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1 Ford Berghorst, Jr.

Bradley DeVries
Nancy Doeden
12 Kimber Combs
Jenifer VanSlooten
Marlene VonIns
24 Pat Berghorst
Paul Boerigter
Jacob Neitzel
Katherine Schrotenboer
2 Patrick Arnold 13 Caitlin Fritz Julie Toth
Sarah Arnold Victor Kleinheksel Debra Welling
Joseph Phistry
14 Judy DeVries 25 Barbara Alderink
Cindy Slenk
Ellen Moes Elizabeth DeVries
August 2010
3 Paul Mulder Shawna Mulder Jean Dozeman
Alanna VonTersch Tom Scholten Jennifer Kaniff
Gloria Weersing
4 Brianna Brower 26 Kirby Eggers
Mike Wierenga Saturday, June 12 ~ See article on page 10
Phil DeKorn John Ossewaarde
Erin Fritz


15 Gary Bylsma Amy VanderStoep
Riley Hoeksema Marianne DeKorn Richard Weerstra
Allison Hoeksema
5 Samuel Hernandez 27 Shirley Bossardet
Mark Staat
Loren Redder
28 Renee Gorman
6 Justin Arredondo
James VanHekken Darlene Kleinheksel
Sandra Cammenga
Steve VanderBroek Sunday,
Cindy Steenwyk 29 Nicholas Simmons
Stu Visser June 13
Larry Wisner Betty Visser

18 Ginger Chittenden
7 Susan Brunsell 31 Margaret Miller See article on page 9
Jack Voss 20 Brent Aalberts Bruce VanderVelde

Tyler Aalberts
8 Alexander Arnold
Craig Moes
Mark Kolean
Jacob Sokolowski
9 Karen Collings Josh VanMalsen
Heather Dykhuis Anne VanderBroek YOUTH TRIP TO RED RIVER
10 Daniel Gillett 21 Tammy Kleis
June 20 - 26
Matthew Immink
22 Shawn Green August anniversaries
Ben Kleis
can be found on See article on page 8
Magdalena Rubio 23 Janice DuMez
Arie Nienhuis
page 4.
11 Aleah Bosgraaf
Greg Schrotenboer
Judy Pathuis
Mary VanVels
The Chimes is published by First Reformed Church ● 630 State Street, Holland, MI 49423 ● 616-392-8085 ●
Volume 29, Number 8● Submit articles to by the 20th of each month ● Editor: Ellen DeLong
• 12 •
Who doesn't love a day at the beach? These ideas will
help you have fun at the beach, or you can create a beach
August 1: AM - Dan Gillett, preaching; Scripture Text: John 8:42 - 45; Sermon Title: Great Deception or
Best Liar, Part 2; Sermon Theme: Satan = Liar; Communion day in your own backyard.

PM - Chris DeVos at First Church

1. Build a sand castle. You will need sand, of course, water, different sizes of pails and shovels.
August 8: AM - Dan Gillett, preaching; Scripture Text: 1 Cor 10:1-13; Sermon Title: Great Deception or
Trash Talk, Pt. 3; Sermon Theme: Ages as warning, privilege position 2. Make a shell necklace. Thread a needle with a piece of thread a bit longer than the length you
want your necklace. Use the needle to poke a hole in the shell. String the shells and then tie it
PM - Dan Gillett at First Church together to make your necklace.
3. Play beach Soccer. Find an empty spot on the beach and put out two beach towels instead of
August 15: AM - Dan Gillett, preaching; Scripture Text: Num 16; Sermon Title: Stand in the Gap; Sermon
nets. A goal is scored when the beach ball goes over the towel.
Theme: Service, spirit
4. Play catch with a beach ball or frisbee. Have contests to see who can throw it the farthest.
PM - Pillar preacher at First Church

August 22: AM - Sandra Cammenga, preaching

PM - Mary Wisner at First Church

August 29: AM - Dan Gillett and Diane Schrotenboer, preaching

PM - Pillar preacher at First Church


When I received the email from Ellen about my article being due for
the August Chimes, my first thought was… “whoa! August?!” To say
that this year has been a whirlwind would be a drastic understate-
ment. After our trip back from India in early April, I have been work-
ing on getting ordained. In May, after an anxiety-laden wait, I suc-
cessfully passed my exams and got ordained in early June. In a
couple of weeks, I was off to Virginia to officiate at my first wed-
ding. I came back to pack up and take the family to upstate New Family photo at JP's ordination
York and west Massachusetts for a family reunion (Katy’s side). We
just got back and my hopes for a quiet rest of the summer have been
fleeting. While it has been exhausting, I am glad that life is
busy. Besides, speaking in a different church every Sunday, I am
also currently making plans for a trip to India this September with
some folks from First Church! Katy and Leila will not be accompany-
ing us on this trip but we are all very excited about this new develop-
ment. We have longed for a trip like this! If there are some of you
who might be interested in this, please talk to us or Pastor
Dan. Please keep us in your prayers as we communicate with peo-
ple this summer and fall about the need in India. We are so grateful
to be given this incredible opportunity to share what God is do-
ing. Here are a few photos of our time since we got back from India Family photo at Camp Fowler, NY

•2• • 11 •
YOUTH NEWS ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Have you ever had to tell someone something, you knew it was for their own good, but you weren’t sure
how they’d take it?
Okay, here it goes. There is a barely discernable line between ‘churchmanship’ and ‘discipleship.’ The
first may or may not be Christianity, the second is the command of Christ for our lives. Because I care
about you as one of your undershepherds in Christ, I wonder about that line in our lives.
YOUTH TRIP TO RED RIVER GORGE This fall we will be again be doing a series on ‘lol.’ That is text message shorthand for ‘laugh out loud’
and we used it last year to talk about ‘living out loud.’ This year it will stand for ‘leaning on Lordship.’
The basis will be the New Testament book of Colossians, and the supplement book will be the provoca-
tive book Jesus Manifesto, by Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola. As usual,
you will have the opportunity to be involved in a small group or Sunday
School class that coordinates with the series and the book.

Come on! We’re gonna So what?

do the Bunny Hop! Churchmanship is easy, discipleship is hard. How can I encourage you to
go for the harder thing? Many of you are disciples already and this will just
deepen that walk. Some of you are candidly only into the churchy thing.
I’ve always said, ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them
drink……but you CAN put salt in their oats!’ I can’t figure out how to get
salt into this one. Come to church and listen to some ‘high expectation’
sermons isn’t a very appealing sales pitch. I know that ‘church growth’ ex-
perts advise a ‘soft sell’ and give people ‘ten ways to live your dream’, or
‘six ways to have a better family life.’ But that’s not what God is saying
here and what he’s calling me to say.
So there you have it. If you come and participate I can promise that you’ll be changed. And that isn’t my
Looks like the one on the left effort, but what does happen when the Word of God is proclaimed, Jesus as Lord is lifted up and the
needs a little more practice! Holy Spirit works in our midst.
Pastor Dan

SUMMER IS… warm sunshine, vacations, beaches, sand between

our toes, swimming, picnics, camp, youth trips, Vacation Bible School,
planting gardens, corn on the cob, fresh vegetables, farmers mar-
kets, outdoor concerts, cloudless days, starry nights, fireworks,
mowing lawns, birds singing, ice cold lemonade, hot dogs and burgers
I signed up for this?
on the grill, running through the sprinklers, lying in the grass, bicy-
cle rides, long walks, cottages, boating, jet skis, and ice cream cones

• 10 • •3•


It's time again for our annual First Church block parties. They will be held on Wednesday eve-
nings, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., August 4 and 11, right on the church grounds.

August 4 - Family Fun Night - 6:30 to 8:00 pm: Discovery Center animals, Inflatable Obstacle
Course, Table Tennis Robo Pong, trampolines, horse and cart rides, BINGO, cookie walk, pop-
corn, soda, snowcones, and much more! Fun for the whole family!

August 11- Big Truck and Heavy Equipment Night - 6:30 to 8:00 pm: Fire trucks, tractors,
trucks and other heavy equipment for kids to climb on and the Macatawa Bank Ice Cream wagon Worship was in God’s great outdoors! With everyone’s help no one went hun-
as well as the above list (August 4) of activities. The uneven ground didn’t deter these gry. There was such a wide variety of
hardy people. food.

Pastor Jim delivered the message. What

you don’t see in this picture is a multitude of
BOB WELLER RETIRES… children that were running around. How was
he able to stay focused?

Won’t you prayerfully

consider, Jesus may be
calling you to children’s ministry?


• Two Wed. night Kingdom Kids teachers and

a helper (4 yr.-K)

• Two Sunday school shepherds (1st - 5th

Bob Weller recently retired as Head Custodian
• One teacher and one helper Sunday school to
after many years of service to First Church. We Ah yes! What is a picnic with-
assist Pam Johnson (4yr.-K )
wish Bob and Bonna many happy years together out face painting and a water-
as they enjoy Bob’s retirement. melon eating contest?
Contact Pastor Mary

•4• •9•
WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Ages 4 years old — 5th Grade
September - March 6:00 - 7:30 Sept. 15 — March
(Registration required)
Register Now!
GEMS Girls Club
CALVINIST CADETS CORPS… Registration forms and more information
(Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)
The goal of cadetting is to help boys grow spiri-
on the Info Post in the Narthex
The mission of GEMS is to help bring girls into a
tually in all areas of life, - devotional mental,
living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
physical, and social—by providing Christian men
It is a relationship based and relationship build-
(counselors) with a uniquely designed structure,
ing program with goals for growing bigger
program and materials so that they can mentor
hearts to love and care for God, one another,
boys effectively.
other people, and ourselves.
Jr. Cadets is for boys in grades 1-3.
Awareness level is for girls in grades 1-3.
Recruit*Pathfinder Cadets is for boys
grades 4 - 5. Discovery level is for girls in grades 4 -5.

Relationships are key. The children are grouped into cadres of 6-10 boys or small groups
of up to 10 girls, each with its own counselor.

Learning is fun. Each cadre or small group will have its own Bible lessons and projects that
they work on together with the counselor.

Achievement is encouraged. Children will be challenged to complete work toward merit

badges as individuals and as a group.

A typical Club Meeting includes: Opening Ceremony

Bible Lesson, Projects and badge work

Large group activity — games etc.
Snack and Closing

Special Events — service projects, movie night, holiday celebrations, Pinewood Derby.

Kingdom Kids for children 4 years old—kindergarten.

The goal for Kingdom Kids is to provide children with the foundation for understanding the Bible,
God, and our role as Christians. Singing, Bible lessons, games/activities, crafts and snacks are a
part of what will make Wednesday nights special for these children.

•6• •7•
If you were on the north side on Holland on June 12 you would
have run into a lot of traffic from the triathlon participants trying
to win their ‘race’. If you were on the south side of Holland on
that same day you would have run into a lot of First Church That our own Jeanne Rumrill
people trying their best to win the First First Amazing Race. recently danced with Abraham
As you drive by the church property along State Street, you will Lincoln? Ask her about it.
notice that the tulips have long ago faded away and a variety of
If you have ever watched the television program ‘The Amazing Race’, this event was patterned after that show. Our par- new plants have ‘instantly’ sprung out of the ground. HOW
That Jacob Larson and Dono-
ticipants all met at church at 2:30 for their assignments and were given clues which would lead them to a particular loca- CAN THAT BE? It can’t be except for the willingness of many
van Lance were part of a 3rd
tion on the south side of the River Avenue Bridge where they would be expected to complete a task before the next clue hands to help plant them. The following volunteer gardeners
grade team at HPS West to
would be handed out. We don’t know if it was part of the planning, but the participants all helped chase a real-flying bat spent a number of hours first cleaning and then planting to help
win first place honors in the
out of the narthex of the church before the race began. beautify our church campus. They are: Barb Alderink, Gary
National Statistics poster com-
Collings, Nancy Doeden, Dave Geertman, Viv Miller, Loren
petition. Their topic was "The
Redder, Thom Samuelson and Beryl Walkotten. A special
Our first clue led us to the MAX bus station on 8th Street where teams were loaded on separate buses and transported to Battle of the Condiments."
thank you goes to Alyce and Ron Prins for taking charge of the
different locations where we received another clue which led us to the gazebo park on 32nd Street. We were to count project.
the number of bird houses in the whole park and find the tree with the face on it. It was also made more difficult by a That our own Scott Vande
certain female pastor (Mary) running around with a squirt gun. Our team was successful in this effort and was rewarded Stoep was elected President
with our next clue which read “On the main drag, built in 1954 and it has 2,030 in it”. We figured the main drag would be of the West Ottawa School
‘8th Street’, Nick Unema (plumber extraordinaire) knew the Civic Center was built in 1954, and we then figured the 2,030 Board? Congratulations Scott!
referred to the number of seats in it, so we headed off to the Civic Center where we were met by the ex-mayor and given
our task to complete. The planning committee had attached candy dispensers to the backs of chairs in the balcony and
we had to find our particular dispenser before we were given the next clue for our next destination. Can you imagine all
these people running in the balcony of the Civic Center trying to find their dispenser?

This is how the whole afternoon went. We did everything from jumping in Craig and Ellen Moes’ pool to retrieve a golf HAPPY AUGUST ANNIVERSARY!
ball, to roping a steer at Mark and Phyllis DeHaan’s home, to counting spindles on the boardwalk at Kollen Park, to pad-
dling a kayak on Lake Macatawa, to kicking a field goal at the high school football field, to riding the ferry across the river
in Saugatuck, to being able to write down all the states in alphabetical order (Thanks Mr. Mayor), and getting specific
names off the dedication marker at Window On The Waterfront. Jim & Lisa McFarland 8/2/2008 Joel & Angela Kiekover 8/21/1999

Dick & Nancy Doeden 8/3/1963 Eric & Jessica Brunsell 8/22/2009
It was a little after 7:00 P.M. when the final team, of the 14 teams that started the race, crossed the finish line back at
James & Christy Ewing 8/5/2006 Randall & Sheryl Kleinheksel 8/22/1980
church. We were then fed a delicious meal and had a great time of telling stories of our experiences of the day. We
found out that one of the teams was stopped by the police in Saugatuck because they were speeding (ask Dar Kleinhek- Mike & Jeanine VanDyke 8/5/1988 Howard & Jean Topp 8/22/1947
sel if she got a ticket).
Jeff & Joan VanFossan 8/7/1999 Lance & Marty Evert 8/23/1963

It was truly an ‘AMAZING RACE’ and a GREAT TIME was had by all. We want to thank the planning committee for all Don & Barb Kammeraad 8/8/1957 Howard & Debra Welling 8/23/1985
their hard (but fun) work. They were: Sue & Bob Carlson, Judy & Gary Bylsma, Marsha & Al McGeehan, Marty & Lance
Chip & Elizabeth Kleinheksel 8/10/2007 Josh & Sheri VanMalsen 8/24/1996
Evert and Joan & Tim Aalberts. We understand plans are already underway for next year, so don’t miss the FUN!!!!!!
Jack & Janice Langeland 8/12/1967 William & Sara VanDoornik 8/25/1979

Paul & Gretchen Wiegerink 8/12/1960 Derk & Renea Walkotten 8/26/1995

Tanner & Kristin Smith 8/14/2004 Mark & Gail Kaniff 8/27/1971

Dave & Gloria Weersing 8/15/1969 Vicki & Tim Howard 8/28/1993

Trevor & Melissa Bussies 8/16/2003 Michael & Karen Slenk 8/28/1981

Todd & Rachel Billings 8/17/2002 Dave & Kendra Bossardet 8/29/2009

Ed & Melanie Zwyghuizen 8/17/1991 Albert & Marsha McGeehan 8/29/1964

Russell & Ellie Norden 8/18/1951 Howard & Jeanne Poll 8/29/1952

Laverne & Joyce Nienhuis 8/19/1955 Andy & Catherine Ristola Bass 8/31/1991
n shoe”
Search ing for a clue like to tr
y this to
Bruce & Lori VanderVelde 8/19/1983 Brian & Tricia Schrotenboer 8/31/2007
Bill Keizer, Guest, Pam & Kirk Johnson o?

•8• •5•

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