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Ali Alkhunaizi

James Mollison Journal

Samantha Edmiston


James Mollisons ideas are clearly based on researching and visiting

countries across the world to explore how children live. His mixing and

discovering of the pictures gives the impression of his extreme interest in

learning how different children from different communities live and how their

circumstances affect the way the live. If Mollison wanted to argue about an

issue, he would have used statistics about poverty and focus more of the

poor families circumstances. Additionally, he could have used a comparative

form of writing to make people realize how different strata of society live. His

writing style implies that he just wants to share his experience rather than

using emotional words and expressions to show the readers how painful

poverty is. For instance, when he talks about the Romanian child whose

sleeping with his family on a mattress, he described their lives regularly

without using emotional language. As for his audience, I believe that he was

successful to write a meaningful essay for both children and adults. Children

can see and compare their lives to other children and the use of picture can

also get their attention. For me, as an adult, was successful to get my

attention by describing worldwide communities in brief paragraphs without

getting me bored. For example, he wrote about Lay Lay and the orphanage

she lived in, how she ended up there and how the life in that orphanage look
like using less than 100 words and simple language. He goes into details

without being very specific. I think his essay could be interesting for both

adults and children.

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