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Multiple Choice
Whats the best quality system?
o ISO 9000.
o Quality Operating System.
ow would you answer this question?

H How would your colleagues?

After Quality Progress issue on Six Sigma
was published in January, our online discussion
o Lean.
o Six Sigma.
board started getting lots of messages, some com- o A combination of lean and Six Sigma.
plaining about Six Sigma hype or the lack of nega-
tive coverage of it. o Deming/systems thinking.
QPs editor, Debbie Phillips-Donaldson, chal-
lenged several of the message writers to send her
o Complexity theory.
something we could publishan article or letter to o Baldrige.
the editor. One, quality assurance engineer Steve
Prevette, said he would like to write about the sys- o All of the above.
tem he likes bestDeming or systems thinking
and suggested we get others to write about their o Something different.
favorite methodologies.
At about the same time, Sharron Manassa, one of
the librarians in ASQs Quality Information Center,
told us she had received about 30 requests during
January along the lines of: Help. My company has cate a single methodology, others a combination of
just charged me with starting a quality program. two or more.
Where do I start? It becomes obvious there is no one correct
Prevettes idea was starting to look more and answer to the multiple-choice question that started
more like a way to meet several customer needs. this article. The key is to use the methodology or
Phillips-Donaldson and other QP editorial staff combination that makes the most senseand
members contacted several quality practitioners, worksfor your organization.
concentrating on those actually out in the trenches, If your favorite quality methodology isnt
using quality tools and methods on a daily basis. included, send a short article or even shorter letter
The following seven articles are certainly not to the editor telling us about it. Our readers, partic-
exhaustive but include discussion of most popular ularly those new to quality or charged with start-
methodologies available. The methods run the ing a quality program from scratch, are eager to
gamut from what could be considered basic (ISO hear what you have to say. Please write to
9000) to the more complex (Baldrige). Some advo-



ISO 9000 Makes

o cessful implementation or revision of a manage-
ment system.

Integrated Systems Before implementation, it is critical an in-depth

analysis of the business or organization be conduct-

User Friendly ed to accurately define the products and services

being provided. Performance and gap analysis of
by David Shipley the existing system will also provide insights on
organizational hierarchy and the influence structure
The revised ISO 9000:2000 standard makes sev- has on the processes and activities of the business.
eral provisions for organizations either to develop Corporate or organizational culture and man-
and implement a new quality management system agement styles can affect final output. Too often
or change and improve an existing one. progress is hindered when the sentiment of man-
Organizations need to develop and implement agement or leadership is, No one is going to tell
management systems based on processes or activi- me how to run (or is that ruin?) my business.
ties that systematically help personnel understand From the perspective of a management system
what is essential to consistently achieve continual user, ISO 9000 standards provide a foundation for
improvement. But it is evident managers and qual- businesses and organizations to achieve sustain-
ity practitioners are not taking advantage of the able improvement by acknowledging the value of
change a user friendly standard such as ISO 9000 personal input. Encouraging employees at all lev-
has the capacity to create. els and functions to participate in the implementa-
When different management systemshealth tion or transitional phase of development and
and safety (as in BSI 18000), environmental (ISO documentation of the system accelerates the own-
14000) or quality (ISO 9000)are analyzed from a ership of activities and personal accountability
generic perspective, similarities become apparent. throughout the implementation process.
All management systems consist of five rudimenta-
ry components: infrastructure (environment), sys- Integration
tem/operation, input, process and output (see So, just exactly what is an organization trying to
Figure 1). The components are interrelated and accomplish through the documentation and inte-
influence the implementation, integration and gration of management systems?
improvement of the system. Samuel Johnson, the 18th century English writer
and lexicographer, said, The next best thing to
Implementation knowing something is knowing where to find it.
The 19th century Russian scientist and mathe- This quote has relevancy to management systems.
matician Pafnuty Chebyshev said a failure to plan But a review of management system documenta-
is a plan to fail. Several factors influence the suc- tion sometimes leaves an impression that individu-
als must have competency in
hieroglyphics to understand it.
Although audit evidence may indicate
a quality, environmental or health and
FIGURE 1 Management System Components safety system is conformant to a specified
standard, management and employees
have a tendency to dissociate themselves
Infrastructure (environment) from system ownership and responsibili-
ty by uttering that ever so familiar state-
System/operation ment of No one is going to tell me what
Input Process Output to do! Besides, it is the system coordina-
tors job to take care of all of that ISO
9000 stuff.
Plainly and simply put, the solution is

26 I JULY 2003 I

not to obfuscate (to make so confused TABLE 1 Integrated Quality and Health and Safety
or opaque as to be difficult to perceive Management System Procedures
or understand1) the system. If a coop-
erative decision is made to integrate Procedure (general) Priority Reviewed Completed
the various management systems, all Record control
the information having a direct effect
Document control
on employees in a managed activities
or process system needs to be readily Internal audits
available, relevant and understooda Management review
requirement of the ISO 9000 standards. Corrective action
System ownership is cultivated Preventive action
throughout all levels of a business
Monitoring and measurement of process
when it is the responsibility of em-
Instrument calibration
ployees to define the processes and
activities various systems are com- Data backup
prised of.
Those selected or who volunteer to Procedure (management) Priority Reviewed Completed
assist in the integration of procedures Management of change
may find it constructive to prioritize or Training (per regulations and standards)
rank the importance of procedures rel- Resources (work environment and
ative to overall system effectiveness infrastructure)
and then record progress based on Analysis of data
review and completion or approval of Internal and external communications and
the documentation. Common or simi- promoting stakeholder requirements
lar management system procedures (including stakeholder complaints)
that may be integrated are shown in Establishing policies and objectives
Table 1. Goal setting
Developing business strategy and annual
Improvement operating plan
Quality professionals can certainly Management system structure
relate to the familiar pledge of the
Assignment of responsibility and authority
Metro Para aviators: We, the unwill-
Management system performance
ing, led by the unknowing, are doing
the impossible for the ungrateful. We Assessing need for continual improvement
have done so much for so long, with Identification of stakeholder requirements
so little, we are now qualified to do Purchasing
anything with nothing.
System implementation and integra-
tion have a direct effect on improve-
ment. But the differences in agendas and objectives
of employees and management are common deter- everyone in agreement on what needs to be
rents to achieving continual improvement. Unless accomplished:
everyone is reading from the same page or follow- Planned and measured improvement. Resilient
ing the same instructions, it is difficult to attain change is the capability of adapting to or recover-
process consistency and system improvement. ing from differing circumstances. Planning and
Systematic improvement is facilitated by ISO measurement are critical to keep anticipated
9000, which places an emphasis on planning and change from being perceived as preventive plan-
measurement, customer focus and process owner- ning. Monitoring and recording the extent of tran-
ship, responsibility and accountabilitywith sition experienced within a designated area assure



change will be resilient. Planning and measure- DAVID SHIPLEY is a quality systems coordinator for
ment are integral to ISO 9000. Nucor: Vulcraft Group-Norfolk Division, Norfolk, NE. He
Improved customer focus. There is a tendency is a doctoral student in the community resource develop-
to confuse customer wants and needs with cus- ment program at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
tomer expectations and specifications. Developing Shipley is an ASQ member and a Registrar Accreditation
a concise definition and statement of external and
Board quality and environmental management systems
internal customer expectations and specifications,
lead auditor.
as required by ISO 9000, contributes to clarifying
what the customer focus of a business consists of.
Processes or activities are consistently utilized to
assure external and internal customers receive the
product or service required.
Once the organization determines the internal
QOSA Simple
and external customer requirements and how spec-
ifications are to be met, fostering and maintaining
Method for Big
open communications are critical to continual
improvement of the management system.
Or Small
Improved process ownership, responsibility by Carl W. Keller
and accountability. Further improvements are
actualized when an ISO 9000 environment is creat- I have been involved in several types and
ed in which employees are aware they are respon- aspects of quality management over the last 15
sible and accountable for the various business years and have seen just about every kind of quali-
processes and activities. This approach encourages ty management system (QMS). There are many
ownership of the management system. quality initiatives floating around, and a lot of
The ACID test is a decisive tool to partially hype surrounds some of them. Some initiatives
assess development and improvement of a man- border on being fads and gimmicks, while some
agement system. Never heard of it? It is important have a bit more impact.
to do the following during integration and mainte- So, which one would I choose if I had free rein
nance of a management system: and wanted to get the most for my money? The
Avoid duplication of system documentation biggest bang for the buck I have had the pleasure
and efforts. of implementing is Ford Motor Co.s quality oper-
Have cohesive systems that are logical and ating system (QOS). QOS was developed by Ford
easily comprehended by system users. in 1986 and was added as a requirement of its Q1
Make sure integrated system differences are supplier registration in 1988.
transparent or seamless to the user. While Ford suppliers are subject to a QOS
Have dynamic systems characterized by activi- assessment, which involves several criteria includ-
ty, progress and transition. ing communication, teamwork, measurables and
continuous improvement, QOS is just as easily
Is ISO 9000 for WIMPS? adapted to an organization that is not an automo-
Fail? Maintain? Succeed? When given the tive supplier and not subject to QOS, Q1 or QS-
options, most businesses and industries strive for 9000 or TS 16949 (the automotive derivatives of the
success. The approach Ive described here, called ISO 9000 quality management standard). In fact,
worthwhile improvements made practical system- outside Ford, the QOS initiative is known as a busi-
atically (WIMPS), produces tangible and measur- ness operating system (BOS).
able management system results. Possibly ISO 9000 The QOS/BOS operating philosophy includes a
is for WIMPS after all. structured team approach, use of standard tools for
data collection, a structured reporting format and a
closed loop continuous improvement cycle. Keen
1. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language,
observers will notice its striking similarity to the 14
third edition, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992.

28 I JULY 2003 I

principles of W. Edwards Deming (see Demings should include employees from throughout the
14 Principles, p. 30). organization. This leads to credibility throughout
Why do I like the QOS/BOS methodology? Its the various levels.
because of its simplicity. While it is an initiative The year 2000 revision of ISO 9001 makes an
based on team effort, you dont need to be a huge attempt at this credibility by requiring quality
company with a staff of 10 statisticians to imple- objectives to be established, but it usually falls
ment and use it. The coffee shop down the street short of full employee awareness of the complete
can get a return from it just as easily as a large process and does not require input from all levels.
manufacturing plant can. Regardless of the type of product or service, the
Anyone can track average delivery time, parts size of the company or the management structure,
per million defective or percentage of returns from several key customer expectations are common.
customers. Forming a team to track and improve Customers want the highest quality product, at the
customer satisfaction in these or other important lowest cost, delivered on time.
areas is neither overly time consuming nor cost
prohibitive. Key Processes
After establishing the customer expectations,
Customer Satisfaction Focus QOS calls for key processes to be determined. These
ISO 9001 requires a hefty investment to prove are the processes most likely to affect the customer
evidence of continuous improvement, and some expectations either positively or negatively.
people are paying $70 grand or more for a Six The processes will need to have values attached
Sigma belt, but QOS/BOS has provided a QMS in a for purposes of measurement. The critical values
basic, no-frills format that can be understood by all. become the measurables. Measurables can be
Therein lies its power. Everyone can understand process or result focused, but you should avoid
it, and all employees are therefore more apt to picking too many measurables. If too many are
actually use it. There is no need for wild claims of chosen, there will be a tendency to focus less on the
return on investment or fudging of document revi- more important ones, emphasizing the measur-
sions every six months because the ISO 9001 regis- ables with which people are most comfortable.
trar is due. There are also no martial artsjust Each metric is tracked over time (usually month-
basic customer satisfaction as the focus. ly) and displayed in some fashion that allows all
The concept is simple. It goes something like this: employees to see how they are doinggood or bad.
1. Identify customer expectations. When negative trends are experienced, employees
2. Identify the key processes that affect these analyze why the trend occurred and what the
expectations. downstream performance impact will be in the
3. Select your measurables based on what is criti- future. Tools used during the process include trend
cal to the customers. charts for each measurable, Pareto or pie charts,
4. Track the trends of the measurables. and data over time tools, such as a Paynter chart.
5. Predict the downstream performance.
These tasks are all positioned on a closed loop, Employee Involvement
continuous improvement wheel. The hub of the Unlike what happens with many other initia-
wheelconstant employee awarenessis proba- tives, if you hang up basic charts showing a base-
bly the most critical part. If there is one single fail- line and monthly progress, employees actually will
ure of top management that causes organizations take it upon themselves to see how they are doing.
not to reap the benefits of any QMS, it has to be a You may be surprised at the level of involvement
consistent lack of awareness of the importance of and the ingenuity employees use to correct nega-
meeting customer expectations. tive trends or keep positive trends going. The key
QOS/BOS expects awareness will be elevated at is to improve processes, customer satisfaction and,
all levels within the company. While it is suggested ultimately, business results.
the team chairperson should be a member of man- Do the other QMS methodologies have merit?
agement, the champions of each measurable Sure they do, but lets face itmany companies are



just not going to use them. As much as we want Sigma High or hang an ISO 9001 certificate in the
upper management to show enthusiasm for quality lobby, but only a few will ever use the initiatives
programs, executives often fall short of giving for anything more than marketing tools. All too
those programs full support. often, flowery mission statements and quality
Upper management may send employees to Six manuals continue to gather dust because initiatives

Demings 14 Principles
1. Create constancy of purpose tion and service to improve system and thus lie beyond
toward improvement of prod- quality and productivity and the power of the workforce.
uct and service, with the aim thus constantly decrease 11. Eliminate quotas on the fac-
of becoming competitive, costs. tory floor. Substitute leader-
staying in business and pro- 6. Institute training on the job. ship.
viding jobs. 7. Institute leadership that aims 12. Remove barriers that rob
2. Adopt a philosophy that does to help people and machines hourly workers, engineers
not tolerate lack of quality, do a better job. and people in management
defects, antiquated training 8. Drive out fear so everyone of their right to pride of work-
methods, and inadequate and can work effectively for the manship. This means abol-
ineffective supervision. company. ishment of annual merit
3. Cease dependence on inspec- 9. Break down barriers between ratings and management by
tion to achieve quality. departments. objective. The responsibility
4. End the practice of awarding 10. Eliminate slogans, exhorta- of supervisors must be
business on the basis of price tions and targets that ask the changed from sheer numbers
tag. Instead, minimize total workforce for zero defects to quality.
cost. Move toward a single and new levels of productivi- 13. Institute a vigorous program
supplier for any one item ty. Such exhortations only of education and self-
based on a long-term rela- create adversarial relation- improvement.
tionship of loyalty and trust. ships because the bulk of the 14. Put everyone in the company
5. Improve constantly and for- causes of low quality and low to work to accomplish the
ever the system of produc- productivity belong to the transformation.

Source: The preceding was adapted from W. Edwards Demings classic Out of the Crisis, originally published by Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 1982. A new paperback edition was published by MIT Press in 2000.

30 I JULY 2003 I

are not communicated on an ongoing basis. They erment and skills to recognize a problem when it
are eventually perceived as lip service or the flavor occurs and, if it cannot be resolved, to shut down
of the day. the line to eliminate the root cause. The display
Ive presented a very basic overview of QOS/ showing the location of the problem allows people
BOS methodology here, and I do not claim to be a to be quickly brought in to help get the line back up.
QOS/BOS expert by any means. Several compa- In my experience, I have found Six Sigma and
nies specialize in QOS/BOS training and assess- lean enterprise methodologies to be synergistic
ment, and Ford Q1 suppliers use the concept more even though they evolved from separate paths.
comprehensively as part of their systems. The basic Lean enterprise was developed by Toyoda (gener-
tenets of all these initiativeswith continual pro- ally known as Toyota) as an extension of the Ford
cess improvement the keyhave been the same manufacturing system. Toyoda took what it
since QOS/BOS methodology started. learned from Ford and advanced the concepts to a
QOS/BOS methodology offers an easily under- broader level, one that helped the Japanese
stood, yet very effective, continuous improvement automaker improve productivity and profitability.
tool that promotes employee involvement on an Lean enterprise is mainly focused on eliminating
ongoing basis. I received a copy of the Quality waste. In manufacturing, lean principles include
Operating System Primer1 several years ago and zero waiting time, pull instead of push scheduling,
have used it as a basis for my QMS ever since. smaller batch sizes, line balancing and shorter
process times. Value is specified in the eyes of the
customer, employees are empowered, and perfec-
1. Eric Gall and Sylvia Kaput, Quality Operating System tion is pursued through continual improvement.
Primer, Ford Motor Co., 1996. Six Sigma is primarily a methodology for
CARL W. KELLER of Clayton, NJ, is a quality assurance improving the capability of business processes by
manager for a direct marketing provider specializing in one using statistical methods to identify and decrease
or eliminate process variation. Its goal is defect
to one digital printing. He earned a bachelors degree in
reduction and improvements in profits, employee
speech pathology/audiology from Richard Stockton State
morale and product quality.
College in Pomona, NV. Keller is an ASQ member and a
Six Sigma, as developed by Motorola, was an
certified quality manager and quality systems lead auditor. extension of many existing quality tools and tech-
niques, but with the addition of financial account-
ability. This resulted in process improvement gains
at Motorola that increased productivity and prof-
Lean and Six Different approaches, similar results.

SigmaSynergy Merging the Two Approaches

It was inevitable people would start to merge the
Made in Heaven approaches. Sometimes, depending on the circum-
stances, the results were complementary. This
by James Bossert
tended to happen when the Champion (the busi-
ness leader or senior manager who ensures
A rope hangs down from the assembly line. A resources are available for Six Sigma projects,
worker can pull it if there is a quality problem he
cannot fix quickly. A tug on the rope causes reviews results and deals with organizational
music to play and lights up a number on a board, issues) and the Six Sigma team worked to find the
showing managers where a worker needs help.1 best combination of techniques to create a robust
solution. This approach was used successfully at
This is a good example of how the combination of GE Capital time and time again.
Six Sigma and lean enterprise work to enhance the Today we see a consolidation of lean enterprise
production experience. The worker has the empow- and Six Sigma methods as a differentiator for



many consulting firms. The ones who combine the statistical process control to maximize the benefits.
two tend to get more business. This has not always I have found this timetable particularly success-
been the case. ful in nonmanufacturing situationssurprising to
Some companies took narrower approaches, some because lean enterprise is traditionally seen
treating each methodology as different and unique. as manufacturing oriented. This latter perception is
This approach tended to create other problems, par- based on leans manufacturing roots.
ticularly related to the amount of time needed to But in reality, nonmanufacturing companies are
resolve problems. Process teams were pulled in dif- finding many manufacturing tools and techniques,
ferent directions, and those with limited resources including lean enterprise and Six Sigma, to be
were forced to choose one or the other approach. effective.3 The combination approach creates an
The end result was the business and customer overarching philosophy of improvement. It is how
suffered. The business did not obtain sustained a BB utilizes all the available tools that will dictate
gains in productivity. The customer, who really did success.
not care what methodology was being used, did
not see improved product.
So, people began to dislike lean enterprise and 1. Late Bloomer, Forbes, April 14, 2003, p. 78.
Six Sigma, thinking both wasted time, took too 2. William J. Hill and Willie Kearney, The Honeywell
Experience, Six Sigma Forum Magazine, February 2003, p. 34.
long to implement and ultimately didnt result in
3. Bank of America, Final Thoughts, Six Sigma Forum
satisfied customers.
Magazine, May 2003, p. 52.
But they definitely can workand very effec-
tively. Honeywell, for example, combined lean and JAMES BOSSERT is senior vice president, quality and pro-
Six Sigma into something called Six Sigma Plus to ductivity, Six Sigma programs, Bank of America. He
drive productivity, growth and cash flow.2 In one earned a masters degree in mathematics and applied statis-
case, a Master Black Belt (a Six Sigma or quality tics from Rochester Institute of Technology in New York
expert responsible for strategic implementations) State. Bossert is an ASQ Fellow, an ASQ certified quality
and his team turned profit margin from -$0.9 mil-
manager, auditor and engineer, and a Six Sigma Master
lion a year to +$3.4 million a year by reducing vari-
Black Belt.
ation, cycle times and product travel distance.

Personal Preference
Some believe lean enterprise methodologies must
be completed before Six Sigma gains can be maxi-
mized. I, however, think it really does not matter
Systems Thinking
which approach is used firstrather the approach
should be based on the personal preference of the
An Uncommon
Six Sigma Black Belt (BB) who is leading the team.
BBs have full-time responsibility for individual Six
Sigma process improvement projects. by Steven S. Prevette
All Six Sigma projects include measurement
review by the team and its Champion. Next steps Enron. California energy crisis. SUV rollovers.
are usually discussed at this time. If it is deter- Tire failures. What do these have in common?
mined some quick hits can be obtained using lean Focus on the short term. Short-term gains.
enterprise techniques, then the techniques are Focus on the quarterly profit statement.
implemented. Because the team and process own- Long-term losses. Suboptimized, competing,
ers can focus on discovering the root causes of the stove-piped factions.
problem being addressed, there is usually some And an uncommon solution: systems thinking.
immediate buy-in by the team and process owners. Why do we lament that the whole is less than
Then when the root cause is eliminated, the lean the sum of the parts? It is because we tend not to
enterprise techniques are used in conjunction with work on the whole but only on the parts. Systems

32 I JULY 2003 I

thinkers, instead, focus on the whole, paying atten- Deming commented that in an orchestra the
tion to the interactions between the parts rather players are not there to play solos as prima donnas,
than the parts themselves. each one trying to catch the ear of the listener. They
Systems thinking has evolved over the past 100 are there to support each other.
years to become a significant and successful man-
agement approach. W. Edwards Deming was one The Theory
of the best known systems thinkers, and many con- More important than examples, though, is theo-
tinue forward from his work, just as he built upon ry. Systems thinkers have a theory. Thinkers focus
ideas from his predecessors. Russell Ackoff is prob- on grander interactions, with the theory provided
ably the best known living proponent, through his by Demings system of profound knowledge,
provocative writings and lectures.1 which includes:
Systems thinkers approach quality performance Appreciation for a systeminteractions, sys-
as a holistic enterprise. Quality, productivity and tem interrelations and flow.
profit work together to guarantee the success of the Knowledge about variationstatistical
organization. An organization must manage its knowledge, control charting, variation and fac-
components. But, more importantly, it must man- tual data.
age the interactions between components to man- Theory of knowledgeknowledge built on
age a system. theory, with theory providing the ability to
predict how people learn.
How To Destroy a System Psychologyunderstanding people, their
Ackoff tells us systems may be destroyed by sep- interactions and intrinsic motivation.
arately improving the performance of one or more Systems thinking is characterized by long-term
of their parts. Deming uses an example of a busi- vision and achievement of long-term profits.
ness traveler subjected to red-eye flights and a Systems thinking both requires and allows organi-
litany of connecting flights, all to save the travel zations to focus on the long term.
department money, while costing the traveler more Both Deming and Ackoff encourage a focus on
time and impacting his or her performance. Exam- the life cycle costs of products, not just the purchase
ples of damage to systems abound in Demings price. Ackoff has said a system is made up of a set
Out of the Crisis2 and The New Economics.3 of parts. Each part can affect the system, each part
Deming practitioner Rip Stauffer tells the follow- has an affect on other parts, and every possible sub-
ing story:4 group of parts can affect the system. However, no
part can have an independent effect on the whole.
In a class I listened to two Six Sigma Black Belt
students present projects. Each was from a differ- Any attempt to understand a system by dissect-
ent business unit within a company. Each business ing its components will lead to the systems losing
unit was its own profit and cost center. Each stu- its essential properties. As Ackoff says, you write;
dent proudly announced he could quantify six-fig- your hand does not write; if you dont believe that,
ure cost savings from his project. The interesting
cut it off and see what it can do.
thing was, each was saving cost by eliminating
services currently bought from the others busi- A system must have an aim, and development
ness unit. I then asked the stupid questions: and statement of the aim allow the people within
the system to understand what they are working
So, how much will the project cost, altogether?
toward. There is a focus on win-win and success of
We estimate about $30,000. a whole endeavor. Cooperation between compo-
nents is developed and valued because it will lead
About $25,000.
to overall success for the system and all its compo-
So, whats the net for the company as a nents. For example, applying this methodology,
whole? including statistics, management leadership and
Of course, since the gains were a wash, the employee involvement, to the Hanford Washington
net was a $55,000 loss. Until that moment, I was Department of Energy cleanup site led to a 72%
the only one aware of that fact. reduction in rate of employee injuries.5



Systems thinkers use many disciplines and tools, fear of absorbing blame from the next failure, fear of
from psychology and human behavior through the next layoff, fear of diminishing resources, fear of
flowcharts and statistics. Pushing the envelope and not making the next target number.
thinking outside the box come naturally as systems Systems thinkers instead work to achieve win-
thinkers focus on grander and continually improv- win results, to build the pie bigger rather than fight
ing interactions. over the pieces. Knowledge of psychology and
human behavior allow system thinkers to work to
Value of Control Charts develop intrinsic motivation. Employees develop
Statistical thinking and knowledge of variation pride and joy in their work instead of merely chas-
are integrated within systems thinking. Control ing the latest bonus or trying to avoid blame and
charts (statistical process control) separate out the latest retribution.
short-term fluctuations from important system
changes. An individual datum is not treated in a Cooperation and Interaction
vacuum (were we above goal or below last Cooperation is the goal for system thinking
months point?). interactions, be they between people and people or
Instead, this months number is evaluated on the equipment and people. Since you cannot separate
control chart with knowledge of past data and vari- an individual component from its performance
ation. Control charts are not simply used to main- appraisals, individual bonuses (pay for perfor-
tain the status quo but to spot where improvement mance) are minimized. Group effort is encouraged,
is needed. Then, goals for improvement are based with participation by the workforce and leadership
upon achieving statistically significant results, not by management.
lucky short-term results. Finally, the achievement of The key points of systems thinking are:
the significant improvement closes the loop and More attention to interactions than compo-
resets the system for the start of another cycle. nents.
Control charting is not just a tool, but a way of More knowledge of statistical variation than of
thinking, a framework for viewing the system. This discreet numbers.
use of statistics creates a positive feedback loop, More long-term than short-term focus.
allowing the organization to achieve massive More cooperation than fear, blame and internal
improvements. competition.
There are many other methods and techniques This integrated theory of managing for improve-
that are not systems thinking. I think they result in ment allows individuals working within a system
degradation of the system. These techniques to achieve far more than the individuals them-
include focus on specific numerical targets. Any selves could have achieved. Long-term success and
person, with sufficient pressure, can achieve any a winning environment for all will come with sys-
given number through distortion, shifting costs to tems thinking practice.
others or outright falsification.
What is the cost to the overall system as individ-
uals each manipulate the system to achieve their 1. A Day with Dr. Russell Ackoff, March 3, 2003,
number? Short-term thinking prevails, and the Boeing Leadership and Learning Center, Canoga Park, CA.
2. W. Edwards Deming, Out of the Crisis, MIT Press, 2000.
organization bounces from crisis to crisis. Fire-
3. W. Edwards Deming, The New Economics, MIT Press,
fighting is rewarded, even as the next fire starts
burning. The usual focus on the quarterly profit
4. Rip Stauffer, in an e-mail to the author, March 10, 2003.
statement is an incentive to manipulate numbers to 5. Steven S. Prevette, Cleaning Up With SPC, Quality
make the current quarter look good at the expense Progress, September 2001,
of the future. news/qualityprogress/2001/0901/104emerging_0901.htm.
Without systems thinking, fear often permeates an
organization. Fear cripples many of this nations INTERNET RESOURCES

companies and individualsfear of the next quarter- Balestracci, Davis,

ly statement, fear of the next performance appraisal, Crawford-Mason,Clare,

34 I JULY 2003 I

Deming Electronic Network, http://deming.ces. and social environment. At the micro level, the increase in knowledge work means more of what
Deming Institute, goes on within organizations involves the complex
Hanford Trending Primer, social interaction of many people, rather than sim-
vpp/trend.htm. ply the manipulation of physical assets.
In2InThinking, In effect, organizations are now seen as complex
adaptive social systems that operate technical sys-
STEVEN S. PREVETTE is a quality assurance engineer for
tems and processes to meet customer requirements.2
safety and health for Fluor Hanford, a prime contractor to
the U.S. Department of Energy and a business project of Characteristics
Fluor Corp., in Aliso Viejo, CA. He also is an adjunct In the past, organizations were thought of as
instructor at City University in Richland, WA. Prevette is machines in which cause and effect relationships
a member of ASQ and an ASQ certified quality engineer. were linear and unidirectional. In complex adap-
tive systems, cause and effect relationships are
bidirectional and nonlinear, meaning a small
change can have large effects.
Complexity Theory
o In addition, while machines have designers, the
power of complex systems is that they are self-
Simplifies Choices organizing. The result is while performance is less
predictable in advance, it is often much greater
than could be achieved through top-down control.
by Duke Okes This does not mean complex systems operate
without guidance. Agents (whether individuals or
Most business management and improvement groups) in such systems operate according to a small
methodologies provide somewhat finite structures number of rules. Such rules are intended to commu-
to achieve success. For example, guidance for busi- nicate the general direction required while allowing
ness excellence according to the Malcolm Baldrige considerable autonomy in how to get there.
National Quality Award criteria consists of seven The system can therefore more flexibly respond
major categories and more than 90 specific items to to input from the environment in which it operates.
be addressed. ISO 9001 contains five major ele- Maximum performance of the system is achieved
ments that together contain more than 130 shalls. when it operates at the edge of chaos.3 An example
Six Sigma improvement projects are carried out of the edge of chaos in the physical world might be
according to the define-measure-analyze-improve- the thin line automotive road rally drivers main-
control process. W. Edwards Deming provided 14 tain between forward progress of the auto and loss
detailed points necessary for management to trans- of control.
form organizations. Performance of most systems, however, is mea-
A less prescriptive approach for helping mem- sured according to multiple criteria. So while a
bers of organizations identify and carry out complex system might perform well on one vari-
improvement opportunities is to provide a frame- able, it is unlikely to be able to maximize perfor-
work for looking at the organization in new ways. mance for all criteria. Paying attention to the
Peter Senges learning organization is such an environment is required to detect when a shift in
example, emphasizing the need to find ways to priorities has occurred.
embed continual transformational learning into
key business and personal processes and activities.1 From Theory to Practice
Over the last two decades complexity theory has So, how can complexity theory be used to man-
also taken on a similar role. At a macro level, the age and improve organizational performance?
increased interconnections enabled by computers, Here are five ways:
communication technologies and global business 1. Ensure the mission, values, goals and priori-
networks have created a more complex economic ties of the system are clear. Keep in mind an



organization actually consists of nested com- direction in which the organization wants to
plex systems and subsystems (for example, move will cause a tipping point to eventually be
business processes, departments and individ- reached. Beyond this point the organization will
uals), indicating these issues need to be have achieved a transformation in capabilities.4
addressed at each level of the system. And As these examples indicate, many existing quali-
rather than doing this through a one-way, top- ty management practices support the view of orga-
down approach to strategy, a process such as nizations as complex adaptive systems. When and
hoshin planning can be used. Hoshin planning how each should be applied depends on the type
uses an iterative process to develop and of organization and its current situation. An expert
deploy strategic direction and methods for is someone who has the ability to match the correct
achieving it, involving all levels of the organi- tool to the situation, and complexity theory pro-
zation to ensure alignment. vides a lens through which such decisions can
2. Provide only as much control as necessary for more easily be made.
each system. An assembly line or bank deposit
may need to be managed according to very Other Important Issues
specific guidelines, while considerable flexibil- Because the interaction between agents, systems
ity may need to be allowed for hotel desk or subsystems creates the power of complex sys-
clerks when they deal with customer com- tems, there are additional opportunities for helping
plaints. Unlike its predecessor, the 2000 edition such systems perform better. These include paying
of ISO 9001 recognizes this, noting the extent attention to the entities themselves (agents and
of process documentation will vary from subsystems, for example) and the interaction
organization to organization and process to among them.
process. The more a process relies on commu- Since what emerges from the system is largely a
nication and cognition, the more complex it is function of the synergy created by the differences
likely to be. between agents, systems and subsystems, one way
3. Ensure there is sufficient feedback from the to manage performance is to ensure there are suffi-
environment so the system can detect and act cient differences between them.
on signals indicating a need for change. Of course, too much difference may be as bad as
Examples of feedback are customer satisfaction too little, but differences in thinking processes (for
data, competitive analysis and benchmarking. example, as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type
Also keep in mind that since there are levels of Indicator), learning styles, the focus of educational
systems within an organization, mechanisms pursuits and organizational experiences mean a
to provide internal feedback between subsys- wider variety of ideas can be synthesized. This indi-
tems should also be provided. cates personnel selection and development, as well
4. Monitor a wide range of system performance as organizational design, are important for helping a
metrics to understand more fully how well the complex adaptive system perform better.
organization is performing. A balanced score- A focus on the interaction between agents, sys-
card better enables consideration of trade-offs tems and subsystems means paying attention to
relative to business decisions and can also be communications. The amount, direction, type and
applied at the departmental and process levels. quality of the information flow are indications of
5. Make many small changes rather than major how much leverage is currently being gained from
disruptions to improve system performance. that interaction.
Of course, what is considered small will be dif- Improvement might include adding to the com-
ferent depending on the size of the system or munication when it is insufficient, creating better
subsystem. But changes that can be managed by channels through which the communication can
the system do not create problems for cus- occur (such as through movement of personnel or
tomers and ensure continuous incremental by providing electronic tools) or reducing commu-
learning will be more successful over the long nication when it is creating overload.
term. Many small changes made in the general And finally, given that organizations are soci-

36 I JULY 2003 I

eties, the importance of language is paramount.
Changing the language used can slowly but surely
Baldrige: Its Easy,
have an impact on the perspective the organization
(agents and subsystems) has about itself, its envi- Free and It Works
ronment and its possibilities. For example, do your by Dale Crownover
employees say they work for, or with, their man-
agers? Are suppliers called vendors or partners? Why do so many people consider the Malcolm
These are very subtle differences, but most certain- Baldrige National Quality Award criteria diffi-
ly shape the interactions between players. cult? Whats so hard about expecting an organiza-
tion to have some sort of idea of what its people
are doing, how they are doing it and why they are
1. Peter Senge, The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the
doing it?
Learning Organization, Currency/Doubleday, 1994.
2. David Nadler and Michael Tushman, A Congruence What might be considered really hard is learning
Model for Diagnosing Organizational Behavior in D.A. how to manage opportunities for improvements
Kolb, I.M. Rubin and J.S. Osland, eds., The Organizational instead of managing known strengths. So before
Behavior Reader, fifth edition, Prentice Hall, 1991, pp. 544-561. you commit to a management tool, think about it
3. R.T. Pascale, Surfing the Edge of Chaos, Sloan Manage- for about seven days. Whatever you do though,
ment Review, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 83-94.a start. Start any day you care to. If you dont start, it
4. Jerry Kurtyka, The Science of Complexity: A New Way wont get easier.
To View Industry Change, Journal of Retail Banking Services,
Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 51-58. MondayBaldrige Strategic
Planning Category
The application of complexity theory to organizational Baldrige doesnt have the strategic answers; it
management is still in the early stages of translation of theo- has the strategic questions. As my colleague John
ry to practice and currently tends to rely more on metaphors Darrouzet says, these are more significant because
than tools. However, for those interested in learning more, theyre the commonsense ones you want to answer.
following are some recommended sources on complexity If you consider the questions in 25 Simple Ques-
theory and its application to organizations: tions for Comparing Tools (p. 38), youll quickly
Axelrod, Robert, and Michael Cohen, Harnessing see Baldrige lines up the questions that help you
Complexity: Organizational Implications of a Scientific continuously improve.
Frontier, Free Press, 1999. Today: Compare the tools questions. Do they
Kelly, Kevin, Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, enhance your insights into the way you conduct
Social Systems and the Economic World, Perseus Books, your business?
Lisack, Michael, ed., The Interaction of Complexity and TuesdayBaldrige Customer
Management, Quorum Books, 2002. And Market Focus Category
Marion, Russ, The Edge of Organization: Chaos and When choosing what quality tool to use, remem-
Complexity Theories of Formal Social Systems, Sage ber you are now the customer. If Baldrige is right
Publications, 1999. for you, youll come around to it eventually. You
Waldrop, Michael, Complexity: The Emerging Science at the may date other management tools for a while,
Edge of Order and Chaos, Touchstone, 1992. but over time the strengths of the Baldrige pro-
DUKE OKES is a consultant and educator in Blountville, posal will be undeniable to those who get it.
TN. He received a masters degree in education from 1. Baldrige has similar criteria for business,
healthcare, education and, soon, nonprofit
Tusculum College in Greenville, TN. Okes is an ASQ
Fellow and co-editor of The Certified Quality Manager
2. Organizations in countries all over the world
Handbook, second edition. He is also an ASQ certified
have adopted the Baldrige Criteria for Perform-
quality manager. ance Excellence.1 (continued on p. 40)



25 Simple Questions
For Comparing Tools
Choosing a management tool to take your company to another level is kind of like getting married.
You know what datings like and youve had your fill. Now its time to talk commitmentlifelongif
you want.
Heres a list of 25 questions to help you evaluate each of the tools featured in this Quality Progress
issue. References in parentheses are to sections of the Baldrige criteria (BC). The underlying ques-
tion is, does the tool you are considering help you plan-do-check-act (PDCA)? If not, why would you
use it?

1. Does the tool encourage you to plan what you customer loyalty and determine customer
want your company to do to take it to the next satisfaction? (BC 3.2)
level? Does it encourage you to: 8. Identify and manage significant processes
2. Write down what your companys business that create customer value and achieve
environment is and what your significant business success and growth? (BC 6.1)
relationships with customers, suppliers and 9. Manage support processes? (BC 6.2)
other partners are? (BC Preface 1) 10. Work in a way that enables your company
3. Write down your companys competitive and employees to achieve high perfor-
environment, your key strategic challenges mance? (BC 5.1)
and what your system for performance 11. Build employee knowledge, skills and capa-
improvement is? (BC Preface 2) bilities? (BC 5.2)
4. Write down how your company establishes 12. Maintain a work environment and employee
its strategic objectives to enhance its com- support climate that contribute to the well-
petitive position, overall performance and being, satisfaction and motivation of all
future success? (BC 2.1) employees? (BC 5.3)
13. Establish links between your plans and what
Do you do so you can measure, analyze, align
5. Does the tool encourage you to do what you and improve your performance data and
want to do to take your company to the next information at all levels and in all areas of
level? Does it encourage you to: your organization? (BC 4.1)
6. Find out what your customers want so your 14. Ensure the quality and availability of linked
products and services stay current? (BC 3.1) data and information so you can mine data-
7. Build relationships with customers, increase bases with timely reports? (BC 4.2)

38 I JULY 2003 I

formance results (past, current, projected,
15. Does the tool encourage you to check what showing trends) that contribute to the
youve done to take your company to the achievement of company effectiveness, seg-
next level? Does it encourage you to: mented by appropriate product groups and
16. Chart your most significant customer markets with appropriate comparative data
focused results (past, current, projected, and benchmarks? (BC 7.5)
showing trends), including customer satis- 21. Chart your most significant governance and
faction and customer perceived value, seg- social responsibility results (past, current,
mented by appropriate customer groups projected, showing trends), including evi-
and markets and including appropriate com- dence of fiscal accountability, ethical behav-
parative data and benchmarks? (BC 7.1) ior, legal compliance and organizational
17. Chart your most significant product and citizenship, segmented by appropriate busi-
service performance results (past, current, ness units, with appropriate comparative
projected, showing trends), segmented by data and benchmarks? (BC 7.6)
product groups, customer groups and mar-
kets with appropriate comparative data and Act
benchmarks? (BC 7.2) 22. Does the tool encourage you to act to take your
18. Chart your companys key financial and mar- company to the next level after planning, doing
ketplace performance results (past, current, and checking? Does it encourage you to:
projected, showing trends) by appropriate 23. Govern and guide your company, with
market segments with appropriate compara- senior leaders reviewing the performance
tive data and benchmarks? (BC 7.3) you have charted and checked? (BC 1.1)
19. Chart your most significant human resource 24. Fulfill your companys responsibilities to the
results (past, current, projected, showing public, ensure ethical behavior and prac-
trends), including work system performance ice good citizenship? (BC 1.2)
and employee learning, development, well- 25. Convert strategic objectives based on your
being and satisfaction, segmented to checking of the results of your plan into
address the appropriate diversity of your future action plans, linked to charted results
workforce and the different types and cate- that contain significant performance mea-
gories of employees with appropriate com- sures and indicators, thus starting PDCA
parative data and benchmarks? (BC 7.4) again and thereby providing continuous
20. Chart your most significant operational per- improvement? (BC 2.2)



(continued from p. 37)

3. You can start at the state level (baby Baldrige operations better than any of your own people do.
some people call it) and work your way up if Maybe these other programs wont even be around
you prefer not to start at the national level. years from now.
4. The criteria are continually being updated. But if you dont have a lot of money, make things
5. The criteria are free. simple. Baldrige allows you to get as involved as
Today: Compare the other quality methodolo- you want. If you dont want to learn about the crite-
gies with what the Baldrige program offers in ria on your own, become a Baldrige examiner and
depth, breadth and opportunities. learn from the experts very affordably.
Today: Compare the commonsense Baldrige cri-
WednesdayBaldrige teria approach to learning to those of the other pro-
Measurement, Analysis and grams.
Knowledge Management Category
Most organizations already have what the
FridayBaldrige Process
Baldrige criteria ask for but do not have a systems Management Category
perspective for their approaches or deployment. Baldrige doesnt process people better than other
With the right software, currently being developed tools do. Instead, people process better with
by software engineers for Texas Nameplate, many Baldrige.
While many organizations have some quality
tools (ISO 9000 and total quality management, for
example), these tools seemed to us at Texas Name-
By asking and answering the plate like having other people telling us how they
could help us run our business. Baldrige doesnt
Baldrige questions, you can do that. It doesnt process you. You do your pro-
cesses, and then link them from a Baldrige, systems
better judge your past actions, perspective.
Darrouzet says, By faithfully asking and
choose your present courses of answering the Baldrige questions, you can better
judge your past actions, choose your present cours-
action and decide your future. es of action and decide your future.
Today: Compare what processes it takes to suc-
ceed with each quality management tool.
more organizations will be able to operate the
Baldrige way, whether or not they apply for the SaturdayBaldrige Results Category
award. In some ways, the worst thing you can do is win
Today: Compare all the different management the Baldrige Award because then you no longer get
tools to see if they require you to change the way examiner feedback.
you operate instead of simply reviewing and When I was a kid working at my dads company,
improving it, as is the case with Baldrige. businesses raised their prices to make more money
or to provide raises for employees. But many com-
ThursdayBaldrige Human panies rather quickly learned they could not raise
Resources Focus Category prices of their products or services unless they
Certification is not the objective with Baldrige. raised their standards.
Learning is. Winning the award is not the objective. Unfortunately, some businesses still havent fig-
Winning employee and customer loyalty is. ured that out. Thats why organizations such as
If you have a lot of money, maybe you can afford ASQ will always be needed. Baldrige, too, provides
management by flavor-of-the-month training. organizations the opportunity to figure out these
Maybe you can afford to go out and hire somebody little things we all think we know but dont do. As
to implement the tool youve chosen. Maybe that a result, Baldrige recipientswhether business is
someone else will understand the tool and your good or badalways know where they stand and

40 I JULY 2003 I

why. They disagree with the its the economy, stu- commit to a program. And if you will lead in com-
pid outlook. mitment, will you have a community of peers on
Today: Compare what youll do with the feed- whom you can rely for good counsel?
back youll get from the different quality manage-
ment tools.
John Darrouzet, Baldrige examiner and vice president and
general counsel of Texas Nameplate Co., assisted in writing
SundayBaldrige Leadership
this article.
In a strange way, its more important to figure REFERENCES
out what you want to use rather than what you 1. Criteria for Performance Excellence, Baldrige National
think you need to use. If the system doesnt bring Quality Program, 2003,
out the passion in your gut, how do you expect to 2. Dale Crownover, with Linda Bush and John Darrouzet,
continue working with it over the long haul, for 10 Take It to the Next Level, Next Level Press, 1998.
years or even generations?
DALE CROWNOVER is president and CEO of Texas
As Darrouzet and I described in our book, Take It
to the Next Level,2 we found passion for our business Nameplate Co., Dallas. He is a member of the Baldrige
renewed through Baldrige more than any other sys- Panel of Judges, a Baldrige examiner and chair of the
tem. The Baldrige criteria help you lead people. Quality Texas Foundation. Crownover is a member of ASQ.
I was recently asked to accept a leadership role
with the Quality Texas Foundation. I quickly recog-
nized that after 10 years of working with the crite-
ria, I really knew no other way to lead than by
using Texas Nameplates Baldrige core values: o
An Integrated
Strategic planning that looks at the future
from an agile, systems perspective.
Performance excellence driven by our cus-
Approach System
tomers, markets and love of family.
Wise practices that use measurements, analy- by Tom Kubiak
sis and knowledge to help take courses of
action based on facts, judgments and decision Over the last 20 years or so, many quality tools,
making processes. techniques, strategies or approaches have come
Resources that value our people first and offer and gone.
both personal and organizational learning. Those of us who have been serving in quality
Process management that welcomes and nur- during this time have seen the management of our
tures innovation. respective organizations reach out and grab quality
Charted results that track, project and com- fads as if in search of a holy grail that will drive
pare results valuable to stakeholders. them to greatness. In a few years, one fad is out,
Visionary leadership that encourages pur- and a new one is in.
poseful work, public responsibility and good This reminds me of what W. Edwards Deming
citizenship. would say about tampering with a system.
Based on those values, I suggested the Quality Tampering creates variation. Changing quality
Texas Foundation start by answering the Baldrige approaches frequently causes an organization to
questions. We did, and now we know we have a lose momentum and backslide. This often leaves a
way to go. Our goal is to apply for the Baldrige bad taste and nothing but disdain for an effective
Award in the not-for-profit category. It will certain- approach that was poorly implemented.
ly take us more than seven days to do it, just as it Since about 1980, busy quality professionals
would with any tool. have been implementing a wide variety of
Today: Compare all the various tools and ask approaches, such as quality circles, statistical
yourself whether you, personally, are willing to process control (SPC), ISO 9000, reengineering,



benchmarking, balanced scorecard, Malcolm practices identified by experts in the field.

Baldrige National Quality Award criteria, Six Businesses or organizations in manufacturing,
Sigma and lean manufacturing. These quality service, education and healthcare apply for this
approaches are not entirely independent. When annual award by completing a self-assessment doc-
used in an integrated manner, they can build a ument defined by rigorous rules and questions that
high performance organization. must be addressed. A team of examiners reviews
these self-assessments.
ISO 9000 Each Baldrige applicant receives a comprehen-
ISO 9000, in essence, represents the fundamental sive feedback report that includes an executive
concepts and framework necessary for an effective, summary and detailed lists of strengths and areas
basic quality management system. Today thou- for improvement. The feedback report provides the
sands of organizations worldwide are registered as applicant with objective, nonprescriptive and
having a quality system compliant with ISO 9000, actionable information to improve its organization.
which was first introduced in 1987. Does this mean Although provided at a high level, the feedback
their product or service quality has improved? The points out key or critical gaps in meeting the intent
answer is both yes and no, as you will see. of the criteria.
The strength of the award lies with its compre-
hensiveness in four areas:
1. The seven criteria categories (see Baldrige:
The key to gauging both the Its Easy, Free and It Works, p. 37).
2. Core values and concepts, including visionary
performance and health of an leadership, customer driven excellence, organi-
zational and personal learning, valuing employ-
organization and its processes ees and partners, agility, focus on the future,
managing for innovation, management by fact,
lies with its selection and social responsibility, focus on results and creat-
ing value, and systems perspective. An autopsy
use of metrics. of any successful organization will show these
values at the foundation. They characterize the
organization and are part of its DNA.
3. A scoring system predicated on the premise
The flexibility built into the ISO 9000 standards that results flow from effective approaches sys-
makes them more than suitable for any organiza- tematically deployed. In essence, results happen
tion that delivers tangible products and services. through planned cause and effect relationships.
Simply put, ISO 9000 asks an organization to docu- Anything else is a recipe for disaster.
ment what it does and to adhere to that documen- 4. Refinements of processes in which processes
tation. are reviewed and improved, with cycles of
If the processes an organization follows are bad improvement being triggered either through
or not suitable for the products and services, ISO the occurrence of specific events or the passage
9000 will not improve quality. It will, however, pro- of time.
vide a consistent basis for performing the required
work. Consistency means stable variation and Six Sigma and Lean
process predictability, key objectives of Six Sigma, Six Sigma was introduced by Motorola in the
which Ill discuss later. early 1980s and served as that companys founda-
tion for driving breakthrough improvement.
Baldrige Criteria Though there were some early adopters of Six
The Baldrige Award, implemented through its Sigma in the mid-1990s, such as General Electric
criteria for performance excellence, is a holistic, and Honeywell, it wasnt until the late 1990s that
integrated set of criteria that address best business Six Sigma began surfacing in other companies. By

42 I JULY 2003 I

2000, the demand for Black Belts (BBs) and Master process improvement requires aspects of both
Black Belts (MBBs), cornerstone roles in Six Sigma, approaches to drive positive results.
started sweeping the globe. Six Sigma focuses on reducing process variation
Opinions on what Six Sigma is can differ: and enhancing process control, while lean (some-
PhilosophyThe philosophical perspective times known as lean manufacturing) drives out
views all work as processes that can be waste (nonvalue added) and promotes work stan-
defined, measured, analyzed, improved and dardization and flow. Six Sigma practitioners should
controlled (DMAIC). Processes require inputs be well-versed in the fundamental concepts of each.
and produce outputs. If you control the inputs, Many organizations have jumped on the Six
you will control the outputs. This is generally Sigma bandwagon. Search www.careerbuilder.
expressed as the y = f (x) concept. com,, or ASQs own job search
Set of toolsSix Sigma as a set of tools includes website and you will quickly see hundreds, if not
all the qualitative and quantitative techniques thousands, of postings for qualified BBs and MBBs
used by the Six Sigma expert to drive process across the world.
improvement. A few such tools include SPC, Some organizations see Six Sigma as a panacea.
control charts, failure mode and effects analysis As we continue, we will see how Six Sigma, sup-
and process mapping. There is probably little plemented with other approaches, will help organi-
agreement among Six Sigma professionals as to zations achieve increasingly higher levels of
what constitutes the tool set. performance.
MethodologyThis view of Six Sigma recog-
nizes the underlying and rigorous approach Balanced Scorecard
known as DMAIC. DMAIC defines the steps a The key to gauging both the performance and
Six Sigma practitioner is expected to follow, health of an organization and its processes lies
starting with identifying the problem and end- with its selection and use of metrics. A well-
ing with the implementation of long-lasting designed set of metrics provides a meaningful
solutions. While DMAIC is not the only Six framework for measuring performance both verti-
Sigma methodology in use, it is certainly the cally and horizontally. Not only are the metrics
most widely adopted and recognized. linked vertically and horizontally, but they are also
MetricsIn simple terms, Six Sigma quality balanced to provide different perspectives such as:
performance means 3.4 defects per million CustomerThe voice of the customer is not
opportunities (accounting for a 1.5-sigma shift the organizations interpretation of what the
in the mean). Yes, I know about the on-going customer is saying. The customer perspective
debate regarding the validity of the 1.5-sigma looks at how the customer is made satisfied or
shift, but for the sake of practicality and to made unsatisfied. The voice of the customer is
facilitate further discussion, lets accept Six heard through surveys, focus groups and a
Sigma as a metric in these terms. wide variety of other listening posts.
Six Sigma is a fact based, data-driven philosophy EmployeeAgain, this is not the organiza-
of improvement that values defect prevention over tions interpretation of what the employee is
defect detection. It drives customer satisfaction and saying. It is obtained in manners similar to
bottom-line results by reducing variation and those used to obtain the customer perspective.
waste, thereby promoting a competitive advantage. SupplierThis metric perspective is often
It applies anywhere variation and waste exist, and overlooked or relegated to an organizational
every employee should be involved. level lower than senior management. In many
At this point, some readers (Six Sigma purists) organizations, this component represents a sig-
will be quick to say, Youre not just talking about nificant dollar percentage of revenue.
Six Sigma; youre talking about lean too. Yes, I OrganizationThis component is internally
am! Today, the demarcation between Six Sigma and focused and measures how efficiently and
lean has blurred. With greater frequency, we are effectively an organization delivers its prod-
hearing about concepts such as lean sigma, because ucts or services. It can be divided into two



subcomponents: predictive and operational. customer satisfaction measures. This can lead
The predictive subcomponent includes mea- to a false sense of security and inaction.
sures of processes in the customers line of FinancialThis perspective includes the typ-
sight (if these metrics are moving in the ical financial measures or ratios often report-
desired direction, the organization should be ed on a balance sheet, profit and loss state-
able to predict customer satisfaction). For ment or annual report. Senior management
example, if on-time delivery and the quality of can easily become obsessed with this perspec-
the products and services (both the results of tive, almost to the exclusion of the others that
internal processes) are high when measured truly drive cost.
from the organizational point of view, it is rea- In simplest terms, manage and improve
sonable to predict or correlate this with a high processes associated with the customer,
level of customer satisfaction. employee, supplier and organizational per-
Conversely, the operational subcomponent spectives, and the financial perspective will
includes measures of processes invisible to the improve accordingly. Conceptually, this is
customer, such as productivity, inventory analogous to the Six Sigma y = f (x) equation
turnover, shrinkage and machine downtime. that relates process inputs to process outputs.
The customer neither sees nor cares how well Managing solely by the financial perspective
an organization performs in these areas. Often can easily break the other measurement per-
organizations will confuse predictive and spectives. For example, applying pressure to
operational metrics or confuse predictive and an organization to reduce costs will often lead

TABLE 2 Metric Scorecard Scenarios

Scenario Metric characteristics Organizational characteristics

One Current. Profitable.
Actionable. Likely a leader in its industry.
Visible. Baldrige core values are visible throughout.
Balanced. Benchmarks best practices regardless of the industry.
Customer focused. Process improvement is a way of life.
Well-understood by employees. Statistical significance triggers action.
In-process measures are prevalent.
Leading benchmarks.
Two Out-of-date by more than one reporting period. Mediocrity reigns.
Drives activity just prior to executive-level reviews. Prides itself on being not too bad.
Balanced means looking at different financial statistics. Accountability is weak and not easily traceable to an individual
Highly visible when the senior staff visits. or position.
Confusing to most employees. Benchmarking is limited to other internal organizations or within
Metrics are limited to those easy to measure. its own industry or business sector.
End of process metrics dominate, with just a light There is no good time for improvement.
peppering of in-process metrics. Reaction is based on one data point.
Goals are set independent of performance or capability.
Three Always out-of-date. Bankruptcy is imminent.
Few and far between. Accountability, what accountability?
Gamed to promote self-preservation. Employee turnover is high and morale is low.
Invisible, even if available. Probably in the midst of being acquired by a scenario one
Benchmarking is nonexistent. organization.
Goals are nonexistent.

44 I JULY 2003 I

TABLE 3 Key Linkages Among Quality Approaches

Balanced scorecard Baldrige criteria Six Sigma/lean ISO 9000

Focuses on measuring an Organization viewed as an Provides traction for trans- Creates process stability and
organization from a holistic, integrated system of strategies lating Baldrige areas for paves the way for Six Sigma/lean.
integrated perspective. and processes encompassing improvement into strengths. Is tightly linked to Baldrige cate-
Metrics are linked vertically the concepts of the balanced Reduces process variation, gory 6.0 (process management).
and horizontally across scorecard, Six Sigma/lean and cycle time and waste. Calls for process improvement,
Baldrige categories. ISO 9000. Drives improvement in a key to driving higher Baldrige
The five perspectives link Provides an overall assessment balanced scorecard metrics. scores.
tightly to Baldrige category 4.0 of strengths and areas for Creates an agile, learning Integrates more Baldrige
(measurement, analysis and improvement. organizationa Baldrige concepts in the 2000 revision.
knowledge management) and Serves as an overarching umbrella core value.
category 7.0 (business results). for managing an organization.
Ties to Baldrige core value of Predicated upon cycles of
management by fact. process improvement.

to process shortcuts, wider process variation It is not necessary or productive to leap from fad
and longer cycle times. This cost reduction to fad as so many organizations have done. Take
pressure is likely to be accompanied by the the time to gain a deeper understanding of each
removal of peopleusually the only element approach. When thoroughly understood and
holding broken processes together. Subse- implemented properly, each approach brings a
quently, process performance is compromised unique set of perspectives and insights for driving
and moves in an undesirable direction. organizational excellence.
Organizations that utilize a balanced metrics
scorecard concept usually distinguish themselves
from those who dont. Walk into any organization, TOM KUBIAK has been corporate director, Sears Sigma, for
ask for its metrics scorecard and you will see one of Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago, since May 2002. He pre-
the three scenarios shown in Table 2. viously served in a variety of roles, including quality and
I hope it is clear implementation of a balanced Six Sigma, over a 23-year career with Honeywell. Kubiak is
scorecard can be a powerful approach for aligning a Senior Member of ASQ and chair of ASQs Publication
and focusing an organization on its objectives. Management Board. He is certified as an ASQ Six Sigma
Black Belt, quality manager, quality engineer and reliabili-
Fitting It All Together
ty engineer and participated in the launch of the ASQ Six
The various quality approaches are not indepen- Sigma Forum, Certified Six Sigma Black Belt examination
dent of one another but can work in a mutually
and Six Sigma Forum Magazine.
supporting and integrated manner. It is not neces-
sary to abandon one for another. Table 3 allows us
to step back and view the key linkages among bal-
anced scorecard, Baldrige criteria, Six Sigma and Please
lean, and ISO 9000. comment
It can be said that: If you would like to comment on this article, please
Baldrige provides integration.
post your remarks on the Quality Progress
Balanced scorecard gauges progress.
Discussion Board at, or e-mail
Six Sigma and lean drive improvement.
them to
ISO 9000 focuses on basics.


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