Junior Scientist Competition 2017

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Junior Scientist Competition 2017

Question no. 1 (10 minutes)

You are given two type of liquids (liquid X and liquid Y), polisterin, three
different size of measuring cylinder (250ml, 100 ml and 10 ml) and two type of
balance (beam balance and compression balance)

Use suitable apparatus to carry out the following activities


a. Find the density of liquid X

answer : density of liquid X =............................................................

b. Put liquid X, liquid Y and polisterine into a measuring cylinder.

i) Draw and label what you observe about the objects and liquids in the space
provided below.

ii) Write the variable involve in this activity.


iii) Predict the density of:

Polisterine: ...............................................................................................................
iv) Arrange the material studied in this experiment in sequence of ascending
order based on their densities.

Question no. 2 (10 minutes)

Develop the model of animal and plant cell using the plasticine. After finished,
label the structures for the both cells.

a) State the functions of the structures below:

i) Cell
wall :.........................................................................................................................

ii) Membran

Question no. 3 (10 minutes)

Rainbow is the coloured arch in the sky that is often seen after rain. The rainbow
is formed when water droplets in the air cause the defraction of sunlight.

Produce the colours of rainbow using the folowing materials that had given.

a) How many colour of rainbow?


b) Arrange the color of rainbow in sequence of ascending order.


Question no. 4 (10 minutes)

By using empty bottle, baloon, straw and suitable materials, you need to built a
wind car as you can then you need to test your wind car at the outside of
laboratory. The longest distance for wind car moving will be recorded.

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