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Laura teaches music to children.

She coaches women

Moreover/ also footballers, too.
furthermore - Laura teaches music to children. She also
coaches women footballers.
Expressing in addition Along with teaching music to children, Laura
Addition besides (this) coaches women footballers.
along with - The government offers financial support to new
in addition to investors. It offers them technical assistance as
as well as The government offers financial support as well as
not only._ but also technical assistance to new investors.
Not only does the government offer financial
support to new investor, but also (it offers them)
1. People in the country need well-equipped hospitals. They need leisure facilities, too. (along with)

2. Janet has a degree in Childhood Education. She has 6 years experience working with children.(also)

3. We couldn't find a hotel where to sleep. We couldn't find an area where to park the car. (as well as)

4. NGOs campaign for better condition. They struggle for human rights as well. (not only..., but also)

5. Nancy had to pay the credits back. She had to leave the house for mortgage. (in addition to)
6. The bomb has killed many civilians. It has destroyed several houses, too. (not only..., but also)

provided (that) I'll let use the Internet provide you promise
Expressing If to turn the PC off at ten o'clock.
on condition (that) - Unless you set out early to the airport, you
unless will certainly miss your plane
Examples to illustrate this /for instance / such as / like for example /namely

Finally I lastly I above all I all in all I taking everything into account I on
To Conclude the whole
all things considered / in conclusion / as I have said / as was previously
Making Similarly / likewise / equally / in the same way
Making apart from I except I with the exception of


likewise / such as / apart from / thanks to / provided / though / despite
especially / whereas / along with / so as to / however / consequently /
1. Tina lost her keys somewhere. ................, she could not drive home.
2. Swimming takes much practice and skill. ........., learning to write well requires a great
deal of practice.
3. Cheating is dishonest. ................... it hinders students from learning.
4. The plan needed many things to succeed.................., time and money.
5. ..English, Laura doesn't speak any other languages.
6. Amina graduated from school with distinction............., her teachers' encouragements.
7. I have been to many countries. ............., I have been to Russia, Canada, and Spain.
8. The bank agreed to grant Ibrahim a credit................... he uses the money to start his
9. Janet doesn't do well in test......................she is intelligent and hardworking.
10.............................................................Jimmy has applied for a loan set up his dream
11.........................................................................Nancy and Mike got married the huge
differences in their ages.
12.Some people believe that schools are responsible for the behaviour of their
.......................... others argue that discipline is the responsibility of parents.
13.the basic skills, literacy classes teach adults to become self-confident.

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