Exporting Guidelines For Students

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A Step-by-Step

Guide to
A Team Canada Inc Publication
This publication was made possible by the cooperative efforts of Team Canada Incs members and
partners who, in the spirit of partnership, dedicated time and resources to develop this authoritative
guide for exporters.

Special thanks to the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) for assisting Team Canada Inc with
this project.

Additional copies may be obtained by calling 1-888-811-1119 or visiting our web site at
exportsource.gc.ca to view the on-line edition.

Aussi disponible en franais.


PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1. IS EXPORTING RIGHT FOR YOU? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1

2. CREATING YOUR EXPORT PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1

3. RESEARCHING AND SELECTING YOUR TARGET MARKET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1

4. MARKETING YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1

5. ENTERING YOUR TARGET MARKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 1

6. GETTING YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE TO MARKET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 1

7. FINANCING YOUR EXPORT VENTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 1

8. READING THE FINE PRINT: THE LEGALITIES OF TRADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 1

9. THE TRIAL RUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 1

APPENDIX A TEAM CANADA INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

APPENDIX B GLOSSARY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


P W orld markets are opening up, barriers

are tumbling down, and the free flow of
goods, services, investment and ideas has
This guide is designed to give you an
understanding of the realities of exporting
and to provide you with solid, straightforward
integrated world economies as never before. information on how to assess your export
1 Better, faster, more sophisticated capabilities. It also steers you through the
communications and travel process of planning and executing your first
When you look at the have reduced the impact of time exporting venture.
small business sector, and distance on international
1 A Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting will help you:
which is larger, growing trade. All of these factors are
faster, and creating making exporting in the new assess your companys export potential
more jobs than the big millennium more viable than
build an export plan
1 companies, thats where ever before, for businesses of
you see Canadas all sizes. research and select your target market
entrepreneurial spirit
Although exporting can bring develop an export marketing plan
1 at its best.
significant benefits, it can also
S T determine the best methods of delivering
place demands on companies,
C, your product or service to your target market
especially smaller ones, that they
1 may or may not be prepared to develop a sound financial plan
meet. A Step-by-Step Guide to
understand the legal aspects involved in
Exporting is designed primarily for small and
international transactions.
medium-sized Canadian enterprises (SMEs) that
1 are considering entering the export arena for the It also directs you to sources of valuable
first time. information, programs and services that can
help you enter new foreign markets or expand
1 your export operations. A vast network of people
and organizations are available to provide
assistance to smaller businesses as they prepare for
the global marketplace. How can you access that
1 assistance? This is where Team Canada Inc (TCI)
comes in.

Team Canada Inc, a virtual network relying on A companion product to A Step-by-Step Guide
the cooperation of all levels of government, works to Exporting is available on ExportSource at
to help Canadian businesses succeed in world exportsource.gc.ca. It will link you to sources of
markets. This single window for Canadian information and assistance that can help you
business vastly simplifies access to everything prepare for the world of international trade.
from training and financing programs for the
With the right tools in hand, youre already one
new exporter, to on-the-ground support in
step closer to export success!
foreign markets for more experienced Canadian
businesses. Team Canada Inc is your first
stop en route to the information, counselling,
market intelligence, financial assistance and
on-the-ground support you need to make your
export venture a successful one. 1
You can access the full range of TCI export
services and expertise, by calling 1-888-811-1119
(toll-free). A trained information officer located 1
at your nearest Canada Business Service Centre
(CBSC) will answer your questions and transfer
your call directly to the export program or service 1
that best meets your needs. This information
service is available Monday through Friday, from
9 am to 5 pm in every time zone in Canada.
You can also take advantage of ExportSource,
Team Canada Incs on-line resource for export
information. In fact, you may come to think of
it as your own virtual export office. But unlike
other offices, this one is open 24 hours a day,
seven days a week. This innovative web site lets
you simultaneously search across a wide range of 1
programs and services offered by TCI partners.


I Competing in the New Millennium

Canadas economic growth and job creation C T F
prospects are tied to trade and, more than ever Canada is the most trade intensive of the
1 before, trade is tied to the global economy. G-7 industrialized countries, and is the
seventh-largest trading nation in the world.

International trade is the fastest-growing

That was Then, This is Now area of the Canadian economy.
From the beginning, when It is estimated that every $1 billion in
The real discussion Canadian exports were exports creates or sustains 11,000 jobs
should be how do we, limited to fish, fur, forest in Canada.
1 as governments, as and mineral products, these
businesses, as individuals One job out of every three in Canada
reliable goods and services depends on goods and services exports.
come to grips with the and our reputation were
1 new phenomenon of all we needed to excel in the Exports account for over 40% of Canadas
globalization? How do international marketplace. gross domestic product (GDP).
we turn globalization to Trading our resources and our International investment is responsible for
our advantage and that resource-based manufactured more than one out of every 10 jobs in
1 of all our citizens? goods allowed Canadians Canada, over 50% of its exports, and 75%
Because for me the to enjoy one of the highest of its manufacturing exports.
struggle is not how to standards of living in the It is estimated that over 1.3 million jobs
1 stop globalization. It is world. That was then. (1 out of 10), over half of total exports and
to harness the forces
This is now. Over the last 75% of manufactured goods exported are
of globalization and directly tied to Foreign Direct Investment
make them work for us 20 years, significant changes
1 (FDI) in Canada.
and for our people, have taken place brought
and for the good of about by instant communication
people around the world and rapid scientific and
1 into the 21st century. technological advances.
I T,

1 P S. P,
S , ,
O, J

Today, scientific and technological progress is So, before you make a decision
Experienced or just
driving change. It has energized economic about entering the global
starting out, callers on
activity through new ideas, new products and trading arena, read on to find
the Team Canada Inc
new services and it has made the world smaller, out how you can get your
toll-free line are
by bridging distances and speeding up company on the right track to
amazed at the quality
communications. Businesses no longer need to successful exporting.
of our export
limit themselves to their own domestic market
information service.
the entire world is within their reach.
They like the way
Three fundamental factors determine a countrys we customize answers I
ability to trade: its natural resources, its knowledge to their needs and how
base, and its ability to produce competitively. we can connect them
to the right people for 1
The first factor determines what a country has to
expert advice and
work with; the second, the skills and knowledge
of its people; and the third, its ability to put
I O,
these to work to achieve the greatest productivity 1
and growth.
The emergence of a truly global economy means
that the world marketplace is now open for 1
business all day, every day. It is a marketplace
unencumbered by distance, unrestricted by
technology and unmindful of country of origin.
For Canada to maintain its enviable position as 1
one of the worlds leading trading nations and
economies, we must understand and embrace
these new realities. 1


1 Why Export? Are you Ready?

Exporting means new business opportunities and While exporting holds significant economic
increased sales. With careful planning, even the promise for most companies, it takes time often
1 smallest Canadian company can months or even several years before an exporting
make it big on the international company begins to see a return on its investment.
First of all, do your
scene. But there are many other
homework and know What does it mean to be export-ready?
reasons that a company should
1 yourself. Realize that it Export-readiness refers to a companys level of
consider for exporting, such as:
is a commitment for a preparedness to do business in an export market.
long, long term. Know Enhanced Domestic Simply stated, it means that the organization has
your strengths Do Competitiveness: Companies that a marketable product or service as well as the
1 your research on your operate solely in the domestic capacity, resources and management commitment
product or your service marketplace can easily become to compete on a global scale.
and then go for it. complacent and out of touch
So, how do you become export-ready? In fact,
1 E with whats happening in their
two-thirds of the export effort takes place at
C industry. Those that export,
home, in Canada, before you venture abroad.
P compete with the best in the
world. They have to work hard The first step is to evaluate your export potential,
to keep their product or service on top. This not resources and knowledge. You can save valuable
only makes them competitive in export markets, time, effort and resources if you begin with
but it helps them succeed in their own backyards. an accurate assessment of whether youre ready
1 to enter the global marketplace. Consider
Diversified Markets: For some companies, the
everything: language and cultural issues, different
size of the Canadian marketplace can be
monetary systems, legal and tax implications,
somewhat limiting to the future growth of their
sources of financing, the need for careful research
1 organization. Access to larger markets, to
into new market opportunities, the foreign
emerging markets, and to niche markets where
business environment, modes of transport to
their products or services are rare or unique, are
get your product or service to the market, and,
1 all good reasons to seriously consider exporting.
the measures to ensure the protection of your
Greater Economies of Scale: By having access intellectual property.
to a larger market base, companies can start
Consider the following questions before you
1 producing on a scale that allows them to make
decide to launch your export venture:
the most of their resources.
Human and Financial Resources:
Do you have: the capacity to handle the
1 extra demand associated with exporting,

internally efficient systems to respond of what exporting entails, an openness for
quickly to customer inquiries, personnel new ways of doing business, and an
with good culturally-sensitive marketing understanding of what is required to succeed
skills, sufficient capital or lines of credit in the international marketplace?
to produce the product or service, and
Are you ready to take on the challenges and
senior management support for your
demands of international trade? Consider the
export objectives?
following issues:
Competitiveness: Do you have: a product or
Exporting involves many short-term
service that is unique and/or competitive in 1
costs, such as extra travel, production
your target market, proven, sophisticated
of new marketing materials and hiring
market-entry methods, and market research
of additional sales staff. If youre looking
that confirms the potential viability of your 1
to make a quick buck, youll probably
product or service in the chosen target market?
be disappointed.
Expectations: Do you have: clear and
Financial risks can be higher, although
achievable export objectives, a realistic idea 1
many options now exist to reduce such risks.

Benefits Challenges

Increased Sales: If you are selling domestically and sales Increased Costs: Exporting involves many short-term 1
are good, nows the time to start exporting. costs, such as extra travel, production of new marketing
materials and hiring additional sales staff. If youre
Higher Profits: Your export profits can grow faster if all
looking to make a quick buck, youll probably be
fixed costs are covered by your domestic operations or
other sources of financing.
Level of Commitment: Your flexibility in dealing with
Less Dependence on Traditional Markets: You can
foreign clients is a key to success, combined with your
strengthen your company by diversifying into 1
willingness to devote time, effort, skills and resources to
international markets, as well as into niche markets.
establish and maintain your presence in foreign markets.
Diversified Markets: Companies that export can take
Sensitivity to Cultural Differences: Familiarize yourself
advantage of booming markets around the world. 1
with the differences in language, culture and business
New Knowledge, Experience and Enhanced Domestic practices in your target market.
Competitiveness: New ideas, approaches and
Paperwork: When exporting products or services, be
marketing techniques learned from exposure to
prepared for the extensive documentation that is often 1
the global marketplace can often be successfully
required by Canadian or foreign governments.
applied in Canada.
Accessibility: Foreign clients must be able to contact you
Global Competitiveness: Today, many foreign companies
quickly and easily. 1
are entering Canadian markets, while Canadian
companies are exporting to international markets. Competition: It is important to have a thorough knowledge
Exporting paves the way to global competitiveness. of the competition in your target market.
Source: Adapted with permission from the Forum for International Trade Training, Going Global.

A great deal of paperwork is involved to There is no substitute for experience when it
satisfy the requirements of Canadian and comes to exporting. Familiarity with foreign
foreign governments. cultures and business practices, the ability to
It is critical to speak foreign languages, knowing how to
Products or packaging may
understand your market negotiate and structure contracts and how to
have to be modified to
and the major focus of get paid for your products and services, and
succeed in overseas markets.
your business before you identifying key contacts in the exporting
enter the international community are all important.
1 marketplace. Align The Next Step: There are many ways to bring export skills into
yourself with strategic your company: training existing personnel,
partners, find your niche
Acquiring Export Skills
hiring or partnering with an experienced exporter
in the marketplace and Finding Sources or firm, or contracting for the services of an
1 of Assistance
and localize your international trade expert. Whichever approach
products to meet the Addressing the questions above you choose, be sure to take advantage of the
market demand. should give you a good idea of export development services available from Team
1 C E A how ready your company is to Canada Inc and its partners.
W, I begin exporting, and what areas
T I As well, new-to-exporting companies can benefit
need improvement. The next by simply calling up local companies that are
1 step is to make sure that your company has, or doing business in their target markets. Most
can acquire, the skills and services it needs to businesses are willing to share their experiences
successfully carry out an export venture. and help others avoid common mistakes.

1 Every day, Canadian companies are competing successfully in foreign markets. Here are some of their tips for success.

Zoom in on the most promising markets: Successful companies concentrate on one foreign market at a time, moving on
to the next only after succeeding in the previous one.

1 Learn from experienced companies: Talk to Canadian companies that have succeeded in your target market. Many are
willing to share what worked for them and what didnt. Contact your industry association to find names of successful
exporting companies in your sector and target market.

1 Plan for the financial resources youll need: Exploring foreign markets can take longer and cost more than expected. Be
prepared for additional costs for market research, product launchings and personal visits.

Gear up for demand: Be prepared to meet increased demand from a successful foreign sale. Dont forget to plan how
1 you will adapt your product or service to the needs and tastes of your target market.

Make personal visits: Building business relationships in foreign markets is best done face to face. Faxes, phone calls and
e-mail are great for follow-up, but nothing beats meeting in person.
1 Study the market and the culture: Business people and customers in most foreign markets appreciate your efforts to
learn about their culture.

Set realistic expectations: Developing foreign markets is a long-term commitment. It takes time, effort and resources.
1 Make sure your management is committed to the export venture. Be prepared for the long haul, and persevere.
Source: Adapted with permission from The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, Expand Your Horizons.

Another way of acquiring the
Be patient.
I P right export skills is to become
International business
S E P involved in your local export
takes a long time.
community events, such as
The following questions should help you Make it a long-term
business breakfasts and seminars
assess the potential of your product or service investment and dont
organized by boards of trade,
in the target market: give up.
export clubs, and chambers of
Customer Profile. Who already uses your commerce. Events can be great
W, A-F
product or service? Is it in broad general use opportunities to get together and
or limited to a particular group? Is it popular
P S 1
share experiences on export
with a certain age group? Are there other markets, and on exporting in general.
demographic similarities? Is the use of your
product or service influenced or affected by Once you have researched and selected your target 1
climatic or geographic factors? If so, what market, and you have accessed the services of
are they? Team Canada Inc in Canada, you can then begin
to access the services of the Canadian Trade
Product Modification. Are any modifications 1
required to make it appeal to foreign
Commissioner Service abroad. Trade commissioners
customers? What is its shelf life? Will it be located in foreign markets can assist you with
reduced by time in transit? Is the packaging exporting, international business contacts, foreign
expensive? Can it be modified to satisfy business leads, licensing, joint venture develop- 1
the specific demands of foreign customers? ment and foreign market access.
Is special documentation required? Does it
need to meet any technical or regulatory
requirements? Working with Canadas
Transportation. How easily can it be Regional Trade Networks
transported? Would transportation costs
make competitive pricing a problem?
In every region of Canada, Regional Trade 1
Networks bring together federal, provincial and
Local Representation. Does it require private-sector players to strengthen services to
professional assembly or other technical local businesses for success in global markets.
skills? Is after-sales service needed? If so, is 1
it available locally or do you have to provide These services include:
it? Do you have the resources to do so?
export readiness assessment
Exporting Services. If you are exporting 1
services, what is unique or special about
export counselling
them? Are your services considered to be export preparation and training
world-class? Do you need to modify your
services to allow for differences in language, information on trade fairs and missions 1
culture and business environment? How do
introduction to foreign buyers visiting
you plan to deliver your services: personally
your region
with a local partner or electronically?
Capacity. Will you be able to serve both your contacts in international markets
existing domestic customers and your new leads on worldwide business opportunities
foreign clients? If your domestic demand
increases, will you still be able to look after liaison with Canadian embassies 1
your export customers or vice versa?
export financing and insurance
market information and intelligence
A E-
While there are exceptions to every rule, export ABOUT YOUR FIRM
veterans and trade specialists know that certain
5. Is management committed to sustaining
factors make the ramp-up to international
your export effort?
1 markets easier, faster and less risky. To test your
export-ability, answer the following Yes No
questions and then check your score:
6. Does your firm have a good track record
1. Is your product or service already of meeting deadlines?
Yes No
A. currently in production or being
7. Does management have experience in
1 export markets?
B. at the prototype stage
Yes No
C. at the idea stage only
1 2. Is your product or service selling
8. Does your product or service have a
in the Canadian market?
distinct competitive advantage (quality,
A. selling, and market share is growing price, uniqueness, innovation) over your
1 competition?
B. selling, but market share is low
Yes No
C. selling in only one city in Canada
9. Have you adapted your packaging
1 3. Do you have the surplus production
(labelling and/or promotional materials)
capacity or available specialists to meet
for your target market?
increased demand for your product
or service? Yes No
Yes No 10. Do you have the capacity and resources to
provide after-sales support and service in
4. Do you have the financing required to
your target market?
1 adapt your product or service to suit
your target market and to promote it? Yes No

A. financing is in place 11. Do you have a Free on Board (FOB) or

Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) price list
1 B. financing is being arranged
for your product, or a rate list for your
C. no financing available service?

Yes No

12. Have you undertaken any foreign market
research? If you selected A, or answered Yes
to 12 - 16 questions, congratulations! You
A. completed primary and secondary market understand the commitment, strategies
research, including a visit to the target and resources needed to be a successful
market exporter. At the very least, you have the
B. completed some primary and secondary foundation in place to take on the world
market research and succeed. 1

C. no research 7 - 11: Not bad, but there seem to be areas

of weakness in your export strategy. It may
13. Is your promotional material available in be wise to seek advice and guidance from 1
the language of your target markets? government experts, export consultants or
(Business cards, brochures, web sites) the international trade branch of your
Yes No financial institution.
14. Have you started marketing your product Less than 7: While you may be ready to visit
or service in your target market? faraway lands, you will need to do a little
more homework before you export.
Yes No 1
Take a few minutes to complete the
15. Have you engaged the services of a Take A World View Export Readiness
sales representative/distributor/agent, or Diagnostic Tool, which can be accessed
partnered with a local firm? through the ExportSource web site at 1
exportsource.gc.ca. This tool is designed for
Yes No
exporters of either goods of services, and
16. Have you hired a freight forwarder or is adapted to your intended export market.
customs broker? It consists of nine modules, each focusing 1
on specific areas of a typical business.
Yes No

Source: Adapted with permission from the Department
of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,
Businesswomen in Trade On-line Assessment.


1 I f you were setting off to an unknown

country or territory, you wouldnt want to
leave without a map. You need to know what
With a plan, you lead, not follow. Time and
again, it has been shown that businesses
with a plan do better than those without one.
lies ahead, which direction to take and what And planning is all the more important in
1 is the best route. This is what your overall international trade, which is often more complex
export plan does its your map to a safe and and riskier than domestic business.
profitable journey.
Most financial institutions and other lending
2 With this in mind, this chapter will introduce the agencies will not consider providing funds to a
major elements of an export plan. The chapters business that cannot show a well-developed
that follow cover most of the elements in greater business plan. Indeed, the plan will likely be
detail, allowing you to build the plan as you go. required by others outside of the business at
In addition to outlining the export plan, this various stages, such as potential partners or
section will first review some of the important investors, in order for them to fully understand
points that should be part of your overall business your goals and objectives.
1 plan, which incorporates both domestic and
Western Economic Diversification Canada, in
international activities.
conjunction with Team Canada Inc and other
partners, has designed an excellent on-line
1 system for developing an export plan called the
What will Planning do for You? Interactive Export Planner, which is available
Planning and preparation are essential for through ExportSource at exportsource.gc.ca. Most
1 any business, domestic or commercial banks and financial institutions also
It takes years to international. They set a course offer advice and tools to help you develop your
build a market, but and define a purpose. A sound business plan.
only days to lose it. plan tells you where your The following outline will help you identify the
1 business is going and how it will
C E type of information that should be included in
A W, S get there. It forces you to look at your business plan. Even if you have an existing
L I your companys operations and plan, you should review it against the points
1 re-evaluate the assumptions below to make sure that all of the essential
upon which it is founded, and it helps you elements are addressed and incorporated.
identify weaknesses and strengths in your

Essential Elements of a 5. Competition and Risk Factors
Business Plan 6. Marketing Program
A business plan should contain the following Objectives
Marketing Strategy
1. Introduction (or Executive Summary)
Sales and Distribution
Short description of: Channels It takes patience. You
Business Objectives Customers cant expect to sell 1
products overnight.
Product/Service Staffing You have to plan for the
Market and Customers 7. Management long haul and take the
time to examine the 1
Management Team Founders local culture, find out
Financing Requirements Stock Ownership how things are done
there and adapt. Part of 2
2. Company Description Organization and Personnel the process includes
History and Status Future Key Employees and finding the right local
Staffing partner.
Background and Industry 1
Education and L A
Companys Objectives
A W,
8. Facilities
Companys Strategies T 1
9. Capital Required and Use I
3. Products/Services
of Proceeds
Product/Service Description and
10. Financial Data and Financial Forecasts 1
Assumptions Used
Innovative Features (Patent Coverage)
3 Year Plan
Applications 1
5 Year Plan
11. Appendixes
Product/Service Development
Detailed Management Profiles
Product/Service Introduction Schedule and
Major Milestones References
4. Market (Domestic and/or International) Product Descriptions, Sketches, Photos 1
Market Summary and Industry Overview Recent Literature on Product, Market, etc.
Market Analysis and Forecasts 1
(Source: adapted from Canada-Alberta Business
Industry Trends Service Centre business plan outline)

Initial Product(s) or Service(s) to be

introduced 1

Creating a Successful Export Plan Export Objectives and Goals: In this section,
indicate what you expect to achieve by entering
Now that you have prepared your business plan, an export market. Describe your goals in short
or reviewed and revised an existing plan, its and long time frames, such as one-year and
time to start building your overall export plan. five-year outlooks.
Much of the information youll need for your
export plan can be gathered by working through Your Target Market: This is where you
the remaining chapters of A Step-by-Step Guide demonstrate what youve learned through your
to Exporting. international market research. (See Chapter 3.)
Try to describe the following topics:
Basically, the export plan is a business plan
that focuses on international markets. It target market and industry structure
identifies your target market(s), export goals, buyer analysis and projected demand for your
activities and objectives, necessary resources product or service
and anticipated results.
competition and market shares if known
2 distribution and promotional channels
Essential Elements of an government regulations (trade restrictions,
Export Plan import duties, documentation)
1 An export plan should contain the following
challenges and opportunities identified in
target market
Introduction: This section provides the
1 cultural factors
background for your export plan. It should
summarize the history of your product or Delivery: Indicate how you plan to deliver the
service, the reasons and rationale for introducing product or service to your target market, and
1 it into a foreign market, as well as any required why you feel this is the appropriate choice.
financing and conditions for accepting any (See Chapter 6.)
investments, if applicable.
Marketing Plan: This is a key section of your
1 Domestic Market Performance: If your company export plan, and should include the following
has been operating in the domestic market, elements: (See Chapter 4.)
use this section to describe its performance.
sales strategy
1 You should address:
the company
promotional strategy
the product or service
1 channels of distribution
history of performance
after-sales service
resources (human and financial)
1 tracking methods
organizational structure
domestic marketing strategy

Sales Forecast: Outline your: Financial Statements: Include the previous years
balance sheets and income statements.
monthly forecast for the upcoming year
Financial Forecasts: Include forecasts for income
annual forecast for the next few years
and cash flow.
Production Plan: Provide an assessment of your:
Financing and Capitalization: Address the
physical plant requirements following questions:
machinery and equipment What are your financing needs?
raw materials What financing services will you use
(e.g. government, bank)?
inventory requirements
What means of financing will you use 1
(e.g. letter of credit)?
required personnel Source: Adapted with permission from Western Economic
Diversification Canada, READY FOR EXPORT: Building A
Foundation For A Successful Export Program.
estimate of production costs 2
Risk Assessment: Address the following questions: Internet users can find another excellent
template for export planning on the Canada
How do you expect competitors to react to Business Service Centre-Alberta web site at
your entry into the market? 1
Do you have contingency plans for potential Once youve prepared your export plan, review it
problems? carefully to make sure it includes all possible
Does the political or economic situation in expenses and provides a realistic assessment of the
the market pose any risks? opportunities in your target market.

What are the critical internal and external Your export plan is not a final and static 1
factors in the market that could affect your document. Be prepared to change and amend it
business? as you learn from your exporting experiences.

Implementation and Development: Describe the 1

steps youll take to achieve your export objectives.
Include details on the roles of various parties,
tasks to be undertaken and timing.
Market Performance Evaluation: Describe the
methods youll use to track and measure your
progress in the market. Later, you can amend 1
your export plan and your actions, based on
feedback you receive from each export venture.


1 N ow that you are well on your way to

defining your companys export plan, it is
time to research and select a target market for
For example, research can confirm that an
opportunity in a particular market actually
exists, and can help you understand the markets
your product or service. characteristics. It can also give you insight into
1 Companies start exporting for how a new market can be developed. In this
Focus on your market,
many different reasons, but no way, you can determine what is important to
and research it
matter what your motivation customers and what is likely to influence their
thoroughly. Select your
is, thorough international buying decisions. Research should also reveal
1 distributor and clarify
market research is absolutely the dynamics of the target market, the trends
your expectations with
fundamental. that characterize it, and the forces driving
one another right up front.
those trends.
And most importantly,
be confident. The
demand will be strong What is International
if you have a good Market Research? A
1 product or service and
Simply put, it is the process of
Canada has an gathering the information Have you heard the story of the winery that
excellent reputation for that will help you make sound lost thousands of dollars worth of product by
1 quality and integrity. export marketing decisions. designing red bottling labels? The product,
Canadians are well- Well-executed market research destined for Japan, was an instant failure
liked internationally, will give you an accurate picture
because of the politically-incorrect colour.
and people want to do of the political, economic and Or what about the misadventure of a
1 business with us. cultural factors that will help marketing campaign that was launched by a
The business is there, you determine how to operate leading manufacturer of sports footwear? A
but we have to be more in your target market. television commercial employed a native
1 aggressive in going African tribesman to test out the latest shoe
after it, and once we You may already be aware of an design and provide a comment in his native
find it, we still have to opportunity in a foreign market, language. Unbeknownst to the advertising
close the deal! but need specific information to agency prior to the commercials national
1 C E help you take advantage of it. release was that the tribesmans comment,
A W, S Or maybe you have a target when translated into English, was far from
L I market in mind, and you want complimentary about the shoe he was asked
more detailed knowledge of the to promote! Any cultural or language issues
that could affect the sale of your product or
demand for your product or service. Market
service should be discovered in your market
research will help you understand these needs
research. If not, your export venture could
and opportunities.
1 become a humorous (and unprofitable) story.

Good market research not only saves you time, If you are not fluent in the language,
money and effort, it enhances your potential for you can work through a local partner to
success and reduces the potential risks associated handle linguistic and cultural differences
with your proposed export venture. and challenges.
Type 2 Relationship-based, relatively affluent
economies (e.g. some countries in
Getting Ready to Start Researching South America)
We feel it is critical to
Your market research should include:
Interpersonal understand the culture 1
determination of your objectives for the communication skills, of any new country
target market as well as for the research cultural sensitivity and we move into. You
linguistic fluency are critical must have the ability
selection of a process for gathering 1
for developing a business to accept cultural
relationship with a local differences and work
collection of the necessary information partner. with them.
C E 1
analysis and interpretation of the data Initially, relationships need
A W,
to be developed at a senior
decisions based on the information gathered. A-F P
Your first step is to assess which markets you
Type 3 International Financial 3
want to target. Next, try to narrow your search
Institution (IFI)-funded economies
down to the most promising ones. A more
(e.g. Africa)
detailed study of each of these markets will
Developing or changing economies.
help you prepare for the next step in the export
cycle developing your marketing plan.
Market development takes time.
Source: Adapted with permission from Industry Canada,
Take A World View... Export Your Services (Strategis). Flexibility and political astuteness are 1
MARKET TYPES important.

Choosing one (or several) markets for your It is helpful to have experience working
product or service, and understanding the type with third-party funding organizations 1
of market youve selected, will help you decide (e.g. Canadian International Development
how to best approach it. Generally, most foreign Agency or World Bank).
markets fall into one of the following three Some countries, such as Japan, have 1
market types: characteristics of both market types 1 and 2.
Type 1 Fast-paced, competitive economies Source: Adapted with permission from Industry Canada,
Take A World View...Export Your Services (Strategis).
(e.g. United States,Western Europe) 1
Efficient product and service delivery,
excellent quality assurance and an in-depth
marketing plan are critical to success. 1

The following table might be helpful in summarizing your findings and in comparing three potential
target markets:

Market A Market B Market C

1. Market Type
fast-paced (1)
relationship-based (2)
IFI-funded (3)
2. Political Highlights
government overview
1 whos who
major political themes
relations with Canada, including agreements

3. Economic Highlights
domestic economy
economic trends
1 imports/exports (general)
imports/exports (to/from Canada)

4. Business Information
business practices and regulations
1 differences in legal framework
government procurement practices
work relationships
office hours
5. Partnering Options
Canadian firms doing business in target market
1 major firms from target market doing business
in Canada
options for local partners

Market A Market B Market C

6. Support for Market-Entry Strategies

industry associations
trade events in target market
other networking options
trade media 1
research facilities
market research sources

7. Cultural Considerations
forms of address
dos and donts 3
cultural differences
attitude toward Canadians
general tips
8. Canadian Trade Commissioner Service abroad
market prospect: help to assess your potential
in your target market 1
key contact search: lists of qualified contacts
market reports for some sectors

9. Travel Tips
visa or other requirements
work permits
business support services 1
religious holidays

Source: Adapted with permission from Industry Canada,

Take A World View... Export Your Services (Strategis). 1

Types of Research Once youve completed your secondary research,
move on to the primary research phase. This
There are many ways to begin studying a market. involves collecting market information through
Some companies simply rely on a gut feeling, direct contact with potential customers or other
while others use sophisticated sources. The Canadian trade commissioners at
The internet has techniques such as formal embassies and consulates can help you assess your
become the global statistical modelling of market potential in your target market and provide lists of
traders most valuable trends and saturation points. qualified contacts.
research tool. The more detailed the research,
the less chance there is of Unlike secondary research, primary research
overlooking something requires a considerable amount of personal
important. Essentially, however, involvement through interviews and consultations.
1 there are two main types of market research: When asking for information from foreign or
secondary and primary. domestic contacts, communicate your companys
objectives at the outset, and present your
Your secondary research begins here in Canada, questions clearly and concisely.
1 and consists primarily of using data from other
sources, such as periodicals, studies, market The following suggestions will help you avoid
reports, books, surveys and statistical analyses. confusion when requesting such information:
Many of these are available through Team Canada Company Description: Give a brief two- or three-
Inc, as well as through chambers of commerce, paragraph description of your company, its
economic development organizations, industry history, industries/markets served, professional
and trade associations, and Canadian companies affiliations (if any), and your product or service.
1 that are already doing business in your target
market. Objectives: Briefly list or describe one or more
objectives for your planned export product or
service, based on your secondary market research.
Product or Service: Clearly describe the product
O- R
or service you want to export.
ExportSource is one of the best on-line
1 sources for this type of information. It links Questions: Base your questions on your secondary
to all major Canadian market information research, and be as specific as possible. Contacts
web sites, and provides information on are more likely to take the time to answer your
government and private sector services, questions if its clear that you have already
market and sector information, and researched the subject matter.
everything from trade statistics, to trade
leads, to potential partners.
1 exportsource.gc.ca

A S-- A M R
Step 1 Screen Potential Markets

Collect statistics that show product or service exports specific to your sector to various countries.
Identify five to ten large and fast-growing markets for your product or service. Look at them over the
past three to five years. Has market growth been consistent year to year? Did import growth occur even
during periods of economic recession? If not, did growth resume with economic recovery?

Select some smaller emerging markets that may hold ground-floor opportunities for your product or
service. If the market is just beginning to open up, there may be fewer competitors than in more
established markets.
Target three to five of the most promising markets for further study.
Step 2 Assess Target Markets

Examine trends that could influence demand for your product or service. Calculate the overall 1
consumption and the amount imported.

Study the competition, including the extent of domestic production and the major foreign countries you
will be competing against in each target market. Also look at each competitors Canadian market share. 3
Analyse the factors affecting marketing and the use of the product or service in each market, such as
channels of distribution, cultural differences and business practices.
Identify any foreign barriers (tariff or non-tariff) for the product or service being imported into the
country, as well as any Canadian barriers (such as export controls) affecting exports to the country.

Search for Canadian or foreign government incentives to promote the export of the product or service.
Step 3 Draw Conclusions

After analysing the data, you may decide that your marketing resources would be more effectively
used in a few countries. In general, new-to-exporting companies should concentrate on fewer than 1
ten markets; one or two countries are usually enough to start with.

Source: Adapted with permission from Western Economic Diversification Canada, READY FOR EXPORT: Building A Foundation
For A Successful Export Program.


1 Y our international customers may have

different tastes and needs than your domestic
customers. Creating a marketing plan based on
Promotion: How will you make your
customers aware of your product or service?
Place: How and where will you deliver or
these specific needs will help you to become a
distribute your product or service?
1 market-driven global organization.
In international trade, several other factors should
A good marketing plan should answer the
be examined and included in your marketing
following questions:
formula, resulting in the 13 Ps of International
What are the characteristics of your target Marketing. Those factors are:
Payment: How complex are international
What is your competitors approach to transactions?
the market?
Personnel: Do staff have the necessary skills?
What is the best promotional strategy to use?
Planning: Have you planned your business,
4 How do you need to modify your existing market, account, and sales calls?
marketing materials, or even your product
Paperwork: Have you completed all of the
or service?
required documentation?
Practices: Have you considered differences in
What is Marketing? cultural and business practices?

1 Marketing should not be confused with Partnerships: Have you selected a partner to
advertising, sales or promotion. In fact, marketing create a stronger market presence?
is the strategy that drives all of these processes to Policies: What are your current and planned
effectively communicate your message to the policies?
target audience.
Positioning: How will you be perceived in
The Four Ps of Marketing, commonly referred the market?
to as the marketing formula, include:
1 Protection: Have you assessed the risks and
Product: What is your product or service and taken steps to protect your company and its
must it be adapted to the market? intellectual property?
1 Price: What pricing strategy will you use?
Source: Forum for International Trade Training, Going

Building your Marketing Plan Competitive Analysis: Analyse the competitiveness
of your product or service. This will help you to
Because marketing is an ongoing activity, your effectively position it in your target market, and
marketing plan is a work in progress it must be to decide on pricing and marketing options.
continuously revisited, revised and modified.
Consider the following questions when building Goals: State your objectives in terms of market
your marketing plan: share, revenue and profit expectations. Indicate
the position you would like to occupy in the
What is the nature of your industry? target market, and explain how you will go about
Who are your target customers? achieving it.

What is your companys marketing strategy? Marketing Strategy: Describe

your marketing strategy,
What products or services do you plan Treat all markets 1
including information on
to market? differently. Dont
specific product or service
assume that because
How will you price your products and services? pricing recommendations,
youre successful in one,
mode of delivery, and proposed 1
Which segment of the market will you focus on? youll be successful in
promotional methods.
another. There are
Does your marketing material accurately Implementation: List the cultural differences
convey the quality of your products or services activities youll undertake to out there that you 1
and the professionalism of your company? implement your marketing need to respect.
Where are your potential clients? plan, indicating target dates C E
and who will perform the A W,
A good marketing plan should contain the activities. Prepare a detailed I
following elements: marketing budget. T P
Executive Overview: State the purpose of your S
Evaluation: Design a method of
marketing plan. Provide an overview of your 1
evaluating your marketing plan at various
objectives, and how the plan will be used in your intervals to determine if your goals are being
exporting strategy. achieved and what, if any, modifications may
Product or Service Analysis: Give a clear be needed. 1
description of your export product or service, Summary: Include a half-page summary of your
its unique selling points and how marketable marketing plans goals, describing how they fit
it might be internationally. In other words, into your overall export plan. 1
demonstrate that your core competency is
Market Analysis: Describe your target market in 1
terms of size and trends. Include key economic,
social, political and cultural considerations, a
profile of your target customer, buying patterns
and factors influencing purchasing decisions.

Determining your Price In addition to the costs of production, overhead
and research and development, other specific
Strategic pricing is key to successful marketing. export related expenses must be taken into
As in domestic markets, the price of your product account, such as:
or service determines your
profit margin. Take into account market research and credit checks
In the beginning, trade
commissioners helped us all of the variables that may business travel
with distributors. Now affect price.
international postage, cable and telephone
that we are established, In setting a realistic export price, rates
we lean on their shoulders examine production and delivery
for advice Posts really costs, as well as factors in your translation
help us to understand target market. Proper pricing commissions, training charges, and other
1 the country and how to takes into account costs, market costs involving foreign representatives
do business there. demand and competition.
E Determining the real cost of consultants and freight forwarders
1 producing a product or product or service modification and special
providing a service, then bringing it to market, is packaging.
probably the most important factor in assessing
the financial viability of your export venture.

4 G S M C
The following table outlines some of the basic differences between marketing techniques for exporting
services versus exporting goods.


1 Demonstrations Sample product Presentation of capabilities
Initial marketing by Sales representatives Firms principals
Stages of marketing Marketing your product Marketing your firm AND your service
Local market presence Sales/distribution facility Office or virtual office in target market
Cultural factors Product design and packaging Interpersonal dynamics
Local associations Distributors, marketers Service industry
Local events Trade shows Conferences (as speaker)

1 Media Product advertising Press coverage

Local partners Production/distribution firms Other service firms
Government procurement Goods acquisition Services contracts

As in domestic markets, demand in foreign How will each market affect your pricing?
markets can affect your price. In other words, Product or service modifications, shipping,
what will the market bear? insurance, exchange rate fluctuations and border
tariffs need to be factored into your price. And
For most consumer goods, per-capita income is a
you cant ignore your competitors pricing
fairly good way to gauge a markets ability to pay.
Per-capita income for most industrialized nations
is similar to that of the United States, while it is Include your market objectives
much lower for the rest of the world. Some when setting your price. Are you Start by networking
products/services may create such a strong attempting to penetrate a new in Canada. Talk to or
demand that even low per-capita income will not market? Looking for long-term meet with experienced
affect their selling price. Generally, however, market growth? Pursuing an exporters that do 1
simplifying the products or services to reduce the outlet for surplus production business in your target
selling price may be the best option in these types products? Needing to price country. Their
of markets. your first service contract knowledge and experience
can help you avoid 1
competitively in order to
Also keep in mind that currency valuations alter common pitfalls or costly
establish credibility?
the affordability of goods. Your pricing should try ventures. They can
to accommodate currency fluctuations and the You may have to tailor your give you a feel for how 1
comparative value of the Canadian dollar. marketing and pricing objectives business is done in that
to certain markets. For example, country and explain the
pricing strategies for developing cultural nuances that
In domestic markets, few companies are free to nations, where per-capita income 4
you must be aware of.
set prices without considering their competitors may be low, will likely differ from E,
pricing policies. This is also true in exporting. your objectives for high per- C
capita markets such as Europe or I 1
If a foreign market is serviced by many
the United States.
competitors, you may have little choice but to
match the going price, or go below it, to win a Several pricing strategies are available:
share of the market. If your product or service is 1
Static Pricing: charging the same price to all
new to a market, you may, however, be able to set
a higher price.
Flexible Pricing: adjusting prices for different
types of customers.
Full Cost-Based Pricing: covering both fixed
and variable costs of the export sale. 1

The following guide will help you determine your costs and develop your pricing strategy:

Category Detailed Items Costs Timing

Marketing and agent/distributor fees

Promotion advertising, media relations
materials (brochures, business cards)
trade fairs and exhibitions
Production unit cost of manufacture
product or service modification
Preparation labelling
1 marking

Documentation inspection
4 document preparation
cargo insurance
freight forwarders fees

1 Transportation lading and related charges

warehousing and storage
Customs customs and others duties at
port of entry
1 customs brokerage fees

Financing Costs of financing

interest charges
1 exchange rate fluctuations
export credit insurance

1 Source: Forum for International Trade Training, Going Global

Marginal Cost: covering only the variable Advertising: Carefully select the media
costs of production and exporting, while television, radio, newspapers and magazines
overhead and other fixed costs are paid out that have a good circulation within your target
of domestic sales. audience. For example, advertising on television
may not be a good idea in a country like India,
Penetration Pricing: keeping your price low
where televisions are scarce, but where radio
to attract more customers, discourage
is very popular. Identify local or international
competitors and gain quick market share.
publications or TV/radio stations that have
Market Skimming: pricing the product high a good circulation or audience with your target
to make optimum profit, among high-end customers.
consumers, while there is little competition.
Promotional Materials: An eye-catching,
After determining your costs and selecting professionally designed brochure 1
an appropriate pricing strategy, establish a can be extremely effective, and In , we earned
competitive price for your product or service can be used almost anywhere. per cent of our
that gives you an acceptable profit margin. You may need to redesign your revenues from one
marketing materials, being United States-based
careful to use simple and clear customer. This was a
Promotion language, and avoiding North high-risk situation so
American fads that foreign buyers we started building a 1
Promotion refers to all of the communications may not understand. Pictures or local and regional
tools used to let consumers know about your graphics, for example, can often presence to target export
product or service, and to convince them to buy tell a story much better than opportunities. We
it. This is your most visible marketing activity. words can. Package design itself 4
did this with the
In fact, well-planned promotional strategies may also be an issue certain help of a number of
can make or break your chances of success. colours, pictures or symbols used well-positioned
You should know the distinct characteristics of in Canada may be inappropriate 1
strategic partners.
each market. or offensive to some cultures. C E
Be careful with your name or corporate image. Your promotional materials A W,
Stories abound of large and small companies alike should be translated into the I T 1
launching products in other countries only to markets language. In many parts I
discover that their brand name, logo or marketing of the world, however, English is common in
materials convey negative or inappropriate business, even when its not the native language.
connotations in the local language or culture. 1
If translation is required, hire a professional
So do your best to ensure that materials are translator with experience in commercial
sensitive to local tastes and consumer preferences. and business materials. Its also a good idea
to have a native of the country review your 1
translated materials.

Your promotional materials reflect your companys professionalism. In many countries, first impressions are
often lasting impressions.

The following table will help you make the most of your marketing tools:

Marketing tool Desired impression Yours should be...

Business cards High quality and professional easy to read

in the appropriate language
consistent throughout your firm
distinctive and informative
up-to-date and complete, including
area codes, country, telephone and
fax numbers, postal code, e-mail
and web site addresses
1 Brochures Creative and appealing easy to read and informative,
highlighting your uniqueness
professionally designed and printed
visually pleasing
Customer testimonials Your company is highly recommended representing your best customers
from top executives
included in your brochure
4 News articles Your company is a recognized leader quoted in your brochure
reproduced on your letterhead
displayed in your office
sent to potential clients
Videos Sophisticated and interesting professionally produced
oriented to the quality and
benefits of your product or service
clear and concise
easily available

Web site Comprehensive and informative professionally designed

1 visually pleasing
up to date
equipped with e-mail response
offering on-line purchasing
1 (if appropriate)

Source: Adapted with permission from Industry Canada, Take A World View...Export Your Services (Strategis).

Direct Mail: A targeted direct mail campaign can Personal Visits: Personal contact with potential
also be very effective. Research and experience in clients is perhaps the best means of promotion.
your target market will allow you to build a base Many cultures value personal contact in their
of potential buyers and clients to whom you can business relationships, and attention to cultural
direct your companys message. Include news issues often impresses foreign
about your company, such as a new product or business contacts. Our companys
service or a successful project bid, to introduce international success is
Trade Shows: Attending or
your campaign. directly related to our
participating in international
Media: Publicity is a good way to establish trade shows is an excellent way to commitment to
awareness, profile and credibility. Using the promote your product or service. cultivating distribution
media wisely can be highly economical and As well, it allows you to check agreements in key
profitable. Prepare a media kit that introduces out the competition and conduct markets. Last year, we
broke into Europe in
your company, new products/services or market research. If it is difficult
newsworthy activities, and include copies of any for your company to take a big way, selling
articles published about your company. part in a trade event, consider over million
teaming up with other Canadian through major French 1
companies, or joining a federal do-it-yourself chains
or provincial group delegation and Belgian, Swiss,
or exhibit. German and Austrian
distributors. As a
result of these contracts,
we now have per
cent of the market 4
in France.
A W, S 1


Entry Strategies
B y now, you have likely confirmed that the
timing is right for you to start gearing up to
export you have researched one or more
Based on your market research, you should have a
good idea of a number of markets that hold
potential export markets and you have developed
1 promise for your product or service. From what
a marketing plan. Choosing a market entry
you know about these markets, you should now
strategy is your next key step.
decide which method of entry best suits your
Successful exporting depends on many factors. If needs.
1 you are a manufacturer, you need an effective way
to deliver your goods to your target market and
to distribute them. This may involve using How is business conducted in your target
1 intermediaries, direct selling or partnering. If you market and industry sector?
plan to export services, you need
What are your companys export strengths
a mechanism to help you secure
Its very important for and weaknesses ?
and manage contracts in the
1 new exporters to go to a
market, which usually calls for What is your companys financial capacity?
target market personally
some form of local presence.
and get a feel for local What product or service are you planning
conditions. Its also Identifying the characteristics to export?
5 and regulations of your target
important to partner
How much service and after-sales support
with someone whos market will help you decide
will your customers require?
familiar with the local which entry strategy to pursue.
1 business culture. For example, in relatively What trade agreements or barriers (tariffs,
E, accessible markets such as the regulations, policies) apply to your target
S I United States, direct selling market?
may be a viable option. For
1 The traditional means of market entry can be
other markets with cultural differences, complex
grouped into three broad categories: direct exports,
local business practices and unfamiliar legal
indirect exports and partnering/alliances. However,
environments, it may be better to find a
1 international trade includes a number of other
local partner.
market-entry mechanisms, such as investments,
joint ventures and licensing agreements.

For products, market and sell directly to Choosing the right market is only the first step.
the client. With this in mind, one idea is to seek out a
strong local agent or partner in your target
For services, negotiate, contract and work
market. While many small business owners are
with the client.
tempted to jump on a plane and start knocking
Selling directly to foreign customers may give on doors, a local agent can save you an enormous
a higher return on your investment than amount of time and money.
selling through an agent or distributor. It may
An agent secures orders from foreign customers in
also mean lower prices. Direct selling lets you
exchange for a commission. A representative is a
have contact with your customers, but it also
specialized agent who generally
has its disadvantages. Since you dont have the 1
operates within a specific Your agents in the
services of a foreign intermediary, it may take you
geographic area and who sells international arena
longer to become familiar with the market. As
related lines of goods or services. are the face of your
well, your customers or clients may take longer to
get to know you, which is often an important Both agents and representatives company locally. We 1
consideration when doing business internationally. may be authorized to enter into choose our people
contractual sales agreements carefully, train them
INDIRECT EXPORTS well, and then we trust
with foreign customers on your 1
For products, market and sell to an behalf. They are usually paid a them to represent our
intermediary, (e.g. foreign distributor, commission only when they business wisely.
domestic trading house). You can also sell your product or service. C E

retain a foreign agent or representative A W, 1

An agreement with a foreign A
who does not directly purchase the goods.
agent or representative A- P
For services, negotiate and contract with a immediately gives you a presence
foreign intermediary who, in turn, negotiates in your target market. This is normally less costly
and contracts on your behalf. than setting up your own direct sales operation,
and allows your representative to make more
For many new exporters, using an intermediary
frequent sales calls. It also gives you control over 1
may very well be the best way to enter a market.
the product or service and its price an
important advantage.
A good foreign agent or representative can help 1
in many ways by researching markets, advising
on financing and transportation options, clearing
customs, providing access to potential customers, 1
making collections, and supplying information
on local business practices, legal rules and
cultural traditions.

S F A Are they compatible with yours?
D Does it represent any other Canadian firms?
If so, which ones?
This checklist should be tailored to your own Would there be any conflict of interest?
companys specific needs, as key factors may Would it be willing to alter its present
vary with the products, services and countries product or service mix to accommodate
involved. Answering these questions will help yours, if necessary?
you determine if prospective agents or What would be the minimum sales volume
distributors meet your needs. needed to justify handling your lines? Do
its sales projections reflect this minimum
Size of Sales Force figure? From what you know of the territory
How many field sales personnel does the and the prospective agent or distributor, is
1 agent or distributor have? its projection realistic?
What are its short- and long-range
expansion plans, if any? Facilities and Equipment
Will it have to expand to accommodate your Does it have adequate warehouse facilities?
1 What is its method of stock control?
needs properly? If so, would it do so?
Does it use computers? Are they compatible
Sales Record with yours?
Has its sales growth been consistent? If not, What communications facilities does it have
1 why not? Try to determine its sales volume (e.g. fax, e-mail)?
over the past five years. If servicing is required, is it equipped and
What are its sales objectives for the next qualified to do so? If not, is it willing to
1 year? How were they determined? acquire equipment and arrange for training?
Territorial Analysis If so, to what extent will you have to share
What territory does it now cover? these additional costs?
Is it consistent with the coverage youre If necessary, would it be willing to inventory
5 repair parts and replacement items?
looking for? If not, is it willing and able
to expand? Marketing Policies
Does it have any branch offices in the How is its sales staff compensated?
1 territory you wish to cover? If so, are Does it have special incentive or motivation
they located where your sales prospects programs?
are greatest? Does it use product managers to coordinate
Does it plan to open additional offices? sales efforts for specific lines?
Product or Service Mix How does it monitor sales performance?
How many product or service lines does How does it train its sales staff?
it represent?

Would it be willing to share expenses for Unlike agents, distributors actually purchase
sales personnel to attend seminars?
your product or service and resell it to local
Customer Profile customers. Often, they set the selling price,
What types of customers is it currently in provide buyer financing, and look after warranty
contact with? and service needs.
Are its interests compatible with your lines?
Who are its key accounts? An added bonus is that the distributor can
What percentage of its total gross receipts usually provide after-sales service in the foreign
do these accounts represent? market. On the other hand, using a foreign
distributor may reduce your profit margins and
Principals Represented
result in a loss of control over your product
How many principals does it currently 1
and/or price.
Would you be its primary supplier? SELECTING AN AGENT OR DISTRIBUTOR
If not, what percentage of its total business
would you represent? How does this Many avenues are available to help you select a 1
percentage compare with other suppliers? suitable foreign agent or distributor. Canadian
trade offices abroad, trade associations, business
Promotional Thrust
councils and banks are useful sources of
Can it help you research market information? 1
information. Talking with other Canadian
What types of media does it use, if any, to
promote sales?
exporters or potential foreign customers can help
How much of its budget is allocated to you identify prospective agents or distributors.
advertising? How is it distributed? Once youve developed a list of candidates to sell 1
Would you be expected to share
or distribute your product or service, you should
promotional costs? If so, how will this
visit the market to meet with potential agents or
amount be determined?
If it uses direct mail, how many prospects
distributors. Talk to several firms, and check 5
are on its mailing list?
their references to make sure they are reputable.
What printed material does it use to You can also protect yourself by entering into a
describe its company and the lines it limited-term trial agreement if the foreign
represents? intermediary does not meet your expectations,
If necessary, can it translate your advertising you can find an alternative once the trial period
copy? is over.
Does it have its own web site? 1
Source: Adapted with permission from Western
Economic Diversification Canada, READY FOR EXPORT:
Building A Foundation For A Successful Export

TRADING HOUSES a partnership extends each partys
capabilities into new areas; ideas and
Trading houses are domestic intermediaries
resources can be pooled to help both
that market your goods or services abroad. A
sides keep pace with change
full-service trading house handles a great many
aspects of exporting, such as conducting market several markets can be approached
research, arranging transportation, appointing simultaneously
distributors or agents, exhibiting at trade fairs,
a partnership can provide technology,
and preparing advertising and documentation.
capital or market access that you might not
Some act as principals or export merchants, be able to afford on your own.
buying products outright from Canadian
Strategic alliances can also be very profitable.
suppliers, while others act as agents, selling
1 One of the easiest ways to export is to look at a
on commission. Some also specialize in
company that has a complementary product
specific industry sectors, such as agri-food or
or service. You may be able to form a strategic
telecommunications, while others focus on
alliance, which is less costly for you because you
1 particular foreign markets.
can use another companys distribution and
New exporters often use trading marketing expertise.
Form marketing houses because they dont
alliances with trusted Three basic steps are involved in developing a
1 want to sell directly to foreign
companies. When they partnership strategy:
customers or go through the
recommend us to their process of finding a foreign agent deciding whether or not partnership is
customers, that goes a or distributor. appropriate for you
1 long way to building
credibility for us. PARTNERSHIPS AND ALLIANCES defining the form and structure that best
C E suits your needs
Another option is to develop
A W,
5 some form of partnership at finding a partner that meets your criteria
I home or abroad. There are many and complements your strengths and offsets
T I advantages associated with this your weaknesses.
type of arrangement. For example, a good partner
1 Before investing time and money in finding a
can complement your capabilities and provide the
partner, make sure that it makes sense for your
expertise, insights and contacts that may make
company. If your needs can be satisfied in-house,
the difference between success and failure.
1 a partner may not be necessary. If the problem is
A well-structured partnership benefits both financial, you may be better off looking for
parties in the following ways: investors. But, if after evaluating these options,
something is still missing special expertise, local
1 each company focuses on what it does
market presence then you should take a closer
and knows best
look at partnership options.
partners share the risk

If you are confident that a partnership would prior to leaving Canada. Canadian citizens who
benefit your company, the next step is to define have worked abroad for an extended period must
its form, structure and objectives. Start by also be aware of their responsibilities upon
evaluating your companys goals and its ability to returning to Canada, particularly those relating
achieve them. Then, outline what you expect to taxation of foreign income. The Department
from the partnership. of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
publishes a guide called Working Abroad:
Once youve decided on the type of partnership
Unravelling the Maze that will assist service
that best meets your needs, look for the right
exporters in becoming aware of all of these issues
partner one that complements and strengthens
(also available on their web site at www.dfait-
your capabilities, and that will work well with
your company.
Putting the Entry Strategy to Work
The evolution of globalization and the one
world approach to business has been accelerated Your entry strategy is an important part of both
with the advent of electronic commerce, or your marketing plan and your overall export 1
e-commerce. It is now possible for more and more plan. Putting it in place is just as important as
companies to use the Internet to access their choosing the right one.
foreign customers by means of online marketing, Whether you choose direct selling, indirect 1
automated ordering and payment systems, selling or partnering to enter your target market,
supply-chain management networks, Internet all strategies are based on relationships. At the
telephony, and even virtual offices within the heart of any business venture are people. While
target market. For more information on how 1
this fact is important in business generally, in
e-commerce may be a market entry solution international trade it is emphasized by differences
for your company, visit the Task Force on in culture and business practices. Successful
Electronic Commerce on the Industry Canada market entry depends on finding the right 5
web site at e-com.ic.gc.ca where you will buyers, agents, distributors and partners in your
find information and links to many different target market.
e-commerce resources.
The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service 1
abroad can provide you with lists of qualified
contacts in your target market. These sources have
Working Abroad the local knowledge you need to refine and 1
Individuals or firms who are providing services in implement your market entry strategy. The lists
other countries should be fully aware of the can include: potential buyers, partners; agents,
personal and business issues involved in working manufacturers representatives; distributors,
outside of Canada. Since the most valuable asset importers; consultants, accountants; government 1
in this circumstance is the well-being of the officials; associations, chambers of commerce;
service provider, exporters of services can prepare freight forwarders; lawyers and patent attorneys;
for problems that may arise concerning health, technology sources; financial institutions. 1
finances, taxation, foreigners rights, and more,


Transporting and Delivering

T o sell your goods and services in Canada,
you must comply with a variety of
regulations. The same is true in foreign markets
your Product or Service
and invariably, the regulations are different. This Getting your product from where you are to
1 means that your goods and services may have to your customers doorstep is often as important
meet certain safety and quality standards, health as the product itself. Determining the best
and environmental regulations, and packaging mode of transportation, delivering on time and
requirements. For service exporters, it may also setting up customer service are all vital elements
1 of successful exporting.
mean acquiring professional accreditation.
1 One of the most common forms that exporters of A number of documents are required for moving
goods should be aware of is the Canada Customs products to foreign countries, including those
and Revenue Agency form B13A Export Declaration. for shipping, transportation, tracking, customs
This form, along with the appropriate permits clearance, delivery and receipt.
and licenses, must be prepared by exporters prior There are four options available for getting your
to exporting to all non-U.S. destinations. For goods to foreign customers. Often, more than
more details on mandatory reporting of exports, one mode of transportation is used for any given
1 contact your local Canada Customs and Revenue export shipment.
Agency office to obtain guide RC4116 Exporting
Goods from Canada. As an alternative to filling Truck: Trucking is popular for shipments within
6 out form B13A, exporters may wish to submit it North America. Even when shipping goods
electronically by using the Canadian Automated overseas, trucking is often used to deliver the
Export Declaration software available from the product to its final destination. The quality of
Statistics Canada web site www.statcan.ca available trucking services declines, however, once
1 you go beyond the major industrialized countries.
Rail: This is another common option, especially
The first step in logistics planning is to determine when shipping to the United States. Rail is also
1 whether you need an export permit, which is required widely used when shipping to seaports for
when the destination is a country on the Area transport abroad, and from seaports to a final
Control List (a list of countries to which any export, destination.
1 except humanitarian items, requires an export
permit) or when the goods are on the Export Control Air: International air freight is expanding rapidly.
List (a list of goods and technologies that require Regular service to U.S. and overseas destinations
export permits to be exported from Canada, is readily available from major Canadian airports.
1 pursuant to the Export and Import Permits Act). Not all destinations are covered, however, and
There are two types of permits: a General Export special charters may be required for more exotic
Permit and an Individual Export Permit. markets. Shipping by air is more expensive than

surface or sea transport, but the higher costs may existence of a reliable infrastructure of
be offset by faster delivery, lower insurance and computers, faxes and modems
warehousing costs, and better inventory control.
frequency and convenience of air links
Ocean: Exports of goods to offshore markets is between Canada and the market
most often transported by ocean carriers.
technological sophistication, receptivity and
Shipping large items, bulk commodities and
flexibility of customers
goods that do not require fast delivery is more
economical by sea. potential support through official channels,
government departments and international
development agencies
Freight Forwarders can guide you through the
ability to satisfy legal regulations governing
extensive paperwork involved in international 1
work permits or professional certification.
trade, and help you improve your delivery times
and customer service. A good freight forwarder Services can be delivered using different modalities.
can also help you clarify conditions on the letter
Provider Visits Client 1
of credit with your customer and bank.
This is the service delivery modality that is
There are freight forwarders for both air and most easily recognized as an export activity.
ocean shipments. Many also specialize in You will probably need to meet the client
arranging shipments to certain countries, repeatedly, often at the site. 1
while others concentrate on particular types
Client Visits Provider
of products.
The classic example, and a very important
Freight forwarders negotiate rates with shipping income earner for Canada, is tourism. Every
lines, airlines, trucking companies, customs year thousands of Canadians earn good
brokers and insurance firms on your behalf. income by meeting the needs of visitors who
You can choose how involved you want to be in pay for services with earnings generated in 1
this process. A freight forwarder can provide a countries around the world.
comprehensive service that takes care of all
Establishment in the Market
of your logistical requirements, or can simply
In general this modality is more likely to be 6
negotiate a rate with a shipping line.
used by large firms, but it is important to any
Customs Brokers will clear your goods through firm that wishes to become a major player in
customs, prepare customs documentation, and any market. Legal firms, accountants, and 1
remit duties owing on exported goods. They are major banks are examples of businesses that
also good sources of information on recent tariff have established a presence in numerous
changes and other customs-related developments. foreign markets.
Remote delivery has expanded dramatically
The challenges associated with delivering services
with the availability of modern communications
to a foreign market are no less complex, albeit 1
technology, such as the Internet. Some
quite different from those in exporting products.
examples are the increasing use of electronic
Delivering services often depends on such factors
commerce, or medical diagnosis and
in your target market as:
treatment for remote locations. 1
extent and reliability of telecommunications
More information on exporting services is available
by visiting Take a World View at strategis.ic.gc.ca/twv.

Packing, Marking and Labelling Labelling, packaging or advertising restrictions
should be taken seriously. For example, your
Take special care in packing, marking and product may not clear customs if labels dont
labelling your products for export. They often conform to local requirements, such as the
travel long distances and are transferred from one countrys official language, product weight, fibre
mode of transportation to another. They should content, ingredients, electrical or other technical
be protected from damage or theft and clearly standards.
marked so they are not lost in transit.
Marking distinguishes your goods from those of
When packing your goods, take into account other shippers. Marks shown on the shipping
their final destination and the transportation container must conform to those on the
infrastructure in both transit and target markets. commercial invoice/bill of lading, and may
Often, goods shipped overseas are handled include some or all of the following items:
roughly due to poor roads and repeated loading
and unloading from sea, to rail and to road. the buyers name or some other form of
agreed identification
Ensure that your goods are properly labelled.
1 the point/port of entry into the importing
Markings on containers must identify the buyer,
the port of entry, gross and net weights, the country
country of origin, and any cautions. A packing the gross and net weight of the product in
1 list identifying the contents of each container kilograms and pounds
must also be included, and all markings must
agree with those on the bill of lading (or other identification of the country of origin,
shipment documents). e.g. Made in Canada
Consider the following factors when selecting the number of packages
your packing method: appropriate warning/cautionary markings
1 Adverse weather conditions and extreme a packing list, plus one copy in each
temperatures may occur in transit. Certain container, itemizing the contents.
types of goods may require special tempera-
6 ture controls or other protective measures
during transit, handling, or storage. Export Documentation
The type of carrier in which products are Export documentation identifies the goods and
1 to be shipped may determine the kind of the terms of sale, provides title to the goods and
packing you should use. For example, if evidence of insurance coverage, and certifies that
the goods are carried by ship, you need to the goods are of a certain quality or standard.
know whether they will be placed above or
1 A number of documents are required for overseas
below deck.
shipping, which generally fall into two categories.
At port and handling facilities, as well as
during transit, cargo may be handled roughly
and should be packed with extra care.
Proper packing can reduce the risk of theft
during transit.

SHIPPING DOCUMENTS Other collection documents include certificates of
origin, certificates of inspection, and import and
Shipping documents are prepared by you or your
export licences, which are supplied as required. For
freight forwarder, and allow the shipment to pass
example, a NAFTA certificate of origin is used to
through customs, to be loaded onto a carrier, and
secure duty-free, or lower duty rate, entry into the
be transported to the destination. Key shipping
United States and Mexico for Canadian exports.
documents include:
Also, certificates of inspection are used to ensure
commercial invoice that goods are free from defect.
special packing or marking list Insurance
certificate of origin Generally, cargo insurance is more important in
certificate of insurance international transportation than in domestic
transportation. International carriers assume only 1
bill of lading limited liability for goods when shipping by air or
A bill of lading is used for ocean freight; an air sea. Terms of sale often make the seller responsible
waybill is used for air freight; and rail and truck for the goods up to the point of delivery to the 1
bills of lading are used for land freight. The ocean foreign buyer. For this reason, transportation
bill of lading can be a negotiable instrument that insurance is absolutely essential, particularly for
passes title to the goods. This is unlike the other overseas exports.
types, which are straight bills of lading that Marine transportation insurance protects both
pass title to the consignee as soon as the goods ocean- and air-bound cargo, and also covers
are delivered. connecting land transportation, of which there
An insurance document is also required, are three main types:
particularly for international shipments, given the Free of Particular Average (FPA) is the
risks of damage or loss during transit. Goods narrowest type of coverage. Total losses are
shipped by sea are typically insured for 110% of covered, as well as partial losses at sea if the
their value, to compensate for the extra costs vessel sinks, burns or is stranded.
involved in replacing lost goods.
With Average (WA) offers greater protection 6
COLLECTION DOCUMENTS from partial losses at sea.
Probably the most important collection document All Risk is the most comprehensive,
is the commercial invoice, which describes the protecting against all physical loss or damage 1
goods in detail and lists the amount owing by the from external causes.
foreign buyer. This form is also used for customs
records, and must include the date of issue, In international transportation, it is important to
the names and addresses of the buyer and seller, remember that once the documents transferring 1
the contract or invoice number, a description title are delivered to the foreign buyer, you are no
of the goods, the unit price, the total weight longer liable for the goods.
and number of packages, shipping marks and 1
numbers, and the terms of delivery and payment.


There are, however, a great many financing

Y ouve got a great product or service, a market
entry strategy, and youre eager to land your
first sale. But wait! What about financing? How
options that can minimize your risks and give
you a competitive edge in world markets. Many
can you ensure that your foreign customers will new exporters are unaware that they may be able
1 make good on their purchases? What will you do to offer their foreign customers competitive loans
if a customer asks you for financing? or financing terms through such Team Canada
Inc members as the Export Development
You may think that talking Corporation (EDC).
1 Research on the about financing before youve
intricacies of each made your first sale is like Export Finance Planning
foreign culture is crucial, putting the cart before the horse, While stories abound of small firms turning
1 and its important to be but knowing your export finance into successful exporters overnight, most export
diplomatic, especially options can be critical. success stories involve sustained effort over
when securing payment
Imagine that you have just relatively long periods of time. Maintaining this
for overseas sales.
1 received a huge overseas order effort requires financial stability and strength.
Demanding payment
for your product or service. Successful exporting often calls for the financial
up-front can be a
Suddenly, you need more stability that comes from established domestic
terrible insult in some
production capacity and sales or other sources that give you a reliable
1 cultures. Yet, its
financing to fill the order. When cash flow.
important to be paid,
especially since exporters it comes to paying for the sale, A secure cash flow or cash budget is absolutely
usually need to make a the buyer will likely want a essential to fund your export drive. Exporting can
1 sizable investment to get 30-, 60-, 90-day, or even longer be costly. Remember, even though Canada is one
their products into payment plan. And what if the of the least expensive countries in the world in
offshore markets. buyer defaults, or goes out of which to do business, the costs of exporting can
business before paying? For
7 E add up. A secure cash flow can help to support
many new or smaller exporters, your export activities during the time it takes to
self-financing a growing export business can build income and eventually achieve profitability.
be very risky.

A financial plan that covers the various costs and You need to know the timing of both cash inflows
demands of exporting is key. This should include and outflows. Youll have a hard time arranging
a cash budget to cover your export activities for the right financing if you dont have a thorough
the first two or three years. This will highlight financial projection, or if you dont know when
your financing requirements, so you can better the project will begin to show a profit.
plan how to finance your activities.
Cash flow is important in domestic business, but
Your financial plan should also include a longer- even more crucial to international trade payments
term cost-benefit assessment of your export on transactions which are usually more delayed
objectives, commonly referred to as a capital than domestic transactions. Ensuring that your
budget. Essentially, this provides you with an company has sufficient cash or operating lines of
operating plan against which actual expenditures credit should be your principal objective in your
and revenues are measured. financial plan. Cash flow planning can help you 1
defend against such problems as:
Both the cash budget and the capital budget can
help you navigate your firm through the financial exchange rate fluctuations
waters of exporting. The cash budget helps you 1
transmission delays
determine the timing and amount of your cash
expenditures. The capital budget gives you an exchange controls
overview of the funds youll need to complete
political events 1
your export project. It will also indicate when the
project will start generating positive cash flows. slow collection of accounts receivable
These segments of your financial plan relate
mainly to your companys current financial 1
K F E situation. Accurate details are important to
Is your current financial position sound? the overall effectiveness of your export plan.
Ensure that the complexity and length of your 1
Do you have a financial plan to cover export export plan match the funding being sought.
development costs?
A financing plan for a multiphase, high value
Are sufficient funds available for exporting? project will be more complex than the financing
plan for a $10,000 transaction.
Have you developed an export costing

Are you able to wait for payment? 7

Source: Adapted with permission from the Atlantic
Canada Opportunities Agency, The Atlantic Canada
Opportunities Agency Trade Tool Kit.

Getting Paid There is also a distinction between confirmed and
unconfirmed letters of credit. A letter of credit
There are four common ways for customers to issued by a foreign bank can be confirmed by a
pay an invoice in international trade: cash in Canadian bank, constituting a guarantee that
advance, open account, letter of credit and payment will be made. This is an undertaking by
documentary collection. The following are listed in the Canadian bank to pay, even if the foreign
order of increasing risk to your company. bank does not. Confirmed letters of credit
CASH IN ADVANCE protect exporters against the risk of non-payment
by the foreign bank. The most secure form is a
Cash in advance is the most secure option letter of credit which is both confirmed and
for an exporter, since it eliminates all risk of irrevocable.
non-payment and bolsters working capital.
1 Unfortunately, few foreign buyers are willing to
pay cash in advance, although some will pay a
portion when goods or services
are specially ordered. For Address the following questions when
When you are services, a retainer might be paid examining letters of credit (LCs):
dealing with customers at the start upon signing a Are the names of the applicant (buyer) and
worldwide, it is contract, after which progress the beneficiary (exporter) complete and
1 absolutely essential to payments are matched to spelled correctly?
have your financing deliverables. If you can get cash
Is the LC irrevocable?
in place, and in hand, however, you obviously
1 guarantees...often have fewer worries. Is the LC confirmed by a reputable Canadian
make the difference bank?
between winning and Is the amount and currency of the LC
losing a contract. Letters of credit provide some acceptable?
1 C E measure of security to both the
importer and exporter by Are the shipping and expiry dates
A W,
relying on banks to receive and acceptable, and is the time period for
presentation of documents sufficient?
1 check shipping documents
and guarantee payment. By specifying particular Can the shipping instructions be met?
terms, a letter of credit can allow the costs of
Are the goods or services to be provided
financing a transaction to be borne by either
7 accurately described ?
the exporter or importer. Both sight and term
payment provisions can be arranged. Are the insurance specifications acceptable?

Source: Adapted with permission from the Atlantic

1 Canada Opportunities Agency, The Atlantic Canada
Opportunities Agency Trade Tool Kit.

Exporters can also make use of sight and term Open account terms require the exporter to
documentary credits. A documentary credit ship goods and pass title to the importer before
calling for a sight draft means that the exporter is payment is made. In these cases, the exporter is
entitled to receive payment on sight, i.e. upon fully exposed to any credit risk associated with
presentation of the draft to the bank. A term the importer until payment is received. In
documentary credit, in contrast, may allow for addition, because open account terms usually
payments to be made over terms of 30, 60, or allow 30, 60, 90 days, or longer, before payment
90 days, or at some specified future date. is due, the exporter effectively finances the
transaction. Often, this period is extended
In a collection, the exporter ships goods to an
because the importer pays after the due date.
importer and forwards shipping documents to a
collecting bank which obtains payment from 1
the importer in exchange for the documents.
A collection differs from a letter of credit in that
the exporter remains exposed to credit risks 1
associated with the importer because no bank has
undertaken in advance to pay the exporter upon
presentation of the documents. Under collection
terms, the exporter is required to finance the 1
shipment until the importer receives the goods
(sight draft) and sometimes longer (term draft).


Youve assessed your export capabilities, issues as which laws govern the contract, what
1 researched potential export opportunities, recourse is available if your client defaults, or
created a marketing plan, selected an entry what to do if a dispute arises.
strategy, studied how to deliver your product
By their very nature, international business
1 or service to your target market, developed a
contracts are more prone to complications than
financial plan and an overall export plan.
domestic ones. The parties are usually from
You may now be in a position to negotiate a sale different countries. Language barriers may lead
1 or contract with a potential buyer. As with any to misunderstandings. Cultural and geographical
domestic transaction, its vital that you protect impediments may crop up. Words may have
your interests, and have legal recourse if any of different meanings in different countries.
the parties dont live up to their part of the deal.
1 And, most important, the parties are used to
Find out about the rights and regulations of different laws and business practices. This is why
business within your target market. Be aware international business contracts must be precise,
of international conventions, business laws specific and all-encompassing to reduce the
governing that country or region, and trade risk of misunderstandings, misconceptions
agreements that may exist with Canada. and disputes.
Obtaining the guidance of a professional who
1 has detailed knowledge of international laws
and agreements will help you to sidestep potential The Proper Law
legal pitfalls or resolve disputes.
Certain basic issues are common to all international
1 contracts, but the most fundamental principle
is that of the governing or proper law of the
International Contracts contract.
1 After you have taken a good look at the risks,
Problems in international business contracts
calculated the costs, determined a viable price
occur because of differences in the laws of the
and the client has accepted your offer, youll need
countries involved. When different laws are applied,
to draw up a contract to cover all aspects of the
8 results may be inconsistent, and substantive rights
transaction. In theory, for a contract to arise, one
may depend on whose law applies. For example,
party makes an offer and the other accepts it.
one law may require that a contract be written,
Essentially, a contract is an agreement that the law
whereas another may not. Or under one law,
1 will enforce.
persons who are not a party to the contract may
The contract crystallizes the arrangement that have specific or general rights, whereas under
youve negotiated with your customer or partner. another law they may have no rights. It is
1 In the area of international trade, however, many therefore essential to establish from the outset
questions can arise, particularly concerning such which law governs.

Resolving Disputes Risk: The transfer of title affects the parties
rights in case of total or partial loss, damage or
Many issues can become controversial in destruction of the goods.
international trade transactions. For example:
Rejection: Once it has occurred, transfer of title
disputes with agents may preclude the buyer from rejecting the goods,
collection of payments due despite valid complaints regarding quality,
quantity or description.
breach of contract or warranty
Price: Once the buyer takes title, the seller can
intellectual property rights sue the buyer for the full unpaid price, rather than
secured creditors rights, e.g. seizure of merely for the lost profit.
assets Rights of Action: After taking title, the buyer can 1
enforcing foreign judgments. enforce his or her property rights through court
action or other methods.
Resolving disputes formally through the legal
system can be costly. Whenever possible, try to DELIVERING GOODS 1
settle out of court. The seller must deliver the goods to the buyer in
one of two ways:
physically, by delivering a legal document of 1
Selling Goods title, such as a bill of lading; or
Under Canadian law, buyers and sellers must
symbolically, by delivering, for example, the
meet a number of obligations, many of which can 1
key to where the goods are stored.
be modified or waived by the contract.
The contract should specify where the delivery
A contract covering the sale of goods involves
will take place. In international matters, this is
the seller transferring or agreeing to transfer 1
usually defined by using such International
goods to the buyer for a sum of money. The
Commerce (INCO) terms as Cost, Insurance and
actual transfer of the property is important,
Freight (CIF) or Free on Board (FOB). If the
because it distinguishes the sale of goods from
contract does not specify the place of delivery, 1
other transactions such as leases or property loans.
then this becomes the sellers place of business,
The term goods includes all movable things,
and the delivery is considered complete when the
excluding real estate, and such intangibles as
seller delivers the goods to a carrier.
debts, shares, patents and services. Further, the 1
fact that money changes hands distinguishes a BUYERS ACCEPTANCE
sale of goods from other transactions, such as
If the seller does not break any of the conditions
barter or counter-trade.
of the contract, the buyer must accept the goods. 8
TRANSFERRING TITLE AND RISK Refusal to accept the goods without justification
gives the seller the right to sue for damages. But,
Several elements hinge on determining the exact
if the seller breaches a condition of the sale, then 1
legal moment when the buyer takes ownership of
the buyer can legally reject the goods.
the goods (in formal terms, when title passes or is
transferred to the buyer).

Upon request, the seller must allow the buyer to payments to be made
examine the goods. The buyer can accept or reject
benchmarks or dates when payments are to
the goods in one of three ways:
be made
by conveying his/her acceptance to the seller;
circumstances under which the contract may
by acting in a manner that is inconsistent be terminated, and any implications in terms
with the sellers ownership of the goods, of completion of the work, handing over the
e.g. by reselling the goods after they are work completed to date, partial payments,
delivered; or penalties, and so on
by keeping the goods without notifying the procedure in case the client is unable
the seller that he or she has decided to to make available the agreed personnel,
1 reject them. information or facilities
Once any of these types of acceptance or rejection conditions for holdbacks
has taken place, the buyer can no longer refuse
conditions for the return of bid or
1 the goods even if the seller has breached a
performance bonds or guarantees
condition of the contract.
procedures for resolving disputes.
1 The best protection for sellers is payment in
advance, or upon delivery. Next is payment by Protecting Intellectual Property
confirmed letter of credit. If neither is possible, Rights
1 then the seller should take out security for the
unpaid purchase price. This can take several Intellectual property (IP) is a collective term
forms, for example, it can be independent of the used to refer to new ideas, inventions, designs,
goods themselves, such as a written guarantee or a writings, films, and so on, which are protected
1 by copyright, patents and trademarks.
mortgage against real estate. The most common
method is to reserve title, or to take a secured Always protect your ideas. Whether or not you
interest in the goods. already have patent or copyright protection for your
1 product or service in Canada, you should consider
Selling Services
seeking similar protection in your target market.
Service contracts can range from a handshake to
pages of legal and technical specifications. Patent and intellectual property law, however, is
1 complex, so it is best to obtain the advice of
Whatever the form, both parties should have the
same understanding of: professional legal counsel.

the service to be provided To protect your IP rights in Canada, you should

establish ownership with the Canadian
the personnel who will provide the service Intellectual Property Office (CIPO). If selling
the personnel or facilities to be made outside of Canada, learn about IP rights and
1 available to the client regulations in other countries.

the date on which the provision of service is Exporters should bear in mind that the cost of
to begin (and end) registering and maintaining foreign patents is high,
1 and if they go this route they should also be pre-
pared to pursue offenders, if necessary in the courts.

Through CIPOs data banks, you can find If youre starting a business, you may wish to
solutions to technical problems. And, because ensure that no one else has registered, is awaiting
Canada is a member of the Patent Co-operation registration, or is using a trademark or trade
Treaty, you can file applications for patents in name similar to yours.
nearly all the countries where you need
Industrial Designs: These protect the visual
protection, with just one application in Canada.
features of shape, pattern, ornamentation or
The following describes the key IP elements, and configuration, or a combination of these, of a
explains how they can be protected: finished manufactured product. Unless you
have a registered design, you cannot make a claim
Patents: For inventions (and new or improved
of ownership or protect the design against
technology), protection in Canada extends up to
imitations. Registration gives you exclusive rights
20 years from the date the application is filed. You
for up to 10 years. 1
can receive a patent for a product or a process that
is new, useful and inventive. As a cautionary note, exporters of intellectual
property should be aware of those countries
Copyrights: Literary, artistic, dramatic and
which do not uphold intellectual property laws 1
musical works, and sound recordings are
and standards, making legal recourse in the event
protected for the life of the author, plus 50 years.
of a violation more complicated. Exporters are
Copyright is automatic, thus registration is not
advised to consult the Canadian Intellectual
obligatory. However, registration provides 1
Property Office (CIPO) or a professional
presumption of rights in the event of a court
specializing in international intellectual property
issues on the countries that represent this
Trademarks: Words, designs, or a combination of risk to determine what legal action, if any, is at 1
these, which are used to distinguish your goods or their disposal.
services from those of others, are called
trademarks. A trademark registration gives the
owner the right to its exclusive use in Canada.
Protection can be renewed for 15-year periods.

O- S
A number of web sites offer information on
intellectual property issues, including: 1

Canadian Intellectual Property Office

World Intellectual Property Organization

Take a World View...Export Your Services!



Visit cities in the region, talk to potential

N ow that your overall export plan is in place,
youre likely eager to close that first export
sale. But before you start shipping 100,000
buyers and intermediaries, request a
face-to-face briefing with the Canadian
widgets to the other side of the world, test the trade commissioner there to discuss the
1 waters with a trial run, especially if you are new latest development on the marekt and your
to exporting. By following these steps, you can future needs.
test the viability of your export Develop a network of contacts and potential
1 Study your potential venture. At the same time, youll partners. Find out who your competitors and
clients, their needs and be reviewing all of the points potential allies are, and who are the most
their requirements. presented in A Step-by-Step important importers, distributors and agents
Select the most Guide to Exporting. for your product or service.
promising of your SELECTING YOUR MARKET If working through agents and distributors,
prospects. Concentrate
Many new Canadian exporters make a short list of potential candidates and
your effort until you get
1 start with the United States assess their qualifications and capabilities.
results. Then provide
market because of its proximity Develop a profile of the ideal associate, then
extremely strong
and familiarity. While there are select the one whose skills and experience
after-sales service. Then
advantages to this approach, you best complement your export objectives.
1 theyll ask you back.
should also look at opportunities If exporting a service, consider the possibility
in other export markets. of finding a local partner to represent
your interests.
1 T I Put together a promotional package describing
Whether you export goods or your company and its products or services.
services, many of the following preparatory steps
will be similar. Attend a regional trade fair, if possible. Do
1 some preliminary promotion and establish
If youve decided to mount your trial run in contacts with potential buyers and associates.
the U.S., choose a specific regional market as
your focus. Make arrangements with key export service
1 providers such as freight forwarders, trading
Research the market by reviewing the houses and customs brokers.
information available from Team Canada Inc
and its ExportSource web site. CONCLUDING THE TRANSACTION
Ask the Canadian trade commissioner in The following is a summary of the procedures
your target market for help in assessing your involved in concluding a deal and shipping
potential (market prospect) and to provide goods to your buyers. Service exporters will share
you with a list of qualified contacts (key certain steps, although they dont have to deal
contact search). with documentation, freight forwarding, shipping
or customs clearance.
Checking References sale. Typically, the process will be initiated
when your sales department receives a purchase
customers credit rating
order from the buyer. You should respond with
other exporters who have had dealings with an acknowledgment of the order or a sales
the customer confirmation.
ask the Canadian trade commissioner in Preparing a Letter of Credit (LC)
your target market to provide you with
the buyer issues an instruction to his or her
information on the local companies or
own bank
organizations that you have identified (local
company information) the buyers bank sends your bank the LC
profile of business your bank sends the LC to you
Whether youre dealing with end-users, retailers The letter of credit is an important document.
or intermediaries, check references. You can do Review it carefully, along with your freight
this by contacting other Canadian exporters, forwarder, banker and legal counsel. It must be
commercial banks, people in the industry, or your consistent with your sales agreement, and you 1
trade commissioner. must comply with all of its provisions. Remember
that the buyers bank can latch on to any
Visiting Prospects
discrepancies in your documentation it pays 1
gather insights into your customers upon receipt of correct documents, not upon
operations and requirements successful completion of the transaction. If a
name or address is misspelled, if the shipping date
ask the Canadian trade commissioner to 1
is wrong, or if all charges are not included, you
provide you with advice on timing and
may be unable to collect.
organizing your trip (visit information)
Prepare other Documentation
Visits to important customers in your market(s) 1
are strongly recommended. A visit can give you Your shipment must be accompanied by all
useful insights into the operations and credibility, relevant documentation, including:
as well as the requirements, of potential customers.
commercial invoice 1
Your efforts, in turn, give you credibility with
your customers and clients. packing slip
Finalizing the Sale shippers instructions
Confirm the following details of the transaction certificate of origin
with the buyer:
standards documentation (if necessary)
quantity 1
health/sanitary certificate (if necessary)
payment terms
Freight Forwarding
shipping/trade terms 9
Your freight forwarder prepares the following
transportation method documents:
price customs invoice
Be sure both sides agree on quantity, payment consular invoices (if required)
terms, shipping/trade terms, mode of
special packing or marking list
transportation, price and other specifics of the
insurance and certificate of insurance Customs Clearance
bill of lading the goods clear customs at the destination
entry point
Your freight forwarder delivers copies of all
documents to you, your buyer and your Customs clearance varies depending on how you
commercial bank. export your product or service. For example,
when shipping goods to a wholly owned subsidiary
You can now inform your freight forwarder that
in a foreign country, youre responsible for taking
your container is packed and supplied with the
the goods through customs, transporting, storing
required documentation. Your freight forwarder
and delivering them. In many cases, however,
will then begin preparing the paperwork and
the buyer is informed that the goods are being
deliver the shipment to the buyer.
held in customs, and arranges to have them
1 Your shipment must be accompanied by a cleared and delivered.
transportation document such as a bill of lading
or air waybill that specifies the mode of
1 transportation, the route the goods are to take After the shipment has been sent:
and delivery times. It must be presented to
the freight forwarder presents your bank with
your bank with the letter of credit and other
the LC and all accompanying documentation
required documents.
1 you present your bank with a sight draft
The shipment may also require a certificate of
(demand for payment)
insurance as proof that it is insured against loss
or damage. Insurance must comply with the your bank passes the documentation to the
1 specific coverage indicated in the letter of credit. buyers bank with a demand for payment
(All-risk insurance is normally the best type of
the buyers bank accepts the documentation
coverage for exporters.)
and lets you know when the funds will be
Shipment transferred
your freight forwarder sends the goods to your bank transfers funds to your account
the carrier
1 The freight forwarder presents your bank with
your customer receives all relevant the LC and all required documents (including
documentation, allowing the shipment to certificates of inspection, commercial invoices,
clear customs packing lists and insurance certificates). Your
bank checks all documents for discrepancies and
Once your shipment has been delivered to the
verifies that the shipment was delivered
carrier, your freight forwarder prepares and
on time.
1 sends copies of all documentation to you, your
customer and your bank. Your customer will be Finally, the draft and documents are delivered to
notified that the product has been shipped, and your customers bank. If no discrepancies are
will be told when to expect arrival. Your customer found, the draft is accepted and you are notified
9 then uses the documentation to clear the of acceptance. At a specified time, your bank will
shipment through customs. receive funds from your customers bank, and
your trial run is complete.

Reviewing and Revising your recommended changes in your product,
service or price?
Export Plan
If selling through a trading house, how
After you have completed your trial run, its a
successful has it been selling your product or
good idea to review your export plan and revise
service abroad? If the performance has been
it, if necessary. The following questions will help
poor, should you look at other options?
you determine if your plan needs to be revised in
certain areas. If working with partners abroad, has the
relationship been mutually beneficial?
Should your product or service be modified
in some way that was not anticipated? What methods have you been using to secure
payment for foreign sales? 1
Do you need to strengthen your ability to
provide training to use the product or Have they been satisfactory?
How long have you had to wait for payment? 1
Are better arrangements required for
Has there been a negative impact on your
providing after-sales service?
working capital?
Have you had credit or collection problems?
Is your price competitive?
Have you incurred any bad debts?
Can you accept a reduced profit margin to
Are you satisfied with the services of your 1
make your price more competitive?
Can you raise your price and still increase
your profits?
Is there a better, more cost-effective way to
promote your product or service?
Have any of the assumptions you made about
Does your promotional material (e.g. brochures,
your target market not materialized and, if 1
sales letters, samples) need to be modified or
so, what are the implications?
Are there other markets that might be better
Have you learned anything about your target
suited to your product or service? 1
market that warrants a reassessment of your
If you have had some initial success, should promotional strategy?
you expand your effort within that country,
or to other countries?
Are you and your foreign customers satisfied
with the methods of shipping and delivering
If selling through intermediaries (agents/ your product or service? 9
representatives), are you satisfied with their
Are there less expensive or quicker ways to
get your product or service to the market?
If selling to a distributor, has the expected 1
Is your freight forwarder doing a good job?
quantity of orders been placed? If not, has
the distributor explained the shortfall or


Industry Canada
T eam Canada Inc, a virtual network relying
on the cooperation of all levels of
government, works to help Canadian businesses
National Farm Product Council

succeed in world markets. This single window for National Research Council Canada
1 Canadian business vastly simplifies access to Natural Resources Canada
everything from training and financing programs
for the new exporter, to on-the-ground support in Public Works and Government Services
1 foreign markets for more experienced Canadian Statistics Canada
businesses. Team Canada Inc is your first
stop en route to the information, counselling, Transport Canada
market intelligence, financial assistance and Western Economic Diversification Canada
1 on-the-ground support you need to make your
export venture a successful one. Team Canada Inc provides a single source of
information about international business
Team Canada Inc Members currently include: development activities offered by federal
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada departments, the provinces, the territories and the
private sector. The result is an unprecedented
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency effort to streamline services to the Canadian
1 Business Development Bank of Canada business community getting the right kinds of
services, quickly and efficiently, to the companies
Canada Economic Development for Quebec that can benefit.
Regions Agency
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Team Canada Inc Services
Canada Commercial Corporation
1 General Export Information Services are available
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
via a single-window access connecting you to a
Canadian Heritage full range of government export services and
1 Canadian International Development Agency
Export Information Service Call
Department of Foreign Affairs and
1-888-811-1119 toll-free and a trained
International Trade
1 information officer will discuss your export
Environment Canada needs and provide you with the appropriate
export information, sources or contacts. This
Export Development Corporation
service is accessible via your local Canada
A Human Resources Development Canada Business Service Centre Monday through
Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm in every time zone
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
in Canada.

ExportSource exportsource.gc.ca Export Plan Development specific
Team Canada Incs official web site. information, intelligence and referral to
Simultaneously search across a wide range export service providers helping you to
of programs and services offered by identify and select your target markets
Team Canada Inc members and partners.
Export Plan Implementation includes use
Skills Development Services can be accessed in a of opportunity identification mechanisms
wide variety of formats and are offered by various such as the WIN Exports database and
government organizations, trade and industry the International Business Opportunities
associations and other export service providers. Centre (IBOC). These tools are an integral
component for trade commissioners abroad
Export Preparation Guides visit
who use them to learn about your company
ExportSource for an on-line version of the
and serve as a mechanism to channel leads 1
Step-by-Step Guide
back to Canada.
Export Skills Training half-day workshops
Market Entry Support Services are primarily
such as the Going Global series; intensive
intended for companies which have demonstrated 1
training (classroom or on-line) which can
that they are capable and committed to the
lead to professional designation as a Certified
export market. They should have an export plan,
International Trade Professional (CITP)
a short list of target markets, and should be ready
offered by the Forum for International 1
to invest the time and effort required to cultivate
Training; market and sector-specific
the market.
seminars offered by various TCI members
and partners Market Information and Intelligence
market and sector-specific studies,
Preparation for U.S. for first-hand
information on projects funded by
exposure to new markets, participate in
international financial institutions and
NEBS, New Exporters to Border States;
market intelligence in the form of specific 1
NEBS Plus for other U.S. markets
opportunity identification, bid matching
Preparation for Other Markets similar to and competitive intelligence
the NEBS program, NEXOS is for overseas
Trade Missions and other Trade-related 1
markets and NEXSA for South American
Events outbound and incoming missions,
trade fairs, pre-mission briefing sessions,
Ask about other similar programs which can help market-focus seminars and a variety of other 1
you to enter a market for the first time. trade-related events
Export Counselling Services are provided at Market-specific Advice and Guidance referral
various stages of the export preparation process to specific events, contacts and introduction 1
and are designed to address specific exporter to the services of the Canadian Trade
needs. Commissioner Service and its network of
offices around the world. Guidance is
Export Readiness Assessment helps you to 1
also provided to help overcome barriers to
determine how ready your company is for
market entry including regulations, cultural
export markets and helps to identify possible
considerations, business ethics, among others.
action items

Market Development Funding for example, With offices in more than 120 cities worldwide,
Program for Export Market Development the Trade Commissioner Service helps new and
(PEMD), Canadian International experienced companies that have researched and
Development Agency (CIDA Inc) Industrial selected their target markets. The 500 trade
Cooperation, as well as a number of officers operating from Canadian embassies and
provincial programs consulates facilitate the market entry of Canadian
business and institutional clients across the full
Export Financing Services are provided to satisfy
spectrum of exporting, investment and technology.
a wide range of needs
Companies who want to access this service should
Needs Assessment and Counselling
first register with the WIN Exports database
provided by dedicated teams of specialists
of the Department of Foreign Affairs and
who have experience in assessing the needs
1 International Trade. Information on Canadian
and providing guidance to small and
companies residing in the WIN Exports database
medium-sized businesses in accessing a wide
is accessed by the trade commissioners abroad
range of export financing options
to match the capabilities with the needs of
1 Working Capital to augment existing prospective foreign buyers and clients.
operating lines of credit examples include:
All offices of the Trade Commissioner Service
bonds and guarantees, export receivables
offer the following core services:
1 insurance, pre and post shipment working
capital financing (including guarantees), Market Prospect: help to assess your potential
specific export working capital and term in the target market
1 Key Contacts Search: qualified contacts and
Foreign Risk Mitigation Examples include: partners
export credits insurance, political risk
Local Company Information: current
insurance, credit guarantees, discounting
1 information on local businesses
and bonding.
Visit Information: practical guidance on
Medium and Long Term Foreign Buyer
organizing your trip
Financing is available for the purchase of
Canadian capital goods and services in the Face-to-face Briefing: market intelligence
form of direct loans, lines of credits and from our officers in the field
notes purchases.
Troubleshooting: advice on resolving critical
All of the services noted above are available right business challenges
here in Canada, through Team Canada Inc and
Trade officers can also refer Canadian clients to
its partners and through Regional Trade
1 local service providers in target markets for 5
Networks (RTNs) located in each provice.
specified additional services such as extensive
ASSISTANCE IN YOUR TARGET MARKET business program confirmation, translation and
interpretation, hotels/business centres and in
1 Any market entry strategy requires establishing
depth market research, for example. Trade
primary market contacts for your company, either
commissioners can also facilitate trade and
in person or through the assistance of a landed
investment missions into foreign markets within
A the agreed framework of the TCS Business
Mission Agreement.

Regional Trade Networks Ontario

Your first stop en route to the information, Quebec

counselling, market intelligence, financial assistance New Brunswick
and on-the-ground support youre looking for.
Nova Scotia
The 10 Regional Trade Networks (RTNs) across
Canada are partners of Team Canada Inc, Prince Edward Island
offering you, as an active or potential exporter, Newfoundland and Labrador
export development services. RTNs are an
important part of the Team Canada Inc approach
to helping you capture emerging opportunities in Trade Team Canada Sectors
international markets. The networks consist of
federal, provincial and local Team Canada Inc
Taking on the World! 1
partners who have joined together to help you to YOUR SECTOR CONTACTS IN TEAM CANADA INC
gain the maximum benefit of available exporter
Government and industry are working together in
services. In short, their job is to help you to 1
key sectors to plan trade promotion initiatives to
acquire the information and market intelligence
help Canadian companies succeed in global markets.
that you need to launch your product or service
abroad by providing assistance in: Trade Team Canada Sectors currently operate in: 1
export preparation and skills development Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
creating your export plan Aerospace and Defence
participating in trade fairs, seminars, and Agriculture, Food, and Beverages
collecting market information and intelligence 1
determining your export financing needs
Building Products
accessing assistance in the target market
Electric Power Equipment and Services 1
Before you tackle a new global market, contact
Environmental Industries
the RTN in your area at:
Health Industries
Toll free 1-888-811-1119 1
Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Information Technologies and
Further information on the RTN partners is Telecommunications
available online at: exportsource.gc.ca
Plastics 1
Service Industries and Capital Projects
RTNs are located across the country in the
...to offer the services and activities you need.
following regions: 1
Find out more about Trade Team Canada Sectors
British Columbia
by calling Team Canada Inc toll-free at:
Alberta 1-888-811-1119 or by visiting the Team Canada A
Inc web site at exportsource.gc.ca

Countertrade: A general expression meaning the

E xporting is more complex than selling in a
domestic market. It is helpful to familiarize
yourself with key trade expressions and
sale or barter of goods on a reciprocal basis. There
may also be multilateral transactions involved.
techniques. Among other areas, you should Countervailing Duties: Additional duties
1 understand some or all of the following aspects: imposed by an importing country to offset
the laws, regulations and practices governing government subsidies in an exporting country,
your product or service in your target market; when the subsidized imports cause material
1 injury to domestic industry in the importing
export documentation, including invoices, country.
bills of lading, certificates of origin, and
health and safety certificates; Dumping: The sale of an imported commodity
1 at a price lower than that at which it is sold
tariffs, customs duties and processing fees as within the exporting country. Dumping is
well as taxes payable on your shipment; considered an actionable trade practice when it
export-related services offered by brokers, disrupts markets and injures producers of
trading houses, agents, freight forwarders and competitive products in the importing country.
insurance companies; Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade permits the imposition of special
1 how to label, pack, transport and store your anti-dumping duties against dumped goods equal
products; to the difference between their export price and
payment options such as letters of credit, bills their normal value.
1 of exchange and open account transactions. Export Quotas: Specific restrictions or ceilings
imposed by an exporting country on the value or
volume of certain exports designed, for example,
1 General Terms to protect domestic producers and consumers
from temporary shortages of the goods affected or
International trade carries its own particular
to bolster their prices in world markets.
terminology. The following are general trade
1 expressions that new exporters will encounter in Export Subsidies: Government payments or
published sources and trade discussions. other financially quantifiable benefits provided to
domestic producers or exporters contingent on
Anti-dumping Duty: A special duty imposed to
the export of their goods and services.
1 offset the price effect of dumping that has been
determined to be materially harmful to domestic GDP/GNP (Gross Domestic/National
producers. (See also Dumping.) Product): The total of goods and services
produced by a country.

Subsidy: An economic benefit granted by a Delivered at Frontier: The exporter/sellers
government to producers of goods, often to obligations are met when the goods arrive at the
strengthen their competitive position. The frontier, but before they reach the customs
subsidy may be direct (e.g. cash grant) or indirect border of the importing country named in the
(e.g. low-interest export credits guaranteed by a sales contract. The expression is commonly used
government agency). when goods are carried by road or rail.
Surcharge or Surtax: A tariff or tax on imports in Delivered Duty Paid: This expression puts
addition to the existing tariff, often used as a maximum responsibility on the seller/exporter in
safeguard measure. terms of delivering the goods, assuming the risk
of damage/loss and paying duty. It is at the other
Tariff: A duty (or tax) levied on goods
extreme from delivered ex works (see below),
transported from one customs area to another.
under which the seller assumes the least 1
Tariffs raise the prices of imported goods, thus
making them less competitive within the market
of the importing country. Under the North Delivered Ex Quay: The exporter/seller makes
American Free Trade Agreement, most tariffs on the goods available to the buyer on the quay or 1
Canadian goods and services to the United States wharf at the destination named in the sales
and Mexico have been eliminated. contract. There are two types of ex quay contracts
in use: ex quay duty paid, whereby the seller
incurs the liability to clear the goods for import, 1
International Commerce (INCO) and ex quay duties on buyers account, whereby the
Terms buyer assumes the responsibility.
Delivered Ex Ship: The exporter/seller must 1
Shipping terms set the parameters for
international shipments, specify points of origin make the goods available to the buyer on board
and destination, outline conditions under which the ship at the location stipulated in the contract.
title is transferred from seller to buyer, and All responsibility/cost for bringing the goods up 1
determine which party is responsible for shipping to this point falls on the seller.
costs. They also indicate which party assumes the Delivered Ex Works: This minimal obligation
cost if merchandise is lost or damaged during requires the seller only to make the goods 1
transit. To provide a common terminology for available to the buyer at the sellers premises or
international shipping, the following INCO terms factory. The seller is not responsible for loading
have been developed under the auspices of the the goods on the vehicle provided by the buyer,
International Chamber of Commerce. 1
unless otherwise agreed. The buyer bears all
Cost and Freight (C&F): The exporter pays the responsibility for transporting the goods from the
costs and freight necessary to get the goods to the sellers place of business to their destination.
named destination. The risk of loss or damage is Ex Works (EXW): The price quoted applies
assumed by the buyer once the goods are loaded only at the point of origin and the seller agrees
at the port of embarkation. to place the goods at the disposal of the buyer at
the specified place on the date or within the 1
Cost, Insurance and Freight (C.I.F.): The
exporter pays the cost of goods, cargo and period fixed. All other charges are for the account
insurance plus all transportation charges to the of the buyer.
named port of destination. B

Free Alongside Ship (FAS): The seller quotes a Transportation and
price for the goods that includes charges for
delivery of the goods alongside a vessel at the
Delivery Terms
port. The seller handles the cost of unloading and The following are common terms used in
wharfage, loading, ocean transportation, and packing, labelling, transporting and delivering
insurance are left to the buyer. goods to international markets. They are in
addition to the above INCO terms.
Free Carrier...(named port): Recognizing the
requirements of modern transport, including Area Control List: A list of countries to which
1 multi-modal transport, this principle is similar to any export (except humanitarian items) requires
Free on Board (see below), except that the an export permit.
exporters obligations are met when the goods are
Bill of Lading (Ocean or Airway): A contract
1 delivered into the custody of the carrier at the
prepared by the carrier or the freight forwarder
named port. The risk of loss/damage is
with the owner of the goods. The foreign buyer
transferred to the buyer at this time, and not at
needs this document to take possession of
the ships rail. The carrier can be any person
1 the goods.
contracted to transport the goods by road, sea,
air, rail or a combination thereof. Certificate of Origin: A document that certifies
the country where the product was made (i.e. its
Free of Particular Average (FPA): This type of
1 origin). A common export document, a certificate
transportation insurance provides the narrowest
of origin is needed when exporting to many
type of coverage total losses, and partial losses at
foreign markets. It must be used for Canadian-
sea if the vessel sinks, burns or is stranded, are
made goods to qualify for preferential tariff
1 covered.
treatment under the North American Free
Free on Board (FOB): The goods are placed on Trade Agreement.
board the vessel by the seller at the port of
Commercial Invoice: A document prepared by
1 shipment specified in the sales contract. The risk
the exporter or freight forwarder, and required by
of loss or damage is transferred to the buyer when
the foreign buyer, to prove ownership and arrange
the goods pass the ships rail.
for payment to the exporter. It should provide
1 Free on Board Airport (FOB Airport): Based on basic information about the transaction, including
the same principles as the ordinary FOB description of goods, address of shipper and seller
expression, the sellers obligation is fulfilled by as well as delivery and payment terms. In some
delivering the goods to the air carrier at the cases, the commercial invoice is used to assess
specified airport of departure, at which point the customs duties.
risk of loss or damage is transferred to the buyer.
Consular Invoice: A statement issued by a foreign
Free on Rail and Free on Truck (FOR/FOT): consul in the exporting nation describing the
Again, the same principles apply as in the case of goods purchased. Some foreign governments
ordinary FOB, except that the goods are require Canadian exporters to first obtain consular
transported by rail or road. invoices from their consulate in Canada. A fee is
1 usually charged.
With Average (WA): This type of transportation
insurance provides protection from partial losses
at sea.

Customs Declaration: A document that Landed Cost: The cost of the exported product
traditionally accompanies exported goods at the port or point of entry into the foreign
bearing such information as the nature of the market, but before the addition of foreign tariffs,
goods, their value, the consignee and their taxes, local packaging/assembly costs and local
ultimate destination. Required for statistical distributors margins. Product modifications prior
purposes, it accompanies all controlled goods to shipment are included in the landed cost.
being exported under the appropriate permit.
Packing List: A document prepared by the
Customs Invoice: A document used to clear exporter showing the quantity and type of
goods through customs in the importing country merchandise being shipped to the foreign
by providing documentary evidence of the value customer.
of goods. In some cases, the commercial invoice
Pro Forma Invoice: An invoice prepared by the
(see page 58) may be used for this purpose. 1
exporter prior to shipping the goods, informing
Dock Receipt: A receipt issued by an ocean the buyer of the goods to be sent, their value and
carrier to acknowledge receipt of a shipment at other key specifications.
the carriers dock or warehouse facilities. (See also 1
Quotation: An offer by the exporter to sell the
Warehouse Receipt.)
goods at a stated price and under certain
Ex Factory: Used in price quotations, an conditions.
expression referring to the price of goods at the 1
Warehouse Receipt: A receipt identifying the
exporters loading dock.
commodities deposited in a recognized
Export Control List: A list of goods and warehouse. A non-negotiable warehouse receipt
technologies that require export permits to be specifies to whom the deposited goods will be 1
exported from Canada, pursuant to the Export delivered or released. A negotiable receipt states
and Import Permits Act. that the commodities will be released to the
bearer of the receipt.
Export Permit: A legal document that is 1
necessary for the export of goods controlled by
the Government of Canada, specifically goods
included on the Export Control List (see above) or Financial and Insurance Terms
goods destined for countries on the Area Control The following are the most commonly used terms
List (see page 58). in international trade financing.
Freight Forwarder: A service company that All Risk: This is the most comprehensive type of 1
handles all aspects of export shipping for a fee. transportation insurance, providing protection
Insurance Certificate: A document prepared by against all physical loss or damage from external
the exporter or freight forwarder to provide causes.
evidence that insurance against loss or damage Cash in Advance (Advance Payment): A foreign
has been obtained for the goods. customer pays a Canadian exporter prior to
actually receiving the exporters product(s). It is
the least-risk form of payment from the exporters 1

Confirmed (or Irrevocable) Letter of Credit: A drawer. A sight draft calls for immediate payment.
Canadian bank confirms the validity of a letter of A term draft requires payment over a specified
credit issued by a foreign bank on behalf of the period.
foreign importer, guaranteeing payment to the
Export Financing House: A company that
Canadian exporter provided that all terms in the
purchases a Canadian exporters foreign
document have been met. An unconfirmed letter
receivables on a non-recourse basis upon
of credit does not guarantee payment so, if the
presentation of proper documentation. It then
foreign bank defaults, the Canadian exporter will
organizes export arrangements and provides front-
not be paid. Canadian exporters should accept
end financing to the foreign buyer.
only confirmed/irrevocable letters of credit as a
form of payment. Factoring House: A company that buys export
receivables at a discount.
1 Confirming House: A company, based in a
foreign country, that acts as a foreign buyers Open Account: An arrangement in which goods
agent and places confirmed orders with Canadian are shipped to the foreign buyer before the
exporters. They guarantee payment to the Canadian exporter receives payment.
1 exporters.
Consignment: Delivery of merchandise to the
buyer or distributor, whereby the latter agrees to Partnership, Alliance and
1 sell it and only then pay the Canadian exporter. Market Entry Terms
The seller retains ownership of the goods until The following expressions define the various types
they are sold, but also carries all of the financial of partnership or alliance arrangements as well as
1 burden and risk. methods of market entry common in
Document of Title: A document that provides international trade.
evidence of entitlement to ownership of goods, Agent: A foreign representative who tries to sell
1 e.g. carriers bill of lading. your product in the target market. The agent does
Documentary Collection: The exporter ships the not take possession of and assumes no
goods to the foreign buyer without a confirmed responsibility for the goods. Agents are paid on
1 letter of credit or any other form of payment a commission basis.
guarantee. Co-marketing: Carried out on the basis of a fee
Documentary Credit (sight and term): A or percentage of sales, co-marketing is an effective
1 documentary credit calling for a sight draft means way to take advantage of existing distribution
the exporter is entitled to receive payment on networks and a partners knowledge of local
sight, i.e. upon presenting the draft to the bank. A markets.
1 term documentary credit may allow for payments Co-production: This arrangement involves the
to be made over terms of 30, 60, or 90 days, or at joint production of goods, enabling firms to
some specified future date. optimize their own skills and resources as well as
Draft (Bill of Exchange): A written, take advantage of economies of scale.
unconditional order for payment from one party Cross-licensing: In this form of partnership, each
(the drawer) to another (the drawee). It directs firm licenses products or services to the other. It is
the drawee to pay an indicated amount to the a relatively straightforward way for companies to
share products or expertise.

Cross-manufacturing: This is a form of Legal Terms
cross-licensing in which companies agree to
manufacture each others products. It can also The following are some of the more common
be combined with co-marketing or co-promotion legal terms encountered in international
agreements. transactions.

Distributor (Importer): A foreign company Arbitration: The process of resolving a dispute

that agrees to purchase a Canadian exporters or a grievance outside of the court system by
product(s), and then takes responsibility for presenting it to an impartial third party or panel
storing, marketing and selling them. for a decision that may or may not be binding.

Franchise: This is a more specific form of licensing. Contract: A written or oral agreement which the
The franchise is given the right to use a set of law will enforce.
manufacturing or service delivery processes, along 1
Copyright: Protection granted to the authors and
with established business systems or trademarks, creators of literary, artistic, dramatic and musical
and to control their use by contractual agreement. works, and sound recordings.
Joint Venture: An independent business formed 1
Intellectual Property: A collective term used to
cooperatively by two or more parent firms. refer to new ideas, inventions, designs, writings,
This type of partnership is often used to avoid films, and so on, protected by copyright, patents
restrictions on foreign ownership and for longer- and trademarks. 1
term arrangements that require joint product
development, manufacturing and marketing. Patent: A right that entitles the patent holder,
within the country which granted or recognizes
Licensing: Although not usually considered to be the patent, to prevent all others for a set period of 1
a form of partnership, licensing can lead to time, from using, making or selling the subject
partnerships. In licensing arrangements, a firm matter of the patent.
sells the rights to use its products or services but
Trademark: A word, logo, shape or design, or 1
retains some control.
type of lettering which reflects the goodwill or
Trading House: A company specializing in the customer recognition that companies have in a
exporting and importing of goods produced or particular product. 1
provided by other companies.


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