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Ali Alkhunaizi

ENGL 107

Professor Edmiston


The Kuwaiti Community

Kuwait is one of the six gulf countries and it is located on east coast of

the Arabian Peninsula and on the northwestern corner of the Persian Gulf

(Anthony et al.). The meaning of Kuwait came from the diminution of the

word fort. The word in Hindustani language means kut and after using

the diminution in Arabic, it becomes Kuwait. This country has been founded

after it was a British territory by sheikh Abdullah Salim Al-Sabah in 1961.

People in Kuwait are mainly Muslims even though more than 60% of the

workers are not originally from Kuwait (Anthony et al.). You will be informed

in this essay about the history of the Kuwaiti community and some of their

distinct characteristics.

Kuwait is known for its solid industry of oil. However, people were

relying mostly on fishing before the discovery of oil after 1946 (Anthony et

al.). At that time, fishermen provided adequate food for the small community

of Kuwaiti people. Afterwards, the industry of oil was a turning point in

Kuwaitis lives because it changed the country in different ways. For

example, most of the countrys food now is exported from other countries

(Casey, 7). This means that fishing is no longer one of the main jobs for

Kuwaitis and most of them moved to working in oil Industry. According to

Mohammed Al Adwani, a Kuwaiti student who I interviewed about Kuwait, his

goal after obtaining his bachelor degree from the University of Arizona to

work in Kuwait Petroleum Company to help in reducing sea pollution caused

by oil waste (Al Adwani, 2017). He also emphasized about the transformation

of his country as soon as the oil industry emerged in his country.

Kuwaiti people are recognized by certain characteristics. Mohammed

describes his country with one positive and one negative characteristics.

Generosity and hospitality is the main quality that distinguishes Kuwaitis and

their traditions regarding it is similar across the country (Al Adwani, 2017).

Guests are welcomed in Kuwaitis houses regardless of their religion or belief.

For example, the hosting families tend to prepare a feast for their guests and

it is mostly large plates of lamb and rice, which is called Mufattah in

Kuwait. This is, according to Mohammed, is a sign of the high level of

hospitality (Al Adwani, 2017). The negative side of the Kuwaitis

characteristics, as Mohammed stated, is the prevalence of obesity (Al Adwani

2017). He considered the habit of eating without exercising as the main

cause of obesity in Kuwait. Mohammed also recognized that if he could bring

the habit of working out daily from the U.S cultures to his country, it would

improve the Kuwaitis health and decrease diseases rates caused by obesity.

Dr. Al-Isa et al., from University of Kuwait, findings are consistent with

Mohammeds claims. The doctor found that the lack of excessing between

Kuwaitis in general is a considerable factor of obesity in Kuwait (63).

To conclude, Kuwait country or/and (community) is a small gulf country

in the middle east. This country, according to Mohammed (one of its

citizens), is featured with the large amount of fishermen in the past and huge

oil industry in present. Most of its people, if not all, were working in fishing

and now working in oil industry. Kuwaiti people have certain characteristics.

Their kindness lead to benevolent habits of hospitality and generosity for

their guests. In contrast, they are known to be physically inactive people

which increases their obesity and diseases rates.

Works Cited

Al Adwani, Mohammed. Personal Interview. 25 Apr. 2017.

Al-Isa, Abdulwahab, et al. Factors Associated with Overweight and Obesity

Among Kuwaiti

Men. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, vol. 25, no. 1, Jun. 2011, pp.


Casey, Michael S. The History of Kuwait. Westport, 2007.

Anthony, John, et al."Kuwait." Britannica Academic, Encyclopdia Britannica,

17 Oct.


cle/Kuwait/110501. Accessed 6 Mar. 2017.

World, Trade Press. Kuwait Society & Culture Complete Report., 2010.

ProQuest Ebook Central,

tail.action?doc ID=535983.

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