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SUBJECT : English Language

CLASS : 5 Barathi
LEVEL : Mix Ability
DAY / DATE : 1st August 2016
TIME (MINUTES) : 8.10 a.m -9.10 a.m (60 minutes)
UNIT / TOPIC : Unit 12: Stories to learn from.
FOCUSED SKILL : Listening and speaking.
CONTENT STANDARDS : 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to pronounce words and speak confidently
with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to understand and respond to oral texts in a
variety of contexts.
LEARNING STANDARDS : 1.1.1 Able to speak with correct pronunciation, stress and
1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance.
1.3.1(c) Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding
of oral texts by:
(c) sequencing.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : I. Able to listen to the story and arrange all eight out
of eight pictures correctly.
II. Able to speak about the title chosen.
III. Able to answer seven out of eight subjective
questions correctly.

TEACHING AIDS : Picture cards, Word cards, Pictures, Mahjong paper,

Envelope, Worksheet.
EDUCATIONAL EMPHASES : 1.1.1, 1.1.4, 1.3.1(c)
MORAL VALUES : We should not be greedy and cruel towards others.

SET INDUCTION Treasure Hunt! 1. Teacher hides some picture
Teaching Aids:
(5 minutes)
cards around the classroom.
Find the picture cards 1. Picture cards.
2. Pupils find out all the picture
around the classroom. (APP.1)
cards and paste it on the 2. Word cards.
Picture Cards: (APP.2)
- Old man 3. Teacher asks pupils few
- Guard questions regarding the
- Rich man pictures.
4. Teacher pastes some word
Strategy :
cards below the pictures and
Questions: Find the picture cards.
asks the pupils to read it.
1. What can you To set the mood and
5. Teacher tells the pupils that
see in the mentally prepare
they are going to learn a story
picture? pupils for the lesson.
without telling the title of the

PRESENTATION 1. Teacher pastes some pictures

Story Time! Teaching Aids:
(15 minutes)
on the white board.
To introduce the story 1. Pictures
2. Pupils look at the pictures while
to the pupils.
listening to the story read by
the teacher.
Strategy :

What is the title? 1. Pupils are already divided into Teaching Aids:
(20 Minutes)
To make sure pupils groups of five. 1. Mahjong paper
2. Teacher distributes a piece of
listen to the story (APP. 4)
mahjong paper and an 2. Envelope
envelope which contains the (pictures)
same pictures as on the white
3. Teacher reads the story again.
Instruction: 4. Pupils listen to the story and
Cooperation learning.
1. In groups of arrange the pictures in the
five, listen to envelope according to the story
the story line.
5. Pupils paste the pictures on the
again. Arrange
mahjong paper and decide on
the pictures in
the correct a title for the story.
6. Pupils present their work in
order and
front of the class by giving the
paste them on
reason for choosing the title for
the mahjong
the story.
paper. Decide
on a title for
the story. Give
a reason on
choosing that

1. Teacher distributes a Teaching Aids:

PRODUCTION Exercise time!
worksheet to all the pupils.
(15 minutes) Answer the following 1. Worksheet.
2. Teacher reads the story again
questions by listening (APP.5)
and asks the pupils to answer
to the story read by
the subjective questions given.
the teacher. 3. Teacher discusses the answer.

1. Teacher asks the pupils to

CLOSURE i-Think Map! Moral Value:
come up with a i-Think map
(5 Minutes) - We should not
based on a character they liked
be greedy and
most in the story.
Question: cruel towards
2. Teacher instills the moral value
Create a i-think map others.
of the story.
based on the
character that you like
the most in the story.

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