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SULIT 2 4551/1

1 Diagram 1 shows an organelle of a cell.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan organel yang terdapat di dalam suatu sel.

Diagram 1
Rajah 1

Which of the following cells has the highest density of the organelle in Diagram 1?
Antara sel berikut, yang manakah mempunyai kepadatan organel pada Rajah 1 yang
paling tinggi?
A Sperm cell / Sel sperma
B Cheek cell / Sel pipi
C Meristem cell / Sel meristem
D Mesophyll palisade cell / Sel mesofil palisad

2 Diagram 2 shows the process of phagocytosis by Amoeba sp.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan proses fagositosis Amoeba sp.

Diagram 2
Rajah 2

Which of the following organelle is not involved in the process?

Antara organel berikut, yang manakah tidak terlibat dalam proses tersebut?
A Lysosome / Lisosom
B Food vacuole / Vakuol makanan
C Pseudopodia / Pseudopodia
D Contractile vacuole / Vakuol mengecut

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SULIT 3 4551/1

3 Diagram 3 shows a type of animal tissue.

Rajah 3 menunjukkan sejenis tisu haiwan.

Diagram 3
Rajah 3
What is the tissue?
Apakah tisu tersebut?
A Epithelial tissue / Tisu epitelium
B Connective tissue / Tisu penghubung
C Smooth muscle tissue / Tisu otot licin
D Skeletal muscle tissue / Tisu otot rangka

4 Diagram 4 shows the structure of the plasma membrane.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan struktur membran plasma.

Diagram 4
Rajah 4
What is X ? / Apakah X ?
A Carrier protein / Protein pembawa
B Pore protein / Protein liang
C Hydrophilic head / Kepala hidrofilik
D Hydrophobic tail / Ekor hidrofobik

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SULIT 4 4551/1

5 Movements of substances in living organisms consist of passive transport and active

Which of the following processes involves active transport?

Pergerakan bahan dalam oganisma hidup melibatkan pengangkutan pasif dan

pengangkutan aktif.

Antara proses berikut, yang manakah melibatkan pengangkutan aktif?

A Absorption of water by the root hair of plant

Penyerapan air oleh rerambut akar tumbuhan
B Absorption of glucose through the villi in the small intestine
Penyerapan glukosa melalui vilus di dalam usus kecil
C Movement of sodium ions into the cells liningof the kidney tubules
Pergerakan ion natrium ke dalam sel pada dinding tubul ginjal
D Gaseous exchange between the alveoli and blood capillaries during respiration
Pertukaran gas di antara alveolus dan kapilari darah semasa respirasi

6 Diagram 5 shows a cell which has been put into a particular solution.
Rajah 5 menunjukkan sel yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam larutan tertentu.

Diagram 5
Rajah 5

Which process is experienced by the cell?

Apakah proses yang dialami oleh sel itu?
A Crenation / Krenasi
B Plasmolysis / Plasmolisis
C Deplasmolysis / Deplasmolisis
D Haemolysis / Hemolisis
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SULIT 5 4551/1

7 The graph shows the changes of the length of the potato strips in solutions with different
Graf menunjukkan perubahan panjang jalur kentang di dalam larutan yang berbeza

lengthof potato strips / cm

panjang jalur kentang / cm

time / min
masa / min

Which curves labelledA, B, C and D shows the changes of the length of the slices which
were placed in distilled water?
Lengkok manakah berlabel A, B, Cdan Dyang menunjukkan perubahan panjang jalur
kentang yang diletakkan dalam air suling?

8 Which of the following is the correct structure of a nucleotide?

Antara berikut, yang manakah adalah struktur yang betul bagi satu nukleotida?


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SULIT 6 4551/1

9 Diagram 6 shows a mechanism of enzyme action on a substrate.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan mekanisme tindakan enzim ke atas substrat.


Diagram 6
Rajah 6
What are W, X, Y and Z ?
Apakah W, X, Y dan Z ?

A Product Enzyme Substrate Complex enzyme-
Hasil Enzim Substrat substrate
Kompleks enzim-
B Enzyme Substrate Complex enzyme- Product
Enzim Substrat substrate Hasil
Kompleks enzim-
C Substrate Complex enzyme- Product Enzyme
Substrat substrate Hasil Enzim
Kompleks enzim-
D Complex enzyme- Product Enzyme Substrate
substrate Hasil Enzim Substrat
Kompleks enzim-

10 Diagram 7 shows one of the structures of a protein.

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SULIT 7 4551/1

Rajah 7 menunjukkan satu daripada struktur protein.

Diagram 7
Rajah 7
Which compound is made up of this structure?
Sebatian yang manakah diperbuat dari struktur tersebut?
A Enzymes / Enzim
B Hormones / Hormon
C Antibodies / Antibodi
D Haemoglobin / Hemoglobin

11 Which of the following is correct about the cell division that takes place in a liver and in a
Antara berikut, yang manakah adalah benar tentang proses pembahagian sel yang berlaku
di dalam hati dan testis?

Cell division in a liver Cell division in a testes

Pembahagian sel dalam hati Pembahagian sel dalam testis
A Chromosomal replication takes place Chromosomal replication doesnt take
Berlaku proses replikasi kromosom
Tidak berlaku replikasi kromosom

B Crossing-over takes place Crossing-over doesnt take place

Berlaku pindah silang Tidak berlaku pindah silang
C Nuclear division happens one time Nuclear division happens two times
Pembahagian nukleus berlaku sekali Pembahagian nukleus berlaku dua kali

D Cytoplasmic division happens two Cytoplasmic division happens one time

Pembahagian sitoplasma berlaku sekali
Pembahagian sitoplasma berlaku dua sahaja

12 Diagram 8 shows a phase in mitosis.

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SULIT 8 4551/1

Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu fasa dalam proses mitosis.

Diagram 8
Rajah 8

What is the importance of the phase?

Apakah kepentingan fasa tersebut?
A Ensure the chromosomal set is diploid
Memastikan set kromosom adalah diploid
B Ensure the number of chromosome in daughter cell is half from the parent cell
Memastikan bilangan kromosom sel anak separuh dari sel induk
C Produce variation among the newly formed individuals
Mewujudkan variasi dalam kalangan individu baharu
D Produce eight chromosomal number
Menghasilkan bilangan kromosom lapan

13 During Interphase, DNA in the nucleus undergoes replication.

What is replication?
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SULIT 9 4551/1

Semasa Interfasa, DNA dalam nukleus menjalani replikasi.

Apakah maksud replikasi?

I Formationof two sister chromatid

Pembentukan dua kromatid kembar
II Formation of two chromatids known as homologous chromosome
Pembentukan dua kromatid dipanggil kromosom homolog
III Formation of two chromatids with identical DNA
Pembentukan dua kromatid dengan DNA seiras
IV Formation of two chromatids with recombinant DNA
Pembentukan dua kromatid mengandungi DNA rekombinan
A I and II
I dan II
B I and III
I dan III
C II and III
II dan III
D III and IV
III dan IV

14 Cloning is widely used in agriculture to produce high number of crops in a short time.
What is the disadvantage of cloning?

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SULIT 10 4551/1

Pengklonan digunakan dengan meluas dalam pertanian untuk menghasilkan tanaman

yang banyak dalam masa yang singkat. Apakah kelemahan pengklonan?

A The quality of clones cannot be controlled.

Kualiti klon tidak dapat dikawal.
B Prevent endangered species from extinction
Mengelakkan kepupusan spesies terancam
C It cant be carried out at any time
Tidak boleh dijalankan pada bila-bila masa
D Clones are destroyed if the environments changes
Klon boleh terjejas jika persekitaran berubah

15 Diagram 9 shows the structure of a human villus.

Rajah 9 menunjukkan struktur vilus manusia.

Diagram / Rajah 9
Which digested food can be absorbed through X?
Hasil pencernaan makanan yang manakah boleh meresap melalui X?
I Carrot / Lobak merah
II Fish /Ikan
III Rice / Nasi
IV Butter / Mentega
A I and III / I dan III
B II and III / II dan III
C II and IV/ II dan IV
D III and IV / IIIdan IV
16 Diagram 10 shows a method of food processed.

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SULIT 11 4551/1

Rajah 10 menunjukkan satu kaedah pemprosesan makanan.

Diagram 10
Rajah 10
What is the advantage of processing food using this method?
Apakah kelebihan memproses makanan dengan kaedah ini?
A Food is free from growth of microorganism
Makanan bebas dari pertumbuhan mikroorganisma
B Shorten the expiry date of food
Tarikh luput makanan dapat disingkatkan
C Nutrient content in food is high
Kandungan nutrien dalam makanan adalah tinggi
D Food is free from preservative chemicals
Makanan bebas dari bahan kimia pengawet

17 The list below consists of four different types of fruits J, K, L andM.

Berikut adalah senarai empat jenis buah-buahan J, K, L dan M.

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SULIT 12 4551/1


Which of the food could prevent scurvy?

Makanan yang manakah membantu mencegah penyakit skurvi?
A J and K
J dan K
B J and L
J dan L
C J and M
J dan M
D L and M
L dan M

18 Diagram 11 shows the structure of a chloroplast.

Rajah 11 menunjukkan struktur satu kloroplas.

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SULIT 13 4551/1

Diagram 11
Rajah 11
Which of the following processes occurs in R ?
Proses yang manakah berlaku di R?
A Absorption of light
Penyerapan cahaya matahari
B Breaking down of water molecules
Penguraian molekul air
C Production of oxygen
Penghasilan oksigen
D Formation of glucose molecules
Pembentukan molekul glukosa

19 Which of the following factors will increase the rate of respiration in humans?
Antara faktor berikut, yang manakah akan meningkatkan kadar pernafasan manusia?
A Low oxygen level in the tissues
Aras oksigen yang rendah dalam tisu badan
B Low oxygen level in the alveoli
Aras oksigen yang rendah dalam alvelous
C High carbon dioxide level in the lungs
Aras karbon dioksida yang tinggi dalam peparu
D High carbon dioxide level in the blood
Aras karbon dioksida yang tinggi dalam darah
20 Diagram 12 shows an insect.
Rajah 12 menunjukkan sejenis serangga.

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SULIT 14 4551/1

Diagram 12
Rajah 12

Which of the following is true about the pathway of oxygen?

Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang urutan laluan oksigen?
A Trachea Spirakel Tracheol Cell
Trakea Spirakel Trakeol Sel
B Tracheol Spirakel Cell Tracheol
Trakeol Spirakel Sel Trakea
C Cell Trachea Spirakel Tracheol
Sel Trakea Spirakel Trakeol
D Spirakel Trachea Tracheol Cell
Spirakel Trakea Trakeol Sel

21 Diagram 13 shows the respiratory structure of a fish.

Rajah 13 menunjukkan struktur respirasi bagi ikan.
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SULIT 15 4551/1

Diagram 13
Rajah 13
What are the adaptations of the structure?
Apakah adaptasi struktur tersebut?
I Suppliedwith numerous blood capillaries
Dibekalkan dengan banyak jaringan kapilari
II They have small surface areas
Luas permukaan yang kecil
III Limited numbers of lamellae
Bilangan lamela yang terhad
IV Moist surface of gills
Permukaan insang yang lembap
A I and II
I dan II
B II and III
II dan III
C I and IV
I dan IV
D III and IV
III dan IV

22 Diagram 14 shows some plants which are submerged in flood water.

Rajah 14 menunjukkan pokok-pokok yang terendam dalam banjir.

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SULIT 16 4551/1

Diagram 14
Rajah 14

What are the products of respiration carried out by the plants?

Apakah hasil respirasi tumbuhan tersebut?
A Lactic acid and carbon dioxide
Asid laktik dan karbon dioksida
B Ethanol and carbon dioxide
Etanol dan karbon dioksida
C Lactic acid and 38 molecules of ATP
Asid laktik dan 38 molekul ATP
D Ethanol and 38 molecules of ATP
Etanol dan 38 molekul ATP

23 Diagram 15 shows the energy flow from producers to carnivores.

Rajah 15 menunjukkan aliran tenaga daripada pengguna kepada karnivor.

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SULIT 17 4551/1

Producers 10%energy Herbivores 10% energy Carnivores

Pengeluar Herbivor Karnivor
10% tenaga 10% tenaga

Diagram 15
Rajah 15
It is observed that only 10% of energy is passed on from one trophic level to another.
Where does the remaining 90% of energy from each trophic level lost to?
Di dapati hanya 10% tenaga dipindahkan dari satu arastrof ke aras seterusnya.
Ke manakah 90% tenaga yang masih tinggal dari setiap arastrof menghilang?
A Photosynthesis
B Reproduction
C Respiration
D Hibernation

24 Diagram 16 shows the roots of three types of mangrove plants X, Y and Z.

Rajah 16 menunjukkan akar bagi tiga jenis pokok bakau X, Y dan Z.

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SULIT 18 4551/1

Diagram 16
Rajah 16

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the mangrove plants beginning from the
river mouth?
Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang urutan tiga jenis pokok ini bermula daripada
muara sungai?
A X, Y, Z
B X, Z, Y
C Y, X, Z
D Z, X, Y

25 Diagram 17 shows a food web.

Rajah 17 menunjukkan suatu siratan makanan.
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SULIT 19 4551/1

Diagram 17
Rajah 17

Which organisms are in the both third and fourth trophic level?
Antara organisma berikut yang manakah berada pada kedua-dua aras trof ke-3 dan ke-4?
A Grasshopper
B Snake
C Frog
D Eagle

26 Table 1 shows the results of a study on the population of grasshopper in a school field.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan keputusan kajian populasi belalang di sebuah padang sekolah.

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SULIT 20 4551/1

Number of grasshopper
Captured Bilangan belalang
Tangkapan Marked Unmarked
Bertanda Tidak bertanda
36 -
8 20

Table 1
Jadual 1

What is the estimated population size of the grasshopper?

Apakah anggaran saiz populasi belalang ini?
A 15
B 80
C 90
D 126

27 Diagram 18 shows an environmental phenomenon.

Rajah 18 menunjukkan satu fenomena alam sekitar.

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SULIT 21 4551/1



Diagram 18
Rajah 18

What is the phenomenon?

Apakah fenomena itu?
A Thinning of the ozone layer
Penipisan lapisan ozon
B Eutrophication
C Greenhouse effect
Kesan rumah hijau
D Air pollution
Pencemaran udara

28 Which of the following air pollutants can cause acid rain?

Antara bahan pencemar udara berikut, yang manakah boleh menyebabkan hujan asid?
A Sulphur dioxide from coal-fuelled power station

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SULIT 22 4551/1

Sulfur dioksida dari stesen janakuasa arang batu

B Lead compounds from car exhausts
Sebatian plumbum dari ekzos kereta
C Dust particles from cement industries
Zarah debu dari kilang simen
D Smoke from wood fires
Asapdari pembakaran kayu

29 The following information refers to the thinning of the ozone layer.

Maklumat berikut merujuk kepada penipisan lapisan ozon.

X - Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) leakage from air conditioner

Kloroflorokarbon (CFC) terbebas daripada penyaman udara

Y- Chlorine atom breaksdown ozone molecule

Atom klorin menguraikan molekul ozon

Z - Ultraviolet rays break down chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) molecules

Sinaran ultra-ungu menguraikan molekul kloroflorokarbon (CFC)

Which sequence is correct?

Urutan yang manakah betul?
A X, Y, Z
B X, Z, Y
C Z, X, Y
D Z, Y, X

30 Diagram 19 show a longitudinal section of the human heart.

Rajah 19 menunjukkan suatu keratan membujur jantung manusia.

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SULIT 23 4551/1



Diagram 19
Rajah 19

Which of the labelled parts A, B, C or D receives blood from the lungs?

Antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan D yang manakah menerima darah daripada
Concentration of antibody

31 Diagram 20 shows the concentration of antibody in the blood after two injections.
Rajah 20 di bawah menunjukkan kepekatan antibodi dalam darah selepas duasuntikan.

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SULIT 24 4551/1

Immunity level
Aras keimunan

Time ( weeks )
Masa ( minggu )
First injection Second injection
Suntikan pertama Suntikan kedua

Diagram 20
Rajah 20

What type of immunity is shown in Diagram20?

Apakah jenis keimunan yang ditunjukkan oleh graf dalam Rajah 20?
A Acquired active immunity / Keimunan aktif buatan
B Acquired passive immunity / Keimunan pasif buatan
C Natural active immunity / Keimunan aktif semulajadi
D Natural passive immunity / Keimunan pasif semulajadi

32 Which of the arteries carries blood with the lowest oxygen concentration?
Arteri yang manakah mengangkut darah dengan kepekatan oksigen yang paling rendah?
A Renal artery / Arteri renal
B Hepatic artery / Arteri hepar
C Mesentric artery / Arteri mesenteri
D Pulmonary artery /Arteri pulmonari

33 Diagram 21 shows an appendicular skeleton.

Rajah 21 menunjukkan sejenis rangka apendaj.

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SULIT 25 4551/1

Diagram 21
Rajah 21

What type of appendicular skeleton above?

Apakah jenis rangka apendaj di atas?
A Pectoral girdle
Lengkungan pektoral
B Pelvic girdle
Lengkungan pelvis
C Hind limb
Anggota belakang
D Forelimb
Anggota hadapan

34 Diagram 22 shows a joint. B

Rajah 22 menunjukkan suatu sendi.

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SULIT 26 4551/1

Diagram 22
Rajah 22

Which of the parts labelled A, B, C or D is tough and inelastic?

Antara bahagian berlabel A, B, C dan D, yang manakah kuat dan tidak elastik?

35 The following are the characteristics related to locomotion in animals.

Berikut adalah ciri-ciri berkaitan dengan pergerakan dalam haiwan.

R -Has a hydrostatic skeleton / Mempunyai rangka hidrostatik

S - Has a streamlined body / Mempunyai bentuk badan larus
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T - Has long rear legs / Mempunyai kaki belakang yang panjang
U - Has endoskeleton / Mempunyai rangka dalam
SULIT 27 4551/1

Which animal is correctly matched to its characteristic?

Haiwan manakah yang dipadankan dengan betul kepada ciri-cirinya?
Animal Characteristic
Haiwan Ciri-ciri





36 Diagram 23 shows an impaired musculoskeletal system which causes swelling and pain at
the joints.
Rajah 23 menunjukkan sistem otot rangka yang terjejas sehingga menyebabkan bengkak
dan sakit pada sendi.

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SULIT 28 4551/1

Diagram 23
Rajah 23

What is the impaired musculoskeletal system shown in the diagram?

Apakah jenis masalah sistem otot rangka yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah?
A Arthritis
B Muscular dystrophy
Distrofi otot
C Osteoporosis
D Muscle cramp
Kekejangan otot

37 Diagram 24 shows the transmission of the nerve impulse through a synapse.

Rajah 24 menunjukkan penghantaran impuls melalui sinaps.

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SULIT 29 4551/1

Diagram 24
Rajah 24

Which of the following is substance X?

Antara berikut, yang manakah adalah bahan X?
A Neurotransmitter
B Antibody
C Hormone
D Enzyme


Sensory receptor
38 Diagram 25 shows a reflex arc. Reseptor regangan
Rajah 25 menunjukkan satu arka refleks.
Synapse Reflex hammer
Sinaps Tukul refleks

Axon terminal
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Sembilan akson
SULIT 30 4551/1

Diagram 25
Rajah 25

Which of the following is true about the reflex arc?

Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang arka refleks itu?
A The reflex arc involves two types of neurone
Arka refleks ini melibatkan dua jenis neuron
B The coordination centre is the medulla oblongata
Pusat kawalan ialah medula oblongata
C Quadricep muscles relax
Otot kuadrisep mengendur
D The leg swing
Kaki ditendang

Thickness of endometrium
Ketebalan endometrium

39 Diagram 26 shows the thickness of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle.
Rajah 26 menunjukkan ketebalan endometrium dalam kitar haid.

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1 5 14 28 SULIT
SULIT 31 4551/1

Diagram 26
Rajah 26

What is the hormone that is responsible for process Y?

Apakah hormon yang bertanggungjawab dalam proses Y?
A Luteinising hormone (LH)
Hormon peluteinan (LH)
B Gonadotropin- releasing hormone
Hormon perangsang gonad
C Oestrogen
D Progesterone

40 A woman is infected with a disease during the 15th week of her pregnancy and her placenta
loses its normal function.
What is the possible outcome of her situation?
Seorang wanita dijangkiti penyakit pada minggu ke-15 kehamilannya dan plasentanya
kehilangan fungsi normal.
Apakah yang mungkin berlaku dalam keadaan ini?

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A The lining of the uterus maintains its thickeness

Lapisan uterus mengekalkan penebalannya
B The woman has a miscarriage
Wanita tersebut mengalami keguguran
C Higher level of progesterone hormone is produced to maintain the uterus lining
Parasprogesteron yang tinggi dihasilkan untuk mengekalkan lapisan uterus
D There is no bad effect on the pregnancy
Tiada kesan buruk berlaku terhadap kehamilan tersebut

41 In a flowering plant, the fertilisation occurs at the

Dalam satu tumbuhan berbunga, persenyawaan berlaku di
A Anther
B Ovule
C Style
D Stigma

42 Diagram 27 shows a mature dicotyledonous stem.

Rajah 27 menunjukkan satu batang dikotiledon yang matang.

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R [ Lihat halaman sebelah

SULIT 33 4551/1

Diagram 27
Rajah 27

Which of the labelled partsP, Q, R and Sare produced during secondary growth?
Antara bahagian berlabel P, Q, R dan Smanakah dihasilkan semasa pertumbuhan
A P and Q / P dan Q
B Q and R / Q dan R
C P, Q and R / P, Q dan R
D Q, R and S / Q, R dan S

43 In peas, the allele Y for yellow seeds is dominant and the allele y for green seeds is
recessive. In an experiment, 200 heterozygous plants were self-pollinated and 1 500 yellow
seeds were collected. How many green seeds were collected?
Dalam kacang pea, alel Y bagi biji berwarna kuning ialah dominan dan alel y bagi biji
berwarna hijau adalah resesif.Dalam satu eksperimen, 200 tumbuhan heterozigot adalah
pendebungaan sendiri dan 1 500 biji berwarna kuning telah dikumpulkan. Berapakah biji
berwarna hijau akan dikumpulkan?

A 6 000
B 2 000
C 1 500
D 500
44 The allele for curly hair in humans is dominant and the allele for straight hair is recessive.
Mr. John with straight hair has a wife with heterozygous for curly hair. What is the
percentage of their child having straight hair?

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SULIT 34 4551/1

Alel bagi rambut kerinting pada manusia adalah dominan dan alel bagi rambut lurus
adalah resesif.Encik John yang berambut lurus mempunyai isteri yang heterozigot yang
berambut kerinting. Berapakah peratusan bagi anak mereka mempunyai rambut lurus?
A 25%
B 50%
C 75%
D 100%

45 Diagram 28 shows the chromosomes from a human cell.

Rajah 28 menunjukkan kromosom dari satu sel manusia.

Diagram 28
Rajah 28

What are the possibole number of chromosomes in the gameteproduced by the individual?
Apakah bilangan kromosom yang mungkin dalam gamet yang dihasilkan oleh individu itu?
A 22 + Y
B 22 + X
C 44 + XX
D 44 + X

46 Diagram 29 shows the karyotype of an individual, P suffering from a type of genetic

Rajah 29 menunjukkan kariotip seseorang individu P yang menghidapi sejenis penyakit

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Diagram 29
Rajah 29

The genetic disease suffered by the individualP is

Penyakit genetik yang dihidapi oleh individu P ialah
A Haemophilia
B Trisomy X
Trisomi X
C Turners syndrome
Sindrom Turner
D Klinefelters syndrome
Sindrom Klinefelter
Number of individuals
Bilangan individu

47 Diagram 30 is a graph which shows the distribution of a certain characteristic in human.

Rajah 30 ialah satu graf yang menunjukkan taburan satu ciri tertentu dalam manusia.

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Diagram 30
Rajah 30

Which of the following characteristics is represented by the graph?

Antara berikut, yang manakah boleh diwakili oleh graf itu?
A Height
B Type of ear lobe
Jenis cuping telinga
C Presence of dimple
Kehadiran lesung pipit
D Thumb hyperextension
Hiperekstensi ibu jari

48 Diagram 31 shows a type of chromosomal mutation.

Rajah 31 menunjukkan sejenis mutasi kromosom.

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Diagram 31
Rajah 31

What type of mutation is shown?

Apakah jenis mutasi yang ditunjukkan?
A Deletion
B Translocation
C Inversion
D Duplication

49 Diagram 32 shows the abnormal shape of red blood cells in an individual who is suffering
from an inherited disease.
Rajah 32 menunjukkan bentuk sel darah merah yang tidak normal dalam seorang individu
yang menghidapi penyakit warisan.

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Diagram 32
Rajah 32

What is the main cause of this inherited disease?

Apakah sebab utama penyakit warisan ini?
A Dietary deficiency
Kekurangan zat pemakanan
B Virus infection
Jangkitan virus
C Gene mutation
Mutasi gen
D Malfunction of the circulatory system
Salah fungsi sistem peredaran darah

50 Two identical twins have different body sizes. What is the factor that cause the situation?
Dua kembar seiras mempunyai saiz badan yang berbeza. Apakah faktor yang
menyebabkansituasi itu?
A The interaction between genetic and environmental factors

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Interaksi di antara faktor genetik dan persekitaran

B Different genotypes
Genotip yang berbeza
C Differences in the environments they are raised in
Persekitaran yang berbeza di mana mereka dibesarkan
D Competition





1. This question paper consists of 50 questions.

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Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan.

2. Answer allquestions.
Jawab semua soalan.

3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the objective answer sheet.
Jawab setiap soalan dengan menghitamkan ruang yang betul pada kertas jawapan

4. Blacken only one space for each question.

Hitamkan satu ruang sahaja bagi setiap soalan.

5. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have made.
Then blacken the space for the new answer.
Sekiranya anda hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat.
Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru.

6. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.
Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

7. You may use a scientific calculator.

Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik.

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