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Pr Oey Us wee See ete bane es Ensemble sjani wireitle se) Clai aire Breger-Belsky in pillian Bornstes? Gianna Clark xson-smith Emma Jac » ! { oo encourage IN | vi : * F bili Lim face O Director: Jessi Piggott Stage Manager: Leah Slang Assistant Stage Manger: Claire Lamadrid Run Crew/Dresser: Hannah Miller Board Ops: Andy Kao CT rr ORO wmry sy 7 Very c ¥ rE se é 2: weds BO OS Eg ss F&F gk 98t-By tien oftige Rn Sa Ss €¢ Trade | ongitward.-£: exploitations® Pin atin SN \ aL ca ; a < CST eS a Production Staff Technical Director: Erik Sunderman Production Manager: Jane Casamajor Marketing & Events Director: Stefanie Okuda Shop Lead: Paul Strayer costume Shop Lead: Carolyn vega Master Electrician: Kenny McMullen Master Carpenter: Daniel Cadigan lcutter/Draper: Heather Miller aprutal ai “Mts Marketing & Events Coordinator: Caitlin Fong SN, ngfeactionartig, ‘ r Rs x carpenters: Conni Edwards, Tess Picknell the most tig, LoATHeD lStitchers: Tess Picknell, Emma Vossbrink oo, man's act~ i o™ omen Bixler, Niza Contreras, Zach Dammann, Minh-Anh Day, Natalie Ferrante, Izzy Ben Izzy, Jocelyn Keipp, . ¢ 4 rs 288 ra cigs Be eg lite. : ae ~ ; : ‘mi eg \ 4° Scenic Painter: Anya Kazimierski tjglt Surg i 4 Real, gyal Student Carpenters: Connor Asercion, Madelaine Z > 5 “ 4 “” Se Christina Li, Hannah Miller, Janelle Miller, Sarah FES" ground for thy Tieu, Jamie Tippett, Robin Yoo N am Markgts, ¢} student Stitchers: Lillian Bornstein, Dan Brown, milky eve,“ l0nies, oe Elle Wilson oP , / eS , ‘ : ; Seater THE? han rus & ¢ , common ruingt ur S ako AV BEL 30/101) Van > rN (eet Wa) eM fee ie ZN FLUEMLE , cs aA ue i for whi ith Ary se ms Nakina yo en ll 3 a : efLeKt =q lief on (of aulien) X& What IS ae? Glas wrcautEey with never meet the Merarchicel BeCN ee nderde of talented, oF cool, or smart. «4 aT a eencercated to keep us ovt, ant Lf vn eaney eee them they will change, or ve vill hecome tokens. uohter and I need girl love. rd ae Ue os o BECAUSE I need 1. ° secneed to build lines of communication 80 ve , eo ‘and accessible to each of ‘iS ° Ove Zine DX us ‘Sta | can be moro open DECAUSE we are being divided by our labels and ohilosophies, and we need to accept and support each other as girls; acknowledging our different approaches to life and accepting all of then as valid, I see us/myself BECAUSE in every form of medi objectified, slapped, decapitated, laughed ats OT Greri Po. Box 11002 \> ‘8+ “raped, trivialized, pushed, ignored, stereo- typed, kicked, scorned, molested, silenced, invalidated, knifed, shot, chotked, and killed BECAUSE I see the connectedness of all forms ‘oppression need to fight them with this ava Washincton, D.C: RUSE & safe space needs to be cr girls vhere ve can open our eye Zoreach other without being threatene sexist society and_our day to day bullshit. BECAUSE we nacd to acknowledge that our blood fs being spilt; that right now a girl is being Taped of battered and it might be me or you or your mom or the girl you sat next to on the yor tet Tuesday, and she might be dead by the time you finish reading this. I am not making this up. ‘ friends are CAUSE 1 con't smile vhen ey girlfr Seing inside. we are dying inside and ve sotee Gying snth each others ve are supposed to hate cach other. - S pecause 1 an still fucked up, I am still dea! seewith internalized racism, sexisn, clasice ing wnobia, ete.. and I don't want to do tt » plone. SECAUSE we need to talk to each otht {cation/inclusion is key. Me will neve if we don't break the code of silenc t fo create mediums that Speak to US. We are tired of boy band after pestband, boy zine after doy zine, boy punk atter boy pun< after Boy. DECAUSE'I am tired of these things happening to ne; I'a not a fuck tov, I'm not @ punching bag, I'm not = Joke. pecause every tine ve pick up @ not paranoid. —{nstrument, or get anything do not manhaters. creating the revolution, We ARE the re not worrying too much. not taking ® too seriously Commun - know BECAUSE ve girls wan! pen, or an olution Feminism Cranked Up Ayn) WHEMID RP Tres | Qrond He « “or + Oe ; Newer “pot yevnerrt por SS yeti, ine wwe a Aon $50,000,000 mummy es: a KATHLEEN ec TL eee WANNAST, \es)) \eader dh ee oe yaavewodt bead Senags” «f-hs bon Go A. \ sae me ROC & Bed wait cgged voy XS, Onngeer nal eats ante ok Coss in lal), WHAT IT WILL TAKE we “va (88 TO REBUILD | oS a jodnaae aul ss AMERICA reel (ate oe bor it all Rol rr d 22,8) a apne WA ‘ 1. RNING: This Product can ae x we o iS we ElaleR Corera rh Vor" ec one’ 9) kte SN wo OS Gate Sg, Mais WAS IB lse vw y So ae ogee uate onal oeex [se Whe eae gga Id ns SiS See OS arte ion Fa ng E2 QOS °s =! infighting can teach us re 4his, pe Sw STONE vorect , winch means H's ABA \ 40 Pen AWN Sovis of w decid ow ae asin te Was & prece "cate Gea) Ben ees dat ene ver ein apts we SU a ack cn a Ni\ \oweakt ee eee couneVels ous, & UN) ex ee KS Production AS Whevesty seein ee CRE. ee sy es over Nh J a Goes alas ep Be iia tats tc anaes debit CUR ENO ae Seal ag AP ¥ pay Sw! As We sete a (wears ko ort WARS Whee, eee ry Jecar Sw aeor, 0 X does t+ Sie pane OS fe wwe WHE Perso) ha ie toes poy $ oe Pe Keodconiin's swsem: VoNevSiOWn 6 casi 10° wrens / Lie Se Reke Nore oe SI exe ive Wre, ©: oe ae | IS ep (Awere’S okt BS os eee Bore Pirate : oe pete a See rade ‘ SAN ‘nooo , oe pic A x ma Coen preset \- now ip fo EN Ne Veco oe 9 ower Se awsle 3e. eens arane Seve: ‘eth rats Seok vead os ov Wok)7, Whows does f nea es Raa: so oe eae ee bee Be ou wrk ane gerereN wen we perio Nees ae cn waainent of Awanneowes IES OVI WIAile Mout ee + veal paeerern Gy Qhetes Conents 4) non go,we CAho a es wes & Lovass tke Ane. cis aera eS of Power, {2 ei baer ok goies = teenttArel S 4 (Ad (UEduEIS itewxives> (wwe been Marnie a er eek The Pole! oS s Waor\d, roe Sse do es oukste 3 ee CUTE remot ae, Rn evekt cat Seat ae Doce Wee VAIVVOviNay Ov DVERUN' Pew ewe Feee out an “feet tS Svetuened poses © from Wes oe NS some nena S eres Ae overt Wad be: cvthr cok? AWS Cee Zain Vets SE ere et Ss exeto\ XO Ae ce eow SE Soret pe to ple WH. ese aers Seo oes os Soros SAYS Diag, OB eget ao STpline Ogiinn AVA) POWER, PERFORMANCE, PEPLILATING WHITE MAXULINIT, ART LOTS OF THOUGUTS/QUESTIONS OW ITE wvyvVy > ws. © The Song “niro rented PY rarncroennent en Of splsters | Spread the net « wW They" » for ¢ naremenae God seen lest their Lodginas sure, £0 cone P GRUNGE they s “My ‘God Sete cold, God and the nigr. 4 Oy. hus Sets the cold,’ God sets the rain, ght is were ulsband ij fore they are sure . the rain Gop eet the cold Upon them roo © rain, God cold = a ‘© come, “80 spread ¢ cold upon the Chritone Welcome! Welcome! he net. a hristmas, Welcome to our place! Pp z his wasn’ BES} welcome! welcome! right» Me 2 Ma elcome to our placet a yet a0ot8! wy, eno 200 30 Bag of Te ap mney ors BO ant re teks ve Gee vey! 5e Oey, ynere 7 Lost more / BC ebully at wight ET oll oF at,” becouse it take) @ While tobe comfortable Gore with a man, Ond Sometioes uo regret trust, | kecouse Some pedple ave eluaus less er have rectly Ute Bstened ee Ga yr = ws oe + ae UT TTS, abe si iO 7 wy -communist, dl \ “4 ‘ Ne “pumpkin spice latte -cigar , , ; ; -epic AF sped we fo 80, and TEE F i‘ epic raShed eee , NO: -wear olmestall t turtlenecks THEY WANT You TO BE: i A MARR | > LIVE. \ CHAlleee a 0 be ona Banksy BollSHir wa LIVE, You 10 ra Deés NoT olen iY LIVE Meany Gloey | : <2), PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE WOMAN BEM ND--THESBOOTH. what ‘Se meuragenn even do? WE RUN THE 4s ia ss) WHOLE SHIP ; Spec ial “thanks 40: The lay maa Institute “tion OE dagici Leslie ” Stadia Wes Ri in Theater WY ~ for Supporti this Product, \W i 7

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