This Productivity Formula Will Double and Even Triple Your Free Time For Using The Magnetic Memory Method

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This Productivity Formula Will Double And Even Triple Your Free Time For Using The

Magnetic Memory Method

Time period x Goals achieved = Productivity

Your productivity is the total sum of the goals you achieve in a certain period of
time. There are only two ways to improve your productivity:
you can achieve the same goals in a shorter period of time
you can achieve more goals in the same amount of time
If you want to become a productivity superstar you can dramatically increase your
own productivity by shortening the period of time and increasing the amount of
goals you achieve.
That is the exactly what I did when I increased my own productivity by 200%.
200% is insane.
If you could experience the same boost, that means you would increase your
productivity by four times!
Using this formula, I now do in 2 hours what I normally used to do in 8 hours.

The Surprising Tip That Will Free Up Your Time Fast!

So how do we actually create more time? Let me give you a quick crash course.
There are 3 components that will help you create more time:
1. Planning and prioritizing
The experts say that every minute spent in planning will save you 10 minutes in
In my article at Successful Blogging I talk about planning and prioritizing. For
example, you can use the ABCDE method to prioritize your tasks:
A: Tasks I must do serious consequences if it doesnt get done
B: Tasks I should do mild consequences if it doesnt get done
C: Tasks I could do no consequences if it doesnt get done
D: Tasks I delegate
E: Tasks I never do
Never do a B task before you have done all the A tasks. Likewise, never do a C task
before you have done all the B tasks, etc.
And apply the 80/20 rule: you need to identify each day, which 20% of the tasks on
your to do list will give you 80% of the results.
By starting to implement the tactics above, you can literally increase your
productivity with 100 % over night.
2. Focus
One of the most important skills when it comes to becoming more productive and
achieving your goals in a shorter period of time, is the ability to focus.
As I talk about in my article on Blogging Wizard, true focus comes with some
In order to be able to laser focus, you have to:- knowing what to do (work from a
plan to do list)
remove all distractions (mute your cellphone and turn off Internet
no multitasking- focus on only one task until it`s done

3. Increase productivity
Increasing productivity means that we are able to increase our results in a shorter
period of time.
Becoming more productive is key when it comes to freeing up more time in your life,
so you can spend it on practicing memory techniques.
On Skip Prichards site, Ive talked about one important factor a factor that can
change everything once you understand it.
Studies have shown that most people are most productive the first 2 hours after
they get out of bed in the morning.
Some people are most productive in the evening or perhaps during the night.
What does this mean?
It means you have to identify at WHAT time you are the most productive.
Then you have to reserve that period of time for your most important tasks. This will
literally turbo boost your productivity.
In combination with the time management and productivity techniques youve just
learned, to improve your memory fast

You Need The Right Tools

When Anthony asked me to write a guest post for his great website, I asked him for
more information regarding the memorizing technique topic. He recommended that
I read one of his posts about creating and populating a Memory Palace.
Needless to say, Anthony Metivier is one of the best in the business when it comes
to helping people learn how to memorize things fast.
So what did I do?
I read the article and decided to use my productivity formula, then I got cranking.

How To Create A Memory Palace

Since I had never created a Memory Palace before, I wasnt aiming for a world class
Memory Palace.
But as a time management and productivity expert, how long will it take to create
a Memory Palace? was the first question that came to mind.
My next question was, where should I start my path through the Memory Palace?
To keep things simple and quick, I decided to use my most familiar place.
So I drew an outline of my apartment, and set a station in every corner of every
room. To make sure the Memory Palace followed the Magnetic Memory Method
principles, I made the starting point in my Memory Palace the front door.
In order to keep my path linear, I made sure to create the journey so that I always
follow the right side of the wall. A couple more decisions later, I had built my first
Memory Palace.
And by using a simple system and applying a step-by-step process, I created a
simple 32 stations memory palace in 10 minutes!
My success felt awesome!
I thought I was going to spend at least 30-40 minutes on it! But 32 stations in just
10 minutes? That`s incredible.
Will you be able to complete your first Memory Palace in less than 10 minutes?
If you follow the principles, I dont see why not.
The most important thing is that you ask the same questions I asked myself and
then complete your Memory Palace as soon as possible.
And remember the following:
use a familiar setting
not world class, just applicable

keep it simple

move around in the Memory Palace in a logical manner

If you haven`t created a Memory Palace, please spend up to 10 and no more than
15 minutes to create it now.
Have you done it?
Okay, what`s next?
Then it`s time to

Populate the Memory Palace With Killer Information!

As with most things in life, the more passionate you are about the subject, the
easier it will be to remember.
Since I`m a time management expert, I dont spend my time on anything that
doesnt either save me a lot of time, or give me a good amount of value for the time
I have spent. Im always about getting the biggest ROI (return on investment).
After all, whats the point of building a Memory Palace only to populate it with
boring, trivial information that you almost NEVER use?
In addition, your first Memory Palace should consist of information that won`t get
outdated and that you wont need to switch out. The best information to memorize
is the information you want to hold in memory forever. And because its important
and excites you, this will increase the speed and intensity you bring to the
memorization process.So what did I do?
I had the following criteria:
passionate about the topic

important information

information that I use often- static information (information that doesnt

Since I have my own blog where I write about time management, I needed to pick a
topic that would be useful for my business.
I ended up with headline templates for blog posts.
Notice, I didnt say headlines.
I said headline templates.
Because knowing X amount of headline templates is better, than knowing the same
amount of headlines (which you would need to dissect, analyze and convert into a
template anyway, if you wanted to use each headline in the best way possible).
No need to recite the best headlines ever made, if you can`t apply their formula?
And as you continue reading, you might want to think how memorizing templates
might help you in your studies or profession.
For my purposes, I decided to memorize 8 headline templates from Jon Morrows
free 52 Headline Hacks:
1. The Zen of X
2. Can`t keep up? The 11 Ways to Simplify Your X
3. How to Take Charge of Your X
4. The Minimalist Guide to X
5. 10 Shortcuts for (CTP completing tedious process) in Record Time
6. Get Rid of (recurring problem) Once and for All
7. How to End X
8. How to X in 5 Minutes
After 30 minutes I had memorized them.

All of them!

How did I remember them?

I started with memorizing bullet point 1 with a vivid picture. Then I recited bullet
point 1 and created bullet point 2. And so on.
It looked like this:
1. Memorize bullet point 1
2. Recite bullet point 1 memorize bullet point 2
3. Recite bullet points 1 and 2 memorize bullet point 3
4. Recite bullet points 1 3 memorize bullet point 4
5. Recite bullet points 1 4 memorize bullet point 5
6. Recite bullet points 1 5 memorize bullet point 6
7. Recite bullet points 1 6 memorize bullet point 7
8. Recite bullet points 1 7 memorize bullet point 8
It looks rather easy, right?
No degree in rocket science needed here.
Just following a simple system will do the trick.

How To Find Time To Maintain Your Memory Palace

In order for you to train your memory and to be able to find and recite the
necessary information even quicker, you want to take a walk in your Memory Palace
How do you find the time for doing this?
Spend the time that you are already using on other routine activities.
You can recite your whole Memory Palace and everything in it while you do your
morning routine, when you are taking the commute or when you are working out.I
would recommend going through your Memory Palaces once a day at the same time
Think about it.
You will be brushing your teeth no matter what. Why not take a morning stroll
through your Memory Palace at the same time?
You may be thinking:
Okay, Tor, I get it.
But when do I find time to expand my Memory Palace?
Well, let`s cover that in the next section

How To Find Time To Expand Your Memory Palace

When to expand your Memory Palace, depends on your need.

However, when you are a beginner when it comes to using memory techniques I
would recommend to start slowly.
The most important thing is to actually build your first Memory Palace and maintain
it by reciting it daily (for example, as part of your morning routine).
You can for instance put new bullet points into your Memory Palace every Saturday
after breakfast, or when you are doing commute or working out.
When exactly you do this depends on the schedule you have set for yourself in
order to reach your specific goals.

the most important thing is to have fun and to just start applying it. If you set a
schedule that is too hard when it comes to expanding your Memory Palace, you will
become fed up and probably look at it as a tedious, boring task.
But it should be neither tedious nor boring. Theres too much to gain by expanding
your memory, increasing your brain capacity, boosting your confidence and saving
time reciting stored information.
In addition to the benefits above, I know that when you are willing to set aside time,
you can learn whatever skill you want.
Now you have the recipe for how to create a Memory Palace, how to memorize
things fast and how to do both in record time.
So get out there, expand your memory and have fun!

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