
Look forward to (berharap akan): I look forward to having an interview.
Catatan Penting:
Bahkan beberapa Kt.kerja bisa diikuti atau to be v3 yaitu:
a. Need + The flowers need watering. =(Bunga itu perlu penyiraman)
b. Need + to be v3 The flowers need to be watered. =(Bunga itu perlu disirami)


1. We always avoid to the zoo on Sundays because it is too crowded.

a. go c. we go e. to be going
b. to go d. going
2. Would you mind so loud?
a. not talk c. to not talk e. you not talk
b. not to talk d. not talking
3. I was interested in more about your work.
a. to learning c. learned e. learn
b. learning d. to learn
4. Have you considered to an apartment closer to your office?
a. move c. moving e. moved
b. to move d. to be moving
5. a skillful photographer, a person should have both manual skill and a good eye
for detail.
a. becoming d. when he becomes
b. he can become e. to be becoming
c. become
6. I am looking forward to a salary rise next month.
a. get c. getting e. got
b. be getting d. have got

(Kata ganti penghubung)

1. WHO = Orang Kt. Kerja/ Kt.Sifat/ Kt. Keterangan.

2. WHOM = Orang (Object) KATA GANTI ex; I, you, he, Kustam.
3. WHOSE = Orang Kt. Benda/Org yg dibendakan* ex; father, son, etc
4. WHICH = Selain Manusia Kt. Kerja / Kt. Sifat / Kt. Ket / Subject.
5. WHOSE / OF WHICH = Selain manusia Kt. Benda.

Orang yang dibendakan adalah bentuk kata benda yang menunjukkan obyek manusia
seperti: mother, teacher, baby, friend. Walaupun mereka manusia tapi diperlakukan
sebagai kata benda karena memiliki sifat bisa / dapat dimiliki.

1. The man who works at my office is Tugimin.
2. The girl whom we met last night was my girl friend.
3. The man whose house is next to my house died last night.
4. The cat which often steals my salted fish is yours.
5. The dog whose / of which tail is short often bites the children.

Catatan penting:
*Pada beberapa kasus kita akan sering menemui bentuk Relative Pronoun yg lain.
Berikut adalah kata ganti penghubung dan fungsinya:

1. Where (dimana): menghubungkan suatu tempat / lokasi.

2. When (kapan/ di saat) : menghubungkan waktu / suatu peristiwa.

*Kita juga bisa menggunakan That untuk menggantikan Who , Whom dan Which
dalam menyambung kalimat. Coba Perhatikan pergantian berikut ini:

1. The old man who is crossing the street is my grandpa.

The old man that is crossing the street is my grandpa.
2. The boy whom you love so much becomes an actor.
The boy that you love so much becomes an actor.
3. The red car which is parked over there is mine.
The red car that is parked over there is mine.

1. The building was built in the Dutch era is too old now.
a. who c. whose e. of which
b. whom d. which
2. The businessman we met at the party last night is the general manager of a big
a. who c. whose e. of which
b. whom d. which
3. I have just been introduced to the lady lives next door.
a. whom c. which e. whom
b. whose d. who
4. The doctor is treating the patient leg was broken in an accident.
a. who c. whose e. of which
b. whom d. which
5. Donos father, health hasnt been so good lately is in hospital now.
a. his c. whose e. whom
b. who is d. of which
6. Ronald, we invited to the meeting is a doctor.
a. whose c. which e. whom

b. who d. that

7. The book cover is black is mine.

a. whose c. which e. whom
b. who d. that
8. This is the latest news about kidnapping of the richest businessman in town we
received a few minutes ago.
a. whom c. where e. which
b. of which d. whose
9. Who won the Ford Foundation Scholarship?
The high school student the city council had chosen as the best student.
a. he who c. whom e. of which
b. whose d. which
10. This is the house I live in.
a. whom c. where e. which
b. whose d. who
(Kalimat Bentuk Pasif)

Kalimat Bentuk Pasif hampir dipastikan ada di setiap bahasa, cuma masing-masing
memiliki pola yang berbeda satu sama lain. Ketika kita mambandingkan antara Bahasa
Inggris dengan Bahasa Indonesia maka kita akan melihat banyak persamaan, coba
perhatikan Contoh berikut:

Bob eats rice every day =(Bob makan nasi setiap hari).
*Lihat arah panah dan perubahan kt.kerjanya!

Rice is eaten by Bob every day =(Nasi dimakan oleh Bob tiap hari).
*Subject menempati posisi object dan begitu sebaliknya
Rumus Praktis model essay

No Tenses Active Passive

1. Simp. Present v1 + o is/am/are + v3 + by
2. Present Cont. is/am/are + + o is/am/are + being v3 + by
3. Simple Past v2 + o was/were + v3 + by
4. Past Cont. was/were + + o was/were + being v3 + by
5. Pres. Perfect have/has + v3 + o have/has + been v3 + by
6. Past Perfect had + v3 + o had + been v3 + by
7. Simple Future will/shall + v1 + o will/shall + be + v3 + by
8. Past Future would/should + v1 + o would/should+ be v3 + by
9. Modal 1 can/must/may + v1 + o can/must/may+ be v3 +by
10. Modal 2 / Modal could/had to/might + v1 + could/had to/might + be + v3
lampau o + by

Lihat dan perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut ini!

No Active Passive
1. Kustam eats rice everyday. Rice is eaten by Kustam everyday.
2. I am studying English now. English is being studied (by me) now.
3. Paijan ate satay last night Satay was eaten by Paijan last night.
4. Tumini was making a dress. The dress was being made by Tumini.
5. He has written a letter. The letter has been written (by him).
6. You had drunk coffee. The coffee had been drunk (by you).
7. Omas will kiss you. You will be kissed by Omas.
8. Tukul would climb a tree. The tree would be climbed by Tukul.
9. She can drive a car. The car can be driven (by her).
10. You could pass the exam last year. The exam could be passed (by you) last


Cara menjawab soal passive voice model pilihan ganda adalah dengan melihat
keterangan waktunya, setelah itu tentukan jawabany dengan melihat table dibawah


Every...,always,usually, often,on Is (bendanya tunggal)/are (bendaya

Sundays, once a week jamak) + V3
Now, at present,at the moment,today Is/are being +V3
Last...,yesterday,...ago Was/were+ V3
Since,for Have/has been + V3
When, while Was/were being +v3
Tomorrow, tonight, next.... Will be + V3
Modal(can,may,must,should,could Modal +be+V3


1. Renny is sweeping the floor.

We can also say: by Renny.
a. the floor has swept d. the floor was being swept
b. the floor was swept e. the floor must be swept
c. the floor is being swept
2. His antique car yesterday.
a. had been sold c. will sold e. is sold
b. has been sold d. was sold
3. A wooden bridge here next month.
a. is going to build c. is building e. is built
b. is to built d. will be built
4. You cant enter the room because it now.
a. cleaned c. is cleaning e. is being cleaned
b. has cleaned d. cleans
5. Tomorrow, the car by my brother.
a. is driven c. will be driven e. will be being driven
b. was driven d. has been driven
6. I became quite nervous when I knew that my speech
a. was to record d. to be recording
b. to be recorded e. was being recorded
c. being recorded
7. The floor since yesterday.
a. has not swept d. not being swept
b. not sweeping e. has not been swept
c. not be sweeping
8. At the moment the old building to make space for parking lot.
a. demolishing d. is being demolished
b. be demolished e. to demolished
c. being demolished
9. Nothing since we left.
a. has been changed d. was changed
b. is changed e. would be changed
c. will be changed

10. This is a very popular TV program. Every week it by millions of people.
a. watches c. is watched e. to be watched
b. being watched d. has watched


(Kalimat Pengandaian)

Penjelasan: Kalimat bentuk Pengandaian Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat yang

digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu keinginan, harapan, pengandaian, rencana dll.
Pengandaian dalam Conditional Sentence / if Clause terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) jenis
1. Conditional Sentence Type I (Future Conditional)
2. Conditional Sentence Type II (Present Conditional)
3. Conditional Sentence Type III (Past Conditional)
Untuk lebih memahami ke 3 (tiga) jenis pengandaian tersebut beserta ciri khas dan
kegunaannya marilah kita bahas secara detail.


Pengandaian Masa Mendatang

Keterangan: Kalimat dgn bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keinginan,
harapan ataupun rencana yang masih bisa terjadi / mungkin (possible) di masa yang akan

a. Rumus Pengandaian Type I

If + S + v1 + o S + will + v1 + o

If + S + dont/doesnt + v1 + o S + will not + v1 + o

If + S + is/am/are + kt.sifat/benda/ket S + will + be + kt.sifat/benda/ket

If + S + is/am/are + not +
S + will not + be + kt.sifat/bnd/ket

b. Rumus Kenyataan Masa Mendatang

It is possible that + S + will + v1 + o + ket.

1. If you invite her, she will come to the party.
=(Jika kamu mengundangnya, dia akan datang ke pesta)
The fact is: Its possible that she will go to the party.
=(Kenyataannya: Mungkin dia akan datang ke pesta)
2. If I am hungry, I will go to the restaurant.
=(Jika saya lapar, saya akan pergi ke restoran)
The fact is: Its possible that I will go to the restaurant.
=(Kenyataanya: Mungkin saya akan pergi ke restoran)

Pengandaian Masa Sekarang

Keterangan: Kalimat dgn bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keinginan,
harapan ataupun rencana yg tidak terpenuhi / tidak nyata dan hanya merupakan angan-
angan (unreal) dimasa sekarang.

a. Rumus Pengandaian Type II

If + S + v2 + o S + would + v1 + o
If + S + didnt + v1 + o S + would not + v1 + o

If + S + were + kt.sifat/benda/ket S + would + be + kt.sifat/bnd/ket

If + S + were + not + kt.sft/bnd/ket S + would not + be + kt.sft/bnd/ket

b. Rumus Kenyataan Masa Sekarang
*Untuk membuat kenyataan dari pengandaian sekarang maka kita buat penalaran
yaitu jika kalimat pengandaiannya Positive maka kenyataannya Negative. Begitupun
sebaliknya jika pengandaiannya Negative kenyataannya Positive. Perhatikan
perubahannya dengan ditunjukkan tanda anak panah ():

v2 dont/doesnt + v1
were is/am/are + not
didnt + v1 v1
were not is/am/are
would + v1 dont /doesnt + v1 atau (will not + v1)
would not + v1 v1 atau (will + v1)
would be is/am/are + not
would not be is/am/are

*Rumus hanya berlaku jika Kt.kerja dan Kt.sifat dalam pengandaian sama.
1. If I had money now, I would buy the shoes.
v2 v1
=(Jika saya punya uang sekarang, saya akan membeli sepatu itu)
It means: I dont have (any) money now, so I dont buy the shoes)
=(Ini artinya saya tidak punya uang, jadi saya tidak membelinya)
2. If you were rich, I would marry you.
to be 2 v1
=(Jika kamu kaya, aku akan menikahi kamu)
It means: You are not rich, so I dont marry you.
=(Ini artinya: Kamu tidak kaya, jadi aku tidak menikahimu)
3. If Kustam loved Tumini, she would be happy.
=(Jika Kustam mencintai Tumini, dia akan senang)
It means: Kustam doesnt love Tumini, so she is not happy.
=(Ini artinya: Kustam tidak mencintai Tumini, jadi dia tidak senang)


Pengandaian Masa Lampau

Keterangan: Kalimat dgn bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keinginan,
ataupun rencana yang tidak terwujud / tidak mungkin terjadi (impossible) di masa

a. Rumus Pengandaian Type III

If +S + had + v3 + o S+ would + have + v3 + o

If +S + had + not + v3 + o S+ would not + have + v3 + o

If +S + had been + kt.sifat/bnd/ket S+ would have been + kt.sft/bnd/ket

If +S + hadnt + been + kt.sft/bnd/k S+ wouldnt +have been +kt.sft/bd/k

b. Rumus Kenyataan Masa Lampau

*Untuk membuat kenyataan dari pengandaian lampau maka kita buat penalaran yaitu
jika kalimat pengandaiannya Positive maka kenyataannya Negative. Begitupun
sebaliknya jika pengandaiannya Negative kenyataannya Positive. Perhatikan
perubahannya dengan ditunjukkan tanda anak panah ():

had + v3 didnt + v1
had been was/were + not
hadnt / had not + v3 v2
hadnt been / had not been was/were
would have + v3 didnt + v1 atau (would not + v1)
would not have + v3 v2 atau (would + v1)
would have been was/were + not
wouldnt have been was/were

1. If I had had money yesterday, I would have bought the shoes.
had + v3 have + v3
=(Jika aku punya uang kemarin, aku akan (sudah) membeli sepatu)
It means: I didnt have money yesterday, so I didnt buy the shoes.
=(Ini artinya aku tak punya uang kemarin, jadi aku tidak membelinya)
2. If I had been there last night, I could have helped her.
had + been v3
=(Jika aku di sana tadi malam, aku akan (sudah) bisa membantunya)
It means: I was not there last night, so I didnt help her.
=(Ini artinya saya tidak di sana tadi malam jadi saya tidak bisa membantunya)

A. Type I
If v1 will + v1
If dont/doesnt + v1
will be
If is/am/are

B. Type II
If v2 would + v1
If didnt + v1 atau
If were would be

C. Type III
If had + v3 would have + v3
If hadnt + v3 atau
If had been would have been

1. Your drawing is very good.
I could have done better if I more time.
a. had d. would have
b. had had e. will have had
c. have had

2. The dictionary is expensive, but if it were cheap, we it now.
a. can buy d. had bought
b. will buy e. would have bought
c. would buy
3. I always have a lot of work to do in the evening. If the TV serials more often.
a. I had more time, I could have watched.
b. I have had more time, I could watch.
c. I have more time, I could watch.
d. I had more time, I could watch.
e. I had more time, I can watch.
4. We wouldnt have lost our bag, if we it in the hotel.
a. left d. would leave
b. had left e. would have left
c. have left
5. Were I a rich man, I you a new motorcar.
a. buy d. will be buying
b. will buy e. would have bought
c. would buy
6. If the mechanic had done his homework properly, you no problem with your car
a. would have d. will have had
b. had had e. have had
c. would have had

(Cara Mengungkapkan Pilihan)

Untuk menyatakan pilihan atau sesuatu hal yang lebih disukai dari pada yang lain.
Dalam hal ini hanya kami berikan 4 bentuk, walaupun sebenarnya masih ada beberapa lagi
yg juga termasuk dalam jenis ini.

1. S + prefer + kt.benda + to + kt.benda.
2. S + like + kt.benda + better than + kt.benda.
3. S + would rather + v1 + than + v1.
4. S + would prefer to + v1 + rather than + v1

1. I prefer banana to apple.
kt.benda kt.benda
I prefer singing to dancing.
2. Nia likes Mie Ayam better than Bakso.
kt.benda kt.benda
Nia likes studying better than playing.
3. Ratna would rather play than study.
v1 v1
4. Fuad would prefer to go to Bali rather than go to Jogja.
v1 v1
*Catatan Penting!
Sebenarnya ada cara praktis untuk menghafalkan ke 4 (empat) rumus di atas yaitu
dengan menghafalkan Rumus Pasangan Preference seperti di bawah ini. Rumus ini
diambil dari beberapa huruf depan dari kata kunci.

Pre To ; Like Betha

Wora Tha ; Wopre to Ratha v1


1. Which does he like better, long hair or short hair?

He likes short hair.
a. long hair better to d. long hair rather than
b. long hair better than e. long hair to
c. long hair than
2. Eko would rather listen to the radio read a newspaper.
a. to d. rather than
b. than e. better than
c. for
3. Fuad likes wearing cotton, he doesnt like wearing wool clothes, so he said, ..
a. I prefer to wearing cotton than wool clothes.
b. I like wearing cotton better to wool clothes.
c. I like wearing cotton better than wool clothes.
d. Id rather wear cotton to wool clothes.
e. Id prefer wear cotton better than wool clothes.
4. Dini practices singing three times a week.
She practices dancing once a week. So, Dini prefers
a. sing to dance d. singing to dancing
b. sing than dance e. singing better than dancing
c. singing than dancing
5. She would prefer TV rather than go to movie.
a. watch d. be watching
b. to watch e. to be watching
c. watched


1. Offreing help
Can i help you?
What can i do for you?
Do you need a hand?

2. making reservation
I d like to reserve ...
Id like to book ...
Id like to order ....
Catatan: kalau tempaty di hotel biasanya yang di pesan adalah room, restaurant---
Table,flight----ticket, movie----ticket

3. Confirming
Its no problem
Id like to confirm to reserve...
Of course

Here are words and expressions usually used in formal telephoning.

To make a call
Greetings (Good morning/afternoon/evening).
May I speak to , please?
Im (your name) from (your companys name)
Im calling about (your purpose)
Could you put me through to Mr/Mrs?
Could I leave a message?
Could you take my message for Mr/Mrs?
Could you ask them to call back later?
Good bye.
To receive a call
Greetings (Good morning/afternoon/evening)+ name of your company.
Can I help you? / May I help you?
Whos calling, please? / Whos speaking, please?
May I have your name, please? / Could I have your number?
Hold on, please. / Just a moment, please.
Im sorry. The line is engaged. / Sorry, Sir/Maam. The line is busy.
Ill put you through to Mr/Mrs
Do you want to hold on, or call again later?
Can I take your message?
Cold you speak up, please? Its a terrible connection.
Thank you for calling.

Activity 4. In pairs, study the following dialogue and answer the questions. Then, act it out
with your partner.

Secretary : Good morning. Gama Corporation. Can I help you?

Caller : Good morning. May I speak to Mr Fahrur Assegaf, please?
Secretary : Whos speaking, please?
Caller : This is Apryan Siregar of Horasindo Oil Company.
Secretary : I beg your pardon, Sir.
Could you spell your first name, please?
Caller : Alfa-Papa-Romeo-Yankee-Alfa-November. Thats APRYAN.
Secretary : Thank you, Mr Apryan Siregar. Just a moment, please.
Caller : All right.
Secretary : Im sorry, Sir.
Mr Assegaf is in a meeting with the Board now.
Caller : Thats OK! He is the Headboard. Can I leave a message?
Secretary : With pleasure, Sir.
Caller : Please tell him to call me back at 1 p.m. today.
Secretary : Right, Sir. Could I have your phone number, please?
Caller : Sure. +62-817-410-4496. Have you got that?
Secretary : Yes, Sir. +62-817-410-4496. Anything else, Sir?
Caller : Is Mr Rahmat, his assistant, in?
Secretary : Im sorry, Sir. He is attending a seminar in Ogan Hotel.
Could I take your message, Sir?
Caller : Emmplease tell him that Ill come to see him at 9 tomorrow morning.
Secretary : Right, Sir. Ill give your message.
Caller : OK. Thank you for your help. Goodbye.
Secretary : Youre welcome, Sir. Goodbye.

Exercise :
1. Caller : Hello.........this is Andi. Is Rony there?
Nita : No, he is not. He is at school.

Caller : oh, I see..................thank you
a. What is your phone number
b. Would you like to leave a message
c. Ill call back later
d. I must have dialed the wrong number
2. Caller : Is David in?
Secretary : No, he is out. Would you like to leave a.......
a. Call
b. Message
c. Letter
d. Telephone
3. Caller : Hello, good evening....May I speak to Dennis
Mala : ....................................
a. I would like to, but I cant
b. He is eating dinner right now
c. You are welcome
d. See you later
4. What number have you just.............?
a. Turned
b. Circled
c. Dialed
d. Revolved
5. Teacher : your telephone number?
Student : 081325678491
a. How
b. What
c. How much
d. How many


Asking for and giving advice

Asking for advice

What would you advise me to do?
What should I ?
Can/could you give me some advice on/about.
Well, I would appreciate your advice on .
Could I ask for your/some advice on/about ?
What course of action would you recommend ?

Giving advice
I think you should/ought to .
Why dont you .
If I were you, Id think twice about/before .

Activity I
Study the dialogue, then practice it !
Farah : My aunt's hose was damaged by flood
Rachel : I am sorry to hear that, how is she ?
Farah : She is very sad, she lost many things in her hose
Rachel : Send her my deepest sympathy, please !
Farah : All right

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are used to express sympathy, the expression
of sympathy is usually used when you hear something which makes you feel pity and tenderness
The expression you may use are :

. I'm sorry to hear that
. I'm sorry a bout that
. I'm really sorry for them
. That's too bad
. Please accept my deepest sympathy !
. That's awful !
. Oh dear
. Send my deepest condolence !
. How terrible

Activity 2
What will you say if you are faced the following situation ?
1. Your friend's father got an accident
Answer :..........................................
2. Your uncle's leg had broken when he was playing tennis
Answer :..........................................
3. Your best friend is ill
Answer :...........................................
4. Your grandmother's house was damaged because of of the earthquake
Answer :...........................................
5. Your brother's has just lost his wallet


1. Expressions used in asking for permission

- My / might / can / could I ..............?
- Is it all right if I .......................?
- Is it OK if I ...........................?
- Would it be all right if I ..........?
- Do you mind if I .............?
- Would you mind if I ...............?
- I was wondering if I could .........?
Example :
- May I open the door?
- Can I borrow your pen?
- Would it be all right if I meet him for a while?
- I was wondering if I could stay here for one night.
2. Expression used in giving / refusing permission
Giving permission : OK
Sure Refusing permission :
Of course Sorry, I can't
By all means I'm afraid not
All right
You may / can
Yes, certainly


Activity 1
Study the dialogue, then practice it!
Charlie : What's a matter, Caplin?
Caplin : I can't operate this washing machine
Charlie : Read the instructions before you switch on the start button!
Caplin : OK. What's next?
Charlie : Make sure that the electricity current is 220 volt!
Caplin : Okey, and then?
Charlie : Don't place it near other electric tools

The bold typed sentences in the dialogue above are the expressions of command. Study the
explanation below!
1. Positive command
- Go down!
- Clean the floor, please!
- Be careful!
- Drink a lot of water!
2. Negative command (prohibition)
- Don't work too hard!
- Don't eat spicy food!
- You my not drink medicine too much!
- You must not go out!
3. Request can be expressed by the following forms.
Would you
Will you
Could you
Can you
Do you mind + V ing
Would you mind + V ing
I wonder if you would + Verb 1
I wonder if you could + Verb 1

Example :
Would you help me?
Could/can you do me a favor?
Would you mind pouring me some tea?
I wonder if you would open the door.

Responses to command and request

Yes, I will
OK/all right
Yes, certainly
Yes, of course
No, I can't
Of course not
I'm afraid I can't
Certainly not


1. Asking for direction

Excuse me, Could you tell me the way how to get....?
Wheres the post office from here?
May I know where the post office is?
Can you show me how to get the bank from here?

2. Giving direction
Yes, go straight and turn left...
Its on the left side of this street...
Just go down this street...
Its on jalan merdeka
Refusing an invitation
I am afraid I cant
Inviting someone Id love to, but...
Would you like to come to my house tonight? That would be nice but....

Could you come along with me?
Would you mind coming to my party?
How about coming to my party?
Accepting an invitation
Id love to..
Sure, just pick me up
With a pleasure
That would be nice
Its so interesting



Jalan A. P. Pettarani No. 5 Makassar
Phone: 62411-425501
17 June 2007
The Manager
Hotel Panakkukang
Jalan Boulevard No. 29-30
Reservation Confirmation
Dear Mr. Mappangara,
I would like to confirm our booking in this morning for a single presidential room with bath,
shower, private wireless telephone, internet network and small kitchen, for one of our
executives, Mr. Welirangan.
The reservation is for full board from 15 July 2007. I am also confirming the reservation for
a small conference room to be available on 3 July, when Mr. Welirangan will be holding a
meeting with our international clients. Please find enclosed our bank draft (No. 92109 423
4431) for Rp10,000,000.00 as a deposit. The balance will be paid as soon as we receive the
confirmation from you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Melina Latuihamallo
Personnel Secretary to Mr. Welirangan
Encl. City Bank Draft

1.Why was this letter made?

A. To cancel a reservation.
B. Because the personal secretary wasnt satisfied with his reservation.
C. To give a reservation confirmation.
D. Because Meliana wanted to make a revision.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about this letter?
A. Mr. Mappangara is the manager of Hotel Panakkukang.
B. The reservation is for five days.
C. It is including a small conference room on 3rd July.
D. The balance will be paid as soon as possible.
3. When a small converence room to be available?
A. On 1 July
B. On 2 July
C. On 3 July
D. On 5 July



Miami GR 044 06.30 07.45
HA 206 08.00 08.55
MI 129 11.25 12.25

Detroit TN 327 12.35 13.00

Chicago DW 923 20.55 22.55
Tennessee VA - 802 07.05 07.50

4. What is the table above?
A. Bus Register
B. Airline Register
C. Train Register
D. Ship Register
5. What time does the plane for Tennessee leave?
A. 06.30
B. 12.35
C. 13.00
D. 07.05
6. What is the SYNONYM of the word schedule?
A. Procedure
B. Table
C. Rule
D. Rotation


Joan Chen was born in Shanghai in 1961. When she was 14, some people from a film studio
came to her school and choose her to learn acting at the studio. She was happy about this
chance,but mainly she liked the idea of getting out of school. Soon, However, she discovered
that she reallyliked acting,. At age 18, she won the Golden Rooster, Chinas top film award.

7.What is the paragraph about?

A. The idea of bewing a good film marker
B. The succsesful. Chinese actress
C. The happiness of Chinese actresses
D. The award nomination for studio school artist
8. Where did Joan start to learn acting?
A. In Shanghai
B. At her school
C. In a film studio
D. In Golden Rooster
9.The synonym of the word award is...
A. Prize
B. Reward
C. Punishment
D. Contribution



1. Get prepared. Think about what you want to say. What is your message?
2. Organize your message in a logical order.
3. Choose your words and phrases carefully.
4. Visualize your speech and visualize yourself giving your speech.
5. Deliver your speech with grace and dignity.

10. What does the text talk about?

a. How to choose a good speech.
b. How to prepare a good speech.
c. How to give a good speech.
d. How to write a good speech.

11. What should you do after you know what to say?
a. Organize your message.
b. Select your words.
c. Visualize yourself.
d. Deliver your speech.
12. In short, what should we do before giving a .speech?
a. Follow the rules.
b. Get prepared.
c. Mind your steps
d. Take a time.



Question 16 30 are incomplete dialogues.

Four choices marked A, B, C, D are given beneath each dialogue. You have to choose the
one that best completes the dialogues.

16. Aldy : What do you like to do in your spare time?

Pretty : .
Aldy : I do too. I like jazz very much.
A. Id rather see the movie.
B. I had better stay at home.
C. I like novel better than non fiction.
D. I prefer listening to music to watching TV.
17. Ms. Cita : 6573222. ?
Secretary : Oh, sorry. He is not in duty today.
Ms. Cita : Ok. May I leave a message for him?
Secretary : Sure. Let me take it.
A. Can I speak to Mr. Baskara
B. May I use your mobile phone
C. Will Mr.Baskara call me back
D. Why is the number always engaged
18. Aji : The Ministry of National Education will close the Edu Expo this evening.
Adi : When did you come there?
Aji : .
A. Weve got new experiences there
B. Bob and I went there yesterday
C. We will go there this evening
D. The expo is quite interesting
19. Santo : Are you doing anything tomorrow?
Eko : Well, Im playing tennis in the morning. Why?
Santo : to see the film at the Empire with me?
Eko : I wish I could, but I have to see my counselor
A. May you like
B. Have you liked
C. Would you like
D. Would you mind
20. Betha : Marvelous! It matches your shirt well.
Chandra : Thanks. My wife gave it to me on my birthday.
A. What dress is it ?
B. How lovely your tie is !
C. How nice is your shirt ?
D. How handsome are you !
21. Guest : Could you help me, please?
Manager : Yes, madam. ?
Guest : I ordered lunch for half an hour ago, but I havent got it yet.
A. Can I call the room service for you

B. Would you like to have lunch
C. How do you like the service
D. Whats happening
22. Brilliant : ? I need some more to complete my report.
Liony : Sure. With my pleasure.
A. Would you read my report, please
B. Could you get me some paper, please
C. Would you print the report for me, please
D. Could you write down the job training report
23. Tono : What do you think I should wear to the party tonight?
Handi : .
A. A suit and tie would be very great
B. You should go to the party soon
C. Youd better go there with me
D. I think I never wear that suit
24. Dika : I didnt see you at the office outbound training last Sunday. Where were
Agus : Well, if I hadnt been assigned out of town, .
A. I would miss the program
B. I would have joined the program
C. We wouldnt have held the program
D. You would tell me about the program
25. Jane : Look at the sky. It would be raining.
John : You are right, Jane. We have to look for a cave to protect from the rain.
Jane : .
A. I dont think so
B. I disagree with you
C. Im not on your side
D. I dont have any objection to your idea
26. Stranger : Can you show me how to get to the nearest hospital?
Policeman : Well, until you find an intersection and then turn right.
It is on your right.
A. you can ask a policeman
B. just go down this road
C. you have to stay here
D. its around the corner
27. Yustine : Do you wake up late on Sundays?
Tyas : Yes. Sometimes I stay longer in my bed. I go to swim in
the afternoon and I almost nothing on Sundays.
A. am doing
B. does
C. did
D. do
28. Receptionist : Good morning. May I help you?
Guest : Hello, my name is Lolly Beck. .
Receptionist : I see. A single?
Guest : Yes, please.
A. Id like to reserve a room for tonight
B. I have no place to spend the night
C. I am going to stay in your hotel
D. I want to go there
29. Firda : When will be the second show?
Diana : Im not sure. .
A. It started an hour ago
B. It was very interesting show
C. It might start in a few minutes
D. I had watched the show before

30. Roni : What do you think of our new classmate ?
Roy : She the local language when she moved here two years ago,
but now she can speak the language well.
A. was able to speak
B. was not able to speak
C. had an ability to speak
D. was capable of speaking


For questions no 31 36, find the incorrect words or phrases among the alternatives !

31. Mr. Jack : Good morning, Sir. May I help you ?

Mr. Yan : Yes, Im looking for a sofa.
Mr. Jack : Take a look at this one. This is the new style. Besides, that one is more
comfortable of all other sofas in the store.
32. Mrs. Budi: Which one is your daughter?
Mrs. Ye : The girl whom hair is tied at the back. She is wearing a red dress.

33. Marry : Did you see my little sister? I left her here when I met my supervisor.
Yetty : No one was here. How does she look likes?
Marry : She is plump. She is about 120 cm. She has fair skin.
34. Mimi : Can you mind if I come a bit late to the meeting, sir? Ive to fetch my
aunt at the airport.
Mr.Yan: Not at all. The meeting will start at 7, try to come before 8.

35. Dicky : I couldnt talk to my favorite novelist privately on the seminar yesterday.
Dedy : Please dont be disappointing! Even though you couldnt talk to her,
youve heard her tips on making the novels.


For questions number 36-38 refer to the following business letter!


5 Kings House
Leyland LY3

Dear Sir,
Thank you for the recent letter concerning the order no. 5678/F.
We apologize for the delay in delivering the fax machine. This is due to
problems at our suppliers. However, we now have sufficient stocks and
will be able to deliver them within the next 14 days.

Yours truly,

Customer Relations

36. What is the subject of the above letter?

A. Sufficient stock of goods
B. Details of the problems
C. Order No. 5678/F
D. Delivery cost
37. Why did the Customer Relations make an apology?
A. They did not deliver the fax machine on time.
B. They will deliver the machine within 14 days.
C. They have sufficient stock of goods.
D. They have received the recent letter.
38. will be able to deliver them within the next 14 days.
The underlined word refers to .
A. the orders
B. the problems
C. the apologies
D. the fax machines

For questions number 39 - 41 refer to the following table !

January February March
Men 358 364 356
Women 110 124 143
Total 468 488 499
Increase : +20

39. The above table describes .

A. the number of Indian people who have no occupation
B. men and women who need new employers in India
C. the total number of men and women in India
D. the decreasing population in India
40. How many women do not have jobs in February?
A. 20
B. 124
C. 143
D. 364

41. What is the synonym of unemployment?
A. workers
B. good jobs
C. death rates
D. joblessness

For questions number 42- 44 refer to the following working experience !

Lorraine Kulasingam has worked in the fashion industry as a

stylist for ten years, choosing the clothing that models and movie
stars wear for on camera appearances. I am the one who decides
how the actors look, she says. I love it. Everyday is different.
Although she routinely meets famous movie stars, there is a
disadvantage to
her job : she often works 18-hour days and she has to accommodate
schedule. Its pretty tiring, she admits. But I wouldnt change
careers for anything.

42. What does Ms. Lorraine do in her job ?

A. Hiring the models who appear in advertisements.
B. Selecting clothing for film stars and models.
C. Taking pictures for the fashion industries.
D. Organizing filming of TV programs.
43. What is the synonym of accommodate?
A. make up ones mind
B. make agreement
C. do a favor to
D. make useful
44. What could be considered as a benefit of Ms. Lorraines position ?
A. Being in a management level position.
B. Being able to set her own work hours.
C. Receiving free accommodation.
D. Meeting famous people.

For questions number 45 47 refer to the following cooking procedure!

Curry Soup Mix

Please follow directions carefully !
1. Empty contents of this packet into soup bowl.
2. Add boiling water until desired consistency is reached.
3. Stir well.
4. Cover and les stand for five minutes.
5. Eat immediately to ensure maximum taste and nutrition.
Do not reheat
Variation : Add less water to make a thicker stew. Then serve over
Optional : Add dried fruits or nuts for more flavorful soup.

45. According to the text, what will happen if the soup is not eaten immediately ?
A. It will be unsafe to eat.
B. It will lose its flavor.
C. It will become thin.
D. It will change.

46. Where would this text be found?
A. In a magazine
B. In a cook book
C. On a package label
D. On a restaurant menu
47. What must be added to make the soup ?
A. Fruits and nuts
B. Curry powder
C. Water
D. Milk

For questions number 48 50 refer to the following description!

Personally, I am stocky small but well-built. My father is

tall and lean with very little fat. My sister is short but wiry. She is
quite thin but muscular. Both my brothers are athletic and well-
proportioned. My mother looks like a 1940s film star. She is
curvaceous. My grandfather is fit for his age and takes plenty of
exercises. He doesnt want all his muscles to get flabby.

48. What is the text about?

A. The writers family description.
B. The ideal family characters.
C. The writers family dairy.
D. The big family tree.

49 How do you describe the writers brothers?

A. Small and well-built
B. Well-proportioned
C. Fit for their ages
D. Short and thin

50. He does not want all his muscles to get flabby.( last sentence )
The underlined word refers to .
A. the writer
B. the writers friend
C. the writers brother
D. the writers grandpa


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