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Live Observation with NCTCS

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Name: Meredith Jones Title: Teacher
Building: Gardner Webb - Fall Semester Department: None
Grade: None Evaluation Type: EDUC 450
Assigned Administrator: McKinney, Cindy Evaluation Cycle: 08/01/2016 - 05/17/2017
Submitted By: McKinney, Cindy Date Submitted: 04/09/2017 11:04 pm EDT
Acknowledged By: Jones, Meredith Date Acknowledged: 05/03/2017 9:59 pm EDT
Finalized By: McKinney, Cindy Date Finalized : 04/09/2017 11:25 pm EDT

Standard 1: Teachers demonstrate leadership

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1a.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

1a. Teachers lead in their Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
classrooms 1. Acknowledges the importance 1. Demonstrates how teachers 1. Evaluates the progress of 1. Takes responsibility for
of high school graduation for contribute to students progress students toward high school student progress toward high
students. toward high school graduation graduation using a variety of school graduation by aligning
2. Identifies the types of data by following the North Carolina assessment data measuring instruction and assessment with
that are commonly available to Standard Course of Study. goals of the North Carolina the North Carolina Standard
and used in schools. 2. Uses data to identify the skills Standard Course of Study. Course of Study.
and abilities of students. 2. Draws on appropriate data to 2. Maintains or supports a
3. Describes the characteristics develop classroom and classroom culture that
and importance of a safe and instructional plans. empowers students to
orderly classroom environment. 3. Maintains a safe and orderly collaborate and become lifelong
4. Understands positive classroom that facilitates student learners.
management of student learning.
behavior, including strategies of 4. Uses positive management of
conflict resolution and anger student behavior, including
management, effective strategies of conflict resolution
communication for defusing and and anger management,
deescalating disruptive or effective communication for
dangerous behavior, and safe defusing and deescalating
and appropriate use of seclusion disruptive or dangerous
and restraint. behavior, and safe and
appropriate seclusion and

Notes and Evidence:

Meredith demonstrated her ability to maintain a safe and orderly environment. She followed the set management plan of the CE and
incorporated strategies to keep students focused on the instruction. Her communication skills were stronger, her voice projection was
louder than the previous visit. She had a clear command of the students at all times. In the midst of chaos she managed to take care of
and direct sick students, keep track of the class time frame, and begin a new rotation of students transitioning from other classrooms based
on the new skill based groups for extra focus and interventions. Her ability to explain why and how the new rotation scheduled was
designed in the PLC was clearly communicated and implemented as she had to be flexible because of the absence of 2 teachers and the
need to attend to the group placements.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1a. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1a. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Draws on appropriate data to develop classroom and instructional plans.
Proficient Candidate - Maintains a safe and orderly classroom that facilitates student learning.
Proficient Candidate - Uses positive management of student behavior, including strategies of conflict resolution and anger management, effective communication for defusing and
deescalating disruptive or dangerous behavior, and safe and appropriate seclusion and restraint.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1b.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

1b. Teachers demonstrate Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
leadership in the school. 1. Recognizes opportunities for 1. Attends professional learning 1. Engages in collaborative and 1. Participates in professional
involvement in professional activities. collegial professional learning learning community (PLC)
learning activities. activities. activities.
2. Identifies the characteristics 2. Works with others in
or critical elements of a school developing and/or implementing
improvement plan. school improvement activities.
3. Displays the ability to use
appropriate data to identify
areas of need that should be
addressed in a school
improvement plan.

Notes and Evidence:

The candidate demonstrated the ability to work with the professional learning team to develop learning activities which contributed to the
critical elements of the school improvement plan. Data was used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the student and to plan
instruction based on the data.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1b. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1b. Critical Attributes
Proficient Candidate - Engages in collaborative and collegial professional learning activities.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1c.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

1c. Teachers lead the Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
teaching profession. 1. Recognizes the responsibility 1. Recognizes the need and 1. Participates in professional 1. Seeks additional opportunities
of teachers for professional identifies opportunities for development and growth for professional development
improvement and support. professional growth. activities. and growth.
2. Begins to develop 2. Extends professional
professional relationships and relationships and networks.

Notes and Evidence:

Meredith met with the PLC group and embraced a new technology resource by inquiring how to set up the program to provide extra
assistance to her students. In addition, she solicited additional information to ensure that the program would be added to her classroom
instruction. Thus, she demonstrated the ability to develop the professional relationships and networks to begin the application process.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1c. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated
Notes and Evidence:
Participate in professional development sessions and builds relationships with workshop
facilitators and the professional learning team.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1c. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Begins to develop professional relationships and networks.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1d.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

1d. Teachers advocate for Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
schools and students 1. Demonstrates awareness of 1. Identifies the policies and 1. Implements and adheres to 1. Works with others to develop
school practices and policies. practices affecting students policies and practices positively and/or revise policies and
learning. affecting students learning. practices to improve students

Notes and Evidence:

Today I observed a different mindset and focus by Meredith. She was no longer focus on her survival but rather directed her attention
toward student success and a positive learning environment for her students.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1d. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1d. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Implements and adheres to policies and practices positively affecting students learning.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1e.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

1e. Teachers demonstrate Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
high ethical standards. 1. Recognizes the need for 1. Articulates the importance of 1. Upholds the Code of Ethics for 1. Models the tenets of the Code
ethical professional behavior. ethical behavior as outlined in North Carolina Educators and of Ethics for North Carolina
the Code of Ethics for North the Standards for Professional Educators and the Standards for
Carolina Educators and the Conduct. Professional Conduct, and
Standards for Professional encourages others to do the
Conduct. same.

Notes and Evidence:

Candidate demonstrates the ability to follow the guidelines and principles of the Code of Ethnics.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1e. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 1e. Critical Attributes

Standard 2: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2a.
Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

2a. Teachers provide an Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
environment in which each 1. Articulates the importance of 1. Recognizes and can explain 1. Maintains a positive and 1. Enhances an inviting,
child has a positive, appropriate and caring learning aspects of a respectful and nurturing learning environment. respectful, inclusive, flexible,
nurturing relationship with environments for children. effective learning environment. and supportive learning
caring adults environment.
Notes and Evidence:
There was no hesitation in creating a positive learning environment. She directed and re-directed students when needed, praised and
affirmed students though out the evaluation process.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2a. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2a. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Maintains a positive and nurturing learning environment.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2b.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate
2b. Teachers embrace Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
diversity in the school 1. Acknowledges that diverse 1. Displays knowledge of 1. Appropriately uses materials 1. Consistently integrates
community and in the world. cultures impact the world. diverse cultures, their histories, or lessons that counteract culturally relevant and/or
2. Identifies the range and and their roles in shaping global stereotypes and acknowledges sensitive materials and ideas
aspects of diversity of students issues. the contributions of all cultures. throughout the curriculum.
in the classroom. 2. Acknowledges the influence of 2. Incorporates different points 2. Builds on diversity as an
all aspects of diversity on of view in instruction. asset in the classroom.
students development and 3. Understands the influence of
attitudes. diversity and plans instruction

Notes and Evidence:

Candidate selects appropriate resources that acknowledges and contributes to positive images as well as includes appropriate influences of
diversity in lesson plans.
Rubric Score: 4/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2b. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2b. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Understands the influence of diversity and plans instruction accordingly.
Accomplished Candidate - Consistently integrates culturally relevant and/or sensitive materials and ideas throughout the curriculum.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2c.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

2c. Teachers treat students Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
as individuals. 1. Articulates the need to treat 1. Encourages and values 1. Maintains a learning 1. Enhances a learning
students as individuals. individual student contributions, environment that conveys high environment that meets the
regardless of background or expectations of every student. needs of individual students.

Notes and Evidence:

The candidate demonstrated her ability to be a caring and nurturing teacher. She was in tune with each students and their needs.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2c. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2c. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Maintains a learning environment that conveys high expectations of every student.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2d.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

2d. Teachers adapt their Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
teaching for the benefit of 1. Recognizes that students 1. Understands resources and 1. Cooperates with specialists 1. Coordinates and collaborates
students with special needs. have individual learning needs. strategies that can provide and uses resources to support with the full range of support
assistance in meeting the special the special learning needs of all specialists and resources to help
learning needs of individual students. meet the special needs of all
students. 2. Uses research-verified students.
strategies to provide effective 2. Effectively engages special
learning activities for students needs students in learning
with special needs. activities and ensures their
unique learning needs are met.

Notes and Evidence:

Instruction was planned to help each students with individual needs.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2d. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2d. Critical Attributes

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2e.
Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

2e. Teachers work Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
collaboratively with the 1. Recognizes factors that can 1. Understands strategies for 1. Communicates and 1. Seeks and implements
families and significant diminish or enhance enhancing communication collaborates with the home and solutions to overcome obstacles
adults in the lives of their involvement by parents, between home and school and community for the benefit of to participation of families and
students. guardians, and the community in for engaging parents, guardians, students. communities.
schools. and community members in

Notes and Evidence:

Candidate demonstrated the ability to work with the families of each student to plan instruction that empowered students.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2e. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 2e. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Communicates and collaborates with the home and community for the benefit of students.

Standard 3: Teachers know the content they teach

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3a.
Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

3a. Teachers align their Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
instruction with the North 1. Demonstrates awareness of 1. Demonstrates knowledge of 1. Develops and applies lessons 1. Develops and applies
Carolina Standard Course of the North Carolina Standard the North Carolina Standard based on the North Carolina strategies reflecting the North
Study. Course of Study. Course of Study by referencing Standard Course of Study. Carolina Standard Course of
2. Understands the importance it in the preparation of lesson 2. Integrates effective literacy Study and standards developed
of literacy instruction across all plans. instruction throughout the by professional organizations to
subjects, grades and ages. 2. Integrates literacy instruction curriculum and across content make the curriculum balanced,
in individual lessons and in areas to enhance students rigorous, and relevant.
particular subject areas. learning. 2. Evaluates and reflects upon
the effectiveness of literacy
instruction within and across
content areas.

Notes and Evidence:

The focus and review of concepts was included prior to introducing the new concept. Students began as a whole group, transitioned to using
Ipads to demonstrate mastery of the concept taught. During each phase of the lesson attention was given to each student to ensure student
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3a. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3a. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Develops and applies lessons based on the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.
Proficient Candidate - Integrates effective literacy instruction throughout the curriculum and across content areas to enhance students learning.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3b.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate
3b. Teachers know the Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
content appropriate to their 1. Successfully completes 1. Demonstrates a basic level of 1. Demonstrates an appropriate 1. Demonstrates extensive
teaching specialty. general education coursework content knowledge in the level of content knowledge in knowledge of content in the
across the required range of teaching specialty. the teaching specialty. teaching specialty.
disciplines. 2. Encourages students to 2. Prompts students curiosity for
investigate the content area to learning beyond the required
expand their knowledge and coursework.
satisfy their natural curiosity.

Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3b. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3b. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Encourages students to investigate the content area to expand their knowledge and satisfy their natural curiosity.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3c.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate
3c. Teachers recognize the Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
interconnectedness of 1. Recognizes the importance of 1. Articulates the links between 1. Demonstrates knowledge of 1. Integrates the links and the
content areas/disciplines. interdisciplinary learning. grade/subject and the North links between grade/subject and vertical alignment of the grade
2. Understands the importance Carolina Standard Course of the North Carolina Standard or subject area and the North
of global awareness for Study. Course of Study by relating Carolina Standard Course of
students. 2. Displays global awareness. content to other disciplines. Study. Effectively and broadly
2. Relates global awareness to relates content to other
the subject. disciplines.
2. Integrates global awareness
activities throughout lesson
plans and classroom
instructional practices.

Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3c. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3c. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Demonstrates knowledge of links between grade/subject and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study by relating content to other disciplines.
Proficient Candidate - Relates global awareness to the subject.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3d.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate
3d. Teachers make Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
instruction relevant to 1. Recognizes the relationship 1. Identifies relationships 1. ntegrates 21st century skills 1. Consistently integrates 21st
students. between the North Carolina between the North Carolina and content in instruction. century skills and content
Standard Course of Study and Standard Course of Study and throughout classroom instruction
life in the 21st century. life in the 21st century. and assessment.
2. Identifies 21st century skills 2. Demonstrates understanding
and content as specified in the of 21st century skills and
Framework for 21st Century content as specified in the
Learning and Critical Elements Framework for 21st Century
for 21st Century Skills. Learning and Critical Elements
for 21st Century Skills.

Notes and Evidence:

Candidate demonstrated the ability to integrate using the NCSOS Math, Literacy, and Technology standards to facilitate instruction as
specified for 21st century skills.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3d. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 3d. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - ntegrates 21st century skills and content in instruction.

Standard 4: Teachers facilitate learning for their students

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4a.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

4a. Teachers know the ways Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
in which learning takes 1. Understands the 1. Demonstrates awareness of 1. Identifies developmental 1. Appropriately differentiates
place, and they know the developmental levels of the influence of developmental levels of individual students and instruction.
appropriate levels of students. levels on students learning. plans instruction accordingly.
intellectual, physical, social, 2. Demonstrates an 2. Assesses and uses resources
and emotional development understanding of methods for needed to address strengths and
of their students. differentiating instruction to weaknesses of students.
accommodate developmental
differences in students.

Notes and Evidence:

Candidate included differentiation to accommodate developmental differences in students. Differentiation levels were noted in lesson plans
and throughout instruction. Critical Attribute 2- Developing and Critical Attribute 1/Proficient was evident in the implementation of the
lesson. Technology was used to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the students.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4a. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4a. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Identifies developmental levels of individual students and plans instruction accordingly.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4b.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

4b. Teachers plan Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
instruction appropriate for 1. Recognizes data sources 1. Uses a variety of data for 1. Collaborates with colleagues 1. Works collaboratively with
their students important to planning short- and long-range planning to monitor student performance other school staff to develop or
instruction. of instruction. and make instruction responsive maintain a culturally and
2. Monitors and modifies to cultural differences and developmentally supportive
instructional plans to enhance individual learning needs. school environment.
student learning.

Notes and Evidence:

Candidate added a new sequence of class rotations for students with the PLC. Student rotations included an academic focus for ELL and
diverse learning groups.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4b. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated

Notes and Evidence:
Candidate demonstrated the ability to work with colleagues and clinical educator to
plan instruction to monitor student performance.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4b. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Collaborates with colleagues to monitor student performance and make instruction responsive to cultural differences and individual learning needs.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4c.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

4c. Teachers use a variety Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
of instructional methods. 1. Understands a range of 1. Demonstrates awareness of 1. Uses a variety of appropriate 1. Consistently enables the
methods and materials that can the variety of methods and methods and materials to meet success of all students through
be applied in the classroom. materials necessary to meet the the needs of all students. the selection and use of
needs of all students. appropriate methods and

Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4c. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4c. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Uses a variety of appropriate methods and materials to meet the needs of all students.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4d.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

4d. Teachers integrate and Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
utilize technology in their 1. Demonstrates knowledge of 1. Assesses effective types of 1. Integrates technology with 1. Engages students in higher
instruction. methods for utilizing technology technology to use for instruction. instruction to maximize students level thinking through the
in instruction. learning. integration of technology.

Notes and Evidence:

Ipads and classroom computers were incorporated to maximize student learning.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4d. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4d. Critical Attributes

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4e.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

4e. Teachers help students Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
develop critical-thinking and 1. Demonstrates an 1. Demonstrates knowledge of 1. Integrates specific instruction 1. Creates or maintains
problem-solving skills. understanding of the importance processes needed to support that helps students develop the instruction that consistently
of developing students critical- students in acquiring critical- ability to apply processes and engages students in the
thinking and problem-solving thinking and problem-solving strategies for critical thinking processes of critical thinking and
skills. skills. and problem solving. problem solving in meaningful

Notes and Evidence:

Students were engaged in the lesson and were given the opportunity to apply processes and critical thinking skills.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4e. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4e. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Integrates specific instruction that helps students develop the ability to apply processes and strategies for critical thinking and problem solving.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4f.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

4f. Teachers help students Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
work in teams and develop 1. Recognizes the need to 1. Demonstrates awareness of 1. Organizes student learning 1. Encourages students to create
leadership qualities. encourage the development of multiple approaches or teams for the purpose of and manage learning teams.
cooperation, collaboration, and strategies for developing and developing cooperation,
student leadership. supporting student learning collaboration, and student
teams. leadership.
Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4f. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4f. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Organizes student learning teams for the purpose of developing cooperation, collaboration, and student leadership.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4g.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

4g. Teachers communicate Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
effectively. 1. Communicates effectively 1. Demonstrates the ability to 1. Uses a variety of methods to 1. Establishes classroom
both orally and in writing. communicate effectively with communicate effectively with all practices that encourage all
2. Recognizes a variety of students. students. students to develop effective
methods for communicating 2. Provides opportunities for 2. Consistently encourages and communication skills.
effectively with students. students to articulate thoughts supports students to articulate
and ideas. thoughts and ideas clearly and

Notes and Evidence:

Opportunities were provided for student to articulate their thoughts and ideas. Candidate consistently encouraged and supported students.
Candidate demonstrated the ability to affirm student responses.
Rubric Score: 0/0

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4g. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4g. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Uses a variety of methods to communicate effectively with all students.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4h.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

4h. Teachers use a variety Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
of methods to assess what 1. Demonstrates awareness of 1. Interprets data on student 1. Uses multiple indicators, both 1. Uses information gained from
each student has learned. multiple indicators or measures progress accurately and can formative and summative, to assessment activities to improve
of student progress. draw appropriate conclusions. monitor and evaluate students teaching practice and students
progress and to inform learning.
instruction. 2. Provides opportunities for
2. Provides evidence that students to assess themselves
students attain 21st century and others.
knowledge, skills and

Rubric Score: 0/0

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4h. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 4h. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Provides evidence that students attain 21st century knowledge, skills and dispositions.

Standard 5: Teachers reflect on their practice

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5a.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

5a. Teachers analyze Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
student learning. 1. Recognizes multiple sources 1. Identifies data sources to 1. Uses data to provide ideas 1. Based upon data, selects or
of information on students improve students learning. about what can be done to develops instructional
learning and performance. improve students learning. approaches that are intentionally
tailored to students learning

Rubric Score: 4/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5a. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5a. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Uses data to provide ideas about what can be done to improve students learning.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5b.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate
5b. Teachers link Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
professional growth to their 1. Acknowledges the importance 1. Attends required or expected 1. Participates in recommended 1. Seeks out and engages in
professional goals. of ongoing professional activities for professional activities for professional opportunities to expand
development. growth. learning and development. professional knowledge and
build professional skills.

Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5b. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5b. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Participates in recommended activities for professional learning and development.

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5c.

Component Emergent Candidate Developing Candidate Proficient Candidate Accomplished Candidate

5c. Teachers function Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes: Critical Attributes:
effectively in a complex, 1. Acknowledges the importance 1. Demonstrates knowledge of 1. Uses a variety of research- 1. Investigates and implements
dynamic environment. of using research-verified current research-verified verified approaches to improve innovative, research-verified
approaches to teaching and approaches to teaching and teaching and learning. approaches to improve teaching
learning. learning. and learning.

Rubric Score: 3/4

NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5c. N/A

Component Not Demonstrated


NC Teacher Candidate Eval - 5c. Critical Attributes

Proficient Candidate - Uses a variety of research-verified approaches to improve teaching and learning.

Areas of Strength:
Candidate demonstrated a clear understanding of the concept missing addends. Students demonstrated mastery of the concept. Also, candidate
communicated with students using appropriate academic language.

Areas for Growth:

Growth was clearly shown in the area of classroom management and planning. It was apparent that the candidate had moved beyond the survival
stage of development and was focused on student success and mastery. The classroom was conducive to learning and the teacher, teacher assistant,
and student teacher appeared to be working together as a team. Leadership was evident as the student teacher demonstrated a clear command of
not only classroom transitions but also lead the in the transfer of students from one teacher to another for intensive academic instruction.

My recommendation if for the candidate to continue to maintain the current growth and demonstrate the ability to focus on the strengths and
weaknesses of every individual. The second visit proved to be very successful. Much growth was evident and the CE noted the vast improvements
that had been witnessed from observation one to observation two.

Additional Comments:

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