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Five Year Plan for Luis Canela

Career: Physical Therapist

April 2017 Take placement for Merced College

May 2017 Enroll at Merced College

June 2017 Receive Diploma from Merced High School

August 2017 Start classes at Merced College majoring in Kinesiology

May 2019 Graduate from Merced College with A.A.T

June 2019 Take and pass California State University\General Education Breadth pattern
(CSU GE-Breadth)

June 2019 Take and pass Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)

August 2019 Transfer to CSU Long Beach (60 units)

June 2020 Complete 36 units in Sport and Exercise Psychology

June 2021 Graduate with M.S in Sports and Exercise Psychology

February 2022 Continue on to receive PhD

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